Do snakes bite: find out all the dangers and recommendations first-hand
Meeting a snake is a pleasant event for few people. In rare cases, reptiles, in defense,
Pond slider
What to feed a red-eared turtle - what can be given and what cannot be given?
What to feed at home? Under natural conditions it is an omnivorous predator. Red-eared turtles with
What to feed red-eared turtles at home - tips and tricks.
Wild Herbs Dandelion Dandelion is a famous plant that everyone knows. Also very popular among children,
Chameleon (EN: Chameleon) Chameleons wallpapers, pictures, download 48 desktop wallpapers. Beautiful free photos of animals for your desktop
Chameleons are a large family from the order of scaly reptiles. Since most of my life
Bushmaster: a poisonous hunter native to South America
Appearance of the Bushmaster The body of this snake is slender, and in cross-section it looks like
What should the water temperature be for red-eared turtles?
Many people dream of having a red-eared turtle as an unpretentious pet, but before
Tearing in cats
Humans are the only animals that can cry, and scientists don't know why
Can animals cry? Do animals cry? For a long time it was believed that crying and tears
Leatherback turtle
10 facts about turtles: truth, myths and other subtleties (4 photos + 1 video)
The first turtles appeared over 200 million years ago. The first turtles appeared in the fossil record.
Smiling lizards: 20 photos of leopard geckos that will change your opinion about reptiles (video)
The black-and-yellow giant lizard (lat. Tiliqua nigrolutea) belongs to the skink family, Rodutiliqua. It's very impressive
Komodo dragon animal. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of the monitor lizard
Monitor lizards are a large genus of lizards from the order of scaly reptiles. The first ancestors of these reptiles
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