Wild ducks in the sky
When migratory birds arrive: you can admire the wedges of wild geese along the entire ridge of the Ural Mountains
Wonderful pictures with migratory and wintering birds. Which birds remain to winter in their homeland, and
King penguin. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of the bird
Description and features The king penguin reaches a height of 1 m. It is thinner and
Where does the black crane live? Black crane: photo, description
Among the representatives of the crane family there are rare specimens that are disappearing from our planet. This is about
Photo: Gray Crow
Hoodie crow (Corvus cornix) - description, behavior, keeping in the house
Origin of the species and description Photo: Hoodie Crow The Hoodie Crow is a separate species of the genus of ravens
Lesson summary topic Birds - orderlies forest plan - lesson summary (senior group) on the topic
Forest nurses are animals capable of cleaning their own habitat through their actions. And let
What birds are found in the Moscow region? List with names, photos and descriptions
The Moscow region is increasingly becoming a separate unique world, and not a place associated only with
Why does the parrot tremble and cluck?
The parrot got ruffled: why does this happen and is it normal?
An attentive breeder notes all changes in the mood of the ward. But it’s not always clear why the parrot
Where tits live and spend the night - habitat in winter and summer
Where do Waxwings spend the night? With the onset of spring, flocks of waxwings disappear from human settlements and dissolve
Sparrow: about nature for children
Sparrow: about birds for children. Riddles, poems, folk games, chants, educational fairy tales, cartoons about life
Parrots sitting in a cage
How to make a cage for a parrot: basic requirements, tools and materials, step-by-step photo instructions. Tips from experts on arranging a cage
The house finally has a pet bird - a parrot! Often, at the same time as purchasing a bird, you purchase
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