Sores in cats
Does your cat have sores, sores or scabs? Causes and possible treatment
Skin diseases are a common occurrence in domestic and farm animals. Pathologies manifest themselves in different ways: loss
shrew - appearance of the animal
Shrew animal. Lifestyle and habitat of the shrew
The shrew is a fairly small animal belonging to the shrew family. This insectivore lives almost
Eukanuba food range for cats
Eukanuba cat food: super-premium or clever advertising?
Eukanuba cat food belongs to the super-premium class and includes two lines - everyday
The kindest cats in the world: Character and which cat to choose for a child + Photo and Video
When purchasing a pet, future owners most often make a choice based on the external characteristics of the breed and its popularity
Confident and self-sufficient Moscow watchdog. Features of the breed and character
Features of feeding “Muscovites” are quite large dogs, which means their nutrition should be appropriate.
Flycatcher bird. Lifestyle and habitat of the flycatcher bird
The little bird, the gray flycatcher, has not earned its name in vain. It is found in country houses and
Birds of Siberia. Descriptions, names and features of birds of Siberia
Home » Other animals Classification Genus: Grouse (Lyrurus) Family: Pheasantidae Order: Galliformes Class: Birds
Types of spiders - names with descriptions and photos, danger of bite
The fauna of our planet is full of a huge number of living creatures that fascinate with their diversity, so it is often difficult
Tibetan Mastiff - characteristics of the breed, nuances of home maintenance
Tibetan Mastiff - characteristics of the breed, nuances of home maintenance
What is a Tibetan Mastiff, characteristics of the breed, basic rules regarding care and maintenance -
Natural nutrition
Proper nutrition for Maine Coons: how to choose a diet for a cat of this breed
The Maine Coon is very popular today. Its main differences from other breeds
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