The creative path of Elena Vorobey and how her personal life developed

Stage nameElena Vorobey
Real nameElena Yakovlevna Lebenbaum
Date of birth (age)June 5, 1967 (now 54)
Place of BirthBrest, Belarusian SSR, USSR
Zodiac signTwins
Marital status, childrensingle, daughter
Field of activitycomedian, pop artist, singer, actress
Social mediaInstagram, , YouTube.

Elena Vorobey is known to adults and children who were brought up and lived during the times of “Full House” and other famous television programs of the nineties and zeros.
The woman became a real star in the parody genre, thanks to the fact that in her work she could notice the distinctive features of Alla Pugacheva and Masha Rasputina. These images made Sparrow a star of her genre, and participation in television programs was followed by invitations to films.

The comedian’s biography has many pages that cannot be considered in isolation from Yuri Galtsev, Gennady Vetrov and other Full House stars.

Where do sparrows make their nests?

Sparrows make nests in spring - more often in cracks, hollows, under roof eaves, than openly on tree branches.

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Features of the lifestyle and behavior of sparrows

Sparrows lead a sedentary lifestyle, having chosen a territory, they nest. The raised offspring remain close to their parents, thus the sparrows form large flocks. This is facilitated by the high fertility of the sparrow and the abundance of food due to the proximity of human settlements.

Ornithologists, observing sparrows, found that these birds create a pair for almost their entire lives. The life expectancy of sparrows is on average up to 5 years. But there were specimens of birds whose age was about 11 years. The short life expectancy of sparrows is due to the fact that the young often die in the first winter. Sparrows nest almost anywhere they can place a nest. These include the eaves of balconies, birdhouses, voids in wooden or stone buildings, sometimes pipes and even heaps of garbage. In our area, couples form towards the end of winter. At this time, sparrows (males) are animated, chirping loudly, talking and even sometimes fighting.

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Sparrow feeding

Sparrow cannot be called a gourmet. Its menu is varied - from insects to human food waste. Moreover, modesty is also not their strong point; while waiting for a piece, they can jump near a person’s table (outdoor cafes, country terraces), and if the person is sitting motionless, then they can jump onto the table on their own and worry about themselves.

However, at the slightest movement, the birds deftly disappear from the table, trying to grab the tasty crumbs.

And yet, despite their pugnacious and quarrelsome nature, these birds do not create scandals over food. If one sparrow finds a lot of food, it flies off to fetch its fellow tribesmen, and only then starts eating.

They are wary of unfamiliar food. The whole flock will not eat an unknown dish until one of the sparrows tries the food. And only after that everyone flocks.

In the villages in the summer these birds live at ease. They peck at the seeds and grains of planted crops, feast on berries, and all kinds of repellent devices have little effect on them.

However, rural residents are forced to endure such a neighborhood, because sparrows destroy caterpillars and other insects.

In fact, if you watch sparrows, the bird will be much more willing to feed in a rabbit’s cage or from a chicken cup than to look for some kind of larvae. But you shouldn't be offended by this. The sparrow's diet, however, is based on plant foods. Sparrows eat insects only in the spring, and when feeding their chicks. However, without the help of these birds it would be difficult to get rid of insects.

Sparrow breeding

A male and female sparrow build a nest together. As a rule, this is a rough structure made of feathers, straw, dry grass, with a small depression in the center. Construction of the nest begins in March, and in April the birds begin laying eggs. During a season, a female can lay up to 5 clutches. The clutch usually contains up to 7 white eggs with dark specks. The incubation period for hatching eggs lasts about two weeks. The chicks hatch slightly pubescent, almost naked. Feeding the offspring takes approximately 14 to 17 days; both parents feed the chicks mainly with insects.

Around the 10th day, the chicks try to fly. After a couple of days at the end of May - beginning of June, they leave the nests. By the end of autumn, the sparrows become animated again, chirping loudly and courting the females. Nest construction begins. There will be no chicks in these nests until spring, and a place prepared in this way in winter will serve the sparrows as protection from autumn rains and winter frosts.

Is the sparrow enemy or friend?

Previously, it was generally accepted that birds were extremely useful creatures. However, now scientists are beginning to doubt the benefits of some pichugs.

So the sparrow ended up among the “dubious helpers.” And yet, there is more benefit from this tiny bird than harm. It is enough to give a classic example - once the Chinese thought that sparrows were destroying their rice crop, so the bird was declared the main enemy, they were exterminated, knowing that sparrows could not stay in the air for more than 15 minutes.

The Chinese simply did not allow them to land and the birds fell to the ground, already dead. But after this came the real enemy - insects.

They multiplied to such an extent that there was no rice left at all, and almost 30 million people died from famine.

So is it worth racking your brains over what has already been passed down by history? The small bird sparrow occupies a worthy place in nature, and man only has to protect it.

Personal life of Elena Vorobey

Looking at the artist’s photos and videos, it’s hard to imagine that she had to close several not-so-pleasant pages of her biography. For example, in order to settle in Leningrad, a girl got married in a fictitious marriage. In total, Sparrow had two husbands, with whom her personal life did not work out.

An affair with a St. Petersburg businessman brought Vorobey the birth of his daughter Sofia. For Elena’s sake, the man even divorced his wife, but never became the artist’s official husband. And soon the businessman died, despite the fact that Sparrow and medical specialists fought for his life.

Subsequently, the woman was credited with having affairs with a businessman from Australia and the sound engineer of Full House; according to the latest news, the information about cohabitation with a colleague was confirmed. But Elena never got married.

In 2016, Lena's mother died. She died of cancer, and the event was a real shock for the family. Moreover, Sparrow’s personal life was never established. And in 2022, daughter Sonya developed health problems. But, fortunately, the girl underwent a successful operation in Germany.

Elena Vorobey usually spends her free time with her sister Natalya and daughter, as evidenced by photos and videos from her Instagram. True, her account is more replete with professional photographs, so her fans are unable to describe her range of interests.

Where does Elena Vorobey live now?

The artist’s personal life was replete with many novels. Therefore, for a long time it was very difficult to determine where a woman lived. Sparrow moved from one point to another, but according to the latest news, the artist lives in the elite residential complex “Golden Keys” on Vorobyovy Gory.

The living space is located in the very center of the city, where a large number of other famous personalities live. According to experts, the cost of housing in this area starts from 1 million rubles per square meter.

For a long time, Elena could not arrange her apartment. She did not like the decisions of many invited designers, and she relied on her own vision of the interior. Now Sparrow’s home space is designed in a classic style, with art deco elements present. The room of Sonya’s daughter is slightly different, which is brighter and warmer.

Types of sparrows

In nature, there are many birds that look like sparrows, but it is not at all necessary that they belong to one of the species of this bird. Scientists ornithologists have clearly identified the species and subspecies of this bird. There are quite a lot of species of this bird - there are about 22. In our climate you can find 8.

  • field;
  • snowy (snow finch)
  • black-breasted;
  • ginger;
  • stone;
  • Mongolian ground sparrow;
  • short-toed;
  • house sparrow.

Field Sparrow / Passer montanus

The tree sparrow usually nests in light forests and park landscapes, where open spaces are interspersed with tree plantings, in groves and coastal vegetation. It also settles in old parks and gardens. Common in rural settlements and some cities, especially in areas where there is no house sparrow. It nests in dense colonies and individual pairs in hollows and birdhouses, less often in cracks in buildings. It also settles in the voids between the branches of large nests of storks and daytime predators. Sometimes it builds spherical nests on the tops of trees. There are usually 5-6 eggs in a clutch. It lives in almost all of Eurasia, except for the northernmost regions.

Snow Sparrow / Montifringilla nivalis

Snow sparrows have a rather unusual distribution area, which extends across the mountain ranges of Southern Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Southwestern Iran, the Pamirs, Altai and Northeastern China. They nest in the alpine zone below the level of eternal snow - in meadows between cliffs and rocky slopes, on the slopes of boulders and lava fields. The nest is placed in rock crevices, as well as in the voids of buildings (in mountain huts, old fortifications, ski lift cabins). They live in small colonies of 2 to 6 pairs.

Black-breasted Sparrow / Passer hispaniolensis

The Black-breasted Sparrow is a small bird, slightly larger than the House Sparrow. The black-breasted sparrow weighs 27–30 g. The male differs from the female by its black back and black chest, as well as large longitudinal streaks on the sides of the body. It is distributed from Southern Europe and North Africa through Asia Minor to Afghanistan and North-West India. In our country it is found in the Caucasus and Central Asia. It is a migratory bird and a sedentary bird only in the south of its range. Inhabits cultural landscapes - groves, gardens, tugai thickets, outskirts of populated areas.

Red Sparrow / Passer rutilans

The rufous sparrow is found in South and East Asia, distinguished from other sparrows by the chestnut-red color of the plumage on the top of the head and back. It nests in sparse forests, mostly deciduous, along the edges of forests and in floodplain forests. It usually makes nests in hollows, less often in human settlements or on bushes.

Rock Sparrow / Petronia petronia

The distribution area of ​​the rock sparrow extends from southern Europe and northern Africa to Central and Central Asia, as well as across Eastern China. Inhabits open, illuminated areas of rocky slopes, arid rocky deserts with scattered trees and shrubs, as well as pastures and surrounding cereal fields. The nest is located in deep niches and crevices of rocks, in ruins or on buildings. It also lives in hollows and uninhabited burrows of mammals. It rises to a height of 2040 m in the mountains.

Ground sparrow / Pyrgilauda davidiana

The ground sparrow is similar in appearance and plumage color to real sparrows, but differs from them in white spots on the tail and wings. Distributed in the Gobi Desert, and in Russia - in the South-Eastern Altai and South-East Transbaikalia. By way of life, this is a sedentary bird, living in the hilly steppes and desert mountains, in wide valleys, on flat areas with sparse grass. It nests, spends the night and hides in abandoned burrows of pikas and other rodents. The nest is placed at a depth of up to 75 cm from the entrance to the hole, in the former living chamber of the rodent. The nest is a recess lined with wool, sometimes with feathers, in a heap of hay, which has been brought in by the animal. There are 5–6 eggs in a clutch. Some time after the chicks have fledged, the broods unite into small flocks that remain throughout the winter. It feeds on insects and seeds of steppe grasses. In Northern Afghanistan, another species of ground sparrow is found - the Afghan sparrow (P. theresae), similar to the previous one.

Short-legged Sparrow / Petronia brachydactyla

The short-legged sparrow, a close relative of the rock sparrow, is found in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, as well as in Turkmenistan and Transcaucasia. This is a migratory bird. Winters in Arabia and Africa.

Interesting facts about sparrows

Perhaps someone has heard about the strange bird “camel sparrow”. This bird has nothing in common with a sparrow, and is not a passerine species. This is the name of the well-known ostrich, which in translation means “sparrow - camel”. All passerine species have some characteristics, but the main characteristic of this bird is common to all.

  1. The sparrow is the most famous bird that lives near human habitation. In the Russian Federation you can find only two species: namely, the house sparrow, also known as the city sparrow, and the tree sparrow, popularly known as the village sparrow.
  2. 20-35 grams, this is exactly the weight of an adult. Although the sparrow is a member of the order Passeriformes, this order also includes about 5,000 other species of birds. The largest bird in the order is the raven, whose weight is about 1.5 kilograms; the smallest is the kinglet, weighing only about 10 grams.
  3. About 1 billion individuals live around the globe. That's about one sparrow for every eight people.
  4. The most widespread version of the origin of the word “sparrow” is “beat the thief!” - after all, the bird is prone to stealing and is quite cunning. But in Slavic languages ​​this word has the same root as the word “coo”. The basis of this verb, however, as well as the verb “to grumble,” could have been the hitherto unpreserved word “vork.” This bird was so nicknamed for its constant and incessant chirping.
  5. The male is distinguished from the female by a large black spot that covers the crop, throat, chin and upper chest. Another difference is the dark gray top of the head.
  6. The sparrow lives for a rather short period of time, although there have been cases when sparrows lived up to 9-11 years, but most birds die without surviving the first winter, which means that their average life expectancy is somewhere around 9-21 months.
  7. At rest, the heart of this feathered bird beats 600-850 times per minute, but already in flight it reaches 1000 times per minute. Therefore, severe fright can be fatal, this can happen because blood pressure increases.
  8. A sparrow will not be able to fast for a little more than two days, since it spends a lot of energy per day.
  9. Due to their short legs, most individuals move along the ground by jumping.
  10. The sparrow is a monogamous person - birds in a pair are faithful to each other for years. If a sparrow has not had a family since the fall or the female died during the winter, in this case the male is doomed to spend the next season as a bachelor. In this case, he will look for any opportunity to find a lonely female and persuade her to live together. But this is not easy, because for every hundred sparrows there are 150 sparrows.
  11. These birds are very prolific; during the summer there are two broods in the northern regions, and three in the southern regions. The eggs are laid for the second time in June - to be precise, in the second half. The chicks hatch in July.
  12. The sparrow lays 4-10 eggs, but most often 5-7 eggs are white, slightly browned, with red spots and specks; incubation takes 11-13 days.
  13. The chicks, 10 days after birth, fly out of the same nest for the first time.
  14. Sparrows feed mainly on seeds. They love sunflower, hemp, and wheat grains. Sparrows feed their chicks with meat, butterflies, and caterpillars. When raising their brood, parents feed about 1,000 different insects.
  15. The sparrow, being a human companion, has settled throughout the earth; it can be found in rural and urban areas, even in the settlements of Central Asia and the Far North. But in Central Asia, the sparrow usually stays at a respectful distance from humans.
  16. Until 1960, there were not a single sparrow in America; later they were brought from England to destroy caterpillars.
  17. Sparrow meat is tasteless and hard, so it is very rarely eaten.
  18. The sparrow's body temperature is 44 degrees.
  19. Sparrows' eyes are built in such a way that they see the world in a pinkish light.
  20. A sparrow's neck has twice as many vertebrae as a giraffe's.
  21. “Yellowthroats” is the name given to young sparrows with yellow coloring around their beaks. Although in conversation the term “yellow mouth” denotes the inexperience and naivety of a young man.
  22. People have a superstition about a sparrow. It says: a sparrow bathing in the sand is a sign of rain, but in fact, the sparrow with such a convoy gets rid of the parasites that have bothered it, and, of course, cleans its feathers.
  23. They even erect monuments to sparrows, although this sounds strange, but not only in Russia. In Boston in the 19th century, a monument to the sparrow was erected for the destruction of pests.
  24. But sparrows were not always given monuments and treated well for exterminating pests. In 1958, a company was opened in China, on the initiative of the helmsman Mao Zedong. The company was started due to a pest problem. Sparrows were declared the main enemies, since according to the calculations of the helmsman Mao Zedong, they ate about 20-35 thousand tons of rice grown in the rice fields per year. The Chinese were given instructions to scare the birds, since sparrows cannot fly for more than 15 minutes without resting. As a result, the sparrows fell to the ground dead. Almost two billion - this is how many sparrows were destroyed in a year, according to statistics. After these actions, the harvest was better, but it was heavily eaten by locusts and caterpillars, whose numbers were regulated by sparrows. The result was a period of famine that killed approximately 20 million people. As a result, these birds had to be re-imported from a neighboring country.


Elena Vorobey today

Now the artist continues to perform as a resident of “Full House” and other humorous programs. In 2017, Elena became the winner of the Three Chords show, and a year later she played the role of a fairy in the film Cinderella.

In addition, the artist sometimes performs in the theater. Fans of Sparrow can be sure that she will continue her activities and will delight viewers with hilarious parodies more than once.

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