Mini-pig: how to care for a dwarf pig at home

Recently, the popularity of domestic pigs has been gaining momentum, however, it is not superfluous to know that these animals became domestic animals a long time ago. More than 7,000 years ago to be precise.

During this time, a lot of water has passed under the bridge; people have worked hard to constantly develop new breeds. And the point is not only that a person needed to receive highly nutritious and tasty meat and lard.

In France, for example, a special breed of pigs was bred that can find the famous truffles.

So, over time, people wanted to breed miniature pigs that could be kept at home along with cats and dogs. The new breed did not appear immediately; we had to wait almost 35 years for results. But the results exceeded all expectations.

Mini pigs are very cute, friendly and charming pets. They are easy to train, have good immunity and can delight with their company for up to 20 years!

Decorative pigs are really “mini”. Their size reaches from 20 to 35 cm, and weight up to 12 kg. The color of pigs can be very different. Thanks to breeders, today we can choose a white or black pig, spotted or striped, with silver or red fur.

Description and features

Mini pigs are distinguished by a variety of colors, which are represented by black, red, sand, harlequin, brindle and mixed colors.

This animal grows up to 2 years, and after the designated time, the mini-pig stops growing and begins to gain weight, and weight gain continues for the rest of its life. An adult mini-pig can reach a weight of 40 to 80 kg. There are also small ones, or micropigs, that grow from 10 to 30 kg, and these are the ones that can be kept in an apartment.

The most important feature that distinguishes mini pigs from ordinary pigs is their miniature size . It is this fact that allows you to keep these pets in an apartment or house. But mini pigs also have other advantages that have won the love of their owners.

Pigs have a calm disposition and friendly character. If you pay enough attention, care and love to your pet, your pig will repay you in kind. In some cases, animals are so loyal that they sometimes even surpass a dog in this quality. Mini pigs are very smart animals and can quickly remember and execute various commands.

Despite the fact that mini pigs are pigs, they are very clean, and they can also be quickly toilet trained, which is considered an important feature for keeping them in a residential area.

Mini piglets very rarely cause allergies, so most people can keep them at home without fear for their health. They are not picky about their neighbors and can get along with other pets. In addition, mini pigs are not picky about food and do not require a special diet.

Apartment and enclosure life

It is better not to keep a mini pig in an apartment with a small area. He loves more spacious rooms and ideally you need to allocate a whole room for housing. Moreover, it is not recommended to put a piglet in a cage, otherwise there is a risk of getting a nervous and sad pet.

The pig should have a personal place indoors - a mattress, mattress, sofa or house. This will be a kind of shelter. The main thing is that it is located in a warm place and not in a draft. But, nevertheless, the room must be fully ventilated.

As for the floor covering, it should not be slippery, otherwise the pigs will fall. A minipig is a curious animal, so it is better to close all rooms where they are not allowed to enter. The same goes for cabinets and refrigerators. Piglets easily open anything that is poorly locked.

Pay special attention to wires, electrical appliances, chemicals and other dangerous items. In a house where a decorative pig lives, all this should be out of reach. You can purchase dog toys as entertainment for piglets. They are strong and interesting.

Of course, miniature breeds weighing 30 kg (micro pigs) are usually kept in apartments. Since the weight of adult mini pigs can be quite large, from 60 to 90 kg, if possible, it is better to house them in enclosures. Or, for example, a furnished barn is quite suitable for permanent residence. In the cold season, the owner must take care of insulating the room. For large individuals, such a life is just right, although they are also decorative.

You can use blankets or straw as a bed. Of course, you can't keep them there forever. Piglets should go for walks, just like apartment dwellers.

Popular breeds

You can often come across information about the following mini-pig breeds:

  • Bergsträsser knirps (knirt);
  • Mini Mayalino;
  • Göttingen mini-pig;
  • Wisenau.

These names can even be seen in documents. In fact, they can be considered not breeds, but pseudo-breeds: these pigs do not have conformation standards, and there have been cases when they grew to very impressive sizes.

Did you know? British breeder of tiny pigs Jane Croft was ruined after her rather expensive “mini pigs”, which were popular even among celebrities, turned out to be not “mini” at all. By the way, the price of pigs was £1,000.

However, there are indeed registered varieties of mini pigs. This:

  • Vietnamese pot-bellied;
  • African dwarf;
  • Mexican hairless (Yucatan);
  • Julian;
  • kunkun (Kunekune);
  • Ossabaw Island hog.

History of appearance

The birthplace of dwarf pigs is Germany. To develop a new breed, experts crossed small wild boars with purebred Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.

Vietnamese pigs were willing to interact with humans and were not greasy. After receiving a mini-pig whose weight did not exceed 12 kg, the scientists did not stop. Experiments are currently underway to reduce the size of the breed and breed so-called “micro pigs”.

How to avoid being scammed when purchasing

Let's consider how much such an amazing animal as a mini-pig costs in order to avoid being scammed when purchasing.

Considering that mini-pigs have recently become quite popular, very often you can find unscrupulous sellers on the market who are trying to make money by selling ordinary newborn pigs, passing them off as purebred mini-pigs.

In order to avoid deception, it is recommended to purchase decorative piglets in specialized nurseries where mini-pigs are bred. It is desirable that the nursery has good reviews and has been on the market for more than one year.

It is in nurseries that you can obtain documents and a pedigree, as well as see the parents of your future pet or adult individuals of the breed you are planning to purchase.

Approximate cost

It is necessary to remember that mini-pigs are quite an expensive pleasure and they cannot be cheap. Therefore, if you are offered to purchase a mini-pig at a fairly low price, then it is better to refuse, since there is an obvious catch here.

They are one of the most expensive pets and can cost between $200 and $1,500 . The price directly depends on the age and breed of the animal. The most unique and miniature pig breeds can cost up to $4,000.

We advise you to read about the features of caring for a guinea pig.

Reviews and recommendations from owners

Most owners are very happy with their unusual pets. Every day they discover more and more advantages in them. Dwarf pigs do not cause allergic reactions, and these days the problem of allergies is relevant for many families. Such a pet does not conflict with other animals in the house. They are very social and active, but it is advisable not to leave them in the house alone for a long time: mini pigs get very bored and can even fall into long-term depression. The owners of these animals advise: if you want to have a funny, cheerful friend who does not require complex care, get a charming dwarf pig.

Lifespan of a dwarf pig

When purchasing a pet, you want it to become your friend for many years, so many people are interested in the question of how long mini pigs live.

This pig lives quite a long time, the average life expectancy is 15 years . In general, life expectancy depends on how you care for your pet, its nutrition, activity, frequency of walking, timely treatment, etc.

Prices for decorative pigs

As mini pigs become more and more popular pets, the price of mini pigs is not exorbitant.

On average, you will need to pay at least 20 thousand for a pig. For an animal of a rare breed or color, the price tag will be slightly higher.

You should only buy a pig from an experienced breeder..

Where to place a mini pig in the house

The mini-pig loves not to be limited by space; the pig should move freely around the apartment. But the animal also simply needs a properly organized personal shelter . It can be either a wooden house or a soft foam mat - it all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

When keeping these animals in an apartment, be prepared for the fact that the pig may visit your bed and even sleep with you, as it loves communication and attention.

In order not to harm the health of the animal, it is necessary to take care in every possible way to prevent its injury in the form of spreading legs and falling, which can be caused by a slippery floor. To do this, it is recommended to cover parquet or laminate flooring with carpet or linoleum.


Even people who love animals have a hard time imagining a decorative pig walking around the house, asking to be held, and even jumping onto the bed or sofa. However, the owners of these animals claim that their pets are very clean. Even ordinary animals who live on pig farms only have one corner for the toilet. And dwarf decorative pigs understand in a matter of days what the tray is intended for, and never upset their owners with puddles in unauthorized places.

These animals have almost no odor, which cannot be said about most cats and dogs. When properly cared for and kept clean, decorative pigs do not smell at all. Only boars can produce a smell, but only before castration.

What do they eat

Despite the fact that these animals can eat anything, this does not mean that decorative piglets can be fed with everything indiscriminately, so let’s look at what you need to feed a mini-pig to keep it healthy. The number of feedings will directly depend on the age of the pet.

If the pigs are still immature, then the growing body needs to organize 4 meals. If the pigs have reached 3 years of age, then feeding should be done 2 times a day, so as not to overfeed the pig and not provoke the development of obesity.

Find out more about keeping decorative rabbits in your home.

It is recommended to give food daily at the same time. Let's consider what to feed a mini-pig so that the animal feels good, is vigorous and healthy.

Piglets can be fed vegetables, both cooked and fresh, all kinds of cereals, which should be mixed with barley grains, buckwheat, and peas. Fruits will also be useful in the diet of little pets. It is imperative to give your mini pigs chicken, veal, beef liver, deboned fish, and low-fat cottage cheese 2 times a week.

It is strictly forbidden to feed pigs fatty, salty, smoked, pickled foods, sugar, salt and spices, as well as dog and cat food.

In order for pets to develop normally and grow healthy, they should also be provided with vitamins and premixes.

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Care and hygiene

Decorative piglets are very clean animals. They love to bathe, so it is advisable to give them a bath or shower at least 2 times a week. Then the pig will be happy and the house will be cleaner.

If you have a country plot or cottage, it is recommended to take your pig there for the summer, where you will provide it with a bath of water placed outside, which should be changed regularly.

Pigs become toilet trained very quickly. Immediately after purchase, you should begin to accustom him to the tray. To do this, fill the container with shavings, sawdust, paper and send it to the place chosen by the pig.

Important! You cannot use litter for trays with wood components that are intended for cats, as pigs can eat them.

To keep the apartment clean and free of unpleasant odors, it is necessary to regularly change the filling of the tray, then wash and dry it well.

How to distinguish a mini pig from a regular pig

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that, wanting to make a profit, unscrupulous breeders or simply scammers sell ordinary piglets under the guise of an exotic mini pig.

Such people say that the animal will remain the same small, but this does not happen.

How to distinguish a mini pig from a regular pig?

  1. Even at a young age, dwarf pigs are 2 times smaller than regular pigs
  2. A distinctive feature of ordinary pigs is their unpleasant odor. Minipigs don't have it
  3. Minipigs have dense, fluffy fur.

Walks in the open air

A walk in the warm season is simply necessary for these animals. During a walk, mini pigs can pinch the grass necessary for the body, which has a very good effect on the digestive system of pigs. But it is important to monitor the walking area so that the grass is clean and away from the road.

Pigs also need direct sunlight - another reason to take them for walks more often. They walk pigs on a leash , just like dogs; for this, you can purchase a specialized strap in the store, which is designed specifically for mini-pigs. Regular walks also help pigs stay in good shape, which will prevent obesity.

In the winter season, it is not recommended to walk with pigs, as they can become seriously ill; it is better to ensure that their rooms are regularly ventilated.

Water for mini pigs

Mini pigs love to swim. After completing the water procedures, the pig's skin requires the application of a certain lubricant. It can be used as a variety of ointments and creams to moisturize the skin. Little pigs have dry skin, which becomes even drier after bathing. It easily causes irritation and microcracks, which cause the animal a lot of trouble.

Games and training

As stated above, pigs are very amenable to human influence and training. At the same time, they can follow commands no worse than dogs. During training, you need to make it clear to the mini pig that you are in charge here and he must obey you.

Important! Training must begin from the time the animal is purchased, and the best reward for the correct execution of commands will be food.

You should not raise your voice at your pet; he will be very offended by this.

Little piglets are very similar in their behavior to children 3-4 years old: they love attention and care, are prone to games and pranks, do not tolerate loneliness very well and are sad about it. You need to pay attention to the piglet at least once a day, play with it, in order to prevent destruction in the apartment, which can happen when the pig is bored and has nothing to do.

To prevent your pig from going into prohibited areas, you need to provide them with a sufficient number of toys. These can be either plastic toys or soft unnecessary things. In order for mini pigs to understand where they can play, it is necessary from childhood to accustom them to areas for play, rest and eating.

It is worth considering that by nature pigs have a developed reflex to digging the ground , so you should also provide the mini-pig with small piles of rags that he could regularly scatter with his snout.

Pets can also scream very loudly, especially if they are angry or irritated. In a state of rest and contentment, piglets may grunt quietly.

Types of dwarf domestic pigs

This is a pet, often used in medical research
. The most common species are:

  1. Bergströsser knirt weighs up to 30 kg. The breed is common in Europe. This pig is considered one of the smallest, which is why it is most popular (especially among owners living in an apartment and not in a private house). The color options for the breed are varied.
  2. The Vietnamese pot-bellied pig is considered the ancestor of modern mini-pigs. It was brought to Europe from Vietnam. The most common colors are black and dark red. The hairline resembles a kind of mohawk.
  3. Siberian miniature . She is sometimes called a mini-sibsy. Its ancestor is also the Vietnamese pot-bellied, but it was bred in the 1970s. in USSR. The weight of this little pig, compared to others, does not exceed 50 kg.
  4. The Gottingen domestic pig is considered the youngest breed; the animal's weight can reach 100 kg. In most cases, the color is black, less often with white spots. This breed has an arched body, a rather rounded belly and a moderately raised snout. By nature, these are very curious and playful pigs.
  5. Wisenau . This pig is medium in size (20-25 kg). It was named after a commune in Germany. Her color is black and white with stripes. A distinctive feature is an elongated nose. Representatives of the breed are quite intelligent, and most owners manage to train them to use the toilet in a designated area.
  6. Mini Mayalino . The breed was bred by Italians and is considered the smallest mini-pig. In size, even as an adult, the animal is slightly larger than a cat. The average weight of such an adult pig is about 10 kg. Color is either white or black.

Be sure to read:

Hungarian Mangalitsa: description of the breed, types, characteristics and features of keeping pigs

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