American (Mississippi) alligator - description of the species and lifestyle of the reptile
Classification and evolution of alligators Alligators belong to the same family as other large
European marsh turtle: description and lifestyle
In total, there are about 328 species of turtles in nature. They are divided into sea and land.
Chinese newt: black lizard with orange belly
Dwarf newt (Hypselotriton orientalis) among its genus it is the smallest Dwarf newt (Hypselotriton orientalis)
Chameleon (photo): A true conspirator of the animal world
Appearance Chameleons are lizards with a laterally compressed body, a short neck and
Common copperhead: photo description, lifestyle, poisonous or not
Man has always been very wary of snakes. Any contact with them inevitably provokes
Animals of broad-leaved forests – large species diversity
Forests of this type contain a rich fauna. The largest populations of predators and ungulates,
Corn snake: maintenance and care at home
The snake is probably one of the most popular snakes to keep at home. In our
Making a terrarium for a land turtle with your own hands
Turtles in their natural environment are true long-livers. The age indicator in captivity usually does not exceed
hedgehog in autumn leaves
Spiny exotics: how to properly keep a pet hedgehog
Species: Common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) Order: Insectivores (Eulipotyphla) Family: Hedgehogs (Erinaceidae) Genus: Eurasian hedgehogs
Chameleon: animal habitat, characteristics and description
WHAT DOES IT EAT? The common chameleon is the greatest master of camouflage. Having changed his color, he
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