The modest-sized yellow-headed wagtail (in Latin Motacilla citreola) is classified as a member of the wagtail family, genus
Elephants are large herbivorous mammals from the order Proboscis. All living species of elephants are
Wild animals >> Mammals Such a cute and cute rodent, like the prairie dog, is increasingly
The Basset Hound is an amazing dog with a clumsy gait and sad eyes. Thanks to his accommodating
The harbor porpoise is a mammal that lives exclusively in coastal waters. She treats
Description and appearance Blue macaws are flocking birds. First described them
The Hausie cat (Chausie) is a hybrid of a domestic and wild animal. Cats are different from their own
The American Shorthair is a beautiful cat with a friendly disposition and a sharp mind. She's come a long way
How many years do decorative rabbits live at home? The lifespan of domestic fur-bearing animals depends
The bear-type Pomeranian is one of the most popular breeds in the world. These are friendly