Tips on how and what to wash your dog at home if you don’t have animal shampoo

Dogs sometimes don't behave very cleanly. The question of how to wash a dog if there is no special shampoo may arise before the owner when the pet gets dirty during a walk. Thoroughly washing wool with water does not always lead to the desired cleansing and does not eliminate unpleasant odors.

In normal situations, it is recommended to wash your pet as soon as it gets dirty. You should prepare for your planned bathing in advance and purchase shampoo intended for animals at a pet store. You can use available detergents only if you urgently need to bathe your dog, and there is no specialized product for care.

Causes of odor

All dogs have a smell, and a rather specific one. He is weak, and we don’t think the dog smells. But something happens and it gets stronger.

Physiology. It's the adults who smell, not the puppies. Males have a stronger stench. The so-called “dog scent” is formed due to the specific functioning of the sebaceous glands. If sterilization is carried out, the dog will smell less;

Hygiene. If the rules for caring for the animal are violated, the stench will only intensify;

Breed. There are breeds that smell stronger: some are hunting;

Pathology. The stench is caused by developing infections and diseases.

If you wash your animal and the stench does not go away, be sure to contact your veterinarian.


  1. Any product not intended for washing animals can cause undesirable effects on your pet's health.
  2. The most gentle option for bathing your dog, if there is no specialized shampoo for dogs, is considered to be regular shampoo for dry hair type or children's cosmetics.
  3. In case of severe contamination, you can wash the dog with ordinary detergents, but only once. Their use is constantly contraindicated.
  4. After the procedure, the dog's fur must be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of warm water.
  5. After bathing, it is worth monitoring the condition of the animal’s skin and fur for several days.
  6. If unwanted skin reactions occur, you should consult a veterinarian.
  7. There is no point in making special shampoos for animals on your own and bathing your dog in them. If you select, mix and match the components incorrectly, it can harm your pet.

How often to wash

More recently, there was an opinion that pets should not be subjected to frequent water treatments. This was due to the fact that the market for various animal care products was practically non-existent. Washing was carried out using human cosmetics.

With the advent of various types of cosmetic preparations for dogs, veterinarians have come to the conclusion that they should wash the animal as needed. The exact number of times you need to wash your pet depends on the breed, length and thickness of the coat, and walking conditions. It is noted that urban animals are more susceptible to pollution.

On average, dogs are washed 1 to 4 times a month.

Features of ablution after a walk

Dogs should not be given a full bath more than once a week. But with paws the situation is different. They get dirty on every walk (and if there is dirt on the street, then their belly gets dirty).

Therefore, paws are washed after each walk. You need to get used to this from early puppyhood.

It is best to place a bowl of water in the hallway before going outside, and upon returning, immediately wash the contaminated parts of the body. It’s not scary if the water is cool - in the summer it will cool your paws. In winter, you should also not use hot liquid, as a sharp change in temperature will cause your pet pain, burning and tingling.

How to wash a dog

Let us immediately note that you should not opt ​​for human products, especially laundry soap. They are too aggressive for the pH of animals, destroy the fat layer and lead to negative consequences.

Bathing is best done with liquid soap or gel. Their consistency is more convenient for application and distribution over the dog.

Since animals can get cold when washed during the cold season, it is recommended to use dry washing powder.

Dry bathing

When a dog cannot be washed in water with shampoo, dry bathing is used. It is carried out using dry shampoo. This is a powder applied to the roots. They cover the fur, which is then massaged and combed out. It sucks out excess fat. The pet is washed in a similar way in winter, when the house is cold and the fur takes a long time to dry.

Trixie Dry Shampoo for Dogs

Washing the dog: instructions

First, let's figure out which container is best to bathe the animal in. It all depends on its size. If the animal is large, it is better to place it in a bath. And for a little one, choose a small basin.

Keep in mind that the big dog will have to be helped to get out of the bathtub. If it's too hard, it's better to go to a salon.


  1. Protect your ears from water. Use cotton swabs;
  2. Muzzle. In the event that you want to avoid a bite when washing or the dog tries to eat soap suds;
  3. Prepare soap and comb;
  4. Set the water temperature, it should be no more than 40 degrees;
  5. Wet the animal, it is advisable not to pour water into the groin area and on top of the head and armpits;
  6. Lather up. It is better to dilute the shampoo with water. Massage and leave without rinsing as much as possible, about 5 minutes;
  7. Treat the paws especially carefully, they accumulate a lot of road dirt;
  8. Rinse off the soap thoroughly by massaging. Comb with a comb and rinse again;
  9. Wipe well. It is better to use a microfiber towel;
  10. Brush a clean dog well.

Special cases

It is advisable to have more than one type of soap at home for the hygiene of your four-legged friend. In each specific case, it is better to carry out water procedures using a specific product. Some shampoos have a medicinal effect and are designed to alleviate the condition of animals. If you replace it with a regular one, the animal will not receive the necessary help.

How to wash without water

Why do you need to wash animals without water? When swimming, even in summer, it is recommended to close the windows at home and anything that could cause a draft. After taking a bath, the dog is very vulnerable and may catch a cold.

What about in winter? It is often cold at home, the fur takes a long time to dry, and the pet cannot stand the sight of a hair dryer. For this purpose, use a special dry shampoo. It comes in powder form, which is applied to the roots. After application, massage the coat a little and then comb it out with a comb. The powder absorbs excess fat.

Dandruff and allergies

If your dog has dandruff, it means the skin is very dry. This may be due to allergies. A cosmetic product is used that will restore moisture and fat layer to the skin.

Typically, the presence of dandruff is accompanied by itching, hair loss and irritation. The drug is required to remove itching and heal wounds.

Choose those that contain salicylic acid and tar. For example, shampoos “Doctor”, “Stop Itching”. After their use - medicinal sprays.

Fleas and ticks

If your pet has parasites. Many people believe that a city dog ​​that doesn’t walk outside much cannot become infected with fleas. This is wrong. There are a huge number of different flea drops, sprays and collars.

Some dogs cannot use all of these drugs due to intolerance to certain components. But you can wash such an animal using flea shampoo. They often contain herbal extracts that not only kill parasites, but also heal the skin. For example, “Bars”, “Lugovoy”.


This is a very serious disease. The main danger is that lichen is contagious and dangerous for both animals and humans. Especially for children. This means we can quickly begin to treat him.

It is recommended to cut the area where the lichen appears. And, if possible, the whole dog to facilitate treatment. The veterinarian will determine the therapy, but the animal will have to be treated periodically during the bathing process. To combat ringworm, it is best to use antifungal shampoos used by people (Nizoral, Mycozoral).

The shampoo is diluted and the animal is lathered, then composed without rinsing for about 5 minutes. In winter, you can apply shampoo topically.

Fear of dogs

Many animals love to swim in ponds, but are very afraid to wash in the bathroom. The owner will need patience and calm. You need to prepare for washing in order to avoid unnecessary fuss and not irritate your friend:

  1. Place a mat on the bottom of the bath that will prevent your paws from slipping;
  2. Prepare cosmetics in advance;
  3. Set the water temperature to about 40 degrees;
  4. Prepare towels or rags for drying the animal;
  5. The required amount of gel is diluted with water. It cannot be used in its pure form. This causes a mini chemical burn to the skin.
  6. You cannot shout, shove the animal, put on a collar or tie it;
  7. If your pet is very nervous and stress is increasing, it is better to use dry shampoo.

Is it possible to make dog shampoo with your own hands?

If there are no safe cleaning products in the house, you can make them yourself. To do this, use any of the following recipes:

  1. Oat. Mix 1 cup of ground oatmeal with 0.5 cup of baking soda and dissolve the resulting mixture in 1 liter of warm water. Please note that the baking soda contained may change the color to a lighter shade.
  2. Corn. Mix 1 cup cornstarch with 1 cup baking soda. Rub the resulting mixture directly into your pet's skin, hold it for a couple of minutes and comb it out with a brush. This option is ideal for pets who are afraid of getting wet.
  3. Oil. Dilute 100 ml of olive or coconut oil in 1 liter of warm water. These products will not only cleanse the skin, but also thoroughly moisturize it, making it easier to comb further.

The simplest and safest option is to use chicken yolks (in the proportion of 2 yolks to 1 glass of water), but they only help with minor stains. It is better to wash with an egg under cool water, since it curls under the influence of hot temperature.

Eliminating dog stench from an apartment or house

The smell of a dog remains wherever it goes, and especially where it lives. The strongest one is present in an apartment or house for a reason: poor hygiene, the dog often lifts his leg at home (the stench of urine is very strong and it will be difficult to get rid of it).

Before you start cleaning, make it a rule:

  • Regularly clean your pet and comb it;
  • Walk more often;
  • Wash rest areas more often.

In order to get rid of the stench, use a solution of soda, vinegar, potassium permanganate or citric acid. Treat surfaces and floors in the house.

At what age can you bathe?

What to feed your dog at home and how to do it correctly

Experts recommend starting to wash your pet for the first time at three months of age. However, not everything is so simple. There are many factors that determine when and how to wash your puppy. As a rule, a newborn puppy is licked by its mother. If it is not there, then you can wipe the baby with a damp cloth.

The little pet could initially live on the street. If this is the case, then regardless of age, it is better to wash it and, if necessary, use an anti-flea drug. Otherwise, infectious diseases will enter the house along with the puppy.

Appearance of a three month old puppy

Puppies are usually purchased from breeders at the age of 3 months. The acquired pet must first get used to its new place of residence. For this he will need at least 2 weeks. After this period, you can begin your first bath.

Where to wash your dog

Of course, washing can be entrusted to professionals. Once you visit the salon, all you have to do is wait for your four-legged friend on the sofa.

Naturally, the procedure is paid. But you don’t have to stand bent over the bathtub and then catch a naughty dog ​​throughout the apartment. And he will rush around, leaving wet marks.

Prices in salons vary depending on the size of the animals, the length of the coat, the product used and the aggressiveness. Prices range from 500 rubles (small shorthair) to 3000. This includes shampooing and drying.

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