White Maine Coon: hard to find, hard to forget

Seeing a white Maine Coon is very rare. Even in photographs he looks like a fabulous snow cat.

A small feature that appears in cats with white coloring - blue, golden, green eyes or eyes of different colors - can give the furry tailed friend an additional fantastic look.

General description of the breed

Maine Coon is an ancient breed of cat that came to us from America. Maine Coons are valued for their luxurious coat, large size and tufted ears. In addition, the Maine Coon has an excellent character and good health.

Despite the abundance of colors, initially only “wild” ones were recognized as a breed. Later, thanks to domestication and the work of breeders, other colors were developed and recognized.

Among the assortment of nurseries, the following colors are offered for sale:

  • Solid color or, more simply put, monochromatic. These include: red (red), blue, black, white and cream.
  • There is a very wide range of tabby colors. It refers to three main color options: spotted, marbled and brindle.
  • Tortoiseshell.
  • Silver or smoky.
  • Bicolors. As we understand from the name, these are two colors.

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One of the disadvantages of the Maine Coon breed is the price per kitten. Kittens are expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy a purebred cat.

Behavior and character

The Maine Coon is curious, playful, affectionate and gentle. Pets do not show aggressiveness unless they are in danger and are endowed with a friendly disposition. Kittens are active and lively, love to play, especially with small children. He is easy to train and educate, and easily masters new toys. Maine Coons prefer to climb onto high surfaces, despite their size. For this reason, the pet owner needs to purchase or make a tall house for the animal.

Adults become lazy, they like to climb higher and watch what is happening. The Maine Coon cat is endowed with self-esteem, he is graceful and well-mannered. Because of these qualities, he will not touch another pet’s bowl or take food from the owners’ table. The main feature of the breed is the ability to “talk.” Maine Coons do not meow, they make sounds with an intonation that resembles a human conversation.

White Maine Coon

A very rare and valuable white color in a Maine Coon cat. Even if you really want it, it is extremely difficult to find such a kitten. A white Maine Coon kitten will probably cost more than a “wild” or “red” one.

Often, white Maine Coons have golden and green eye colors. Less common is the white Maine Coon with blue eyes. In addition, there are also multi-colored eyes, which, in principle, is found in all white cats .

During childhood, white Maine Coons may have spots on their faces, which disappear with age. However, in addition to beauty, there is always danger hidden in white colors. Maine Coons, like any white cats, have the deafness gene.

This is especially common among blue-eyed white Maine Coons. If a cat's eyes are different colors, then most likely the deafness will be one-sided. Namely, from the side of the blue eye.

True, it should be noted that such “flaws” are often found among business breeders. Breeders who do not care about the health of animals and what is most important to them is profit.

If the breeder is conscientious, then he will never breed two white Maine Coons, and it is in this case that the deafness gene manifests itself.

White - fortunately!

Relationships with white cats are generously described by folk wisdom in various signs and superstitions. In Russia, meeting and communicating with a white cat bodes well:

  1. A white cat is a welcome guest in the house of an unmarried girl. After meeting him, the woman will certainly get married soon.
  2. A white cat that appeared in the house during a woman’s pregnancy will become a reliable friend and amulet for the child.
  3. The girl will get married soon after she gives away 7 white kittens.
  4. Dreaming of a white cat means good news.
  5. Meeting a white cat on the street promises success in any endeavor.

The photo shows the cat Ostin from the Gray Claw`s cattery

White Maine cats are amazing creatures. Communication with them brings joy and peace, allows you to better concentrate and make the right decisions. Photos with a colorful snow-white Maine Coon convey the charm of the pet and bring great aesthetic pleasure.

Maine Coon coat care

Many may mistakenly believe that white wool is very expensive and requires some additional physical and financial costs. However, in the case of a Maine Coon, there is nothing to worry about.

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The wool cleans itself, and dirt does not eat into the hair. It is enough to use simple care, like for any cat.

What do we have to do:

  • Brush weekly.
  • Bath as needed.
  • Do not feed foods that may impart an undesirable tint. On this point, it is best to consult additionally with the breeder and veterinarian.

In addition, I would like to note that Maine Coons’ hair does not get tangled or tangled. Therefore, you don't have to worry that combing will be some kind of complicated process.

Description and appearance

Breed standard

Body partsPeculiarities
HeadElongated in length with a curved profile line. Has a large skull and cheekbones.
EyesOval in shape, widely planted. The hue can be blue or green with a honey tint.
EarsElongated with a pointed tip, tassels are present at the edges.
TorsoLarge and massive, with well-developed muscles.
LimbsLarge and muscular, there are small tufts of fur between the pads of the toes.
TailDensely covered with hair, long.
WoolFluffy, soft and pleasant to the touch. There is a thick undercoat.
ColorCan be red, black, smoky, white, cream, tortoiseshell and others.

Breed Features

Representatives of the breed with different eyes are considered unique and rare, which gives them value.
The weight of cats in adulthood is 13-15 kg, and they live 14-19 years. Animals with white fur have characteristic features that are associated with gene mutations in the body. Thus, “snow whites” often have blue eyes, but sometimes kittens are born with different irises, which makes Maine Coons rare. The main feature of the dominant gene is that the white shade of the coat suppresses other pigments. Such kittens are practically no different from their own brothers, the difference lies only in appearance and the softness of the coat.

Food for cats with light fur

For light shades of wool, it is important to maintain not only a balanced diet, but also the composition. After all, a lot of products can destroy the snow-white or ashen colors of a fur coat.

If your pet eats commercial food, then you should pay attention to its composition; it should not contain:

  • Beets, carrots, seaweed.
  • Liver. Chicken and beef in economy-class food will also color the animal's fur.
  • Copper. This element is often found in feed, and its increased dose can cause yellowness.
  • All “goodies” and vitamins for cats should be studied in detail for dyes and additives.

Health Features

The hereditary disease of Maine Coon animals is deafness, complete or partial - in one ear.
Some representatives of the Meikuns suffer from congenital deafness. This disease is transmitted to kittens hereditarily or if their ancestors had a mutated gene in their body, which was responsible for the snow-white color of the coat and blue eye color. The main feature is that blue-eyed cats exhibit an absolute lack of hearing, while heterochromic cats (cats with different eyes) have deafness affecting only one ear.

The dangerous gene is not dominant in all cases, so there is a small percentage of white cats that are able to hear.

Maine Coons often suffer from allergic reactions. If you are not careful about the course of allergies, the disease can lead to a general deterioration in health. To accurately determine the factors influencing the development of the disease, it is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian. The main causes of this disease are:

  • dust formation;
  • saliva of parasites;
  • medical supplies;
  • chemical cleaning products;
  • low quality food.

Nicknames for kittens

In order to emphasize the unusual appearance of the white Maine Coon, you can come up with an appropriate nickname for him.

So, for white Maine Coon cats the following names are suitable:

  • Ice, Diamond, Blanc, Blik, Weiss, White, Zephyr, Sugar, Snowball, Snow, Shiro, Yuki.

For a white cat of this breed, one of the following names may be suitable:

  • Arctic, Snow White, Bianca, Weissy, Blizzard, Pearl, Spark, Lily, Blizzard, Snow.

How to care for the breed?

Caring for the breed cannot be called difficult. Food for Maine Coons, for example, is the most common. No specialized additions are required here. You can buy it at any pet store.

What else? Every owner of a purebred Maine Coon cat should be careful about their fur. Since it is very long, it will get confused more often. To avoid this, it needs to be combed from time to time, but this must be done carefully so that the animal does not get hurt.

Particular attention to wool will have to be paid once every year - during molting. A cat can sharpen its long claws using specialized equipment, which can also be purchased at a pet store.

The Maine Coon, which still weighs more than a typical cat, deserves a special place in the house. You can select it at your own discretion, depending on the arrangement of the apartment and other factors.

If one of the household members has the desire and ability to do something with their own hands, you can create favorable conditions for the cat by building a specially equipped place.

By the way, you can also make the popular scratching post yourself, and it’s not very difficult to do. Otherwise, all the necessary equipment can be purchased ready-made in the store.

The furry owner will be very happy with his personal space, a soft basket in which he can sleep or just take a nap after a hearty lunch. You can also please your friend with soft toys. For moments of fun, a loud ball or a squeaky mouse is suitable.

However, it is worth noting that all this attracts young cats more. As they grow up, they become lazier and less agile; as a rule, they no longer have time for games.

Differences between adults and ordinary people

Among other representatives of the cat family, the Maine Coon stands out, first of all, for its size. These are large cats, they have powerful paws, a strong musculoskeletal system, and even a larger muzzle than other members of the cat family. Secondly, his habits give him away - self-esteem, pride. Taken together, these features resemble wild royals

What to pay attention to when in doubt:

  1. The purebred pet has a “box” muzzle and slanted eyes. Simple cats have round eyes, their muzzle is either triangular or round, and there is no characteristic shape.
  2. Another feature is that the ears are pointed and topped with original tassels. Domestic cats cannot boast of such an appearance.
  3. Maine Coons reach a weight of 8 to 10 kilograms. An ordinary adult cat will weigh no more than 5 - 6 kilograms. An adult cat of noble blood, even at first glance, will seem large, heavy, and impressive.
  4. You can distinguish a domestic cat by the degree of vegetation. The fur on the face and paws of pedigree cats will be thick and short, becoming longer towards the back and sides, forming a fluffy collar and a kind of mane, and there are pronounced “pants” on the hind legs. In simple cats, the hair is usually uniform - either short or elongated - with undercoat.
  5. Another sign of pride for feline aristocrats is a luxurious tail. It is unusually (unlike all other breeds) fluffy, spreading, reaching a length of 45 to 60 cm. In simple animals, tails usually do not grow longer than thirty centimeters.

Maine Coons are distinguished by their character and habits. These are independent, humane animals. They resemble dogs in character. They love to play with water, splashing it out of a bowl or with a stream from the tap, and bathe with pleasure. They have a high level of intelligence and are easy to train. The owners of these cats constantly hear their voice - they purr, meow, purr, rumble, and accompany their actions with sounds. Moreover, their high tone does not at all correspond to their respectable appearance. Maine Coons have a melodic and even squeaky voice.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora breed with white wool is one of the most popular and famous. Cats of this species are very harmonious, flexible, and graceful. The eyes are wide open, located slightly obliquely, but look very fascinating. The original breed indicates the presence of an exclusively snow-white coat with blue or green eyes. It is believed that the variety allows the presence of orange, yellow and other eye colors.

Fluffy's tail is much longer than that of other cats. Graceful long legs complement the slender, strong body. The origins of the Turkish Angora originate in Turkey and are still highly valued to this day. Despite the fact that there are cats with heterochromia, they are valued more than those with the same eye color, for example, with green or amber eyes.

The character is very soft, affectionate, Turkish Angoras are very calm. They love attention; if the fluffy feels that he likes the person, he can come up to him and play. Playful, active appearance, but at the same time with character. If he understands that they are being treated rudely or disrespectfully, you will recognize this by his behavior.

A remarkable fact is that until 1978, Turkish Angora cats were registered exclusively in white. Since this time, cats of other colors have also been gaining popularity, but if you have a preference for a snow-white color, such a cat can be easily purchased from trusted breeders.

Norwegian Forest cat with white color

This breed is the very personification of friendliness, restraint and seriousness. Despite their strict appearance, cats love people very much, they are open, but at the same time unobtrusive. At first it may seem that the cat looks serious, but cats of this breed are wonderful friends, and the best place for him would be a country house. A Norwegian Forest cat will get the greatest pleasure only when it is in a large family, surrounded by attention, care and affection.

Cats of this breed have a round head, wide ears with small, faintly defined tassels. The body is powerful, the paws are strong, the tail is large and fluffy. The coat is slightly tousled, there is a large thick undercoat. Norwegian cats are quite active, love active games, affection, and hunt a little, indicating their origin with their entire appearance.

How long do Maine Coons live and what diseases do they suffer from?

The average lifespan of Maine cats is 12–15 years. Lifespan directly depends on nutrition and quality of care. These animals have excellent health, but there are a number of genetic diseases characteristic of representatives of this breed:

  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • spinal muscular atrophy.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a fairly common heart disease that leads to thickening (hypertrophy) of the left ventricular muscle, which impedes the ability to pump blood into the aorta and, as a result, creates an oxygen deficiency. An echocardiogram, ECG or radiography of the heart will help identify the disease.

Hip dysplasia causes weakness, lameness, pain and inability to jump, and degradation of muscle tissue in animals.

To accurately diagnose this disease, they resort to x-rays of the hip joints - it is important to know that this procedure is contraindicated for animals under 2 years of age.

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited neuromuscular disease that causes degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cord, leading to muscle atrophy. The first signs of the disease appear at the age of twelve weeks, characteristic symptoms: muscle weakness, lethargy, tremor. Over time, it becomes difficult for the animal to jump. Today, the only way to diagnose this disease is a special DNA test.

It is important to understand that all three diseases are the result of genetic mutations, so ask breeders for documentation of appropriate clinical examinations of the litter's parents carried out before breeding. Thus, the likelihood of these lesions occurring in your pets will be minimal, but it cannot be completely excluded, so it is very important to monitor the condition of the animal, its nutrition and properly care for it

Maine Coon health is a consequence of genetic predispositions and proper care

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