Aquarium for the red-eared turtle: maintenance, care, photo, description.

In Russia, these exotic aquarium inhabitants are called red-eared, and in Germany - red-cheeked, and all thanks to the presence of a distinctive feature in the turtles - red spots in the cheek-ear area. The second name of the breed is the yellow-bellied turtle, which has a yellow plastron. These reptiles have gained great popularity among aquarists due to their original appearance, relative unpretentiousness and long life cycle. But only a pet that lives in comfortable conditions and receives the required care can live for several decades in captivity. What kind of aquarium is suitable for a red-eared turtle, and how to properly equip it so that your pet feels at home?

Correct selection of the tank

To choose a suitable aquaterrarium for a red-eared turtle, you should focus on the size of the adult individual and general breed characteristics. Even if, upon purchase, the seller assures that representatives of this breed are dwarf turtles and are able to live almost in a box, you should not believe this.

“Little Reds” prefer to spend most of their time in water or even on the ground of an artificial reservoir. Based on the size of adult individuals of this breed, they cannot be called dwarf: the length of males raised in captivity reaches 17 cm, females are 3-4 cm longer.

Capacity volume

As for the volume of the tank, it should be calculated based on the fact that one reptile 12-13 cm long or a couple of 8-10 cm individuals requires a 100 liter container. But it is worth considering that the turtles will grow, develop, and sooner or later their house will have to be replaced with more spacious apartments. For example, two 20-30 cm reptiles will need a tank with a volume of 200-250 liters.

It is important for owners to know that in a small container, water becomes contaminated very quickly, which leads to various diseases that are often diagnosed in red eared cats.

Amount of water

You should not fill the tank full; there should be a distance of at least 20 cm from the water level to the edges. On average, the level does not exceed 2/3 of the container’s volume.

Availability of sushi

Representatives of this breed are swimming reptiles, so they need a piece of land to rest. In addition, they love to get out of the water and bask. Experienced breeders of these pets advise setting aside approximately 20-25% of the total area of ​​the aquaterrarium for an island. It is important that the rise be gentle and non-slip so that the reptile does not have any difficulties when it gets out of the water.

Does an aquarium need a lid?

When arranging a house, it is necessary to take into account that it must have a lid that will reliably protect the container and at the same time allow air to pass through well. Owners who neglect this condition may one day not find the inhabitants in the home. What are the red-eared turtle's chances of surviving without water?

In fact, if you discover the loss in time and go in search, then in most cases the travelers are found - lethargic, but alive. Representatives of this breed can live on land for 1-2 days, but they will not be able to completely avoid drying out.

Conditions for keeping the red-eared turtle

The red-eared turtle critically needs only water and a beach with recommended temperature parameters, and a balanced diet. For the proper development of the skeleton and shell, the animal needs calcium. Vitamin D3 is required for calcium absorption.

Sources of vitamins for the predatory red-eared turtle are food and ultraviolet light (for D3). Therefore, it is important to imitate natural food diversity and sunlight. The turtle is omnivorous. At the age of 2-3 they prefer meat food. After puberty (4 years), 30–50% of the diet consists of plant food.

  • Meat, except pork and lamb (excessively fatty). Heart, liver weekly (vitamin A). Under natural conditions they successfully hunt rodents and birds.
  • Grasshoppers, locusts, cockroaches without legs (the legs have spines). Earthworms, land snails.
  • Aquarium snails are useful. Chewing on shells limits unwanted beak growth.
  • Sea fish (river fish is dangerous with parasites) with small bones. Do not remove the entrails; they contain vitamin A. Fatty species (capelin, mackerel) are pre-soaked. Crab meat, mussels, unpeeled shrimp. Aquarium animals of suitable sizes.
  • Aquarium plants, except Elodea. Indoor plants: cacti and agave with spines removed, tradescantia, hibiscus, tradescantia.
  • Non-poisonous herbs, beet and carrot tops, nettles. Dried for the winter.
  • Oatmeal (Hercules). Vegetables, fruits, berries. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.

If your red-eared slider is chewing on a cuttlefish bone placed in a jar (sepia, sold in pet stores), there is not enough calcium in the diet. Adjust the menu in favor of small fish and insects. Add limestone stone to the soil. Add calcium gluconate (available in pharmacies) to your food. Check if the UV light is sufficient. Pet stores offer mineral and vitamin supplements for turtles. Lack of calcium causes rickets in animals.

Feed turtles up to one year old once a day. Gradually reduce the frequency of feeding by introducing a weekly fasting day. Three-year-old individuals need to eat 2-3 times a week.

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Caring for your pet consists of cleaning algae from the shell and trimming its claws. The shell is part of a living organism, it is renewed, sensitive, and has nerve endings. Hard brushes, especially chemicals, are unacceptable for cleaning. Patience and a soft sponge will help. Trim the nails carefully, do not damage the blood vessels. Do not use regular scissors. There is a special tool in stores.

Important points when equipping an aquaterrarium

Before installing and equipping the tank, you should consider the following points:

  1. It is necessary to choose a suitable place for it - it is strictly forbidden to place it in a draft or near a window where direct sunlight will enter the container - both of these can lead to diseases of the inhabitants and subsequent death.
  2. It is necessary to calculate the volume of water and the size of land - taking into account the length of individuals and their number.
  3. It is important to take care of a comfortable temperature, high-quality water filtration, lighting equipment and access to a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays - all this is necessary for the turtles to live a full life.

Additional Information

One of the most unusual and interesting features of common musk turtles is the ability to stay under water for up to several months, breathing using their tongue. Nature has endowed some animals with special sinuses to absorb oxygen from water, and some have learned to breathe through their skin.

Research aimed at finding an organ that helps musk turtles with underwater breathing has been going on for quite some time, and now it has finally been found. It turned out that these reptiles acquired this ability through language.

In this case, oxygen is absorbed directly from the water thanks to the tubercles located on it. Research observations have shown that after obtaining food on land, young individuals always drag it under water, since otherwise they simply cannot eat it. It's all about the weakness and short length of their tongue, which is not suitable for swallowing and pushing food. Further research has proven that functionally this organ performs functions different from other animals.

Water and land

Turtles are not very active reptiles; their rhythm of life differs from the lifestyle of other aquarium inhabitants. But red whales are capable of surprising people - they move quite quickly and can show aggression both towards other inhabitants and towards their fellow creatures.

They live both in the aquatic environment and on land and need moisture, sunlight, and coolness. In general, everything should be in moderation. Crawling out onto the island, the reptile receives the necessary amount of oxygen and also basks in the ultraviolet rays. In nature, reptiles rest on stones, snags, they even climb onto debris or tires, garbage that ends up sticking out of the water.

One part of the land should be located in the water. You can build a non-steep staircase with wide steps or a miniature ladder for your pets, place a large stone with a flat surface or a grotto with a gentle ledge. Special decor for an aquaterrarium can be purchased at a pet store or built with your own hands. In any case, it should not have sharp edges or burrs. Another caveat is that plastic structures cannot be used.

The land must be securely fixed, since if this is not done, a large and physically developed turtle will easily roll up a poorly secured structure. This could cause her serious injury. When choosing a material for an island, you should give preference to high-quality, non-toxic, rough, well-textured products.

It is important that the turtle can move around the tank calmly and without difficulty. If you place dry land next to the walls of the aquarium, your pet will often be injured or may die. Another nuance - it is best to place the island 20-25 cm below the edges of the tank, otherwise the reptile can show miracles of dexterity. Redfish often climb over the walls of aquariums and “go on the run.”


Pay attention to aquariums in which red-eared turtles cannot be kept:

  • small containers up to seventy liters. Only babies can be kept in such aquariums. If you place large individuals in them, then very soon you will notice how the animal will begin to get sick, its integument will be damaged by skin infections, and its shell will soften;
  • You should also not use containers in which the dryer is made of plastic or other bad materials;
  • Never use containers in which you cannot install a filter for water purification, as well as special lamps. In poor conditions, turtles very quickly begin to get sick and die.

As you can see, caring for a red-eared slider, just like any other pet, has many nuances. Therefore, you need to approach with all responsibility to create comfortable conditions for your beloved animal. However, with a little effort, you can create a truly picturesque corner of your home.

About water filtration

Clean water is a prerequisite for keeping red-eared turtles, naturally, if the owner cares about the health of his charges. The reptiles themselves leave a lot of garbage and bio-waste; they like to pick up suspended matter and eat in the water. Naturally, all this does not allow the water to remain clean and transparent for a long time.

To provide your pet with a suitable aquatic environment, you should equip the aquarium with special external filters. You can purchase any model, regardless of the type and shape of the tank. It is not recommended to use indoor appliances, as they very quickly become clogged with suspended matter and lose their efficiency.

If the filters function properly, the owner can save himself from frequent cleaning of the tank and complete water changes. To maintain ecological balance in an artificial reservoir, you should change the water weekly by 40-50% of the total volume. The tank can be filled with ordinary water, previously settled at room conditions. This is an important point to rid the water of excess chlorine and other harmful elements.


Temperature conditions in the turtle habitat:

  • The best water temperature is from 23 to 28C.
  • The surface of the darkened area of ​​land should have a temperature of 23-25C.
  • Intensely lit land – 28-32C.

To create such living conditions for pets, reptile owners use heating elements - lamps and heaters. In the first case, the lamp is placed above a dry area in a pond, but sometimes such heating is not enough. Then they use an aquarium heater, which is placed with care: pets can accidentally touch the wires and get injured.

Temperature Requirements

Stability is important for reptiles - this applies to the temperature of the aquatic environment and air, and it is advisable to maintain the indicators within limits. The optimal temperature for turtles on land is 27°-28°C, in water – from 30° to 32°C. If the air temperature in the tank is allowed to rise significantly (often this occurs due to improper installation and use of lighting fixtures), the animal may overheat and die.

As for water, to maintain indicators it is better not to rely on your own feelings and not to allow it to cool below 20°C. It is advisable to install a heater that maintains the required temperature. You should regularly measure the air and water in the aquarium in order to adjust them in time. And for this you need to install thermometers in the tank.

Important Tips

  1. Feed your red-eared slider in a separate container of warm water. The pet does not produce saliva, so it chews and swallows moistened food. It eats sloppily, tearing prey with its claws and beak, leaving a lot of fragments. Jigging will help in the fight against uneaten remains.
  2. Don't overfeed. If you haven't eaten it within 30 minutes, return it to the jar.
  3. Do not allow waste to accumulate. Dirty water provokes skin diseases.
  4. If the food is frozen or refrigerated, warm it to room temperature. Turtles are susceptible to colds.
  5. Do not allow people to use dishes after the pet. Red-eared insects are carriers of salmonellosis. Follow the rules of hygiene when cleaning the aquarium.
  6. Take your pet for a walk once a week. Walking protects against obesity, but control is necessary. The animal hides in the apartment, demonstrating extraordinary agility. Without water, the red-eared fish will not survive even two days. Walking on the street lawn is advisable, but contact with predatory pets is undesirable: the result is unpredictable, predatory reptiles do not hesitate to attack cats and dogs.
  7. Do not handle turtles unless necessary. An unformed shell and skeleton are vulnerable. There is a risk of dropping, which threatens the small pet with death.

Providing light and ultraviolet

In their natural environment, red-eared reptiles periodically crawl out of the water onto land, where they warm up by lying on coastal areas. To provide your pet with conditions close to natural, it is advisable to install an artificial lighting device above one of the islands.

There should be a sufficient distance from the island to the light source so that the lamp warms the air to 29°-31°C, but does not overheat the reptile. If several individuals live in the tank, then they can climb on each other’s backs, trying to get closer to the warmth - it is important that they do not come close to the device. At night, lighting and heating devices should be turned off.

Also, these reptiles do not dive very gracefully; they raise a whole cloud of splashes. And then water can fall on the lamp base and destroy this hot part of the device. It is better to cover the lamp with a shade that protects it from moisture and steam.

Often, the owners of these reptiles do not pay due attention to their special need for ultraviolet light. However, only with sufficient illumination is the pet’s body able to independently produce the required amounts of vitamin D3. This element, in turn, is necessary so that calcium supplied with food can be perfectly absorbed.

With a lack of ultraviolet rays, turtles develop rickets, and without timely treatment, individuals die. As a result of practical experiments, it was possible to find out that the ultraviolet lamp should work for about 10-12 hours per day in order to provide the red ear with the necessary rays. The device is installed at a distance of 35-45 cm from the land surface, and the lamps should be replaced every 12 months.

Prohibited aquariums for turtles

The following aquariums should not be used for aquatic turtles:

  • Having a volume of 50−70 liters. If a turtle lives in such a small space for a long time, then over time it develops infectious skin diseases, degeneration and softening of the shell.
  • In which the sushi island is made of plastic.
  • In which it is impossible to install lighting, ultraviolet lamps and filtration. Their absence leads to the death of turtles.

Thus, caring for a red-eared turtle is still not very easy. Only compliance with all conditions of proper maintenance makes the life of turtles long and happy.

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Features of filling and design of the tank

The main principle that you should focus on when equipping a home for red-eared turtles is safety during use. You should not chase beauty, losing sight of the danger of decorative elements - toxic materials, elements with sharp edges and corners - have no place in an aquaterrarium!


Turtles often eat small pebbles, which can be caused by a lack of minerals, curiosity, or odors that stimulate the reptile's appetite. But whatever causes this behavior, it is dangerous for turtles and can cause serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including the death of the inhabitant.

Therefore, you should not place fine soil at the bottom of the tank. In addition, it is more difficult to clean and gets dirty quickly. Experienced owners advise buying pebbles, the particles of which are at least 0.5 cm. But you can completely do without this element, especially since the turtles themselves do not need soil. And if the aquarium looks dull without it, you can place a variety of larger stones on the bottom.


Young turtles love plants, as well as the proximity of small, peaceful fish. But adult individuals perceive both fish and vegetation as food. Adult turtles can seriously damage greenery by eating it outright, so it is better to decorate their house with artificial flora. And if you take into account the dimensions of the individuals, all decorative elements should be fixed using special weights.

Natural driftwood can be used to decorate the home of red whales, but they should first be cleared of bark, grottoes, unusual pebbles, and more.

Reptile Neighborhood

The peaceful appearance of the animal contrasts with the aggressive nature of an active predator. Red-eared turtles and fish are incompatible in the same aquarium. First he will eat small fish, then slowly move on to large ones. The same will be done with other reptiles and mollusks. Easily chews snail shells.

Males of the same species conflict. In conditions of a limited vessel it is fatal. Gets along with the female. The red-eared turtle does not need company. Enjoys searching for food and communicating with the owner.

Lighting installation

It is impossible to properly set up an aquarium for a red-eared turtle without installing two types of lighting. The main function of an incandescent lamp is to heat an area of ​​land (island) where the animal goes after eating. For the digestion process of a reptile, an air temperature of at least 28-33 degrees is required, otherwise the metabolism slows down. When the temperature drops below 20 degrees, the animal can become seriously ill. To ensure suitable conditions, you will need a 60-75 W incandescent lamp, which must be placed directly above the island. Clothes-pin lamps, which are conveniently attached to the side of the aquarium, work well.

To keep a turtle at home, the presence of an ultraviolet lamp is crucial. Without the opportunity to bask in the sun, the reptile quickly weakens and becomes vulnerable to disease, and the inability to absorb calcium due to a lack of vitamin D leads to the development of rickets. To avoid these consequences, you need to install a special UV lamp, which is turned on daily for several hours

It is important to remember that reptiles quickly overheat, so the aquaterrarium must have a shaded corner where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees

IMPORTANT: When purchasing a UV lamp, you need to pay attention to the type of radiation. Only UVB and UVA rays are suitable for reptiles; a lamp labeled UVC can cause a burn on the retina of the turtle's eye, which will make it blind


In nature, red-eared turtles spend a lot of time basking in the sun. This is not only pleasant, but also useful - ultraviolet light helps them grow and develop correctly. At home, the turtle will not have the opportunity to receive everything it needs from the sun, which means it needs to recreate the sunlight itself.

To do this, your pet needs two lamps - a special ultraviolet lamp, which you can buy at a pet store, and a regular one. You can’t take any UV lamp - not all types of llamas are tolerated by the turtle’s eye, for example, the one that grandmothers usually use to warm the noses of their grandchildren who have a cold - can lead to loss of vision for the turtle, but will not bring any benefit.

Purchasing a lamp is mandatory - without it, your pet’s shell will not develop properly and may stop growing altogether.

An incandescent lamp creates the effect of solar heat - the turtle will be pleased to bask under its light. It is not necessary to turn on both lamps for the whole day.

Internal devices

Aquarium filters are divided into internal and external. The internal design is a container with slits or holes in the walls for the passage of water. An electric pump located on top drives water through the filter layer. The housing is attached to the wall of the terrarium vertically or installed horizontally on the bottom. This device is very convenient to use as a filter for turtles where the water level is usually low.

Internal filters are of the following types:

  • mechanical - the filter material is a regular sponge, which must be replaced regularly;
  • chemical - has a layer of activated carbon or other absorbent material;
  • biological - bacteria multiply in the container, which neutralize pollution and harmful substances.

The majority of filters on the market combine several options. Decorative models with an additional cleaning function are common. An example would be a spectacular rock with a waterfall, which decorates the terrarium and constantly drives large volumes of water through the filter located inside.

A turtle island with filtration is very convenient for small terrariums where there is no space for additional devices.


Despite the endurance and resilience of red-eared turtles, sometimes due to errors in keeping the reptiles get sick and die. Knowledge about common turtle ailments and treatment methods will help you avoid such consequences:

  • Pneumonia - the disease develops due to being kept in cold water or lack of food. Symptoms include hoarse breathing, lethargy, weakness and pallor of the mucous membranes. Treatment is carried out using an injection of Baytril 2.5% - 0.4 ml/kg into the brachial muscle.
  • Bone ailments - if white spots on the shell and detachments are detected in a red-eared turtle, we can conclude that there is a fungal infection. Pets are treated with Clotrimazole ointment, treating damaged areas.
  • Lack of calcium - with this problem, reptiles' shell peels off. The deficiency can be eliminated by giving pets small fish with bones and calcium supplements.

Red-eared turtles are funny and interesting pets that, instead of trouble, bring only joy and tenderness to their owners. Considering the attractiveness, endurance and unpretentiousness of reptiles, even an inexperienced owner will be able to raise and reproduce turtles at home, following the rules and recommendations for care.

DIY shelf

One of the simplest sushi options is a shelf that is glued to the walls. To do this, you will need a suitable size piece of thick food-grade plastic, wood, tile or 6 mm glass.

Glass cutting is performed with a special oil glass cutter; you can also purchase a piece of the required size in a workshop. To make a hanging nest for a red-eared turtle with your own hands, you will need silicone glue-sealant. To do the job, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The edges of the shelf should be trimmed evenly and sanded with sandpaper - it is better to grout the glass under a stream of water to avoid inhaling small particles.
  2. The water is drained from the aquarium, the walls are thoroughly washed to remove plaque, and the place where the shelf is attached is degreased.
  3. The aquaterrarium is placed on its side, the edges of the shelf are covered with sealant.
  4. The shelf is applied to the walls and pressed tightly for several minutes so that the glue sets.
  5. The part is fixed with masking tape and left to dry completely for a day.
  6. For a heavy tiled shelf, it is better to immediately glue in a support - a vertical piece of plastic or tile that will rest on the bottom.

To make it convenient for your pet to go onto land, the shelf is attached at a slight angle, or a plastic or glass ladder is glued. Its lower edge is not lowered to the bottom - this way the reptile will have enough space to swim. The surface of the descent and the land itself must be lubricated with sealant and sprinkled with clean sand. You can glue pebbles onto land; small glass beads will also work. Shelves with artificial grass made of plastic look beautiful; a soft green rubber mat will be an analogue. These methods will help make the surface of the shelf textured and the turtle will not have difficulties moving on land.

IMPORTANT: In order not to worry about a rough surface, you can find decorative tiles with a relief pattern. Convex lines and stripes will create a sufficiently textured base so that your pet’s paws do not slip, and such a surface will be easier to wash than one covered with pebbles.


A flat-shelled turtle with an oval-shaped carapace of brown or green-brown color. A slight contrast is created by yellow stripes on the limbs and head. It is perfect for keeping in a large home aquarium, since in nature it tries to stay close to the water and is undemanding to its parameters and quality. However, the cleanliness of the environment still needs to be constantly monitored.

The reptile is omnivorous, feeding on both meat and plant foods. Lives up to 30 years. If you want to get offspring, the Caspian turtle should be put into hibernation (November-March), although in general hibernation is not necessary - the turtle feels great in constantly comfortable conditions. The ratio of land and water is 1/3.

Caspian turtle.

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