Reasons Why Your Dog Is Bleeding From His Penis

The presence of blood will always cause us great concern, and even more if it is associated with a dog's penis, since the least we can think is that he is very sick.

So, if your dog is bleeding from the penis, we will inform you about the possible causes , what you need to do to diagnose this problem and how to treat this pathology.

Is it normal to see blood in a dog's urine?

As long as it is a small drop that is present at the beginning or end, it may be normal, especially if it is not accompanied by a specific decline in the animal

, or that their urination is either very distant or very frequent (more often than usual).

It also causes difficulty urinating, and in fact, unless the dog has been injured or run over, this is an indication of internal bleeding. , you should not have any blood leakage from your penis.

Treatment options

Only an accurate and timely diagnosis will help to effectively eliminate the causes of blood in the urine. If these symptoms were caused by worms, then the dog is indicated for complete deworming. In cases where the cause is viruses, the dog needs antibiotics, hyperimmune serum and sulfonamides. Antiprotozoal tablets and injections will save your pet from parasites.

In more complex cases, when hematuria is caused by tumors, surgical intervention is necessary. The operations are complex and dangerous for the pet’s health due to the tenderness of the tissues affected by cancer. They can rarely be completely eliminated by conservative methods or chemotherapy.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out with the help of drugs that relieve pain and prevent the development of inflammatory processes. Treatment with antispasmodics is acceptable in combination. It is better not to treat your furry friend at home; this can lead to complications of the disease and even the death of the pet.

Finally, I would like to say that if the owner does not want to one day see blood in his pet’s urine, then he needs to monitor his diet and health, conduct preventive courses against parasites, do routine vaccinations and examinations by a veterinarian. If you are not lazy in caring for your tailed friend, he will never get sick.

Diseases that may cause a dog to bleed from the penis


One of the diseases that can cause a problem that your dog will appear with. traces of blood in urine

This may be due to his prostate, and it may be due to your dog not being spayed, among other things.

If a young dog has prostate disease

, sterilization will be enough to stop creating this type of problem. But if this happens in older dogs, we are faced with a case of prostatitis.

It is caused by a bacterial attack on an animal organ

, and you may have cysts that are pressing on your organs, causing blood to be evacuated. There are more complex cases where it shows tumors.

Prostate cancer

If prostatitis is demonstrated by a tumor, we are talking about prostate cancer, which, in turn, can manifest itself in various types of complications.

The tumor may appear benign.

, but in case the tumor is malignant, it will be a reason for surgery, and the presence of blood in the urine may become frequent, in addition to various types of discomfort when walking, symptoms of fever and in some cases, constipation.

These cases will require a lot of attention on your part and ongoing reviews with veterinary specialists. because your recovery will depend not only on the operation

, but we also follow all the given steps to make our furry lover better.


The same level of urinary incontinence that occurs in humans can also be part of the animal kingdom and Cystitis is one of the common problems that we and our beloved dogs have.

When we talk about cystitis, we mean inflammation that occurs in the walls of the bladder, which will reduce the space in this

. Because your pet does not have enough space to store urine in his bladder, he will constantly feel the urge to urinate, much stronger than usual.

Cystitis problems that our pet faces are constantly released into the urine, certain traces of blood may appear

, both in the penis of a man and in the vagina of a woman.

To know if your dog has cystitis, you will probably see him complaining while urinating.

, because it will cause particular irritation. If you suspect your dog has cystitis, you should contact your veterinarian.

Canine diabetes

Another reason your dog's penis is bleeding is the possibility that it is a symptom of canine diabetes. Among the ways to know that your dog may be presenting these problems are: high blood glucose levels in your system,

You may notice that he is excessively thirsty, urinates more than necessary, is usually very hungry even when he has just finished eating, and is generally hyperactive.

As with humans, when we talk about diabetes, we're talking about the dog's body's inability to produce insulin.

, which is a regulator of sugar levels in the body.

This is what increases glucose in a dog's body

, while allowing more bacteria to enter the urinary tract. The expulsion of blood from your dog's penis will be due to improper penetration of the said bacteria.


Presence of bacteria in urine

they indicate an infection, and traces of blood confirm that the bleeding from the penis is coming from there. In either case, the veterinarian will prescribe appropriate antibiotics and once treatment is complete, a second sample will be taken to ensure the infection has been eradicated.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Prostate disease can also cause blood in a dog's penis, especially benign prostatic hyperplasia. This is a disease that is manifested by the presence of hematuria.

To diagnose this, your veterinarian will need to perform a digital rectal examination.

to determine whether the prostate is larger than usual, whether its position and consistency to the touch are adequate, and this could explain the bleeding in addition to difficulty in meeting physiological needs.

typically appears in middle-aged or elderly adult men

who have not been neutered, so if the diagnosis matches this condition, the vet will likely opt for neutering.

If your dog is older, you should know that it is, of course, possible to proceed with neutering. you must undergo a number of preoperative examinations

the results must show that he is suitable for the procedure

Thus, a few days after castration, the prostate will again decrease in size and without the risk of re-ignition

, since testosterone production has been suppressed, and along with this the possibility of inflammation disappears.

Penile injury

Not always when we talk about the blood that comes out of our pet's penis, we will be talking about a condition that comes from inside your body

. Sometimes your dog doesn't have diabetes, cystitis or tumors, but was simply injured from being very unruly and playing with other dogs, or simply hitting himself.

If it's just a blow, there's no need to worry about anything. This will heal and your dog will no longer bleed. Everything will depend on what kind of blow this fearless furry struck

to calculate how long it will take to bleed.


The sooner your pet has blood in its urine and is seen by a veterinarian, the less likely it is that the disease will progress. This means that curing it will not be difficult. The doctor will take a medical history to determine how often the dog went to the toilet, how long ago the first symptoms appeared, and whether he suffered from anything similar before. Mandatory diagnostic procedures for hematuria include ultrasound, blood and urine tests of the animal, and abdominal radiography.

My dog ​​bleeds when he has an erection, why?

Your dog, during an erection their penis becomes filled with blood

And if this blood is somehow expelled by it, we are faced with a certain type of condition that should lead us to consult a veterinary specialist.

The possibilities of this type of bleeding during erection vary, but lithiasis can be found among the most likely

, as well as any other type of urinary tract infection that causes problems and subsequent bleeding.

Analytical and physical reviews of your beloved pet will be of value if he shows bleeding during erection

, since they usually do not cause inconvenience. Some of the conditions we mentioned earlier cause this deficiency.

Is it normal for a dog to bleed after mating?

During the mating process, various situations may arise that result in subsequent bleeding. Among the factors that may play a role in this, one of them is the typical " buttoning

What happens when a dog mates.
Article topic:
Why do dogs get stuck when mating?

During this process, the male's penis swells, causing it to be inserted into the female's vagina

. Various types of situations may arise that interrupt this moment of mating, and a dog showing that its penis is engorged may be traumatized by the fact that its reproductive organ has thus been removed from the bitch's organ.

Another problem that could cause your dog to bleed after mating is that the bitch showed an infection during intercourse

, which is called transmissible venereal tumor (TVT).

My dog ​​urinates blood after running, why does this happen?

It's caused by something that happens to both our beloved pets and us humans, and it's a problem called rhabdomyolysis

. You will see that your dog is running and that the overload of exercise is causing the muscles to break down, releasing the blood contained in his muscle fibers.

Here's What Will Cause You to See Your Dog's Urine An Intense Reddish Color

and this is because the dog's exercise limits have been exceeded. Learning the limits of your dog's demands is what will make you stop him before he runs into such problems.

Another advantage of castration

There are many benefits of neutering in dogs, with the exception of some special cases of behavior problems. Although we do not intend to describe the entire procedure in detail in this article, we should point out that it is possible to operate on geriatric patients if their preoperative tests give satisfactory results. And, although there is also drug treatment, castration is the only method that completely eliminates the irritant that enlarges the prostate. Thus, soon after the intervention its size decreases and the problem no longer occurs.

Author of the article : Maria Besteiros.

Can puppies bleed?

Puppies may bleed. The East usually has no special characteristics

, so consulting a veterinarian would be one of the best recommendations. These babies may have a lower urinary tract infection that makes them feel very painful when urinating and we may see drops of blood.

These types of infections are usually associated with
bladder stones
and appropriate treatment will be prescribed by your veterinarian to ensure that this little one grows without any discomfort and the bleeding stops.


A healthy lifestyle is a prevention against many diseases, and those that cause pathological discharge from the urethra are no exception. That is why preventive measures in this case are as follows:

  • A balanced diet, minimizing the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, preservatives and carcinogens, which create a serious burden on the kidneys and bladder;
  • Eliminating the risk of body hypothermia by wearing warm, comfortable clothing that reliably protects the lower body during the cold season;
  • Elimination of stressful situations and excessive physical activity;
  • Quitting consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • Refusal to wear underwear made of synthetic materials that can cause an allergic reaction.

Contact the specialists of the CELT clinic when the first symptoms of the disease appear: your treatment will be even faster and more successful if it is started in a timely manner. Save yourself the discomfort: contact CELT!

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

What should I do if my dog ​​is bleeding from his penis?

If you suspect he is injured or sick, here's what you need to do: Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible . Keep in mind that the sooner you get a diagnosis, the sooner you can begin treatment and therefore recover faster.

This treatment will depend on the cause. For example, if you have an infection, you will be given medicines to fight it, such as antibiotics, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain. Instead, if you are injured, you may need surgery.

Instructions for urine collection and first aid

Before going to the veterinarian, fill the test bottle in advance. It is recommended to collect during a morning walk. The genitals must be washed so that excess fluid does not get into the analysis. It is easier to intercept the stream of males with a plastic bottle, but a flat container is suitable for females.

Please note that the storage time of the collected liquid is no more than 2 hours. Please ensure that you deliver the collected test within the designated time. Otherwise, the clinical picture will be blurry, and you will have to take tests again.

In most situations, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, but if you are poisoned by poison in front of your eyes, you will have to provide first aid. To remove toxins, the dog must be given a laxative or activated charcoal. One sorbent tablet is designed for 10 kg of weight. First, induce vomiting by pouring 50 ml of warm water into your pet’s mouth.

Inducing vomiting is unacceptable only in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning with alkalis, acids and petroleum products;
  • presence of heart defects;
  • loss of consciousness.

If the pet does not come to its senses, lay it on its side and open its mouth. This will help remove the vomit and prevent you from choking until emergency veterinary help arrives.

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