Swans (EN: Swans) Birds swan wallpapers, pictures, download 209 desktop wallpapers. Beautiful free photos of animals for your desktop
The swan bird is a symbol of beauty, tenderness and grace. Thanks to their proud posture, these beautiful creatures
Cockatoo Gala
Pink cockatoo: appearance, life in nature and at home
In the cockatoo family, all parrots are unusual, interesting and beautiful, each in their own way. Keeps up with
What to feed an owl, barn owl, tawny owl, eagle owl, little owl.
This article covers the basic nutritional aspects of owl species common in captivity in
Able to survive cold
Wintering birds of Russia: what they are, where they live and what they are called
Some of the most amazing warm-blooded creatures that can survive severe frosts without loss are those that hibernate
Black-headed warbler (bird). Report with photos and video
WHERE IT LIVES The black-headed warbler is found throughout most of Europe, Asia Minor and
How long do cockatiels live and how to extend their lifespan?
How long do cockatiels live and how to extend their lifespan?
The Corella parrot is perfect for home breeding. Novice breeders are interested in all the nuances of the content: what
Kuchin anniversary
Chickens “Kuchinskaya Jubilee”: a breed with proven productivity
Kuchinsky Jubilee is one of the most common breeds of chickens in Russia and leads history
The smallest birds in the world, Russia. Photos and names of where they live on Earth
Home » Interesting collections about animals Birds are amazing creatures. Among them there are both
how to feed a sparrow chick
How to hatch a sparrow chick at home? When, how and what to feed a sparrow chick at home?
Having found a small chick on the street, most people immediately wonder: is it possible to feed
Photo: Mallard
The mallard is the largest and most common wild duck
Wildlife >> Birds Mallards are a very famous and numerous population of ducks on the planet.
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