The symptoms and treatment of conjunctivitis in dogs are similar to the same ophthalmic disease in humans. His
Like people, the duration of wakefulness of four-legged pets primarily depends on age.
The African marabou is the largest member of the stork family. From the name it immediately becomes clear that
Wild animals >> Reptiles Gyurza is one of the most dangerous and insidious snakes, the poison of which
Did you know that wolf-dog hybrids are excellent diagnosticians, capable of smelling
Alena Igorevna Goncharenko veterinarian Petstory Constipation in a cat is a fairly common problem, with
Your pet’s habit of using a scratching post will protect your home from destruction: you won’t have to, when you return from work,
The Russian Toy Terrier is a small, nimble, but timid dog. Distinguished by a small head with large,
Many people who are not very well versed in dog breeding confuse huskies and huskies and do not
Pregnancy of a pet is a joyful and important event. Cats become sexually mature at 6-8 months and,