19 facts about horses that will prove how little we know about our four-legged friends

Livestock » Horses



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Kira Stoletova

Since the time when man first tamed a horse, he has not ceased to constantly learn and discover something new about him. Interesting facts about horses are not familiar to everyone, because for most people a horse is simply a beautiful, majestic animal that has its own characteristics, but does not stand out from other living creatures.

Interesting facts about horses

In fact, this is a misconception. If you look at the entire animal world, very few living creatures can compare in beauty and strength with a horse.

People dream only while lying down, the power of one horse and other little-known facts

What do we know about horses? It is possible that these are noble and graceful animals with incredible endurance and enviable strength. Perhaps we also know that power in various machines created by engineers has been measured in “hp” for more than 100 years. With." (horsepower). We should not forget that these animals belong to the order of equids. What else do we know about them?

We at 1GAI.ru decided to select for our readers 15 unusual facts about horses, some of which you may not have heard of. So, here it is briefly and to the point!

Main professions

Mounted police squad

For the first time such a trend arose in the 19th century in England. Its convenience is explained by the fact that it is possible to travel on horseback in places where it is very difficult to reach by car.

Today there are divisions in many states. The most famous representatives are the Law Enforcement Riders and the Redcoats.


People loved equestrian sport so much that it was included in the list of sports competitions at the Olympic Games.

Horses can change color (depending on the time of year)

See also

Here's a simple explanation of what horsepower and torque are.

The primitive horse was no larger than a retriever

The primitive horse lived during the Eocene era about 50 million years ago. The size of the primitive ancestor of horses did not exceed the size of a Retriever dog. It looked more like a goat or roe deer, but not like a modern horse.

Horses were domesticated about 3.5 thousand years BC. Dogs were domesticated about 14 thousand years ago. Cats - about 8.5 thousand years ago. The close relationship between man and horse began much later, about 3.5 thousand BC. e.

Horses are not native to North America

Every horse on the North American continent is a descendant of horses introduced by Europeans. Even those horses that we consider wild are not actually wild. Their ancestors once simply ran away from their owners and began to live in the wild. The last wild horse walked across North America about 8 thousand years ago, and we have irrefutable archaeological evidence of this.

Arabian horses have one less vertebra than other breeds of horses.

Arabian horses have one less vertebra than other horses, and Arabians also have one less rib and one less tail bone. After all, the Arabian horse is the product of selection work with many breeds. Therefore, these horses have unique parameters.

Horses live more than 30 years

One of the most common questions about horses is: “How many years does a horse live?” The answer may surprise you! Human knowledge about the care, treatment, and nutrition of horses is now very extensive. Along with the increase in the average life expectancy of humans, the age of the horse has also lengthened.

You can tell a horse's age by its teeth

True, it is impossible to determine the exact age of a horse from its teeth, but it can be estimated quite accurately. Horses require special professional dental care. Sometimes a horse lives longer than its teeth. The older the horse, the more careful attention should be paid to its teeth.

Horses are herd animals

For a horse, living alone can be very stressful. In order to feel happy, a horse needs a friend, preferably another horse. In the wild, horses live in small herds. And domestic horses feel much better in the company of their own kind.

The American Saddlebred is the most popular horse breed in the world.

This breed is highly valued by both novice riders and experienced jockeys. Breeders will tell you in detail about how to live next to an American Saddlebred horse.

Most white horses are actually gray

Most white horses you meet were much darker in color when they were young and later lightened up. These "white" horses were born bay, chestnut or almost black. Thus, a light-colored horse is not called white. This is a gray horse.

A baby horse is called a foal

Typically, a foal is a newborn horse. What is the difference between a filly, a skate and a foal? It all depends on gender and age. When a horse grows up and is able to jump over the enclosure fence, it is called a weanling. Before reaching the age of two years, horses are called filly and skate.

Horses sleep standing up.

Horses actually sleep standing up!

Although they also sleep while lying down, but for a very short time and when they are not in danger.

Horses are herbivores

Horses are herbivores. The shape of their teeth, the placement of their eyes, their digestive system are all adapted to a herbivorous lifestyle.

Horses don't burp

This is true! Horses never burp, at least not like humans do.

Horses cannot breathe through their mouths. Unlike cattle and other ruminants, which regurgitate food to chew it again, horses' digestive systems only work in one direction. At the same time, horses digest coarse plant fiber quite efficiently, although they very often suffer from colic.

The horse takes 4 breaths per minute. The horse's breathing rate in a calm state is very low - about 4 breaths per minute. If the breathing rate increases, the horse is either working or experiencing stress. It is important to know your horse's breathing rate and heart rate.

The height of a horse is determined in “palms”

The length measure used to determine a horse's height is called the palm. The only horse whose height is not measured by palms is the miniature horse. It is measured in inches or centimeters. A pony is a horse up to 14.2 hands high.

photo from the Internet

It is known that the fastest horse reached a speed of 70.76 km/h


see also

20 facts from different fields of knowledge: for those who like to learn something new


The duration of pregnancy in horses ranges from 335 to 340 days (11 months). The mare gives birth to one, rarely two foals. They are born sighted and after a couple of minutes they can stand and walk. Milk feeding lasts 4-6 months, during which time milk teeth erupt, which eventually change to permanent ones. At the age of 3 years, young horses become sexually mature.


The average life expectancy of domestic horses is 25-30 years; in some breeds it reaches 40 years. The recorded long-liver among these animals has reached the venerable age of 62 years.

There are also about 300 different types


see also

64 birds proving that birds can be interesting too (sometimes more than tailed and baleen birds)

Cart rides

The famous Budennovsky breed appeared thanks to three English stallions: Kokas, Pretty, Inferno. The breed has proven itself well in sports. Budennovtsy were used in exciting races in carts. A strong constitution, endurance, smooth movement - this is impressive when a foursome harnessed to a cart rushes past. The First Cavalry Division for the Red Army was the main striking force.

Equestrian stars

The most successful horsemen of the CIS today:

  1. Aframeeva Marina
    . Participant in the 2016 Olympics, multiple medalist and winner of Russian and international dressage competitions.
  2. Korelova Alexandra
    . MSMK, absolute champion of the Russian Federation, participant of the Olympics in Athens and Beijing.
  3. Merkulova Inessa
    . Participant in the 2016 Olympics, multiple winner of Russian and Soviet championships, world cup stages, winner of the Central European League. Trainer of the Russian national dressage team.
  4. Pyrkina Anna
    . MS, member of the Russian national team, winner of the Russian championship in 2010, winner of the Russian President's Cup in 2009.
  5. Tuganov Vladimir
    . Participant in two Olympics, multiple champion of the USSR, vice-president of the Russian Equestrian Federation.

In order to become an equestrian star, a few years are not enough - you need to devote decades, and sometimes a whole life, to it. True professionals must have good health, developed intuition, discipline, and decency. To start a career as a rider, it is not necessary to receive special education; you can limit yourself to visiting sections, independent study of theory and regular practice.

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