Mating or sex: why do you need a trunk? How are elephants similar to people?
The elephant is a unique animal. Its difference from other mammals is so great that scientists have identified it
Research work “Why does a hedgehog need spines?”
Benefits and harms of hedgehogs Most hedgehogs live in the forest and carry out their activities at the same time
Smoked beaver
Research work on the topic “Beavers. Benefit or harm”
Beavers belong to the class of mammals of the rodent order and are quite large - reaching 1
The cat purrs
A face full of health, cats purr, think about it
Perhaps there is not a single indifferent person who would not be touched by the purring of a cat. Exactly
Photo: Raccoon dog
Raccoon dog: what it looks like, keeping it at home
Wild animals >> Mammals The raccoon dog is a species of predatory mammal that looks like
shrew - appearance of the animal
Shrew animal. Lifestyle and habitat of the shrew
The shrew is a fairly small animal belonging to the shrew family. This insectivore lives almost
Photo: Platypus
Order Monotremes or Oviparous. Characteristics and origin
Wild animals >> Mammals The platypus is recognized as one of the most amazing animals on Earth. It
A squirrel with a rat's tail loves to sit on its owner's head and ride with her in the car.
Review author: “ZooVita” The squirrel belongs to the squirrel family. The most noticeable feature is the vertical
photo of red panda
Are the big and small pandas listed in the Red Book?
The most amazing mammals from the panda family. It was not easy to classify this animal. The animal has signs
animal camel interesting facts
Why does a camel need humps? What does a camel eat? How long can a camel live without water?
Camel: photo and general information Many animals have learned to adapt to difficult environmental conditions.
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