How to help a puppy or teach him not to cry when he's locked up or outside

Insomnia is not as common in dogs as it is in humans. However, puppies may have trouble sleeping, especially when they first arrive at their new home.

Even older puppies can have problems and not sleep through the night. In fact, when owners suffer from insomnia, it can also affect how well their pets sleep.

Luckily, there are a number of natural treatments for insomnia that can benefit your dog.

Before you start

Dogs generally do not have problems sleeping, and many will immediately switch off when given the opportunity. If your older dog has always been a good sleeper, health problems may be preventing him from getting enough sleep.

Conditions such as pain, dementia, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and urinary tract infections can negatively impact your dog's sleep. In such cases, it is best to schedule an examination with a veterinarian.

Be sure to tell your veterinarian about any other unusual behavior your dog exhibits, as this may help with diagnosis.

It's not uncommon for puppies to cry and have trouble sleeping when they first arrive at their new home.

After all, they just left their mother and siblings where they were probably sleeping in a huddle, and now they are being asked to sleep alone in a strange new place.

Once settled, puppies usually sleep very well. They sleep a lot while you're at work, which means they have a lot of energy to stay up at night, guard the house, play and pester their dozing owners.

Since midnight playtimes likely won't give you a thrill, there are several methods you can use to encourage your pet to sleep on your schedule.

Why do dogs or puppies whine?

If you are faced with a dog whining problem, it is actually absolutely not difficult to stop your dog from howling and whining. But to achieve a positive result, you need to find out the reason why your beloved pet is whining.

Important! Barking, howling, whining, and other sounds are special means of communication through which a dog conveys its emotions and mood.

Causes of dog whining:

  • nervousness, impatience;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • fear, fright, severe stress;
  • joy, delight
  • to attract attention;
  • loneliness;
  • pain, discomfort (heat, cold);
  • feeling of guilt, apology for the wrongdoing;
  • unrealized, overflowing energy;
  • reaction to certain stimuli.

As a rule, the most common whining is from small puppies that have been separated from their littermates and their mother dog. So they call on the mother. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the first time after your baby arrives in your house, the baby will whine, especially at night or when the dog is left alone in the house.

This behavior is explained by the fact that the small pet has not yet adapted and is not accustomed to the new conditions. Time will pass, the dog will get used to the members of his family, and will not disturb you with such unpleasant sounds.

Important! Surround the puppy with attention and care, devote more time to the dog, and do not leave it alone for a long time.

Often the causes of whining are purely physiological in nature:

  • Dogs are quite inquisitive and impatient animals, so they whine before eating, begging you for a treat or asking for a walk, especially in the morning.
  • The dog whines if he “needs” to go to the toilet, for example, due to an upset stomach. In this way, he informs the owner about his physiological desires.
  • Puppies and young dogs often whine due to acute pain if they experience severe discomfort or are very frightened by something.

Try sedatives

There are a number of products designed to relieve stress and calm anxious dogs. One of these can be helpful, especially when the dog is trying to adjust to sleeping in an unfamiliar place.

Some products are sprays that can be applied around your dog's sleeping area, others are added to your dog's drinking water, and some are chewable.

For severe anxiety that makes it difficult for your dog to sleep, your veterinarian may give a prescription medication.

In any case, it is best to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any anti-anxiety product to ensure that it will not negatively affect your dog's health. This is especially important for young puppies, breeding bitches and dogs with pre-existing medical conditions.

The dog whines in the absence of its owners

There is nothing worse when a dog howls or whines under the doors, throws tantrums when he is left alone at home. The problem needs to be solved gradually.

To begin with, you can teach him to lock the dog in one of the rooms. Close the door and don't pay attention if he scratches the door or whines. After a while, open the door, scold your pet and give the forbidden command in a stern tone. You can lightly lift your pet by the scruff of the neck and slap him on the rump with a newspaper.

Once the dog calms down, praise him. Don't constantly run to your dog when he starts to tantrum and don't teach him to reward him with treats. The dog will quickly understand that whining is an effective means of attracting attention and getting treats. Repeat the exercise several times a day, increasing the time amplitude until you achieve results. If the dog starts whining as soon as you leave the house, come back and scold the dog. Give the command “Get in place!” and take him to the litter.

Advice! Do not let your dog out of the house or enclosure for a walk if the dog begins to howl. Don't open the door if he scratches or whines. Don't follow the animal's lead.

Do the same when leaving home. So that the dog doesn't get bored:

  • Leave a bone, toys, teeth sharpeners.
  • Before leaving, organize a long active walk and engage in training.
  • Feed before leaving. A tired and well-fed dog will sleep and rest when you leave home.
  • When leaving the dog alone, give the command “Place”. As soon as your pet goes to his bed, reward him.

Exhaust your dog until he gets tired

Sometimes all you have to do is put in more effort to tire your dog out. Try scheduling playtime half an hour before bed and burn off your dog's excess energy so he's ready to crash when you do. Chasing a ball usually does this for dogs.

In a household with multiple pets, it is a good idea to get them all tired before bed. Cats are naturally more nocturnal, so playing with a flashlight beam or feather at night may prevent your kitten from waking your dog.

Also, if you are woken up too early in the morning to ask for food, eating a small meal late in the evening can help.

What to do if your dog whines at night

As a rule, adult dogs sleep at night if their day has been eventful and active, the pet is well-fed and healthy. Therefore, most often small puppies make cutting, unpleasant sounds at night, and this is most often explained not only by a sharp change in their usual environment, but also by fear and loneliness.

Important! If the puppy is not yet three months old, the baby howls and whines at night when he is left alone or locked alone in a room, never use physical violence or yell at the small pet. But encouraging such behavior is unacceptable. Act consistently and persistently.

During the first few days, whining is quite normal. He is frightened by new surroundings, smells, sounds. Some dog breeders recommend taking your pet to the bed. But dog experts do not recommend doing this. The puppy will get used to sleeping with you and it will be difficult to accustom an older pet to a place.

To stop your puppy from whining:

  • Organize a comfortable bed or house for the new member of your family.
  • If possible, do not leave the dog alone for a long time, and especially do not lock the puppy in a crate or in another room.
  • Protect your dog from stress and negative emotions. The period of adaptation and socialization should be as calm and favorable as possible.

If the puppy is a little over a month old, at this age it is not advisable to separate him from his mother. But if this happens, place the dog bed near your bed and as soon as the baby whines, calm him down and pet him. Once the puppy calms down, praise him.

Gradually move the lounger further away from the bed and react less to whining. Pay more attention to your pet so that he gets used to his new home faster and can more easily endure separation from his mother. In order for the puppy to better cope with separation from his mother dog, ask the breeders for toys, a cloth, or things that have retained familiar smells . Place them near the bed or in the house where your small pet sleeps, and he will behave more confidently and calmly. You can also use a heating pad or a bottle filled with warm water. Wrap it in soft cloth and place it near the puppy.

If the puppy, having adapted to new conditions, continues to howl and whine at night, leave the light or night lamp on. Approach the dog and calm it down in a gentle tone. If the whining does not stop, perhaps the puppy does not want to sleep and is bored. Place toys and tooth sharpeners near the baby. After playing enough, the dog will get tired and sleep peacefully.

Gradually accustom your dog to the command “Place”, “Fu”, “No” or any other prohibition commands. Give the command in a strict tone, and as soon as the dog has shown obedience, reward it with a gentle intonation or a treat. To prevent the puppy from getting bored when you are not at home, leave him various toys. Otherwise, the dog will not only howl, but will also begin to damage furniture and wallpaper.

Physical activity is equally important. After quarantine, walk your dog several times a day, gradually increasing the walking time. Accustom your puppy to communicate with his relatives, so that he then reacts normally to other dogs and animals.

Place to sleep

The place you choose for your puppy to sleep and rest should evoke only positive emotions in him. It should be warm, comfortable and close to those parts of the house that the puppy likes. It is allowed to place next to the small pet some thing or toy that is dear to him. You can leave the radio on at minimum volume. Before going to bed, try to pet and calm your baby!

It is important that your pet’s sleeping place does not have any additional functions, such as a place for punishment for disobedience. This situation will lead to additional stress. The kid will definitely decide that he is being punished.

What to do before bed

  • Feed When training to sleep at night, observe the correct time of the last meal. Feed dinner at least three hours before your dog falls asleep. This way his body will digest the food. If you feed your pet later, then at night he will get up to do his business. The same goes for water. To prevent your baby from waking up for natural needs, give him something to drink at least two hours before going to bed. If your puppy is teething, give him something to chew at night. The chewing process has a calming effect. Place a chewable treat or toy (not a squeaky one) next to your sleeping baby. When he wakes up at night, he will be able to occupy himself without disturbing you. Perhaps chewing will easily put him to sleep.
  • Take a walk This point follows from the previous one. The key to a good night's sleep is a walk. Be sure to take your pet for a walk every day. Let this become a useful habit to ensure nightly peace for your household. If the puppy does not constantly do things during walks, do not cancel them.
  • Play Fun games are a way to burn off energy and, accordingly, get tired. Due to natural fatigue, he will be more willing to go to bed. Play at home or on a walk, the main thing is a maximum of two hours before going to bed. Before going to bed, do not let your pet play around, stop any activity. Puppies can wake up at night to play. The best tactic is to ignore. Do not pet him, do not say his name, do not give in to attempts to involve the owner in the game. If the puppy is playfully attacking you, then gently push him away with your foot, but not with your hands. The animal will understand that no attention is paid at night, and the desire to play at this time will disappear.


Babies spend a significant amount of time sleeping, so getting them to sleep at night is not difficult. The main problem is that babies usually doze during the day. Peaks of activity occur at the most inconvenient times.

How to fix the situation? Very simple. Make your puppy play during the day. Exhaust it so that your pet has no extra energy left. You need to keep your puppy occupied and not just wake him up. Try to distribute the load evenly. It is advisable to include training and intellectual games. For example, thimbles or various labyrinths.

Before going to bed, be sure to take a walk and feed the baby. Well-fed puppies sleep better. If the baby wants to relieve himself, he will involuntarily wake up and may begin to wake you up. The pet will decide to play at the same time.

When is it easier to train to sleep at night?

The best time for training is when the dog is under one year old. Consider this when choosing a pet for your home. If the dog is 2-3 months old, you can train it without much difficulty, you just need to not deviate from the intended goal.

Puppies weaned from their mother early experience stress. A sudden change of environment only aggravates the situation, because lonely kids can be restless at night. They are afraid, whine, and scratch at their owner's room. The owner of the puppy should take care of creating a familiar environment for the ward:

  • Warmth – instead of the mother’s warm side, a heating pad or a plastic bottle filled with warm water will warm the baby. This “heater” is wrapped in soft cloth and placed next to the baby.
  • Attention and affection - during the daytime, give the puppy maximum attention. Don't leave him alone so he doesn't miss his mom.
  • Security - let the baby sleep where he feels protected. Give him a house or a bed with high sides.

The main thing is to show moderate care. By giving concessions, you are raising a capricious dog.


Are you planning on allowing an adult companion on the bed? If not, then don't start. It is very difficult to wean a dog from a bad habit. You will not be able to explain to the giant Labrador why six months ago he was allowed to sleep in bed, but now he is not. If you are worried about your baby, place his sleeping place near the bed. For closer contact, you can hang your hand. You can't iron it, otherwise you'll get used to whims.

It is permissible to gradually move the bed away if you are not satisfied with its location. Don't do it abruptly, let the baby get used to the distance.

You cannot lock your pet in another room. You may think this is the easiest way. Then get ready for whining, barking, attempts to open the door, etc. Even if your pet slowly gets used to it, he will remember that he was alone at night. You will lose a significant part of your authority and trust in advance. And also for some dogs it is important to protect their owners. Let your pet take care of itself and make sure everything is okay.

Should you leave toys out overnight? You decide. Some puppies fall asleep faster with balls, while others perceive this as a signal to act. All animals are individual. However, you definitely shouldn’t scold your pet and take away his personal belongings by force.

That's all. We hope that these simple rules will help you regain healthy and sound sleep. Remember that any of your actions should be aimed at achieving a compromise. Make sure everyone has a good time.


Dogs are very dependent on their owners. This is especially true for small puppies. Impressionable little ones quickly remember prohibiting commands and obey their owners. If your shaggy friend is noisy or too annoying, it is acceptable to shush him. After this, the pet will probably calm down. With the right amount of patience, you can teach your baby the “Sleep” command.

Fidgets can be calmed down with the help of a newspaper. Roll it into a tube and tap it on the floor. Just don’t hit your pet under any circumstances! You cannot punish a child. Firstly, the baby simply will not understand what idea you want to convey. Mistrust will arise. Secondly, the night will begin to be associated with something bad. The puppy may resist and resist even more due to emerging fears.

The puppy promises when he sits in another room

If the puppy has become accustomed to you and its new habitat, but continues to disturb you or makes heart-rending sounds when locked in another room, you need to be strict in your upbringing. If you constantly indulge in such behavior, pity or calm the dog, whining will become a habit, and the dog will howl for any reason.

You can ignore whining if this is how your pet attracts attention. Over time, the dog will understand that such behavior only displeases the owners. If the whining really bothers you, open the door. In a stern tone, send the dog to its place, give the command “Fu.” Repeat similar actions until the dog calms down. If all else fails, the dog continues to howl as soon as you close the door, increase the punishment, find a method that will achieve results.

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