How long do flies live, how many eyes and paws do they have, how do ordinary flies reproduce?
General information A fly is an insect of the order Diptera, a type of arthropod. Some people use them
Jellyfish: how long do they live, what do they eat, what are they made of and is it possible to eat them?
Home page Wildlife Animal world 132 467 4.4 16 To the question about
How many years does a snake live in captivity and in the wild?
Snakes are the most unusual creatures on the planet. Even with the complete absence of limbs, they are capable
What types of sharks are the most dangerous for humans - list, photo and description
Most people perceive sharks as real monsters that are capable of attacking at the first opportunity.
Gray toad (Bufo bufo), photo photo amphibians
The gray toad or common toad is the largest among European toads
The gray toad, or common toad, or cowshed (Bufo bufo) constantly lives on land, and
Karakurt spider. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of karakurt
The karakurt spider, called the “black widow,” is related to the family of web spiders and to the order Spiders.
Aberdeen Angus cow breed
Aberdeen Angus cow breed: care features and productivity
The Aberdeen Angus breed of cows confidently ranks first in the ranking of the popularity of cattle.
Green toad (Bufotes viridis) head, photo photo of tailless amphibians
Green toad: description, habitats, lifestyle
The green toad, or green European toad (Bufo viridis) lives in northeast Africa, Europe, Siberia
Photo: Carpenter Bee
Carpenter bee. Carpenter bee lifestyle and habitat
Wild Animals >> Insects For anyone who is even remotely interested in the origins of animal life on earth,
Sea snakes, danger to humans, symptoms after a bite, types of bites and habitats of sea snakes.
Sea snakes are frequent heroes of sailors' stories. While traveling in the navy, the sailors met more than once
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