Aquarium snail Ampularia its maintenance and feeding, sex determination and reproduction in the aquarium

The Ampularia snail is a representative of a huge order of armored gastropods, the main species diversity of which was formed about half a billion years ago, during the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era.

In this article you can familiarize yourself with questions on keeping, feeding, sexing, reproduction, compatibility with fish and possible diseases of the Ampularia snail.

Aquarium snail Ampularia

Possessing a unique ability to survive in the most unfavorable conditions and strong natural immunity, a significant part of the species of ancient gastropods has survived to this day. Ampularia is no exception; even now, despite its tropical origin, it has spread quite widely in the watery territories of many countries of the world with a warm or temperate climate.

It should be noted that Ampularia is not always a desirable neighbor of human civilization in its natural habitat. By growing excessively, some populations of this snail can cause significant harm to crop fields, primarily rice fields, which create especially comfortable conditions for the reproduction of ampullaria snails, which are not averse to feasting on the ripening harvest.

The Ampularia snail settled in aquariums at the beginning of the 20th century, in Germany, where it was brought by travelers from the wetlands of the Amazonian lowland located in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Ampularia is considered a fairly large snail for aquariums. In stores it is sold at a size of just over 2 centimeters in diameter and it is hard to believe that in about a year it can grow to 10 centimeters.

Not all types of ampullaria are equally suitable for living in home aquariums. Some of them reach sizes significantly exceeding 10 centimeters, which requires the creation of a special habitat for them.

The common aquarium snail Ampularia has a twisted shell, usually yellow or light brown in color with dark veins. Much less common are ampularia of almost white, blueberry and almost black color.

Ampularia's eyes are yellow-golden in color. The organs of touch are small tentacles, and an acute sense of smell contributes to orientation in space. This snail moves with the help of a muscular leg that has a protective flap, closing which the ampularia not only protects its vulnerable body, but also retains moisture during a period of prolonged drought or when outside the reservoir.

The ampularia is capable of breathing both underwater and in the open air, but if it remains in only one of these environments for a long time, it can die - on land.

In aquarium conditions, with proper care, Ampularia can live up to 3 years. In the wild up to 5 years.

Table of basic parameters of maintenance, care and nutrition:

What should be the volume of an aquarium for aquarium snails?from 10 liters
What should be the temperature in an aquarium for aquarium snails?from +20-25° C
What pH should be in the aquarium?from 6.5-7.8 pH
What should be the hardness of the water in the aquarium?from 8-18° dH
What should be the substrate for an aquarium?coarse or fine sand; soil size from 2-4 mm
What kind of lighting should be in the aquarium?moderate
What should be the movement of water in the aquarium?moderate
Maximum snail sizeup to 10 cm
What do aquarium snails eat?aquarium plants; food for fish; vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots
Type of aquarium snailpeaceful
Who is compatible with in an aquarium?compatible with all peaceful aquarium inhabitants
Lifespan of aquarium snailsup to 3 years, but it depends on the conditions of detention

Approximately how much do they cost?

Getting an aquarium snail, ampularia, is an inexpensive pleasure. Young animals are often sold for 10 rubles, and adults – up to 50 rubles. Some breeders are ready to give a growing individual free of charge into good hands.

There are no more peaceful and unpretentious mollusks than ampullaria. Once you get them for the first time, it’s impossible to imagine an aquarium without this golden decoration.

Be sure to share your own experience of keeping these unique animals at home in the comments.

Ampularia snail maintenance and care in the aquarium

The snail Ampularia is one of the most unpretentious aquarium inhabitants. But despite their good survival in extreme conditions - with a maximum water temperature of +30° C and a minimum of +18° C, it is still more reasonable to set the most comfortable temperature for these snails in the aquarium at +20-25° C.

Too soft water in the aquarium can damage the shell of this snail over time; medium-hard water in the range of 8-18° dH is optimal for ampullaria. The required water acidity is from 6.5-7.8 pH.

The volume of water required for normal habitat and reproduction of ampullaria is calculated based on an additional 10-12 liters per 1 snail. That is, if the total volume of water in the aquarium is already distributed among its other inhabitants and there is no required space, purchase a more spacious aquarium. Unless, of course, there is a desire to keep the apple snail in an isolated aquarium, which is unlikely to contribute to creating a snail habitat that is as close to natural as possible. This can reduce their lifespan and ability to reproduce.

Most aquarists especially value ampullaria for their ability to clean the aquarium of pathogens, destroy harmful algae, and also absorb the remains of fish food, small dead fish, and loosen the soil, which helps maintain the ecological balance of the aquarium.

Ampoules do not require additional aeration, water filtration, or aquarium lighting.

Conditions for the full development of caviar

The temperature of the aquarium water determines the rate of maturation of snail eggs. If it is heated to a temperature of 24-26 degrees, then the offspring will appear 2 weeks after the eggs are laid. When the water temperature is only up to 18-20 degrees, it takes 3 weeks for the offspring to fully develop.

The humidity in an aquarium with a lid for caviar is always sufficient. If the home pond is covered with a net, then until the eggs ripen it should be covered with organic glass. Without this, the air humidity will be insufficient, and the clutch will simply dry out, causing the embryos inside the eggs to die.

What and how to feed

The answer to the question of what to feed the ampularia snail is quite simple. Almost all types of snails in their natural habitat feed on plant foods, but in an aquarium Ampularia cannot always find traditional food sources for itself, so almost everything that falls on the ground becomes food for it.

In a short time, snails get used to eating not only the remains of fish food, but also any organic matter they come across along the way, be it a small moth, a small bottom crustacean or an earthworm.

If this is not enough for the ampullaria, they can switch to eating decorative aquarium vegetation. And if you do not provide them with vegetable feeding in a timely manner, they can cause great damage to the beneficial aquarium flora.

The ideal food is vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots), which need to be poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and food for bottom fish. The food should be left in the aquarium for no more than a day, after which the food may begin to rot. You can feed 1-2 times a day.

Many people rightly believe that the ideal food for ampularia is food tablets for aquarium catfish, containing the very beneficial algae spirulina.

How to determine the sex of Ampularia

Almost all aquarists who are not highly specialized specialists in this field talk about some difficulties in determining the gender of specific specimens of ampullaria. This is especially difficult to do when buying them in a store, when the snails are still very small. But the combined experience of all owners of these snails allows us to identify the following methods for determining the sex of the ampularia:

  1. If the shell structure has already been formed, the sex of the snail can be determined by the direction of its curls. If they are twisted clockwise, then it is a male; if in the opposite direction, it is a female;
  2. If the mouth of the snail shell has a round shape, then you have a male in front of you, and if it is oblong, then you have a female in your hands;
  3. If you catch the moment when the snail opens the flaps of its shell (it’s easier to do this in water), then seeing a characteristic sexual process in its upper part, you can conclude that this individual is male. Accordingly, the absence of such a process will indicate the female origin of this individual.

By combining these methods of sex determination on several snails, it is possible to separate males from females with a fairly high degree of probability.


Ampularia came to Europe (initially to Germany) from South America in 1904.
They were first discovered in the Amazon basin, in Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. But now the snail can be found in Hawaii, Florida and Southeast Asia. In nature, ampularia lives in stagnant bodies of water. Therefore, her body is perfectly adapted to life in water with low oxygen content.

Aquarium snail Ampularia reproduction

Ampullaria reach sexual maturity at the age of about 1 year. No special measures are required to stimulate mating of these snails. Their natural instinct is as strong as that of all representatives of the animal world. And the reproduction of ampullaria in captivity is no different from their reproduction in natural conditions.

Some short time after mating, the fertilized female crawls out of the water and lays eggs above the surface of the water (4-5 cm above the level), in a secluded place that is most comfortable for laying. Caviar is never laid by ampularia under water, since the fruits require a constant supply of oxygen. In addition, exposure to air allows the eggs to acquire a fairly dense shell, which makes them more protected.

It takes from 2 to 4 weeks for the eggs to ripen, depending on the temperature and humidity characteristics of the air. Newborn snails hatch fully formed and do not require any special care. It is only necessary to prevent the chaotic spreading of small snails in time by collecting them in an aquarium and covering them with a special aquarium lid.

An important note: the survival rate of newborn snails in a general aquarium does not exceed 10%. Therefore, if you need to preserve the maximum number of snails, you need to place them in a separate aquarium while they grow (up to 2 centimeters).

Appearance of caviar

The laying of ampularia is similar to a bunch of grapes.

The color of the eggs is whitish-transparent. The diameter of the eggs is 2 mm. They are deposited in clusters similar to grapes. The eggs are elastic and soft to the touch. As they mature, the eggs change color, becoming dark. Before the young snails hatch, the clutch turns out to be almost black. At such a moment, the caviar looks like a stone.

Compatibility with fish

It is not recommended to stock ampullaria with some types of aquarium fish, especially predatory ones.

Small viviparous fish, for example, most species of aquarium catfish, will not cause any harm to ampullaria, while some species of tetradons, cichlids and barbs (it is impossible to list them all) can over time completely destroy the entire aquarium population of ampullaria.

Most species of small predatory fish will not be able to cause serious harm to adult snails, but growing ampullaria can be completely destroyed. Although adult snails will not feel at ease, being subjected to constant attacks from unfriendly neighbors in the aquarium, and receiving injuries of varying degrees of severity from them.

Aquarium snail Ampularia disease

As already noted, over the hundreds of millions of years of their existence, ampullaria have acquired an increased ability to survive in the most negative conditions and strong immunity to various diseases. However, they, like everything that lives on earth, periodically get sick.

Falling into a coma

Due to the lack of oxygen in the water and the overcrowding of the aquarium, ampullaria may fall asleep deeply and not emerge from under their shell. A prolonged stay in such a coma can lead to the death of the snail.

To bring the ampularia out of a coma, it must be temporarily moved to a separate tank with clean water enriched with oxygen. In most cases, the snail recovers from its coma within a few days.

The appearance of flaws on the sink

The snail's shell softens and becomes defective due to prolonged exposure to excessively soft and warm water (above +25° C).

To restore the structure of the Ampularia shell, it is necessary to reduce the water temperature in the aquarium to 20-22 ° C for at least 3 months, and also ensure the required water hardness of 8-18 ° dH. And add calcium to the water, which you can buy at the pet store. Due to its high ability to regenerate, the snail's shell will have to recover.

The appearance of holes in the sink

Holes on the shell are the result of the inattention of the owner of the aquarium, who missed the moment when flaws appeared on the snail’s shell.

Having restored all the water characteristics required for keeping the ampoule, you will have to wait a long time for the holes to heal. To speed up the regeneration process, it is recommended to feed snails with special food with a high calcium content.

Overgrowth by parasites

The appearance of parasites in an aquarium, especially one densely populated with various living creatures, is highly probable and unpredictable.

If a white coating appears on the snail, it is recommended to place it in a saline solution (15 grams per liter of water) for 10-15 minutes. This saline solution will cause absolutely no harm to Ampularia, and the parasitic plaque will be destroyed.

We hope that the article answered questions about ampullary maintenance, feeding, sex determination, reproduction, compatibility with fish and possible diseases.

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