Thrush (50 photos): description of the bird, what it eats and where it lives

The genus of true thrushes includes many amazing birds. In general, there are more than 65 species of thrushes in all corners of our planet, of which 15 are found in Russia.

Blackbirds are migratory birds that change location depending on the time of year. These are small birds, mostly dark in color, agile and jumping.

They have a small body and a short beak; thrushes can vary greatly in weight. Blackbirds have powerful short legs and move along the ground by jumping.

Behavior and lifestyle

Based on the description, birds such as thrushes are busy and restless birds with a difficult character. In any incomprehensible situation, the bird begins to become stressed, the thrush begins to scream frequently and shrilly. In a calm environment, blackbirds are quite quiet and calm, people often do not even notice them.

Despite the fact that blackbirds are migratory birds, they are not always in a hurry to make the migration, and sometimes they can even stay for the winter in a fruitful year and a warm winter. Also, some blackbirds fly away for the winter alone, fighting off the flock.

Birds live and raise their offspring in nests, which they build in tree branches and on stumps, sometimes even on the ground if there are no predators in the immediate area.

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Blackbirds' singing can compete with nightingales, whose sweet voice we love so much.

More than 60 species of thrushes are known in nature. Here are some of them:

  • Blackbird
  • Fieldfare
  • Belobrovik
  • song thrush
  • Deryaba
  • Red-headed blackbird
  • Black-throated Blackbird
  • White-throated Thrush

Blackbirds cannot be called either loners or companions. They feel equally good both in packs and alone.

  • Pale Thrush
  • Brown blackbird
  • Olive Thrush
  • Siberian blackbird
  • Red-throated Thrush
  • golden blackbird
  • Gray Thrush and others

The most notable singers among all species are the songbird and the blackbird.

Interesting! The thrush's song repertoire includes more than 85 trills. This means that such singing cannot become boring or boring. Some lovers of these songbirds even record their singing on a voice recorder, so that they can then meditate and relax while listening to these sounds.

Blackbirds cannot be called either loners or companions. They feel equally good both in packs and alone.

Blackbird, white-browed, song thrush, fieldfare are omnivorous birds. There are bugs and worms - she will eat them. No – will eat berries, fruits, seeds


Blackbirds are omnivorous birds, their diet varies depending on the season and habitat. In warm weather, these species move closer to people’s homes, gardens and vegetable gardens, which sometimes becomes a big headache for the owners, who can lose a significant part of the harvest.

Thrushes feed on seeds, rosehips and hawthorns, rowan berries, butterflies, earthworms, caterpillars, other insects and their larvae, snails; they can also eat berries such as cherries, strawberries, cherries, and honeysuckle.

Mineral feed

Being in natural conditions, blackbirds replenish mineral and vitamin components by using special supplements. Birds use river sand or small stones to grind various roughages. You can also use similar supplements at home to help ensure proper metabolism. Chicks need to be given carrots to provide carotene, as well as egg shells, chalk, and coal for strong bones.

It is necessary to give thrushes a variety of berries, which are dried in advance in sunny, ventilated areas. To strengthen the bird's immunity, you should give it honey or special tablets of vitamins and minerals, adding them to the water. In addition, at the veterinary pharmacy you can purchase ready-made mineral-vitamin complexes and give them following the instructions, because an excessive amount of vitamins and minerals can cause significant damage to the health of the bird


The name of this species speaks for itself. The plumage of the birds is almost completely black, with rufous areas and a bright beak. But against the background of coal males, the females look still colorful.

Blackbirds are very cautious birds, they love solitude and prefer to settle at a distance from their own species. This species lives in Europe and southwest Russia. Blackbirds nest either high in the treetops or near the ground.

The blackbird is also known as a stunning singer.

Natural enemies

Human activity is dangerous for blackbirds. We have to fight them in garden plots, because the voracious birds literally destroy the crop. In the wild, their main enemies are large birds, cats, hedgehogs, snakes, martens and squirrels. Predators are especially attracted to defenseless, but bright and noticeable clutches.


Robin (50 photos): description of the bird, where it lives and what it eats


This species is notable for its long tail and the lack of color differences between females and males. The birds have a white belly and wings on the inside, the main plumage is pale brown, the feathers are strewn with small spots.

The species is found in Central Europe, as well as in the southern regions during the winter.

Mistletoes nest in the forks of high, fairly thick and strong branches.

White-throated Blackbird

These birds are also called wood rock thrushes. The white-throated blackbird is distinguished by its miniature size. It has a deep blue back and a red belly, and a neat white spot on its neck.

This species can be found in the eastern part of Russia, not south of Transbaikalia. Birds nest at a distance from their relatives.

This species is also known for its singing talent.

Red-headed blackbird

This species could be called inconspicuous due to its almost uniform brown color, if not for the brown or gray tan markings beautifully located throughout the abdomen.

The main habitat is Central and Eastern Siberia.

Red-headed blackbirds nest in low trees or bushes.


Birds of the thrush family prefer to settle in forests, but in the modern world they can be found in city parks and squares, where it is easier for them to obtain suitable food.

Most thrushes live in Europe and America, and are also found in Asia. During wintering, birds can fly to Africa, but only to its northern regions, since the very hot climate is not suitable for blackbirds.

In Russia, blackbirds are found in almost every corner, not only in forests and near people, but also in the steppes. Blackbirds are light-loving, so they prefer to settle near deciduous trees.

The choice of location is also greatly influenced by the availability and number of plants and insects suitable for food.

Live food

Blackbirds love to eat not only dry food, but also special food of animal origin, which will provide the bird with a sufficient amount of essential minerals, vitamins and proteins. Veterinarians advise preparing a special mixture of cow's milk cottage cheese and boiled chicken eggs with the addition of B vitamins.

When it comes to meat products, chicks and adults will benefit mainly from offal, as well as minced meat and fish, which should be added in small portions to the pet’s main food.

Fight for territory

Most often, blackbirds have to protect their nests and chicks from crows who try to destroy the nest or steal the eggs. Squirrels, owls and hawks also pose a threat to birds.

Blackbirds are excellent protectors not only for their offspring, but also for other bird species, such as finches, which settle closer to the blackbirds.

Features of feeding

Having caught a chick and learned the specific type of bird, the veterinarian will be able to help the person who has selected the chick, the correct diet and diet. The chick must be regularly treated for parasites and provided with the correct regime and diet. Deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins can lead to serious illness and even death of the bird.

High-quality and proper nutrition will help the bird improve its appearance and health, and not only prepare for reproduction. If the bird must be left in the wild in the future, then it is better not to pick it up, since it will trust all people and will not be able to get used to freedom and survive in the wild in freedom.

Offspring and populations

Blackbirds are polygamous birds that mate for only one season. Males produce stunningly beautiful trills to attract females. Once a pair is found, they begin building a small nest from twigs and twigs.

The nest is made in hollows, branch forks, stumps, and sometimes just on the ground. The outside of the nest is reinforced with clay, and the inside surface is covered with moss, down and small feathers.

Typically, thrushes lay one or two clutches per season; each clutch can contain up to six small eggs. The female incubates the egg for an average of two weeks.

The chicks have excellent metabolism and grow very quickly, but despite all the efforts of their parents, not all survive to fly out of the nest. This event occurs in the second week of life of little blackbirds. Parents take care of the chicks until they become completely independent.

Thrush populations are quite numerous, most species gather in fairly large flocks, but there are also those who prefer solitude. Blackbirds live more than 15 years.

general description

Blackbirds are very diverse, so it is quite difficult to derive a general description. But the most common one is the song thrush, so that’s what we’ll start from.


Blackbirds are passerines and have the same characteristic body structure. The length of the blackbird is up to 25 cm with an average weight of up to 100 g. The wingspan reaches 40 cm, but in general the size range varies several times. For example, the weight of the smallest gray-throated blackbird is about 20 g, and the largest great one is 175 g.

The thrush has a very characteristic manner of movement: they seem to jump and squat. The birds have a small, graceful head with large black eyes, suggesting that they were previously only nocturnal.

The beak of the thrush is thin, short, but very strong. The body looks stocky, and the wings are not too large. This also determines the terrestrial lifestyle of most blackbirds. The more nimble nomadic species have much larger and sharper wings.


Male and female thrush: differences

There is also no certainty here. If in some species of blackbirds females and males are almost the same, then in others this dimorphism is clearly pronounced. Most often this applies to variegated species. In general, females are slightly smaller than males.



The thrush is considered the best performer among passerines, but in reality this only applies to the common song thrush. It is his trills that are so sonorous and harmonious throughout the spring. By the way, even the name “thrush” appeared because it is somewhat consonant with the sounds that birds make.


Albino blackbirds

An interesting natural fact: albinos are often found among blackbirds. This is not some kind of curiosity, and snow-white birds can be found even in our villages or outside the city. But in wild forests they are less common, because there they are excellent prey for predators.


How long do blackbirds live?

Wandering blackbirds live for about 3-5 years due to their dangerous lifestyle. More sedentary birds live much longer - up to 11 years. There are even known cases of the appearance of 15-year-old individuals. In captivity, some species can live up to 20 years.


Photo of blackbird bird

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