
Appearance and description

The appearance of a crow
The appearance of a crow

Crow appearance

Crow appearance

Crow appearance

Crows are the largest passerine birds. In appearance they resemble a rook, but it has a denser body.

The tail is wedge-shaped with long feathers. The beak of a bird is in the shape of a cone. It is very strong and sharp. Sometimes it has a characteristic bend. The paws are thin and long, there are four toes, one of which faces backwards.

Most often, the color of the feathers is black or gray, but in the sun it can shimmer in the following shades:

  • violet;
  • green;
  • purple;
  • metal.

The voice is high, a bit like a wheeze. Sometimes it is guttural and rough, similar to laughter.

Interesting fact : the crow's language is very developed - the bird is able to use sounds of different tones to attract the opposite sex, alert a meeting, threaten, swear or give other signals.


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Raven is a representative bird. It looks impressive due to its massive sharp beak, long legs, and large eyes. Wing color is black. The Raven cannot be confused with other similar birds from the Raven genus - it is distinguished by long narrow wings, as well as a densely feathered wedge-shaped tail.

Adult ravens have black, glossy feathers, with a bluish tint on the upper part of the body and a greenish tint on the lower part. The feathers of young animals are matte black. The beak and legs of ravens are also black. You can tell which bird is in front of you - a female or a male - by its size.

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Males are larger in size than females. The physique of male representatives is dense and compact. The feathers are glossy, tightly pressed to the body. The neck is thick and large.

The weight of females ranges from 800-1200 grams. Their tail is not so long, their neck is thin.

You can distinguish ravens from rooks or ordinary crows by their black beard of thin feathers. They shake while singing.

Habitat - where it lives

Habitat of the Hoodie Crow
Crows live in a large number of countries. Representatives of different species can be found in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North America. Most birds prefer to live near human settlements because it is much easier to get food here. Crows are sedentary creatures that rarely move to other territories. The most common reason why a bird may move to another area is the onset of severe frosts. Then the crow flies to neighboring territories, located a little to the south.

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Character and lifestyle

Crows prefer to live in flocks
Crows live in flocks. Grown-up offspring rarely fly to other territories, so the birds try to survive through joint efforts. Individuals help each other. Older birds teach younger ones how to survive.

Interesting fact : the number of crows in one flock can reach up to 50 individuals.

The bird's legs are well developed, thanks to which it is able to walk on the ground and immediately take off, without an additional run. It feeds on the ground, not in the air. Moreover, the flock eats together, and not separately. During flight, the bird flaps its wings frequently.

The crow perfectly adapts to changing environmental conditions. Many flocks deliberately settle next to a person and eat the garbage he throws out.

If one of the members of the pack goes to the next world for certain reasons, the rest silently circle over him, then sit down next to him and spend some time near him.

Crows are considered organized birds that try their best to take care of each other. For example, it is known that if one of the individuals gets a smaller amount of food, the rest will definitely share their reserves with it.

How long does he live?

A raven can live for several decades.
A bird that lives in a city with characteristic environmental problems lives up to 10 years. On the other hand, if conditions are good and there are no natural enemies, it can live up to 30 years. Far from cities, in nature, this parameter varies from 15 to 40 years. However, not everything is so good here - the raven needs to find food for itself, and there are plenty of enemies in the area. In addition, in conditions of harsh winters and crop shortages, birds can disappear in entire flocks.

Fun fact : It is believed that the longer a raven lives, the smarter it becomes.

Reproduction and offspring

Crows are capable of producing offspring in the third year of life. Most birds mate for life. Since they practically do not move to other territories, the male and female do not part with each other.

Interesting: Rook

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