What to feed sparrows - allowed and prohibited foods

Sparrows usually do not have feeding problems during the warm season. These small feathered creatures happily eat food waste, which can always be found within the city. Sparrows living far from civilization feed on the seeds of cereal plants, which abound in the fields.

Problems with birds' nutrition arise with the onset of cold weather, because not all birds fly south. Fauna lovers often help their feathered friends by making special feeders for them that hang on trees. However, not everyone knows what to feed sparrows. They are usually offered bread crumbs and millet. Although the sparrow's diet can be much more varied.

The benefits and harms of sparrows

Sparrows are omnivorous birds. They got their name for their arrogant, thieving character. No wonder the peasants drove away the annoying gluttons with the words: “Beat the thief!” After all, it is known that a flock of these birds is capable of destroying an entire field of grain in just a few days.

However, these voracious birds also have benefits. They prey on harmful insects, whose populations, if uncontrolled, cause even more damage to agriculture than the sparrows themselves.

History remembers a case from the last century when, after the mass extermination of sparrows in China, crops were completely destroyed by beetles and caterpillars. After this, the Chinese were forced to artificially breed sparrows, purchasing them from neighboring countries.

This suggests that small, voracious sparrows are an indispensable cog in the ecosystem that performs important work in it.

Types of sparrows

It has already been mentioned that in nature there are about 30 species of sparrows. Each of them is characterized by a certain characteristic and habitat area. Some of them are worth considering.

The House Sparrow is the most common one. The length of its body does not exceed 16 cm. Its entire back is decorated with rust-colored plumage with black splashes. Gray colors are visible on the abdomen, the cheeks of the bird are painted white.

House Sparrow

The wings of the bird are yellow with white stripes, and black feathers are visible on the neck. Courage, cunning and importunity are inherent in these birds. You can meet them in the open spaces from Siberia to Portugal.

For a long time they have been found in Australia and on the American continent. House sparrows can damage agriculture, fruit trees and vineyards. But they also provide great benefits in the form of the destruction of harmful insects.

tree sparrow

The tree sparrow is smaller than the house sparrow. It has a red-gray nape and parietal area, black cheeks and several stripes across its wings. They prefer to live not in populated areas, but in the fields. In winter they can move closer to human habitation. Europe and Central Asia are habitats of tree sparrows.

The rock sparrow prefers rocky terrain in southern Europe. They are gray-brown in color with a yellow stripe near the eyes and a yellow spot in the throat area.

Stone sparrow

They take a large part in the destruction of insect pests. Stone sparrows are most often found near us. They are the ones who warn us about the coming of spring.

The snow sparrow lives in the South-East of Altai and the Caucasus. It is a very beautiful bird with black and white wings and a tail edged with white and a black patch on the throat. The snow sparrow makes sounds that cannot be compared with anything else.

Snow sparrow

The camel sparrow bird is not actually a sparrow at all. This name was given to the ostrich, which, apart from the name consonant with the sparrow, has nothing in common.

Field and brownies

Residents of Russia are best familiar with two types of sparrows: house sparrows and field sparrows.

Tree sparrows resemble adult male brownies in appearance. Their physique has a more graceful shape, and the length of the body is 12-14 cm.

  • Sparrow bird: lifestyle and habitat of the sparrow, sizes, types, interesting facts + photos

The main distinguishing feature between the species is the different color of the plumage on the top of the head. In the tree sparrow it is bright brown, while in the house sparrow it is dark brown. In the area of ​​the neck and head of tree sparrows there are dark inclusions in the form of spots, and the “collar” is painted white. House birds have one light stripe on their wings, while field birds have two.

As for gastronomic preferences, these varieties completely coincide.

Description and features

Their incomparable appearance and chirping help to recognize these amazing birds. Initially, their plumage may appear to be gray. Looking closely, you can see brown shades with black splashes on top of the feathered bird. The head, area near the ears, and abdomen of the bird are painted light gray.

The bird has a fairly powerful beak and a short tail. Birds of small size. The average length of their body reaches up to 15 cm. And sparrows weigh no more than 35 g. The wingspan reaches up to 26 cm.

There are noticeable differences between males and females. The very first of them is that males are always larger than females. The male has a clearly visible black spot. It is located in front on the chin and breasts.

The head of the bird is much darker than that of the female. She also lacks a black spot. Her chest and top of her head are painted light gray. And the eyes are decorated with a barely noticeable gray-yellow outline. The birds stand on short limbs with weak claws. Their wings are short.

The most basic feature of sparrows is that they are in close contact with people everywhere. You can meet them both in populous cities and in modest, almost deserted villages and fields. On ships, these travelers find themselves in places where they have never been before and remain there for permanent residence.

In essence, this is a sedentary bird that almost never leaves its familiar territory. Sparrows can rarely cross the line of this area, and then only in order to scout out what is happening beyond it.

Currently, large flocks of sparrows are observed, which live, despite their massive concentrations, in excellent proximity to people, birds and animals.

But sparrows do not establish trusting and peaceful relationships with all birds. These robbers can sometimes completely drive tits and swifts out of areas. Small birds sometimes cannot withstand the strong pressure of the impudent little ones and give up their territory to them.

Sparrows have excellent memory. They can connect everything connected with a person into a logical chain. They are afraid of cats, but they can, at their own peril and risk, tease her at her own feeding trough. The same picture can be observed in relation to horses.

Sparrows are not at all afraid of rabbits and chickens. They freely sneak into their territory and share a meal with them. Sparrows are not afraid of people. But they are precisely those birds that are very difficult to tame, so a photo of a sparrow and a person is a real rarity. True, there are isolated cases of people becoming friends with these birds, but this really happens very rarely.

Sparrow feeding in spring

The mating season and nesting of birds begins with the onset of the first heat. By this time, buds are already appearing on the trees. They become the main nutritious food for sparrows.

While the female incubates the eggs, her partner gets food for both of them. Earthworms, flies, caterpillars and other living creatures that crawl out into the sun after wintering act as spring food for sparrows. The same food is suitable for newly born chicks.

In the spring months, the benefits of sparrows are most noticeable, since they catch harmful insects not only for themselves, but also for their offspring. Statistics show that during this period one pair destroys up to three kilograms of pests per month.

At the same time, sparrows do not stop raiding garden trees and other crops, eating their buds and seeds.

Subsistence in the summer

During the hot season there is plenty of food for birds. Here's what sparrows eat in summer:

  • beetles;
  • larvae;
  • caterpillars;
  • locusts;
  • butterflies;
  • cereals (wheat, oats, millet);
  • seeds;
  • berries;
  • fruits;
  • food waste.

Sparrows in the city and countryside are found at every turn. There are a lot of them in parks, squares, vegetable gardens, fields, as well as nearby cafes and near trash cans. In summer, birds become especially harmful. They not only destroy crops, but also spoil the harvest of fruits ripening on the trees. In addition, the birds peck at grapes and other berries that are ripe by that time.

  • What you can feed ducks on a pond and what you can’t

In this regard, agriculture is engaged in controlling the number of sparrows. This maintains a balance that does not allow both birds and insect pests to actively reproduce.

General rules for complementary feeding

Once you start feeding birds, make it a habit. Regularly delight them with healthy treats. Birds quickly remember the place of feeding and get used to it . Don't forget: we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Important! The more varied you organize your menu, the more species of birds will be interested in your feeder.

From time to time, empty the feeder of leftover food. Rot and mold are fertile ground for the development of harmful microorganisms .

Feeding sparrows in winter

In winter, the sparrow begins to have serious problems finding food. Trees and soil are left without fruit, insects completely disappear. This significantly narrows the search for food. Birds often die from hunger.

Food sources for sparrows include city landfills, winter berries, cereal processing plants, and public catering places.

Fortunately, in winter, humans come to the aid of sparrows by setting up feeders and filling them with bread, grains, sausage, cheese, pieces of lard and other bird delicacies.

What to feed squirrels

Another representative of the animal world that needs human help in winter is squirrels. They make small reserves of nuts and berries, but these products are not enough for the long winter. To help squirrels survive the hungry winter:

  • dried fruits;
  • nuts (except peanuts and almonds);
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • unroasted sunflower seeds.

Features of feeding

To save sparrows starving in winter, you need to build a feeder suitable specifically for them.

To avoid proximity to large birds, build a small structure for sparrows. Any available item is suitable for this, in particular a plastic bottle or box. Make a hole in it through which only small birds can easily penetrate.

The nutritious food for the sparrow in the winter months is a mixture of cereals, leftover food from our table, including bread and protein products, nuts, cereals, and seeds. It is recommended to string the meat pieces on a thick thread and hang them on top of the feeder.

Refill your feeder regularly as sparrows will stop visiting if it sits empty for a long time.

Birds need to be fed correctly

Every year, environmentalists appeal to all residents of the city and villages with a request to show kindness and mercy and hang feeders near their homes. Put grain, seeds, bread crumbs there, and the birds will thank you in the spring. They will destroy pests and entertain you with melodious singing.

It is important to remember that birds receive only part of the necessary food from humans, and must find the rest of their diet independently in nature. An essential condition for a successful feeder is the size of the inlet opening. It should be wide enough so that the bird can easily get inside the feeder and leave it without hindrance.

And if you are patient enough, you can train nuthatches and tits to eat right from your hand.

Feeding a sparrow chick at home

If you find a baby sparrow that has fallen from its nest and want to save it from starvation, take care of the chick’s proper nutrition. In the wild, its diet consists mainly of insects.

  • Pictures of wintering birds with names for children

It is not easy to get such food, so give your little sparrow boiled lean meat, pureed in half with oatmeal, or chopped boiled egg. You can feed your baby bread no more than once every three days, after soaking a piece in milk.

The vegetable diet of a sparrow chick is boiled and grated beets, carrots and grated cucumber. Drain excess juice from vegetables first. The chick will receive calcium by including crushed chalk in the menu.

Do not add salt to cooked foods.

If the baby refuses food, gently push it down the throat, holding the open beak with tweezers. Give the sparrow water using a pipette.

The little sparrow is fed every two hours.

If you feel that you cannot handle all this, do not pick up the dropped chicks.

How much to feed a sparrow chick?

A chick that is not yet feathered needs to be fed approximately every 20 minutes. If it is a yellowthroat, then feeding is allowed at least once an hour. This is exactly how feeding occurs in nature.

How much to feed a sparrow chick:

  • Be sure to try to find food that is familiar to the sparrow. These are small caterpillars, but without fluff. Maggots without heads are suitable so that there are no hard parts that can cause the death of the sparrow.
  • Mosquitoes without blood inside will also work. You can use ant larvae. Try to find similar food in pet stores. Shops for fishermen will help, where you can easily find maggots and other live insects.


Principles of caring for a sick sparrow

It happens that an adult sparrow with a physical defect or illness falls into the hands of a person. A balanced diet will help you get rid of it.

The basis of the menu should be protein. Insects (worms and larvae) can be purchased at a fishing store or pet store. If getting them is problematic, give preference to parrot food, berries, boiled or raw meat, grated boiled carrots, chicken eggs and fresh, clean water. If there is a lack of vitamins, introduce a special mixture into the diet, which the veterinarian will recommend.

If the bird is able to eat on its own, place a feeder with food and water in front of it. Otherwise, use tweezers and a pipette.

Foods prohibited for sparrows

Exclude rye and baked goods that contain it from the sparrow's homemade diet. This cereal reduces stomach acidity, which leads to upset of the bird's digestive system.

Also remove smoked and salty foods from the bird's diet. Sunflower or pumpkin seeds are only suitable when eaten raw. Anything fried, including seeds, causes disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Be careful with legumes too. They are rich in protein, but interfere with the complete absorption of food.

Of course, in the wild, sparrows do not disdain these products, since we are talking about survival. But if you don’t want the bird to stain your home with numerous feces and die from inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, listen to our advice.

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In the spring you can see how a caring parent drags worms and larvae into the nest, and in the fall the same sparrow family pecks at grains of grass and small fruits on trees.

Is it possible to feed birds in a feeder in winter with crackers, bread, and fresh lard?

As already mentioned, bread is not an ideal food for birds, but it is acceptable. However, we are talking only about white and unleavened bread. It should be dried or crumbled. It is also allowed to add white bread crackers to the feeder, hanging them on thick threads.

IMPORTANT: If you put pieces of raw, unsalted lard and meat into feeders, it is also recommended to string them on strings with beads so that the birds do not lose this food, do not drop it from the feeder, or try to swallow it whole, but pinch off a piece at a time.

origin of name

“Beat the thief! “- the peasants shouted, angrily driving out the sparrows from their crops. Of course, a flock of sparrows can completely peck out a hectare of wheat field in a few days! It was from this cry that the name of the small winged neighbor of people came about.

And in China, in the middle of the 20th century, something irreparable almost happened - the sparrow population was completely destroyed in the light of the struggle for the harvest.

And famine struck the country: caterpillars and beetles destroyed all the grain, because their enemies, the sparrows, were no longer there! The Chinese had to buy sparrows from their neighbors and breed them again.

What do sparrows feed their chicks and what do they eat in the spring?

In early spring, when the snow has not yet melted everywhere, but there are already sticky buds on the trees, the sparrow lays the first batch of eggs.

Hatching the chicks, she waits until the male brings her all kinds of living creatures: eats earthworms, the first caterpillars, flies; everything that crawls, jumps and flies from insects. The chicks also receive live food in their yellow mouths.

Parents feed their babies only insects, and do not refuse them themselves; It is in the spring that the benefits of sparrows are most noticeable - a pair of birds eats up to 3 kg of garden pests in a month!

Crop destroyers! At the same time, sparrows raid trees, pecking off buds; The flowers of fruit trees and shrubs are also spoiled by them - sparrows can leave the owner of a currant or rowan without a harvest.

Sparrow breeding

The house species of these birds always settles near human habitation. They can nest in separate pairs, and sometimes join in groups. Sparrows make nests in trees, in cracks and crevices of old buildings, under the roofs of houses, and also in thickets of bushes. Both representatives of the couple are always involved in the construction of housing. To do this, they use dry grass, straw, and small branches. A depression is always built in the center of the nest to prevent eggs or chicks from falling out.

Most often, the female begins laying eggs in April. The nest can then contain up to 10 eggs. They are white with brown spots. The incubation period lasts approximately 2 weeks. When the chicks hatch, the female and male begin to feed them insects together. Babies acquire the ability to fly within two weeks of birth. Their lifespan can reach 10 years. However, only a small part of birds survive even to 4 years.

What does a sparrow eat in summer?

Anyone who feeds sparrow families in the winter knows that the feeders are almost always empty in the summer. City sparrows, which live in parks and squares, systematically destroy insect pests in the summer.

At this time of year, they are always full and do not need feeding - there are a lot of beetles and caterpillars that devour foliage, that is, there is more than enough food for the city sparrow.

Sometimes these birds visit landfills and places where there is a lot of food waste; for example, they visit the backyards of restaurants and cafes where garbage containers are located.

The village sparrow, living next to a person in the countryside, also eats insects non-stop, but does not deprive the fields/meadows of its attention.

In the southern Russian regions, the attitude towards village sparrows is still ambivalent: on the one hand, they protect the future harvest, and on the other, they simply peck at this same harvest with a brutal appetite!

Feed: Fields of young wheat and rye, sowings of oats and millet, berries in the garden - all this can be destroyed by birds in the literal sense of the word.

Anything that grows can fall under a sparrow's attack - the bird spoils apples and eats unripe grapes. In agricultural areas in the summer, the number of sparrows is controlled, based on the proportion of harm and benefit: so that there are not too many of them, but so that they do not disappear completely.

How and what should you properly feed sparrows in winter?

Sparrows are not very picky about food, and they are able to feed themselves with plant seeds, with the exception of feeding chicks. In order for the chick's delicate stomach to cope, parents have to obtain exclusively protein food.

Any type of cereal is suitable for sparrows; millet is a delicacy. You should not give the birds white bread or baked goods; lard, only unsalted, will do. You can feed from the ground, but in this case the food is quickly eaten by pigeons. It is better to make a special feeder that will serve as protection from large birds and snow.

The presence of a roof and small size are the main criteria for making a feeder. Sparrows quickly learn about its location, and also quickly forget about it if it is empty. Don't be afraid to add too much. Birds themselves will refuse to eat complementary food when they are full.

You need to make sure that there is always food in the feeder, this is important. Otherwise, you can kill the birds that are accustomed to it. The winter day is short, and the birds have little time to accumulate strength; without human help, up to eighty percent of the population dies.

Feeding birds in the garden is an important component of the future harvest. Birds, in parallel with eating food from the feeder, look for insects hibernating in the bark of trees, which brings great benefits to the garden.

The diet of the feeder must be varied so that the birds do not fly away in search of other food. Sunflower seeds, dried berries, leftover porridge - little feathered friends will be happy with all of this.

In addition to feeders, sparrows obtain food for themselves in landfills, near garbage cans, near canteens and cafes, where there is a lot of food waste.

You often come across wounded birds; you can feed them with boiled yolk or porridge. If you feed a chick, then only with tweezers, putting food in the mouth. For a sparrow, food from a pet store for parrots is suitable, in which you must first crush the boiled chicken breast.

With the onset of winter comes difficulties. Snow covers plants with seeds, insects disappear, and there is practically no food. Sparrows are shy birds, but hunger forces them to come into contact with people. The winter diet of birds is very poor, and it is difficult for sparrows to survive without human intervention.

Sparrow's winter food

In winter, not only does the cold set in, but the sparrows get terrible hunger. The verse was sad: the caterpillars and midges were hiding, the ground was covered with snow, and it was incredibly difficult to get autumn seeds.

The trees are bare, no fruits, no pests. The sparrow, like the siskin bird, due to the fact that it does not have subcutaneous fat, suffers severely from a lack of food in winter; In cold weather, sparrows die en masse not from frost, but from hunger.

And then the man, who is in second place after the cat on the list of sparrow enemies, comes to the birds’ aid. Wheat and oats, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, bread, lard and pieces of meat - the sparrow eats everything with gratitude.

In winter, city landfills are emptied of food waste, and sparrows clear garbage bins near houses of scraps.

In villages, sparrows save themselves from hunger by visiting cowsheds and looking for wild grass seeds in the hay.

Having an ambivalent attitude towards sparrows is a difficult question, but you should always remember that this bird mainly eats insect pests. A person can protect crops without cruelly exterminating sparrows, because there are many modern deterrents.

Sparrows are the most familiar and beloved birds of adults and children. But few people thought about what to feed sparrows, because there was always the idea that they were omnivores. Some foods can be harmful to the health of these little feathered friends of humans.

How to feed a chick sparrow with eggshells?

Remember that birds at a young age require a large amount of calcium, it is best if it is organic. Eggshells are ideal for these purposes.

How to feed a chick sparrow with eggshells:

  • It is advisable to boil it to completely remove pathogenic microorganisms. The shell is dried and ground to a powder. It is in this powder that you need to roll the insects that you give to birds.
  • The food given to canaries promotes the growth of muscle mass, but does not cover the needs for the growth of feathers and bones. Therefore, such sparrows often suffer from rickets and the appearance of bald patches. That is, the feathers do not completely cover the bird's body.
  • This also applies to other food that birds are usually fed at home. It is recommended to use probiotics, for example, Linex, Lactiale or Lactovit. These products are sold in bags or capsules and are also recommended to be added to bird food.


What to feed a sparrow in a feeder

The most common option for feeding birds is bread. However, loaves and other flour products can hardly be called a healthy food product for sparrows, rather the opposite. Zoologists recommend feeding birds with cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley), as well as many types of seeds. The most popular are sunflower seeds. Seeds should be given raw. As a protein supplement, sparrows can be offered pieces of lard, cut very finely.

It is not recommended to feed birds wet seeds or soaked bread, because in the cold they quickly turn into ice, and the bird will not bite through such food.

Why can’t you feed birds salted lard and fried seeds?

Any disease that affects a bird in the winter becomes many times more dangerous for it than it would be in the summer. Gastrointestinal diseases in birds are quite common, as during harsh winters they may eat junk food in search of survival. This food is offered to them by a person who knows little about the feeding habits of animals.

INTERESTING: It turns out that chewing gum thrown away by humans is often perceived by birds as a piece of bread. They peck at it, but then die, since the chewing gum completely inhibits and clogs their digestive tract.

When offering lard to tits and other birds, make sure that you do not cut it from the salty part. Salt is poison for birds. Their kidneys and liver cannot digest and remove it, and therefore such a product will be certain death for the small creature.

It would seem that sunflower seeds are the healthiest food for birds. But only if the seeds are raw. Roasted seeds absorb too much fat and the birds’ gastrointestinal tract cannot absorb it, causing poisoning, diarrhea and indigestion, which is very destructive for most species.

Features of harmful food for birds in winter

What to feed a sparrow at home

If you have decided to keep the sparrow at home, then caring for the bird will require some effort and time; you must be patient. The sparrow's eating schedule is frequent, every 1-2 hours. If the sparrow does not receive its food quota on time, it will feel unwell and even die.

The diet must be complete. Since birds mostly eat grain, you need to buy a mixture of grains at the pet store for your bird. Due to the fact that the sparrow is not a poultry, there is no target food for this type of bird on sale. But if you consult the seller, an experienced specialist will always offer a suitable option for the finished grain mixture.

In addition to cereals, the bird can be given crushed boiled eggs and pieces of raw meat. Insects are also an important element of the diet. In the warm season, you can catch grasshoppers and caterpillars for poultry. And in cold weather you will have to go to the pet store and buy live insects.

How to get kids involved in bird feeding

It is best to feed birds in winter together with children. This way they will learn to care for our smaller brothers and love nature. To do this, you can turn feeding tits and sparrows into a game.

For example, one piece of lard can be tied to a branch, and from the bottom you can make a small swing from another piece. This way the birds will have lunch, and the children will have fun seeing a titmouse on a swing.

If you wait long enough, the bird will take food even from human hands, but for this you will need to be patient.

Alternatively, you can take the pine cones and roll them in bird treats, and then hang them on tree branches. Simply put, the act of simply feeding birds during the winter season can lift spirits even in inclement weather. Everything, of course, depends on a person’s imagination.

What not to feed sparrows

  1. Black and dried bread. Brown bread is contraindicated for sparrows, and stale, hardened bread can disrupt digestion or lead to other diseases of the digestive tract.
  2. Dried insects (flies, cockroaches, crickets). If dead and old insects are found at home, you should not feed them to the bird; it may get poisoned or die.
  3. Flies and midges stuck to the adhesive tape.
  4. Filling with semi-finished products (dumplings, pasties, dumplings, pancakes with meat).
  5. Cow's or powdered milk. Sparrows are lactose intolerant.
  6. Stale formula or feed. The bird's stomach is sensitive, so you should check the expiration dates of the product in stores.
  7. Earthworms. There is an opinion that worms are beneficial for poultry, but they often carry infectious diseases and helminthic infestations, so you should not experiment.
  8. Tablets or vitamins without a veterinarian's prescription.

What should not be given as food

Birds are prohibited from feeding spoiled food supplies that have fermented and are covered with mold. But there are also a number of restrictions that apply to products familiar to humans. They can cause irreparable damage to the health of birds and even threaten their lives :

  1. Salted seeds , pistachios, cookies, crackers. Birds do not have sweat glands. The entire burden of removing excess salt from the body falls on the kidneys, so they may refuse heavily salted food. The musculoskeletal system also suffers, because some salts tend to be deposited in the joints. Then any movement of the bird will cause severe pain.
  2. Roasted nuts . This is where fats can cause harm to the body. When oversaturated with them, the organs of the digestive system (pancreas, liver) suffer.
  3. Rye bread . Due to the accelerated fermentation process, a situation often arises when the bird is blocked from breathing due to gases. This happens because the goiter begins to compress the trachea.
  4. Fresh wheat bread . It is dangerous because in a humid environment it turns into a sticky substance. It has difficulty moving through the digestive tract and causes indigestion.
  5. Cherry , peach, apricot kernels, as well as almonds. They are easy to poison because they are rich in hydrocyanic acid.
  6. Old, rancid millet . Harmful fats accumulate on its surface.
  7. Potato . The alkaloid solanine, which is found in raw tubers, causes poisoning in birds. The high concentration of starch in boiled potatoes creates an unwanted burden on the stomach.
  8. Mushrooms . When consuming mushrooms, there is a high probability that spores of clostridia, the causative agent of botulism, will enter the bird’s body.
  9. Canned food . When preserving foods, sugar, salt, and vinegar are used that are harmful to poultry health.

What to feed sparrow chicks

If a sparrow chick has no feathers, it is only a few days old. To feed such tender chicks, a liquid feed mixture is needed.

The recipe is as follows:

  • 1 chicken egg – can be replaced with a quail one;
  • boiled wheat, approximately 20 g;
  • raw grated carrots, 15 gr. no juice;
  • finely chopped lettuce leaves, 10 g;
  • boiled beef, 15 g;
  • 1 calcium tablet.

Mix all ingredients in a blender until a liquid, homogeneous consistency. The mixture can be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer, and then just wait until it melts and warms up. The temperature of the feed should be close to the bird's body temperature.

Feeding sparrow chicks is allowed with syringes, pipettes and brushes. After each meal, the bird needs to be given water, about a couple of drops. It should be remembered that the chick must be fed every hour or even half an hour. At night, digestive processes slow down, so you can take a break of 6 hours.

Should a baby sparrow be fed at night?

You cannot feed chicks at night, regardless of age. Their digestion depends on daylight hours, so at night the metabolism slows down, the digestive tract digests what it has eaten during the day.

Should a sparrow chick be fed at night?:

  • It is necessary to adhere to a 14-hour cycle. You need to feed in the morning, after sunrise and until the evening when the sun sets. For example, from 6:00 to 20:00.
  • On a cloudy day, the chicks must be illuminated with special ultraviolet lamps. This is necessary for the normal production of vitamin D and the prevention of rickets.
  • If there is not enough light at home, the shady side, then purchase special lamps. They generate heat, which will help the bird develop.


Where to install feeders

You can build feeders from the moment the ground is covered with snow. At this time, it is difficult for feathered city dwellers to find food on their own. There is no need to do this before, as the birds get used to human help and become dependent. This phenomenon is dangerous because tits, sparrows and other representatives of the fauna lose their independent survival skills.

When choosing a place to feed small forest birds, you should pay attention to quiet corners away from highways.

Special feeding areas are built for waterfowl. They are placed at the very edge of the water. Throwing food into a pond is strictly not recommended, as this leads to clogging.

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The following foods are strictly not recommended for feeding to birds:

  • fresh white bread;
  • fruits;
  • millet;
  • Rye bread;
  • almonds;
  • cookies and sweets;
  • salted, fried and smoked products. A 104-year-old man solved a 200-year-old riddle in his scientific work. Sorted out in several pharmacies: interesting cases with a doctor’s handwriting. An original tree made from offal appeared on a Yakut woman’s New Year’s table. What J. Lo and Lady Gaga looked like at the inauguration of the President of America: photo 41- summer Victoria Bonya admitted to subscribers that she picks up bathrobes from hotels. 12 meters in diameter: in the Carpathian region, the couple built a house from polystyrene foam
    Red-breasted bullfinches should be supported with berry food. The fruits of hawthorn and rowan are suitable. You can add oats to these treats.

    Waterfowl ducks are fed with all types of cereals, low-fat cottage cheese and small bread crumbs. You can prepare a mixture of pearl barley porridge, cottage cheese, soaked crackers and herbs.

How to prepare a universal feeder

Grain and other bulk food can be blown away from the feeder by the wind, so many people who feed birds prefer to make ice cream-type treats. The only drawback of this delicacy is that it can only be used at sub-zero temperatures.

For this you will need nuts, sunflower seeds, and any cereals. They are mixed together, then placed in a container and water is added. If the container does not have a hole in the center, then at this stage the ends of a small ribbon or rope are placed into the mixture. It is necessary to subsequently create a loop. The filled forms are placed in the freezer. After hardening, the grain mixture is removed from the containers and hung on trees.

It is important to remember that it is undesirable to use flour, cookies and other products harmful to birds.
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Sources used:

  • https://ptitsadoma.ru/vidy/chto-edyat-vorobi.html
  • https://pticadom.ru/chem-pitaetsya-vorobej.html
  • https://pumbik.ru/2177-chem-kormit-vorobev/
  • https://fb.ru/post/nature/2020/12/10/268272
  • https://www.rutvet.ru/in-chto-edyat-vorobi-ili-chem-kormit-pernatyh-zimoy-8245.html&parent-reqid=1568402118338265-55208552298435782113188-sas1-5486-tch&lite=1

Top - 5 universal tips on feeding birds

Here we've put together a small compilation of bird feeding tips from various sources (National Geographic Birdwatcher's Bible, The Ultimate Bird Feeder Handbook and RSPB's Birdfeeder Guide).

  1. Why can't you feed birds bread?
    Birds have a very difficult time digesting it, plus there is too much protein and fat in bread; it fills the stomach, but does not provide enough energy.
  2. What else should you not feed birds?
    Nothing salty. There is no need to feed spoiled (rancid, etc.) cereals to the birds. There is no need to treat birds with cookies, buns, or potato chips.
  3. What to feed?
    Sunflower seeds (raw, unsalted), crushed peanuts, raw unsalted lard, oats, millet. wheat. I managed to find one domestic brand of food for wild birds. You can put slices of apples in the feeder; many birds are very willing to peck at them. If you're not too lazy (and especially if you have children), make a nutritious cupcake for the titmouse. For this you will need raw lard (beef or pork). It needs to be cut into pieces and simmered over low heat. Then take a silicone cake mold, pour the seeds into it and fill it with melted lard. Let it harden, remove from the mold and hang on a string on a tree or balcony. Tits, nuthatches and even woodpeckers will be very happy.
  4. Don't overfeed the birds!
    You should help them survive, and not take them for a living, making them helpless. Fill the feeder once a day and resist the urge to add just a little more to the poor hungry birds.
  5. Keep it clean!
    The feeder can become a place for infection to spread, so remove any uneaten food every day, and once a month, be sure to wash the feeder with hot water and some kind of disinfectant.




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