What happens if a dog eats cat food, can it fully replace dog food?

The article will tell you whether it is possible to feed your dog cat food and why. The reader will learn the differences in food composition for these pets, the problems that cause dogs to neglect their food and their solutions.
Often in houses where both cats and dogs live, the dog quietly eats his neighbor’s dry food. And some owners themselves buy this food for their devoted friends, without thinking whether it is possible to give it to them. But other people’s food is harmful to the animal, and therefore, it is important to understand the reasons for your pet’s love for cat treats and start feeding the dog the right food.

What is the reason why dogs love cat food?

When a cat and a dog live in a house together, the owner begins to notice that the dog pays more attention to the food in the cat’s bowl. She tries to secretly eat the contents of the cup or directly take the food away. What's the matter? Why is this happening?

Dogs, and especially their small representatives (puppies), eat very hastily, as they try to have time to do everything and go everywhere, unlike cats, who like to take their time. At the same time, a dog’s nature is designed in such a way that it seems to it that the food in the next cup is much tastier than its own.

Another reason could be greed. Strong and mature dogs who are accustomed to being leaders in everything are prone to such manifestations. Puppies who were deprived of food by their own mother when they lived with her are prone to this.

Observing the current situation, owners are thinking about whether it is possible to feed their dogs cat food. After all, this will save the family budget, since such food is cheaper. However, the low cost is due to the fact that a large amount of substances are added to this food that enhance its taste, which cats are deprived of. But more expensive and natural products are produced for dogs.

Ways to wean a dog off cat food

What should you do if your four-legged friend is addicted to cat food and goes on a hunger strike when the owner tries to change his menu? There is only one thing - not to follow the dog’s lead and wean him from the habit of looking into the cat’s bowl. This may take a lot of time, but we are talking about the health of the pet, so weaning it off junk food is not a whim of the owner, but an urgent need.

  • You need to feed your pets at different times . The first step is to feed the dog, and then pour the food into the cat's bowl. When the cat is eating, it is advisable to distract the dog with something at this time, for example, start a fun game with him in another room or take him for a walk.
  • Place the cat's plate in a place where the dog will not be able to reach . A window sill (if the dog is small), a refrigerator or a chest of drawers are suitable for this purpose. This will create some inconvenience for both the cat and the owner, but the owner will be sure that the cunning pet will not be able to sneak in some forbidden food.
  • To prevent your four-legged pet from being tempted to eat cat food when the owner is not around, you should not leave food in the bowl for your furry pet overnight . By the way, such a restriction will also benefit the cat, since he will have a better appetite in the morning.
  • Never give your dog dry kibble intended for cats as a reward. For a successfully executed command, you can treat the dog with a piece of sweet cookie or caramel.
  • Dogs are quite obedient pets, so the owner can try to wean the animal off cat food with the commands “no” or “ugh”. Orders should be given the moment the dog approaches the cat's bowl.

While the cat is eating, you can go for a walk with the dog.

Some dogs can be very stubborn and will outright refuse other food when trying to wean them off cat food. The owner will have to show toughness and, no matter how hard it is, not pay attention to the pet’s eyes full of pity and reproach. Ultimately, hunger will take its toll, and the dog will be forced to eat the food offered by the owner.

Why is cheap cat food harmful?

Sometimes a dog may steal food from a cat because its food is richer in proteins. Manufacturers of expensive cat products take this into account. After all, animals really need this substance.

Cheap dog food is inferior to good cat food. Therefore, animals can feel it and be drawn to it accordingly.

But what happens to dogs if they constantly eat an inexpensive product? Why is cat food bad for dogs?

The strong aromatic smell of economical varieties attracts animals, which subsequently, like cats, become attached to it and begin to refuse other usual food.

Why might he want to?

So why does it happen that your puppy wants or eats cat food? Most often it is simple curiosity and self-indulgence . As they say, forbidden fruit is sweet. It is not for nothing that a person himself sometimes wants to eat something that may be forbidden to him due to an allergic reaction or simply intolerance, and the same is with a dog.

Of course, there is a possibility that this indicates a lack of some substances .

Although cat food is saturated with taurine to improve digestion, and the dog’s body produces it itself, among other things, cat food is rich in substances necessary only for cats, so a dog eating this type of food is unlikely to indicate a lack of vitamins or simply that the pet is not full enough.

But the desire to eat some vegetables or fruits, if this has not been observed before, may well indicate to the owner that the food consumed by the animal is insufficiently fortified.

But most likely this is ordinary mischief , from which it is still worth protecting both the puppy and the adult, because in the end, this can create not just an unpleasant feeling, but also lead to serious illnesses, even death.

How to teach your pet to eat properly

To wean your dog off cat food you need to show persistence, patience and imagination.

Feed the cat in places out of reach of the dog, for example, on a windowsill. Outsmart your stubborn dog by putting dog food in your cat's bowl.

Find the dog food that is best for your pet. Quality products fall into the premium and super premium categories. In addition, they are divided by category (age, breed, health status).

What to do if your pet ate cat food?

We need to figure out how to make cat food inaccessible to the dog. Super premium food does not contain flavor enhancers, so the dog may remain indifferent and not look into the neighbor’s feeder in the future. Economy class food smells delicious and attracts the dog. A radical solution is to cut off the cat's access to food. Place the cat feeder somewhere where the dog cannot get into. A cat hole is built into the interior door.

If the dog is too small, this option will not work. Then the cat feeder is placed high so that the dog cannot reach it. This could be a window sill, a refrigerator, a special shelf for a cat with a mini-dining room that is mounted on the wall.

An avid animal lover, she had 5 dogs and 8 cats. She placed dog feeders on the floor and cat feeders on the closet.

What types of dog food are there?

The question of whether it is possible to feed a dog cat food, which arose as a result of the dog’s attachment to it, will disappear if you try to understand proper dog nutrition. At the same time, it is worth choosing the best diet for your pet.

There are 4 types of dog food:

  1. Dry food. The best option for all homeowners. It is not expensive, stores well, has a neutral odor, has brown tints and contains a minimal amount of water.
  2. Semi-moist food. Every dog ​​loves this treat. It resembles meat gravy. It is packaged in sachets or jars. It costs a little more than dry food. Average dog owners can afford it.
  3. Pates or wet food. They are expensive, and not every citizen can afford them. I release them for puppies or older dogs who already have dental problems.
  4. A variety of treats for dogs. They are also expensive, but are not intended for constant consumption. They are used as treats or rewards.

How are the feeds different?

In addition to the appearance of the packaging, the shape and size of dry food granules, food for different pets is distinguishable by its chemical composition and the amount of certain microelements in it. Thus, cat food contains smaller amounts of vitamin C, which is very necessary for dogs to strengthen bones and gums, as well as provide the body with sufficient energy. Instead, the commercial diet of baleens contains a high concentration of iodine and phosphorus, the excess of which threatens human friends with urolithiasis and other kidney problems.

The protein content in dog food is much lower than in cat food, and taurine may be completely absent, as they do not need it. Regular excess of these elements during feeding threatens the animal not only with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also with allergic manifestations in the form of spots and redness on the body, hair loss in certain places, or serious baldness of the animal in certain areas. The functioning of the immune system of four-legged friends is disrupted due to the low intake of vitamin E and zinc in the body, the volumes of which in cat food are comparatively lower than in dog food, for this reason it is also better to avoid them.

Is it possible to feed?

Why is it still not recommended to mix up feed even in small portions? The most common health problems due to poor eating habits:

  • allergy;
  • pancreatitis;
  • otitis, fungal ear infections caused by weakened immunity;
  • skin diseases seborrhea, fungus;
  • coat problems: dull, falling out, tangled;
  • eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blurred vision, early onset of blindness;
  • obesity;
  • stool loss, other digestive problems;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • lethargy;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • liver problems.

Differences in chemical composition:

  1. Too much protein. Protein, protein for a cat is the basis of nutrition. Therefore, her diet is much richer in these substances. Dry food compensates for the lack of protein. Daily consumption of this amount of microelement, even in puppies, disrupts the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  2. Increased amount of fat. A cat needs slightly more fats, so they are present in food in higher volumes. The “cat” norm threatens the dog’s body with metabolic disorders, including obesity.
  3. Low carbohydrate content. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, strength, and excellent mood. The right carbohydrates help the puppy develop well and keep the old man in excellent physical shape. The quantity cannot be exceeded, but there should not be a shortage. Even the body of the most active cat does not require a large amount of this element, so its food does not contain enough carbohydrates for a dog’s body. A lack of carbohydrates means lethargy, apathy, and problems with the nervous system.
  4. High levels of taurine. Taurine and arginine are amino acids. The cat's body does not produce taurine at all, but the dog's gallbladder can partially compensate for its deficiency. Accordingly, an excessive amount of taurine enters the dog’s body with someone else’s food. This contributes to exhaustion of the nervous system, vision problems, and kidney failure.
  5. Imbalance of vitamins. If a puppy or an adult regularly eats only cat food, a lack of vitamins A, H, as well as an excess of vitamins E, B, zinc will affect the condition of the skin, coat, the functioning of the digestive system, in some cases – kidney and liver damage, skeletal deformities. The body is weakened, immunity decreases.

If the dog accidentally eats the rest of the portion from the cat’s bowl, there is no need to sound the alarm. The main thing is to avoid systematic confusion with the nutrition of pets.

Important: the strict rule not to mix products applies to both dry and wet food.

The exception is universal meat pieces - canned food created for pets. This is ordinary meat, prepared according to the rules for feeding animals: with water, without oil, salt, pepper, or additives. Typically this product is used if animals are on a natural diet. However, it is not recommended to provide additional specialized food.

Differences between feeds

Cats must have a high protein diet and food is prepared accordingly, either dry or canned. But such food is harmful for dogs . Especially puppies, who are susceptible to various kinds of diseases to a greater extent than adult dogs.

It should be noted that even one-time use in a puppy can cause quite serious consequences , not to mention constant feeding. Whereas in an adult dog, a single meal can only cause problems with stool and bloating if a significant amount is eaten.

Another danger is that cat food is highly acidic . And this, in turn, greatly affects the pancreas, as a result of which the animal will often experience heartburn. With constant consumption, the dog may have problems with the stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs.

Dog food classes

Products are divided into classes depending on quality and cost. Dog food is divided into:

  1. Economy class. These products are most often advertised, but they are not that safe for animals. In the composition you can see corn and legume ingredients, a large number of plant components, and animal proteins. The granules are painted in a variety of bright colors. In addition, the products contain salt.
  2. Premium class. These are, so to speak, popular varieties of dog food. They are all fortified and suitable for complete feeding of healthy pets.
  3. Holistic class. This is the best food. This variety does not contain salt, but has a small amount of preservatives. The food has a natural base.
  4. Medicinal feed. They are used only with the permission of a veterinarian.
  5. Special food for pregnant or weakened dogs.

Composition of dry and wet

As mentioned above, cats consume fish, so fish, salts and salted meat are added to dry cat food. The amount of protein in them is quite high, and there is practically no fat . Canned food contains a small amount of vegetables, as well as a thick broth.

Dry dog ​​food contains poultry, rabbit and beef. Protein and fat are in approximately equal proportions. Canned food is made from animal meat, sometimes crackers or pieces of meat jelly are added.

How are foods differentiated based on dog age?

There are also feeds:

  1. Food for puppies from 2 weeks to 2 months.
  2. For dogs and puppies from 2 months to 10 months.
  3. For dogs from one to 8 years old.
  4. And for dogs over 6 years old.

There are special foods for dogs from 6 to 7 years old. When choosing, it is worth considering some nuances. You should not feed an adult dog puppy food. Before choosing a particular product, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

In addition, on each food package you can find information about the required feeding doses for each specific weight of the pet, and special dietary formulations are being developed for dogs prone to obesity.

No competition

It happens that a dog living together with a cat in the same house can eat its food. She does this, as a rule, for reasons of competition.

Here we can advise the following: you need to place your pets’ bowls in different rooms or place them at different heights. In the latter case, the cat's dishes can be placed on a table or windowsill to prevent the dog from reaching food that is not suitable for it.

Thus, the main rule in feeding a pet is to give it a diet that is adequate for its age, size, special needs and... species. The cat should receive food formulated for cats. Dog - diets for dogs.

Photos: Collection/iStock

Is cat food harmful to dogs and why?

What will happen to the dog if you constantly feed it cat food? Despite the fact that these representatives of the animal world are predators, their lives develop differently.

Their blood composition is different, as well as the amount of protein and glucose is different. Cats like to eat several times a day, but little by little, and dogs can eat both 2 and 1 time a day and will not feel much discomfort.

What's unusual is that large dogs can go a long time without eating, as they lie around a lot and are lazy, thereby saving energy. While a small individual requires more food intake.

When asking yourself whether you can give your dog cat food, remember that cats need taurine. Dogs don't need it. Their body synthesizes it independently. Therefore, a large intake of such a substance from cat food can lead to heart failure in a dog.

At the same time, the taurine included in the food suggests the presence of a large amount of protein in combination with amino acids.

Why do dogs eat cat food?

Dogs are accustomed to living in a pack and obey the established hierarchy. A low-ranking individual strives to rise one step higher, so he mocks those who are weaker. This is how the dog eats food from the cat's bowl for the first time.

If owners use economy-class food, the dog develops an addiction due to flavor enhancers that give the cheap food the taste of meat. The dog makes the next approach to wet food, which it likes more than dry food. With the connivance of the owner, the animal develops a reflex. The dog demands his way, and when the owner decides to show character, he whines until he gets his way.

Is it possible for dogs?

Everything is individual and situational. Cat food contains a lot of protein, which can slow down your dog's digestion process. But if your pet is active, then his body needs just this amount of protein. Another question is whether the dog’s body can digest fish and salty foods?

REFERENCE! We often hear that if a dog eats something, then its body needs it. Let's remember that dogs eat out of garbage cans out of curiosity. Like all animals, they explore the world around them and try something new. This factor is inherent in all living beings; it can solve the problem of lack of food in difficult times.

In other words, if a dog tasted trash food during a period of famine and concluded that it helped it survive, this information will be passed on to future generations, continuing the family line and increasing the chances of interspecific competition.

If your pet has consumed cat food once, it may cause minor changes in digestion, but will not lead to serious problems.

In cases of systematic use, the gastrointestinal tract will sooner or later adapt to digesting these products.

But this does not always happen, keep an eye on your pet’s feces and condition; if you notice that his behavior and well-being have changed for the worse, you need to stop feeding him cat food and take him to a veterinary clinic.

If there is no other

If you are standing in front of a shelf where only cat food remains, then choose based on the following factors:

  1. Lack of cheap ingredients (soy, flour, vegetable by-products).
  2. Look at the price. It is better to take a small package of premium quality so as not to risk your pet’s health.
  3. They also produce meat food and various assorted food for cats. Choose food without fish or salt.
  4. Pay attention to the amount of protein, it should not exceed 15-20 grams per 100 grams of dry product.
  5. If it contains taurine, such food can be given, but in smaller quantities, since taurine is produced by the dog’s body and has a feedback mechanism with histamine. The more taurine, the less histamine. This means that in the event of an allergy, external signs (scabies, rash, hair loss) will not appear, but the internal ones will occur in full. This is dangerous because it can lead a latent disease to an advanced stage, which will be more difficult to cure.

What can happen to puppies eating cat food?

If you are wondering, can or cannot you give your puppy cat food? The answer is clear - no! Even if your puppy eats cat food with pleasure and does it constantly, sooner or later this will lead to complications and various systemic failures in the body.

Feeding puppies and adult dogs with ready-made cat food provokes:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • decreased activity;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, unstable stool;
  • deterioration of wool;
  • delay in growth, development;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • salivation (salivation);
  • allergic manifestations, food allergies;
  • problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancretitis).

Cat food disrupts intestinal motility, slows down the absorption of beneficial nutrients, and leads to bloating in the puppy. If a puppy or adult dog constantly eats cat food, this can cause volvulus and death.

Important! Some veterinarians and dog breeders recommend using ready-made cat food to gain weight if the puppy is malnourished, looks too thin, or using such a “treat” as a reward during training.

Undoubtedly, in small quantities, wet or dry cat food will not cause much harm to health, but still, to avoid unnecessary problems, use special dog treats and treats that are sold in pet stores to praise your pet.

How quickly the first alarming symptoms of a “cat” diet appear depends on the age, individual characteristics of your dog, and the sensitivity of the digestive tract.

Some dogs develop food allergies after eating cat food. A rash appears on the skin. The pet becomes lethargic and apathetic.

What diseases can cat food cause in dogs?

Veterinarians know very well whether it is possible to give a dog cat food. By reading their reviews or talking in person, you will definitely answer this question.

Protein is very important for cats. It is he who helps them maintain normal acidity of the digestive tract. While for dogs, on the contrary, it increases this acidity. Therefore, dogs that regularly eat food intended for cats suffer from heartburn, stomach ulcers and gastritis.

In addition, after frequent consumption of such a product, animals may become ill:

  • seborrhea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • otitis media

Kidney failure occurs in dogs that consume economy-class cat food for a long time, and small and sterilized dogs suffer from urolithiasis. The animal may also suffer from constipation and indigestion. Due to a lack of vitamin E in cat food, your pet will have a weakened immune system.

Decorative small dogs can be susceptible to suffocation and allergic shock. This often leads to death.

Is it possible to give a dog soft cat food? No, because it also contains a lot of protein. It is simply necessary for cats.

Useful tips

  • Make sure your pets always have clean water freely available. Nothing will happen if the animal gets a little hungry. Lack of fluid can lead to dehydration.
  • Try making a cat feeding house from a cardboard box. Cut a small hole on the side through which she can fit without the dog reaching her there.
  • Don't use physical punishment. They can cause injury to small joints and traumatize the animal’s psyche. The maximum is a light slap with a rolled-up newspaper on the nose or lower part of the body.

Nothing will happen if the dog is fed cat food once in case of emergency. But the pet’s body must receive all the substances necessary for health. The owner’s task is to carefully monitor the balance of feeding and try to avoid junk food, even if the pet likes it.

How to stop a dog from eating cat food?

Despite the fact that your dog loves this treat, it is necessary to wean him off it. What should be done?

No matter how much you love your dog, remember that no pet has ever said goodbye to this world with a bowl full of food. If you offer her other food, she will soon begin to try it. But you need to remember a few rules when transferring your pet to another diet:

  1. The dog should not be allowed to overeat.
  2. Feed your cat and dog separately.
  3. Never give cat food.
  4. Don't skimp on treats.
  5. Do not give cold and tasteless food.
  6. If it's dog food, it shouldn't be of good quality.
  7. Do more physical activity with your dog, so it will become more hungry and will eat what is offered.
  8. Be sure to visit a veterinarian and find out everything about your dog's health.

You can wean off cat food gradually, that is, mix it with other food, but reduce the dosage every day.

If you care about your pet, then ask yourself: is it possible to give your dog cat food? Think about the fact that she is also a living being and is not immune from all kinds of diseases.

May or may not be given

Cat food contains more calories and protein than a dog that lives in an apartment and doesn’t move much needs. Some veterinarians recommend a cat diet for malnourished animals. The pet will quickly gain the missing pounds, but when experimental feeding continues for 2 weeks or more, health risks arise.

Feeding wet cat food makes the situation worse: canned food tastes better than kibble. Begging develops, the dog terrorizes the household, and when its whims are satisfied, it becomes impudent and tries to steal food from the table. The risk of mental illness in the animal increases.

If a dog eats cat food once, nothing bad will happen to him. You cannot constantly give your dog ready-made cat food: it is dangerous to health.

Does a cat need fat?

Owners are wary of fat in their cat’s diet, especially if the cat is prone to obesity. But in reality, fat alone will not make a predator fat, just as greens do not make herbivores green. An animal gains excess weight not because of specific macronutrients, but because the total caloric content of the diet is exceeded. If a high-fat food contains a minimum of carbohydrates and is dosed correctly, the cat will be in excellent shape.

Domestic dogs have partly adapted to extract energy from carbohydrates, so dog foods sometimes contain less animal fat and more grains. By consuming such a product regularly, cats will receive less of the essential arachidonic acid, which affects the health of the reproductive, gastrointestinal and other systems. In addition, vitamin A (retinol) is fat-soluble, and if it is not fully absorbed by the cat’s body, it will lead to decreased vision, hair loss, and in the case of kittens, growth retardation.

Taste preferences of dogs and cats: nutritional characteristics and differences in diet

Canines and cats are carnivores. Wild cats hunt birds and rodents on their own and eat them whole. The victim's gastrointestinal tract contains plant fibers, carbohydrates, proteins, and food enzymes.

Small mammals eat grains, fruits, and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are partially broken down into simple sugars. That's why cats love sweets; there is always a lot of glucose in their blood. The cat takes its prey to a secluded place and enjoys the food, eating it in small portions.

Wild dogs hunt in packs, mainly on small ruminants. Dominant individuals approach the prey first. The remaining members of the pack wait until the leaders are full, then pounce on the food, swallowing the pieces without chewing. Most of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are occupied by feed containing coarse fiber - green or dry grass, tree bark.

Therefore, dogs are accustomed to eating food with a high concentration of fiber. If the dog is walking around the garden, he can eat bell peppers or grapes. Compassionate animal lovers feed their dogs bread.

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