Cries of night birds with photos, names, habitat

The cries of night birds are often needed for editing or sound design of a performance. In order not to make a mistake in your choice and to know exactly who lives where and how they scream, we offer to listen and download for free an MP3 selection of the calls of the night birds of our country.

We will show photos of birds and indicate their habitats, so that you can safely stage the calls and singing of your local owls, eagle owls and owls in an installation or in a performance. Tracks with screams: 19. You will spend 09 minutes 28 seconds listening. And to look at the photos, read the names and look at the maps will take 04 minutes.

There is:

1 Why the cries of night birds are frightening

2 Cries of night birds - names, photos, habitat, voices in mp3

3 Gray owl (Strix aluco) - photo 3.1 The calls of the gray owl in mp3

3.2 Habitats of the gray owl

3.3 Video: gray owl

4 Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) - photo 4.1 Great Gray Owl calls in mp3

4.2 Great Gray Owl Habitats

4.3 Video

5 Tawny Owl (Strix uralensis) - photo 5.1 Cries of the Tawny Owl in MP3

5.2 Habitats of the Ural owl

5.3 Video

6 Eagle owl (Bubo) - photo 6.1 Cries of a night bird - eagle owl

6.2 Habitats of the eagle owl

6.3 Video - female eagle owl with chick in the nest

7 House owl (Athene) - photo 7.1 Cries of a night bird - house owl

7.2 Habitat of the Little Owl

7.3 Video: We invite you to look at the little owl

8 Long-eared owl (Asio otus) - photo 8.1 The calls of the long-eared owl in mp3

8.2 Video: Who screams at night

9 Touching Scops Owl (Otus scops) - photo 9.1 Screams of the Scops Owl in mp3

9.2 Scops owl habitats

9.3 Cool video about a Scops Owl that flew into the house at night

10 Nightjar - photo 10.1 Nightjar singing

10.2 Where can you find the whippoorwill

10.3 Video: boring everyday life of a whippoorwill

10.4 This may also be useful

Why are the cries of night birds frightening?

  • Owls, eagle owls, and owls fly completely silently. The flapping of their wings does not make any sound.
  • The singing of night birds is not like singing in the usual sense of the word.
  • The sounds are very diverse. The same species can hoot, gurgle, and click.

We cannot see the bird in the dark, we do not hear its movements, therefore, there is a feeling that the sounds come from nowhere. And the originality of the sound, colored by forest reverberation, and imagination makes the heart clench with fear.

However, not all nocturnal birds are scary. Scops owl or nightjar, on the contrary, evoke a pleasant feeling of evening relaxation and peace.

What birds are heard singing on summer nights in the Moscow region?

But nocturnal birds are interesting not only for their hunting habits - singing birds are also of interest. After all, more than once, having heard the wonderful trills of a night bird, we were impatient to find out who this night singer was. This is especially true for residents of megacities, where the hum of cars drowns out the voices of nature. The singing night birds of the Moscow region are, as a rule, nightingales and garden warblers. Everyone has probably heard the nightingale's trill. But few can boast that they have met this midnight singer in the wild. This bird has completely inconspicuous gray plumage, and even if you meet it in the garden or forest, you will hardly guess that this is the same midnight artist who kept you awake with his exciting trills. The warbler's singing is less bright - this bird adopts to a greater extent the sounds of other birds. Its characteristic sound is the chirping “check-check”. She lives in floodplains, along the banks of reservoirs and in gardens.

Gray Owl (Strix aluco) - photo

Morpha is a biological term meaning the word "shape"

The calls of the Great Gray Owl in mp3

Singing Great Gray Owl


Male singing, female responding in the distance


Sounds of female anxiety at the nest


The sounds of a hungry fledgling. A fledgling is a chick that has flown out of the nest, but does not yet know how to fly properly. So he sits somewhere, screams, waits for his parents until they feed him and he gets stronger for the flight.


Habitats of the Great Gray Owl

Despite the paradoxical nature of the statement, the gray owl has two color options - gray and red. The birds are quite large, larger in size than crows. They weigh 400-700 g. Wingspan is 90-120 cm. They live in forests, deciduous and mixed. They feel great in cities, especially in old parks. They make nests in any recesses. These could be tree hollows, or there could be recesses in rocks or simply in the ground. They also like attics and bell towers. Although it is unclear how one can sleep in a bell tower with such hearing.

They feed on mice, hamsters, and shrews. In winter, during times of famine, small sleeping birds can become their prey.

They say: “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” In our case, it is better, of course, to hear and download. But sometimes you really want to see such beauty.

Video: Great Gray Owl

How blackbirds sing

Not exactly at night, but often at dusk, no less outstanding birds appear - blackbirds. No, no, we're not talking about the quackering thrushes - these, as a rule, go to bed early. We are talking about a blackbird playing the flute, and a song thrush - another feathered pop star, whose performances are called nightingale-like. But unlike the nightingale, which, when singing, stays low in the bushes or on the lower branches, thrushes prefer “stages” on the tops of trees, so that they can not only be clearly heard, but also visible from afar against the darkening sky.

Robin. Photo by the author

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) - photo

The calls of the great gray owl in mp3

Hoots, clicks its beak


Restless female at the nest


The voice of a fledgling, a chick that has flown out of the nest


Great Gray Owl Habitats

Lives in the taiga zone and mountain forests. East Prussia, the Baltic states, the central part of the European part of Russia, Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Amur region, Sakhalin, Chukotka.

The birds are also large. The weight of males is 660-1110 g, females - 977-1900 g. Individuals are distinguished by their gullibility towards people, as a result of which they were listed in the Red Book.



Of all the night singers, the garden warbler is perhaps the most inventive in its repertoire. It's like a good radio, which, although it plays familiar melodies, is not distracting or boring. In addition, the garden warbler is a small bird - much smaller than a nightingale, therefore, perhaps, its voice is gentler, a little quieter and the timbre is much more pleasant. And although the warbler’s song is not so clearly defined, it is often mistaken for a nightingale, and it is in vain to attribute the merits of this modest bird to the “promoted” singer.

Song thrush at the nest. Photo by the author

Tawny Owl (Strix uralensis) - photo

The calls of the great owl in mp3

Screams that can scare and surprise. Audio file duration - 56 sec


Habitats of the Ural owl

This nocturnal bird is called the Ural bird. Even the Latin of her name reflects this. This happened because this species was first discovered and described in the Urals. The wingspan of this handsome creature is 114-134 cm. It feeds variedly: birds the size of black grouse, squirrels, mice, insects, frogs. In winter they can fly into cities and hunt crows and pigeons.


Eagle owl (Bubo) - photo

Cries of a night bird - eagle owl

Eagle owl sings 01 minutes 37 seconds


Eagle owl habitats

The bird is sedentary. Lives in forest and steppe areas. Likes to live in cities and villages. Hunt large and small rodents, hares, hedgehogs, chickens. It makes nests in holes hidden under branches or in rock crevices, on slope ledges. It’s interesting that it got its Latin name from the word scarecrow, and indeed its singing is reminiscent of a children’s scarecrow - “boo”. He can also turn his head 200°.

Video - female eagle owl with chick in the nest

polar owl

This bird is the largest of the order of owls that live in the tundra. Females are larger than males. The length of the body reaches seventy and sixty-five centimeters, respectively, and the weight is from two and a half to three kilograms. The plumage color is white with dark specks. This coloring makes it possible to blend into the environment in winter. The polar or white owl is a very good hunter. Its main diet consists of lemmings. In a year, the owl eats more than one thousand six hundred lemmings. Also catches hares, stoats, pikas and other small animals. This bird has a very interesting hunting tactic: it lies in wait for its prey, sitting on the ground, and as soon as the careless animal approaches, it rushes at it with lightning speed.

House Owl (Athene) - photo

The calls of a night bird - the house owl

The frightening and alarming cries of a little owl


Screams that sound like a complaint or a desperate request for help


More such screams of a little owl


Habitat of the Little Owl

The little owl loves to live near people. In addition, it is often tamed and considered a pet. However, the voice of this tiny nocturnal bird can cause serious concern to a person who hears its calls for the first time. It does not cause fear, but anxiety. In natural areas, it settles on flat areas, where it is easier for it to get food.

It feeds on small rodents, insects, and earthworms. Its dimensions are about 23 cm and its weight is about 200 g.

Video: We invite you to look at the little owl

Long-eared owl (Asio otus) - photo

The calls of the long-eared owl in mp3

This is the cry of a small night bird - a long-eared owl. Of course, many species live in our country. But we wanted to find this one. It seems like a kitten was abandoned, doesn’t it? The author of this publication looked for a kitten at one time. Then the ornithologist explained that it was most likely a long-eared owl. And he also advised me to wait for her to fly. And if you see a bird, but do not hear the sound of its wings, then it is an owl.


Video: Who screams at night

Touching nocturnal scops owl (Otus scops) - photo

Screams of the night owl Splyushka in mp3

Scops Owl singing


And such singing of a little scoop


Dialogue between a male and female at a distance


This is the sound of a Scops Owl hissing. It's actually not that loud compared to regular singing. It’s even difficult to understand if you are at a distance of 2-3 meters that it is a scops owl hissing. It's the sound of discontent. Most likely, the Scops Owl does not like the fact that someone is walking next to it, or they are trying to drive it away from the nest.


The sound of a scops owl clicking its beak is also a warning and scaring signal.


Scops Owl Habitats

During the day, the Scops Owl hides in the thicket of tree branches. In case of danger or alarm, it is pulled out in a column. The bird is small. Weighs about 100 g. Wingspan is 50-54 cm. The cry is similar to “sleep”, which is repeated monotonously. This is how the male “sings”, and the female has the same “words”, but she sings them in a higher voice.

Scops Owl is similar to the long-eared owl, but much smaller in size. She presses her ears to her head when life is beautiful. And in case of alarm or danger, the ears rise.

Cool video about a Scops Owl that flew into the house at night

Nightjar - photo

Nightjar singing

The cozy sound of the nightjar's night song


Where can you find a nightjar?

The nightjar bird has very short legs, not adapted for moving on the ground and grasping branches. That's why he sits on the branch along, and not across. It’s surprising that the shape of the nightjar’s mouth is called “frog-shaped.” However, it seems to us that the nightjar’s singing is also similar to the trills of a frog.

Video: boring everyday life of a nightjar

The film is wonderful. Some may find it too long. Friends, we remind you that there is a gear icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on it and select the viewing speed that suits you.

Three more birds remained behind the scenes today: bittern, sparrow owl and mallard. We will tell you about them and provide audio files for downloading in the next publication.

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Bird singing is useful!

As a rule, this is true. The volume level can be easily adjusted by the degree of openness of the window. If sleep does not come to the nightingale’s serenades, you should not be surprised. Scientists have found that his songs improve mood, help to cheer up and increase productivity. So it’s better to “turn it on” in the morning. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then the song thrush is recommended for rotation. And the song of the blackbird is useful for hypertensive patients. Listening to cricket is calming. The melodic trills of the robin relieve headaches and help you sleep.

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