What is catnip, what is it for, photo, where to get it, effect on cats

Cat mint - this is a plant (herb) that has other names - catnip mint and catnip.
  1. What is catnip
  2. What Attracts Cats to Catnip
  3. Why do cats and cats need catnip?
  4. When not to use catnip
  5. Catnip cost

Even in Egypt, catnip was given to “revered” cats living in the temple of the goddess Bast; these animals were highly revered. In Celtic regions, people valued the herb for its healing properties, and in China, catnip was recognized as an energizing mood booster. This grass was often used as bait for ordinary or even “big” cats (leopards, panthers).

Catnip: description and photo

Catnip (lat. Népeta catária) is a perennial herbaceous plant reaching a height of up to 100 cm. This name, like others - catnip or lemon, the grass received thanks to the partiality of representatives of the corresponding family towards it.

Catnip. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Outwardly it looks like a straight long stem on which heart-shaped leaves with jagged edges are attached. The flowers are small, with purple or violet splashes. The aroma contains light notes of lemon. This description is conditional, since there are varieties.

If a person can confuse catnip with other greens, for example, lemon balm, then a cat will never be mistaken.

Why cats love her

The secret why cats love catnip so much and its aroma, while they remain indifferent to others with a similar smell, has long been revealed. Our pets are attracted not by the aromatic smell itself, but by its source - nepetalactone.

This substance affects the neurons of the cat's brain, causing short-term hallucinations and changing the animal's behavior pattern.

It is difficult to predict exactly how a pet will behave under its influence. Different effects are observed. A passive animal can begin to play actively, and a violent one can calm down.

The video clearly demonstrates possible reactions:

No reaction

In reviews of catnip, some owners indicate a lack of reaction. For the most part, cats, in 1 case out of 4, do not show any desire to consume the plant. This may be due to the genetic characteristics of the breed or age.

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It is believed that cats are drawn to the plant because its smell is similar to the secretions, which signal that the individual is ready to mate.

An animal may simply lack a certain type of receptor that is irritated when tiny particles of oils come into contact with them. The reaction from immature, castrated or old individuals is also imperceptible.

How to use catnip

Cat grass can be used in three forms: fresh, dried and spray.

The question arises: what is it for, why give it to your pet consciously?

Additionally, to keep your purr entertained, catnip can be used to:

  • smoothing out a stressful situation, for example, when traveling to the veterinarian;
  • training - go to the litter box, sharpen nails, sleep in the house.

It is also a good natural anthelmintic.

Your pet can taste fresh mint outside when he goes for a walk, or you can pick some greens.

Don't rush to throw away the remaining greens if you pick too many! This herb does not lose its properties even when dried. Grinded dry mixture is also sold in pet stores and is called catnip.

Dry catnip is sewn into toys and scratching posts to attract the attention of furry pets.

If your toy does not contain dried catnip and is not of interest to your pet, then you can use a catnip extract diluted with water in the form of a spray. Spray on a toy and your cat won't want to part with it. In the same way, you can accustom your pet to a new place for sharpening its claws.

Practical purposes of application

Catnip is used to tame a cat to a sleeping place (finely chopped mint is sprinkled on the cat's bed, on a diaper in a cat carrier, etc.), to the toilet, scratching post (a special spray containing essential oils is sprayed onto it). catnip oil). To stimulate physical activity, toys are given that contain catnip (mouse, etc.). In addition, catnip copes well with cat stomach problems and can help restore appetite. It also has bactericidal properties (kills worms).

When the mint season ends...

Is catnip harmful to cats and when should it not be used?

Seeing how their pets sometimes behave, owners wonder if catnip is harmful? Studies have shown that it is harmless to animals and people and is not addictive. This is a big plus.

However, you need to know when to stop. By nature, cats, regardless of breed, intuitively know when to stop. Otherwise, having found a bush of the treasured grass on the street, the animal would not leave it. If you still overeat the purr, then you can expect only a slight stomach upset.

The pet also has unpredictable reactions. If you notice that your pet is aggressive and uncontrollable after interacting with the catnip, then it is better to protect it from the source of such behavior.

Pregnant cats should not be allowed near the grass. Excitation of the nervous system negatively affects the bearing of kittens.


Some owners prefer to pamper their pets from time to time. This, they say, allows for better control of the animal and improves its mood. To do this, they grow mint right at home and regularly treat the cat.

If you want to do the same for your four-legged friend, all you need is a potty and a secure place that your cat can't get into. Seeds can be found either in a special store, or ordered online, or collected on the street.

Many people will appreciate the simplicity with which sprouts burst out of the ground and become beautiful flowers.

Don’t worry too much about watering, as the plant is accustomed to overflows and droughts.

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How to grow catnip in a pot

If you don’t have a vegetable garden or garden, you don’t know where to find fresh catnip, but you want to pamper your pet, then don’t be upset. Catnip in a pot is the solution.

Having a plant on the windowsill, you can always please your purr with entertainment in the form of grass. By growing it yourself, you can be sure of its purity, as well as control consumption (if the bush is isolated).

So, to grow catnip at home you need:

  • seeds or seedlings. Purchased at a pet store. You can also dig it up from the street or ask for a cutting from someone who has already grown catnip.
  • medium sized pot;
  • some land;
  • sunny place, inaccessible to animals.

Catnip shoots in the photo

Plant seeds or seedlings in the ground. Fill the pot approximately halfway. You can cover it with film, creating greenhouse conditions. In about two weeks the first shoots should appear.

As the catnip grows, the strongest shoots will emerge. You should make room for them and secure their stems, for example, to a wire.

Keep your pet away from young greenery! He can damage it, and the bushes will never grow again.

If you follow all the rules for growing a plant, then approximately 2.5 months after planting, the cat grass should bloom. Feel free to give your pet fresh greens.


The number of preparations with catnip is impressive. These include tablets, capsules, dietary supplements, sprays and medications for cats. Their scope is different, as is their composition. Although the main element is catnip, other components are added to it, which create different effects. Mostly tablets and drops are considered common for use. And most of all, feed additives are purchased for animals.


Catnip-based tablets are mainly used to normalize sleep, eliminate insomnia and relieve stress. One of the best products on IHerb is Mason Natural Calming Sleep Tablets. Usually there are 90 tablets in a jar. The company that created it was founded in 1967, and the drug has undergone all kinds of research. It contains no soy, and in addition to improving and maintaining healthy sleep, can be used as a dietary supplement for normal digestion.

Mason Natural, Calm & Restful Sleep, 90 Tablets

390 ₽

Buy at a discount

Catnip is not only suitable for use by adults. Tablets have been developed that have a calming effect on children. Planetart Herbals – 150 tablets formulated by Dr. Michael Tierra. The drug not only calms the child, but also helps to increase concentration.

Planetary Herbals, Calming for Children, 440 mg, 150 Tablets

935 ₽

Buy at a discount


Drops are also divided into preparations for adults and children. For the most part, this is a tasty remedy for improving digestion, reducing heaviness and bloating, but there are drops for relaxation and improved sleep. The drug effectively copes with acute pain in the stomach and intestines. Relieves insomnia and helps align sleep patterns. Also helps in treating occasional digestive disorders. For children, the best option would be Gaia Kids drops.

Gaia Herbs, Kids, Belly Tonic, Chamomile, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

770 ₽

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Adults can purchase Relaxing Sleep for calm and relaxation.

Herb Pharm, Relaxed Sleep Toner, 1 fl oz (29.6 ml)

980 ₽

Buy at a discount

Medicines for cats

The list of products based on catnip is different because it can be used to achieve different effects. Flavoring additives and feed are common.

Pet Naturals flavor contains live cultures and is suitable for cats of all ages, breeds and sizes. Helps the digestive system and improves immunity. It does not contain any chemical components and does not contain wheat or corn. Is an active probiotic for daily use.

Pet Naturals of Vermont, Daily Probiotic, for Cats, 30 Chewable Tablets, 1.27 oz (36 g)

440 ₽

Buy at a discount

Freeze-dried salmon treat contains catnip. Suitable for both cats and dogs. Does not contain chemical additives or preservatives. The drug can be crushed into food to improve appetite and restore the digestive system.

Where to buy and how much it costs

If the idea of ​​gardening doesn't appeal to you, catnip grass is available at almost any pet supply store. Therefore, the question of where to get grass for cats is easily resolved. These will mostly be sachets of dried leaves and flowers or an extract in liquid form.

For 15 grams of dry purring pleasure you will have to pay about 140 rubles.

It is more convenient to use a spray, but its price is more expensive - around 300 rubles per 100 ml.

Whatever form the catnip is purchased in, the packaging should be sealed tightly. The essential oil evaporates over time, rendering the herb ineffective.

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