The cat is crying: cat emotions, reasons for tears, what to do

  • Cats
  • General issues

More often we see our pets in good health and good mood, but sometimes the animal has tears in its eyes. Why do cats cry? Tear discharge in cats has nothing to do with bad mood. According to scientists, animals are not capable of expressing human emotions. A cat may be sad or feel joy, but this will not be expressed by wild laughter or bitter crying, such feelings will spill out in another form. When a pet experiences negative emotions, it will meow pitifully, howl in pain, scream at night, but not cry like a human being. Animals don't tend to cry just like that. If your pet has tears in his eyes, it means there is a specific reason.

Can cats experience emotions?

“Do animals have consciousness?” - a question on which scientists cannot come to a compromise. Emotions make mammals similar to humans. It can be said that basic emotions such as fear or anger are biologically primitive and the same across all species. Some experts believe that there is no division of emotions into basic and secondary. Therefore, it is possible for animals to feel all human emotions.

A sad cat means grief in the family!

How to deal with lacrimation in a cat

When faced with increased lacrimation in a cat, the main thing is not to waste time and prevent infection of the irritated mucous membranes. If you are unable to see a doctor as soon as possible, before receiving professional help, try to alleviate your pet’s condition yourself.

Preventive agents for disinfecting mucous membranes can be purchased at a pet store. Usually the products are drops or solutions for wiping. If, for some reason, this option is not suitable for you, you can use the following as an antiseptic solution:

  • Decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, oak bark) for wiping the eyelids.
  • A strong brew of tea for cleaning eyelids and soaking crusts.
  • A weak solution of furatsilin.

Cat tongue

To recognize your cat's mood, you need to observe her behavior and changes in posture. When the cat:

  • lies relaxed next to you - the mood is good, playful;
  • she lays down with her stomach up - you can pet her;

There is never enough love!

  • sits with his back to you, does not respond to your name - it is better not to touch him, wait for a more favorable moment;
  • arches his back, fluffing his fur - severe fear;
  • in a curved position it becomes sideways - warns of an attack, is able to release its claws;
  • pressed to the ground, ears stuck out, growling - very bad mood;
  • looks into your eyes for a few seconds - greeting;
  • peers for a long time - an invitation to communication;
  • purrs - joy, harmony;

Love must not only be received, but also given!

  • shifts from paw to paw - a manifestation of tenderness.

Features of some breeds

The flow of tears from the eyes, which is often found in purebred cats, is not at all the norm for them. Due to their physiological characteristics, Persians, Scots, Britons and cats of some other breeds suffer from teary eyes more often. However, with proper care for your four-legged friend, his eyes will be clean and clear, like all healthy cats.

Why do Scottish cats have watery eyes?

Scottish Fold cats have a specific skull structure. They have a short, snub-nosed muzzle. The tear ducts are very short. Therefore, whenever there is any irritation, tears flow easily from the eyes. If the discharge is clear and not very abundant, you should treat it as a breed characteristic and regularly care for your pet’s eyes.


Do cats cry?

Experts believe that furry couch potatoes can become severely depressed. Therefore, laws were introduced in Europe on the need to keep two animals of the same species. So that they entertain each other while their owners are away. But cats, due to strong emotions, cannot cry. An animal becomes apathetic and lethargic when it feels offended.

Important! If a member of the cat family experiences stress for a long time, is in an unusual environment, or suffers a strong shock, he may get sick! In this case, owners need to think about their behavior and devote more time to the “crying” pet.

Sadness can lead to serious illnesses!

Reasons for crying in cats

I would like to say right away that there is no need to be afraid. A cat’s tears are not always the cause of some terrible illness, which is why it’s time to take the fluffy one to the doctor. Without knowing for sure the reasons why a cat is crying, it is impossible to begin to “treat” it.

Remember little kittens. You can almost always see discharge on their eyes. And their color, and their structure, and quantity are also not always the same. Transparent liquid streams from someone's eyes. And the other has reddish, stretchy “snot.” And the third kittens cry today, but not tomorrow. And what is it? Disease? Or is it just physiology? Or maybe the characteristics of some age-related hormonal changes in the body. But most often the reason why baby cats cry is that they simply haven’t learned to wash themselves yet. And they can’t take the tears away from their eyes.

What other reasons are there why you shouldn’t sound the alarm?:

  • After sleep, almost all cats collect some fluid, which makes the cat appear to be crying;
  • Just like in humans, cat tears perform the function of cleansing the eye;
  • Cats are incredibly emotional creatures. And sometimes this affects their facial expressions and physiological functions. A cat may cry when it is happy or upset for some reason;
  • Any active activity of a cat, from pulling up to playful jumping, can lead to the animal “crying.” In fact, this is the result of more active work of the mucous membranes during the cat’s movements;
  • And even onions in food, or if you cut them in front of a cat, can cause a similar reaction.

These reasons why cats cry are not serious. Nothing bothers the fluffy one. He is actually healthy. But there is also cause for concern when the owner sees that his cat is crying. What are these reasons :

  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Other infectious or viral diseases of the orbit, canals and tissue around the eye;
  • Injuries (this also includes the fact that a foreign body has entered the cat’s eye, causing a reaction - the eye cries, and the cat itself can behave restlessly and meow);
  • Turn of the century;
  • Allergy;
  • Worms.

Why the cat cries: reasons

Scientists have proven whether domestic cats can cry for physiological reasons. Here are some of them:

  1. Tears appear to naturally moisturize the eye (protecting the cornea from drying out and contamination).
  2. In breeds with bulging eyes (round slits), the mucous membrane is constantly involuntarily moistened.

Some breeds are prone to eye diseases.

  1. Possible obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct (when all the fluid comes out).
  2. Conjunctivitis (inflammatory process in the outer layer of the eye).
  3. Protrusion (prolapse of the third eyelid).
  4. Eenropion (turning of the eyelids).
  5. Corneal sequestration (a disease found only in cats, caused by tissue necrosis).
  6. Uevitis (internal inflammation of the eye).
  7. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

Causes of cat tears

Cats and dogs, like humans, have tear glands and ducts that carry secretions to the surface of the eye. Biologically, they are needed to lubricate the eyes, protect and cleanse them from dust, dirt and foreign bodies such as insects. There are animals whose individual characteristics allow them to cry at any time, just like people. The causes of tears depend on biological and emotional factors. The most common of them are those described below.


A dog cries: can it and what does it look like?

If the kitten has already reached adolescence and has passed it, then puberty is a common cause of tearing. It manifests itself in completely different ways. It is clear that the cats begin to meow loudly and mark the house or apartment, and the cats purr and strike a pose. However, in some animals this period may be marked differently. For example, some cats begin to “cry”. This manifests itself in periodically wet eyes and increased discharge from them.

Important! It is impossible to say whether this is an emotional disorder or whether there is a biological reason for this, since scientists have not fully figured out whether cats feel emotions.

To attract attention

Well, tailed pets have always been able to attract attention. Not all cats live on their own and often require the same attention and care as dogs. If the animal does not receive enough affection, is not played with and is not taken care of, this becomes the reason that the cat begins to “cry”, attracting the attention of the owners.

Calling mom

It's not just females who start acting sad after breaking up with their kittens. Babies also feel separation and spend a long time looking for and calling their mother to drink milk from her breast. In this situation, you should not be surprised that the little cat is crying - this is a normal reaction. The recommendation for handling babies is as follows: kittens should be taken home at approximately three months of age, when they become a little more independent and accustomed to regular food.

Difficult adaptation

A similar situation: a kitten was taken away from its parents, and it begins to cry and squeak. It may not just be that he is bored. The reason is difficult adaptation to a new place of residence.

Nobody knows whether cats can be sad, but they are definitely capable of crying.

Sense of anxiety

If an animal is afraid of something, it can behave very strangely: hide in a corner, meow and even cry. It is recommended to create a calm and comfortable atmosphere for the kitten until he adapts to his new home.

Toilet problems

If a cat eats the same food and his diet is not balanced, then there can be no question of good stool. Persistent constipation or even diarrhea may occur. As a result, the cat experiences discomfort and pain, which manifests itself in tears.

Daily routine is disrupted

Just like a human, a cat needs a routine for feeding. If the owner does not adhere to this, then the animal may be too violent or too lethargic. This manifests itself not only in such things, but also in tears.

Tears in cats are often manifestations of illness.


A diet for promoting health and rehabilitation after illness is necessary, but hunger is unacceptable for cats. If an animal does not eat anything for a long time, then it may again behave strangely, scream and cry. Fat cats need to be forced to lose weight using other methods.

Discontent, threat, fear

Same thing as feeling anxious. Perhaps the cat was frightened by thunder or noise in the kitchen. Perhaps a new and unfamiliar person has come to the house. All animals react differently to this, and some even produce tears.

The cat is spoiled

Excessive attention also does not lead to good things. If the pet is allowed everything, then sooner or later he will feel that he will get away with everything and will become overly violent and emotional, which will also manifest itself in excessive tear secretion.

What to do and how to treat?

When a cat cries, and you notice, in addition to this, other alarming symptoms, you need to immediately contact a veterinarian. Animals do not know how to complain, but they are able to show their state of health through their behavior.

Monitor your pet's condition carefully!

Possible methods of treatment for diseases:

Obstruction of the nasolacrimal ductDaily care (washing the eyes with a special gel), therapy with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents.
ConjunctivitisTherapy with local antibiotics and antiallergic agents.
Protrusion, Enropion, Corneal sequestrationSurgical intervention.
UevitPrescribed depending on the cause of the disease.
GlaucomaTherapy with drugs to lower intraocular pressure.

Lethargic behavior may be the first warning sign!

Important! Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication! It is necessary to contact a veterinarian in time to begin treatment in the early stages of the disease. Be careful and monitor changes in your pet's behavior.

When to go to the vet

If tears were noticed in the cat’s eyes and this is not the first time this has happened, then there is no need to immediately panic. A trip to the veterinarian is not necessary if the animal looks friendly and plays and eats normally.

A cat that cries constantly should seriously alert its owner, since increased tear production can be a sign of various acute and chronic diseases. If you do not consult a doctor in time, you can complicate further recovery or experience many complications that will directly affect the health and life expectancy of your pet.

A crying cat could be seriously ill

Thus, it was told whether cats can cry and why the kitten constantly cries. There can be many reasons for this behavior. Perhaps the cat harbored a grudge against its owner when he yelled or scolded him. It also cannot be ruled out that the cat may have pain in its paws or internal organs. You shouldn’t put off going to the vet if this phenomenon occurs regularly, but you also don’t need to go to him for any reason.

What to do when your cat's eyes are watery

A crying white cat is the fastest way to let its owners know about the disease. With some ailments, tears have a brownish tint, so they can be easily seen on the pet’s fur.

  1. Some people believe that this is a natural process, so nothing needs to be done. This is wrong, because cats never cry for no reason.
  2. Others quickly begin rinsing the animal's eyes to combat the infection. But this illness is not always the cause of tears.
  3. Still others go for a consultation with a veterinarian. And this is the most correct decision. Self-medication is not recommended.

Could changes in the environment be the cause?

Yes, if it seems to you that everything is physically in order, the reason may lie in this. Think about this:

  1. Has anything changed in the house? A new tenant, new furniture, new layout - all this can cause panic.
  2. Did you switch up your brand of kitty litter? Have you changed the brand of litter?
  3. Have you moved the tray or bowl of food somewhere? (If, for example, you put them on the second floor, an older animal may have problems).
  4. Do you have new neighbors with free-roaming pets?
  5. Have you started feeding your cat differently?
  6. Remember: in cats, unlike dogs or people, the slightest changes can trigger anxiety.

What are tears

From a physiological point of view, tears are a fluid produced by the exocrine glands located in the front of the eyes. Its composition includes about 98% water, the rest is soluble salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, albumin proteins and the enzyme lysozyme. Tears are released when, as a result of the reflex pressure of the orbicularis eyelid muscles on the conjunctiva, the intraocular vessels dilate.

There are physiological tears, which are necessary to moisturize and cleanse the mucous membrane of the eyes, and emotional tears, that is, crying. Their release is ensured by the limbic systems of the brain. This psychophysical reaction to emotional arousal or pain is inherent in people. Can cats cry?

The truth about cat tears

Cats' eyes will "water" or water for a number of reasons, but they are all medical, not emotional. For example, this could be due to eye irritation from a speck of dust or a scratch from another cat. Tears can also be caused by infectious diseases such as upper respiratory tract infections. Clogged tear ducts (believe it or not) can also lead to rupture.

Other possible causes of a cat's watery eyes:

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Infections
  • Allergies
  • Structural problems (cats with rounded heads are more prone to tears)

If you see a cat crying, it is important to know that it is not expressing strong emotions. Instead, they show you that something is medically wrong. Often the problem is minor. However, in some cases, cat tears can be an indication of a serious problem or something that could become serious without treatment.

If lacrimation occurs regularly, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian. Strokes and kindness—while always appreciated—will not stop your cat from crying.

Modern research: cats can cry like people

There is no exact scientific evidence that tears in cats can be associated with the manifestation of feelings. However, today even venerable scientists do not dare to confidently assert that such a connection is impossible. Many felinologists do not consider the lack of higher intelligence in animals as a basis for denying their ability to cry. Since cats can experience emotions, why can’t they express them, including through tears?

Cats are highly developed animals. Their brain is structured in the same way as a human brain, and the same areas that are responsible for emotions are the same as ours. Recent studies prove that cats do not always act only instinctively; they are capable of performing actions based on non-standard thinking.

Cat lovers claim that they have seen cats with tears rolling down their cheeks when their newborn kittens were taken away from them, or they were deprived of the company of their beloved owner or animal with whom the cat had been friends for many years. Many veterinarians say that a cat may cry in stressful situations - for example, when there is a sudden change in environment, moving to a new apartment, or even when losing a favorite toy.

On the Internet you can find numerous amateur videos of crying cats that have been undeservedly punished; the authenticity of these videos is beyond doubt. You can often hear touching stories about how a passer-by, who took pity on a street kitten and gave him his food, saw real tears of gratitude in the eyes of the homeless animal.

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