How to name a German Shepherd, emphasizing its best features

The German language is unique: clear, slightly menacing, with well-placed accents. The unique, even slightly exotic sound of German names has always attracted a large number of people. A short, sonorous German name for a pet is easy to pronounce and remember. A correctly chosen nickname will reflect the pet’s character in the best possible way. In addition, many owners choose a nickname based on the origin of the pet. If you are looking for a nickname for your dog or cat, here you will find the most complete list of names with German roots.

Top beautiful and popular nicknames

Among the countless names, a list of the most beautiful and popular nicknames has been compiled.

Mysterious Dita

  • Stein is stone.
  • Edel - venerable.
  • Garin is a popular fighter.
  • Madelhari is a military adviser.
  • Gervalta is a mighty spearman.
  • Hildagard is a stronghold.
  • Petra is decisive.
  • Bavaria is a federal region of Germany.
  • Ritter is knightly.
  • Brantley is a weapon.
  • Panzer is a tank.
  • Blitz - lightning.
  • Krieger is a tall warrior.
  • Göttin is a deity.
  • Ozzy is a spiritual spear.
  • Harbin is a small brilliant warrior.
  • Catherine is a great beauty.
  • Hugo – mind, spirit and heart.
  • Stupidly snow-white.
  • Royland is famous throughout the entire country.
  • The Elbe is a large German river.
  • Adele is an aristocrat;
  • Alma - blue blood;
  • Biruta - child;
  • Gazelle - projectile;
  • Gemma - decoration with expensive crystals;
  • Dita - popular;
  • Easter is the keeper of the rainbow bridge;
  • Linda is sticky;
  • Rainis - virgin;
  • Frida – calmness;
  • Helga - clear;
  • Elodea - owner;
  • Elga - sublime;
  • Elda - daring;
  • Ermena is the guardian of the army.
  • Albina - who made a space flight;
  • Blondie is the best guard;
  • Doira is the first detective;


Below is a list of the most beautiful names that are great for German Shepherds:

  1. Boys: Archibald, Brandon, Viscount, Windsor, Herbert, Earl, Ginger, Dorian, Duke, Zorro, Irwin, Clyde, Christophe, Lancelot, Lawrence, Manchester, Murray, Nigel, Nix, Orpheus, Austin, Percival, Pride, Raymond, Ringo, Silver, Strike, Stanley, Topaz, Clubs, Wilfred, Ullys, Fletcher, Furst, Harvey, Hugo, Caesar, Cyclone, Chamberlain, Chester, Sheridan, Sean, Eclipse, Angel, Eugene, Eustace, Janus.
  2. Girls: Irene, Anabel, Beatrice, Beretta, Vesma, Vivien, Gabriella, Gladys, Denise, Gemini, Zena, Iris, Intrigue, Quarta, Kerry, Lexa, Lucia, Malta, Mackenzie, Neji, Nyxa, Augusta, Audrey, Pallas, Priscilla, Runa, Rachel, Stella, Sandy, Tiara, Tiffany, Unia, Ursula, Felicita, Fiesta, Hilary, Chloe, Ceres, Charity, Chelsea, Sherry, Aegis, Elinor, Juventa, Yuzheli, Jasper.

Nickname based on coat color

A nickname based on the shade of its fur will also suit your pet - it will complement and emphasize its unique appearance.

Curious Weibe.

  • Weibe;
  • Margareta;
  • Schoonhild;
  • Agna;
  • Svenja;
  • Gretchen;
  • Baige;
  • Margrese;
  • Bertha;
  • Swanhild;
  • Meta;
  • Irmalinda;
  • Grechen;
  • Weiss;
  • Vreni;
  • Genovefa;
  • Abyaz;
  • Gretel;
  • Angelica;
  • Verena;
  • Friederijk;
  • Greta.
  • Find;
  • Dunkel;
  • Schwartz;
  • Vighard;
  • Helena;
  • Emilia;
  • Wilmut;
  • Edda;
  • Iveta;
  • Knight;
  • Mia;
  • Torah;
  • Wiglaf.
  • Bruna;
  • Brown;
  • Brian;
  • Daphne;
  • Kahlua;
  • Sorrel;
  • Brownie;
  • Soundbar;
  • Hayley;
  • Melanie;
  • Rolo;
  • Vesper;
  • Brandy;
  • Duncan;
  • Chip;
  • Duffy;
  • Eartha.
  • Mallow;
  • Shakira;
  • Fiona;
  • Kunibert;
  • Suz;
  • Ginger;
  • Shine;
  • Pepper;
  • Leni;
  • Golden;
  • Rufina;
  • Yara;
  • Albertina;
  • Clara.

Common mistakes

A beautiful pet with shiny fur and a loud, memorable name is the pride of the owner. However, there are often cases when, either from great love or from ignorance of the basic rules, breeders make mistakes when choosing a nickname.

Miscalculations can affect how the animal will be perceived by the breeder’s friends and colleagues and cause various incidents.

  1. It must be remembered that a small puppy is a large breed dog. The nickname must correspond to the future size of the animal. Names like Baby and Tiny are definitely not suitable.
  2. The nickname must correspond to the field of use of the dog. If she serves in the police or on the border, then calling him Bagel or Fluff would be inappropriate.
  3. Often an overly original nickname sounds out of place. It is better not to use nicknames such as Anya, Pasha, consisting of syllables of the owners’ names, or the Great Prince of Persia, the Lord of the Elements at all.
  4. The nickname should not contain hints of obscene language and be funny to others.
  5. It is considered a mistake to name a dog by the common name of the region of residence. At the very least, it will be strange to look at a person calling the shepherd dog Natasha in a Russian park.
  6. If it is necessary to develop fighting qualities in a dog, there is no need to call the male “Druzhkom” or other affectionate names.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The weight of shepherd dogs reaches 30-40 kg for males, and 22-32 kg for females. Height at the withers (the height of an imaginary line from the ground to the base of the head) of males is 60-65 cm. Smaller females are 55-60 cm. Body length from nose to tip of tail is about 1.5 m.

Mythical nicknames

German-Scandinavian legends and myths help inspire the search for a name.

Handsome Bragi explores the slope

  • Alva is a spirit, a natural troll.
  • Asa is the highest deity.
  • Zwerg is a midget.
  • Etun is a giant.
  • Van is the spirit of evil.
  • Balder is the god of spring.
  • Ragnarok is the end of the world, the apocalypse.
  • Heimdall is a snow-white god.
  • Bragi is the god of eloquence and poets.
  • Storms are the ancestor of spirits.
  • Var is the goddess of truth.
  • Ve - sinless, churchly.
  • Vele - lust.
  • Ver, the Thief is the perspicacious goddess of omniscience.
  • Vidar is the god of silence.
  • Velva - predictor, prophet.
  • Gefjen is the benevolent goddess of dignity.
  • Gna is the goddess of transformation and change.
  • Erd is the mother of Thor, the powerful goddess of the Earth.
  • Idun is the goddess of lifelong youth.
  • Kva, Kvazir is the wisest creature.
  • Lefn, Lofn, Alaf - the god who blesses marriages.
  • Logi is the spirit of flame and ardor.
  • Loki, Loft, Lodur - the god of cunning, trickery and cunning.
  • Lofn - allowing the unbearable to happen.
  • Magni is a strong god.
  • Nanna is the mother of the sacred worlds.
  • Norna is the goddess of rock.
  • Odin is the lord of Valhalla.
  • Rig is the ancestor of all nations.
  • Saga is the goddess of antiquity and story.
  • Sif, Siv - goddess of greenery.
  • Sin - protecting houses from thieves.
  • Snotra is the goddess of reason.
  • Surt, Surtur is a red-hot giant.
  • Sefn is the goddess of companionship and sympathy.
  • Thor is the god of thunder.
  • Turs is a humanoid giant.
  • Tyr is the god of wrestling, battles and duels.
  • Ull is the archer god.
  • Ondine is a delightful mermaid.
  • Forseti is the god of correctness and fidelity.
  • Frigga is the protector of peoples.
  • Fulla is a pretty assistant, a keeper of secrets.
  • Hed is the winter god.
  • Khenir - the one who breathed life.

Cool nicknames for games in German with translation

  • Spatz - Sparrow
  • Schnuckel - My child
  • Adrenalin - Adrenaline
  • Allerliebs - Most Favorite
  • Amor - Cupid
  • Käferchen - Bug
  • Liebhabes - Love's treasure
  • Dornrösch - Sleeping Beauty
  • Hase - Hare
  • Herzschn - Heart carrion
  • Hexlein - Witch
  • Hummelc - Bumblebee
  • Igelchen - Hedgehog
  • Kleines – Small
  • Knuddelti - Mushi animals
  • Krabbelkä — Bugs crawling
  • Krümelm - Baby Monster
  • Lebenstra - Road of Life
  • Löwenba - Lion Cub
  • Lutscher - Mouse lollipop
  • Mausespe - bacon
  • Miezilein - Drops
  • Penner Moron
  • Pflaumch - Plum
  • Prinzessin - Princess Sugar
  • Puderzuc - powder
  • Puffelche - Buffalo
  • Puffreisb - puffed rice
  • Puppensc – Puppet
  • Pupsbär - Teddy Bear
  • Regenbog – Rainbow child
  • Schlafmüt – Sleeping caps
  • Schnecke - Snails
  • Schönste - Most Beautiful
  • Sonnenbl – Sunflower
  • Strahlema - Ray Mouse
  • Wuschelc - Washed
  • Zauberma - magic mouse
  • Zimttiger - Cinnamon
  • Zwerg - Shorty
  • Adonis - Adonis
  • Digga - Digga
  • heinzelmännchen - Brownie
  • Her Sexy Her - Sexuality
  • Herzallerl - Heartfelt love
  • Hornochs - Bumblebee
  • Knutschm - Squishy
  • Krötenbär – Toad bear
  • Krümel – Crumbs Treat
  • Leckerli - Heals
  • Liebchen - Lover
  • Liebhabh - Lover
  • Lotusblüt - Lotus flower
  • Madame - Madame
  • Mausebär - Little Mouse
  • Mausepfö - foot
  • Purzel
  • Quarktört – Curd pies
  • Samtpfötc – Velvet paws
  • Schatzima - Baby Sweetie
  • Schnubbe - Sniffer
  • Süßkartof - Sweet potatoes
  • Täubchen - Dove
  • Elfe - Elf
  • Fruchtzw - Fruit gnome
  • Gandalf - Gandalf
  • Gott - God
  • Gottin - Goddess
  • Hasi - Khasi
  • Junge - Boy
  • Liebste - Beloved
  • Löckchen - Curls
  • Löwenmä - Snapdragon
  • Maschine - Machine
  • Mieze - Pussy
  • Pampelm – Grapefruit
  • Pu-Bär Pu - Bear
  • Pusteblu – Dandelion
  • Quietsche - Squeaky duck
  • Rosinchen - raisins
  • Schnuffel - Feelings!
  • Teddybär - Teddy bear
  • Waffeleis - prince
  • Zuckersch - cotton candy snail
  • Zuckerwa - balls
  • Angebete - Beloved
  • Bussibärc - Bus Bear
  • Geliebte - Beloved
  • Goldige - Golden
  • Herzchen - Heart
  • Honigbie - Bee
  • Königder - King of kings
  • Leckerche - Delicacy
  • Maiglöckc - Lily of the valley
  • Nasenbär - nose bear
  • Naseweiß - Nose white
  • Perle - Beads
  • Puderwöl - Powder cloud
  • Sahnehäu – Glaze
  • Schmette - Butterfly
  • Schnuckel - Smell
  • Brummbä - grumpy bear
  • Flußpferd - Hippopotamus
  • Früchtche - Fruit
  • Herzblatt - Favorite
  • Honigblu – Honey flower
  • Mausezäh - tooth
  • Mietze - Cat
  • Moppelch - Mop
  • Zauberelf - Magic Elf
  • Zimtschn – Cinnamon bun
  • Augenwei - A sight for sore eyes
  • Bitches - Bitches
  • Butterher – Butter hearts
  • Energiest - Energy star
  • Engelchen - Angel
  • Glückskek - cookies
  • himmlisc - celestial being
  • Hübsche - Beautiful
  • König - King
  • Kuchen - soft cake
  • Kuschelbä - bear
  • Märchenp - Fairytale Prince
  • Seestern - Starfish
  • Sternenst - Stardust
  • Teufelche - Little Imp
  • Vulkan - Vulcan
  • Zauberfee - Magic Fairy
  • Zwergma - Dwarf mouse
  • Fee - Fairy
  • Flusspfer - hippopotamus
  • Kater - Cat
  • Kleine - Small
  • Liebeswol - cloud

We hope you have chosen a beautiful German nickname for your favorite game. We welcome your comments!

Traditional German names for boys

A traditional German nickname will help to emphasize the stately, thoughtful disposition of a male pet.

Happy Franz enjoys the light rain

  • Adler is an eagle.
  • August is beautiful and majestic.
  • Adolf is a white bone.
  • Axel is the founder of the environment.
  • Alger is a smart fighter.
  • Albern is snow-white.
  • Albert is an aristocrat, intense.
  • Aldo is old and smart.
  • Alphonse is generous and inclined to fight.
  • Arlo - unknown.
  • Arnold is a ruler.
  • Bach is a resident by the stream.
  • Bernard is powerful, brave, like a bear.
  • Baldwin is a brave comrade.
  • Bruno - coffee.
  • Walter is a military ruler.
  • Wolfgang is a wandering wolf.
  • Hans is a merciful creator.
  • Henry is the home of the monarch.
  • Gunther is a daring warrior.
  • Dedric is the ruler of the people.
  • Dirk is the ruler of the people.
  • Dieter is the people's master.
  • Sigmund – victoriousness.
  • Siegfried - victorious peace.
  • The Kaiser is imperial.
  • Klaus is a national leader.
  • Leonard is a brave lion.
  • Max – maximum.
  • Otto is wealthy.
  • Raymond is a smart advocate.
  • Roland is famous throughout the world.
  • Rolf is a famous wolf.
  • Rudolph / Rudy - popular, nice wolf
  • Ulf is a shepherd.
  • Waldo - correct.
  • Felix is ​​blissful, heavenly.
  • Franz is an unoccupied man.
  • Frederick is a peace-loving ruler.
  • Fritz is a calm gentleman.
  • Heinz is the abode of the crowned man.
  • Schwartz is black.
  • Stein is a pebble.
  • Alvin - aristocrat, fellow spirit
  • Emmett – personal, honest
  • Ernie / Ernest / Ernst – serious, effective.

Please note that the nickname influences the process of formation of behavioral qualities. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid choosing overly aggressive words.

Dog names of famous show business stars

German shepherds are not so popular among famous personalities - at fashion shows and social parties, stars often appear in the company of small decorative dogs. However, there are exceptions:

  • Jennifer Lopez has a boy named Floyd - she does not leave him for a minute and takes him on tour with her;
  • Jennifer Aniston is the owner of the white girl Dolly;
  • Enrique Iglesias bought himself a boy's shepherd dog in 2022, whom he named Mad Max;
  • Sofia Rotaru got two boys - Yug and Yuran - to guard country houses in Yalta and Koncha-Zaspa;
  • Claudia Schiffer dotes on a boy named Oscar.

Finding a nickname for your favorite pet is an exciting, but responsible activity, because it will be very difficult to retrain the dog if you suddenly don’t like the chosen name. Therefore, it is better not to rush and listen to the opinions of all family members - a suitable option will definitely be found.

Traditional German names for girls

The traditional name for a girl pet sounds laconic, reflecting the inner world and character.

We recommend watching: 455+ affectionate and cute names for cats

Serious Zelda exploring her surroundings

  • Ada – blue blood, noble
  • Ava – being
  • Addie – sacred, chivalrous
  • Amelia - hard worker
  • Anka is useful.
  • Annette – abundant.
  • Beatrix - giver of good luck
  • Bernadette - brave
  • Britta – intense or ascended
  • Brünnhilde - disarmed
  • Wanda the traveler
  • Gretchen is a gem
  • Greta - pearl
  • Zelda is a Christian
  • Ida – hard worker
  • Claudia - protective
  • Caroline - easy
  • Leona - lioness
  • Liesel - faithful to the Lord
  • Lola - grieving
  • Martha - well-mannered
  • Millie – affectionate, bright
  • Misha - similar to the Creator
  • Sophie is smart
  • Trudy is tough
  • Ursula - little bear
  • Frederica - peace-loving
  • Frida - calm
  • Heidi - high born
  • Hilda - lady of war
  • Ella - impeccable
  • Elsa - deity of abundance
  • Emma - all-rounder

German nicknames for girls

  1. Engelchen - For an innocent girl who looks like an angel
  2. Engelein - Same as above
  3. Biene - For a girl who is always busy with some kind of work.
  4. Pünktchen - For a girl who is always busy with some kind of work
  5. Spätzchen - This means Sparrow
  6. Spatzi - Same as above
  7. Helen - It means bright shine. This is for the girl who shines like a star.
  8. Röschen - Rose!
  9. Angie - political nickname, for a girl who loves politics
  10. Jolene - This nickname means pretty
  11. Putzig - sweetheart
  12. Sube - It's suitable for a cute girl
  13. Krumel - This is for the hot and crispy girl.
  14. Oscar - girls must be strong enough to face the world. If you know one, choose this nickname for her as it means "Champion Warrior".
  15. Lottie - For a girl who is lucky in all matters in life.
  16. Rosenblüte - Rose
  17. Erika - For a girl who looks noble
  18. Die schnecke - This one means lazy as a snail
  19. Gretel/Greta - This means pearl. It is suitable for a sweet and innocent girl.
  20. Kurt - If a girl always gives good advice, then this nickname is the perfect choice. It means "great advisor".
  21. Marta - Pearl Lady!
  22. Monika is a simple nickname for a unique girl.
  23. Neelie - German nickname for a blue-eyed girl
  24. Adelaide - For a Noble Lady
  25. Hübsch - Same as above.
  26. Flauschküken - This means fluffy chicken
  27. Zimtzicke - This means cinnamon goat.
  28. Kleinteil - for a short and hyperactive girl.
  29. Zickenprinzesschen - This means cinnamon princess.

Gastronomic nicknames

Nicknames in honor of German gastronomic delights sound very original. They are well suited for those who love a hearty meal, and also simply remind you of the national flavor of Germany.

Handsome guys Jelly and Marzipan are not averse to eating something delicious

  • Schnellklops.
  • Stollen.
  • Strudel.
  • Pretzel.
  • Spätzle.
  • Tweebuck.
  • Shtokov.
  • Seltz.
  • Berliner.
  • Shukrut.
  • Marzipan.
  • Bubert.
  • Mulled wine.
  • Ein Topf.
  • Punch.
  • Streusel.
  • Glüwein.
  • Ice Bine.
  • Forshmak.
  • Pretzel.
  • Oktoberfest is a national beer festival.
  • Mold is a beer variety.
  • Ettinger is the most popular type of beer.
  • Kölsch is a light light beer.
  • Dunkel is a lager.
  • Bock is a bittersweet beer.
  • Hopfen is a hop variety.
  • Hefe is a yeast variety.
  • Birkrug - beer mug.

Features of choosing a name for German Shepherds

In the kennel, the puppy immediately receives a nickname in accordance with the rules and recommendations of the RKF. However, such names are not suitable for everyday use, since they consist of several words and are quite difficult to pronounce.

Therefore, owners select second, “home” nicknames for dogs, and leave official versions for competitions and exhibitions.

For your information. Dogs respond best to nicknames consisting of 2-3 syllables.

German Shepherds serve in the police and army, guard property, work as guide dogs and become excellent companions. The nickname should emphasize the noble qualities of these animals.

When choosing a name for dogs, their purpose is taken into account:

  • companion dogs are given softer and calmer nicknames, for example: Alai, Skinny, Shecky - for a male; Bonnie, Daina, Lola - for girls;
  • for a German shepherd watchdog, it is better to choose a warlike and formidable nickname: Ares, Thunder, Titan - for a boy; Burma, Storm, Thunderstorm - for girls;
  • short and sonorous names are suitable for service dogs - it is important that they respond instantly to orders. For example, you can name a boy German Shepherd puppy Jack, Dick, Hart, a girl - Ada, Keri, Many.

The nickname may reflect the predominant color in the coat of the German Shepherd:

  • a black boy can be called Dark, Dark, Onyx; girl - Blackie, Panther, Shadow;
  • For a zone-gray boy, the names Wulf, Gray, Wolf are suitable; for a girl - Dusty, Pearl, Cameo;
  • the saddle color corresponds to the nicknames Golden, Mongol, Sunny - for boys; Bronze, Goldie, Zlata - for girls.

Nicknames of German origin sound harmonious, since Germany is the birthplace of this breed.

On a note. Don't rush to choose a nickname. It is recommended to observe the puppy for several days to notice its dominant character traits or funny habits.

Nickname based on a German surname

You can also take a German surname as the basis for your pet's name. Each of them has its own meaning.

Never spill the water Mayer and Klein are always together.

  • Kaufman is a merchant.
  • Becker is a baker.
  • Riger is a resident of Riga.
  • Klee - trefoil.
  • Hertz - insolence.
  • Reuss is a derivative of the name.
  • Schultz is the host.
  • Mayer is a farmer.
  • Till is Mr.
  • Junghans is a family name.
  • Schaefer is a shepherd.
  • Koch - kok.
  • Bauer is a villager.
  • Richter is the referee.
  • Klein is small.
  • Wolf is a wolf.
  • Schröder is Swedish.
  • Neumann is a new husband.
  • Schwartz – dark
  • Zimmermann is a carpenter.
  • Brown - chocolate.
  • Kruger is a potter.

What should you not call your pet?

Don't give your dog a name that is too long or too funny. This will make it difficult for you to communicate with her. Also, the dog's name should not offend any people or passers-by. There is no need to call your pet a swear word.

Also, too common names will not work, otherwise half the dog park will respond to him. As was said, human names will not work. Don't call your dog a name that matches the command.


The name should be rare, but short and concise. The dog should have no doubt that you are calling it.

Geographic nicknames

Do you often visit Germany? Or maybe you want to remind yourself of the wonderful days spent in the country? Then the topographical nickname will fit perfectly.

Inspired Kassel enjoys the scent of a flower.

  • Berlin.
  • Munich.
  • Cologne.
  • Lübeck.
  • Hamm.
  • Rostock.
  • Kassel.
  • Potsdam.
  • Noyce.
  • Furth.
  • Trier.
  • Ulm.
  • Merc.
  • Jena.
  • Siegen.
  • Leipzig.
  • Bochum.
  • Munster.
  • Bonn.
  • Aachen.
  • Keel.
  • Halle.
  • Chemnitz.
  • Mainz.
  • Frankfurt.
  • Dusseldorf.
  • Stuttgart.
  • Hamburg.
  • Essen.
  • Bremen.
  • Dresden.

And this is the blog on Instagram of a black German shepherd with the German name Kurt - he accompanies his owner on trips around Russia:

View this post on Instagram

Posted by KURT – BLACK GERMAN SHEPHERD (@kurt_shepherddog)

Names that reflect character

A correctly chosen nickname indicates the individual characteristics of the dog, the positive and predominant traits of its character. Many owners believe that it can be used to correct negative qualities.

For example, an overly excitable German Shepherd should be given a calm nickname: for a boy - Bosya, Lucky, Sam; for the girl - Amelie, Katie, Terry.

And on the contrary, a courageous nickname will suit a timid dog: a boy can be called Amir, Hector, Zeus; girl - Bagheera, Irma, Naida.

It has been noticed that dogs with certain nicknames have common features:

  • Ike – well trained;
  • Gideon is brave and an excellent watchman;
  • Rad – strong and resilient;
  • The sheriff is serious, formidable, with excellent working qualities;
  • Alice – calm and kind;
  • Dina is an affectionate, caring mother;
  • Tina is quiet and sensitive;
  • Elsa is smart, balanced, efficient.

French cynologist K. Cuvier claims that certain phonetic combinations also influence the pet’s character:

  • the sound “a” develops leadership abilities;
  • “e” – cheerfulness and energy;
  • “o” – thoughtfulness and some indifference;
  • “u” – peacefulness and the ability to avoid conflicts;
  • “e” – curiosity;
  • “yu” – gentleness and attentiveness;
  • “r” – courage and independence;
  • “n” – devotion;
  • hissing - friendliness and contact.

Voiceless “x”, “p”, “k”, “f” do not have a significant effect - dogs distinguish them quite poorly.

Made in Germany

Excellent quality is a special feature of German manufacturers. A nickname associated with a luxury brand will definitely attract attention to your pet.

The traveler Bosch is always ready for adventure.

  • Opel.
  • Mercedes.
  • Maybach.
  • Porsche.
  • Audi.
  • Adidas.
  • Bosch.
  • Puma.
  • Karcher.
  • Grundy.

German nicknames for guys

  1. Derek - this means leader of the world
  2. Freddy/Fritz - This means a peaceful guy
  3. Hansel - For the innocent guy who looks like a gift from God
  4. Jack - For the innocent guy who looks like a gift from God
  5. Nicolas is a cute German nickname for a guy that means Victorious
  6. Horst Seehofer - This is for the guy who always tries his best to look cool in front of his friends
  7. Scheißerle - For a short, annoying guy, as it means "little asshole."
  8. Kliene – Another one for the short guy
  9. Plagen(Blachen) - Nickname for a guy who really annoys everyone
  10. Junger Mann - Suitable nickname for a newbie (teenage guy)
  11. Schietbüdde - For someone who is like a bag of shit
  12. Kot'n - This stands for youngest son in “Mensterlenner Platt”. Looks beautiful!

Common names for girls

When you visit Germany, you will definitely hear several of their proposed nicknames.

Agnet is always ready to play with baby Feliki

  • Agna - virgin, sinless
  • Agnese - immaculate, holy
  • Agnet - pure, sublime
  • Adala - aristocrat
  • Adalind - sacred snake
  • Adaluolfa - the great she-wolf
  • Adalheid - prominent
  • Adalheidis - generous.
  • Amali - work.
  • Annemarie - usefulness, simplicity and love.
  • Barbel - foreign, unusual
  • Belinda is a delightful snake
  • Benedicta - blessed
  • Bertilda - intense battle
  • Bindi is an amazing snake.
  • Jerlind is a spear and good-natured, affectionate, small.
  • Ditricha - Queen of Nations
  • Ersel - insignificant.
  • Zelda - the colorless girl
  • Zenzi - beginning, rising, prosperous
  • Zibille - clairvoyant
  • Zuzanne - lily
  • Yvonet - yew
  • Yvon - yew
  • Idan - to re-adore
  • Isold - cold
  • Ilma - dress.
  • Caroline - husband
  • Katarina is neat.
  • Luitgard - Intercessor of Nations
  • Lulu is a famous conqueror.
  • Svanhilda is a stricken swan.
  • Suz - lily
  • Tabeya is a doe.
  • Waltrod - foreign power
  • Ears - Ursa Minor
  • Feliki - happy
  • Franziska - unoccupied
  • Fredja - owner
  • Freed - the power of the spirit.

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Recommendations for choosing pet names

Take another look at the puppy's metrics. Perhaps in this official “legal address of an individual” you can see a word or two that is quite suitable as a nickname.

These words should be pleasant to the dog’s ears and not cause outrage among others.

The nervous system of a puppy reacts no less acutely to different combinations of sounds than the sensitive ears of a shepherd dog. The sounds of voiceless consonants alternating with exactly the same ones will be unpleasant for the ears and nervous system.

For example, a name for a girl’s shepherd dog, “Thicket” or “Fairy Tale,” will not be received favorably, and it will be difficult for you to work with this name, because the shepherd dog will “slow down.”

A completely different matter is the nickname for a boy’s German Shepherd “Red” or “Prince”. In these names, dull and hissing consonants are balanced by the sound “R”, which is pleasant to the dog’s ear.

The presence of a dull or voiced “R” sound in the nickname is a desirable option, but not at all mandatory.

Option two is to make a complete translation of the shepherd’s name and build on the translated text. Many German Shepherds have German names due to their origin.

For example: GutaussehendausderHand-Familie (GutashendausderHand-Family) - Handsome (Pretty Woman) from the House of Hands.

After “playing” a little with the letters, we get cool pet names for boys’ German Shepherds:

  • Derkhan, Derrick, Dar, Jog, Dinar, Dayman, Drogan;
  • Khan, Hand, House, Hagen, Hyde, His, Khafri;
  • Farm, Faust, Phil, Flint, Fram, Farim, Friend;
  • Ascetic, Agul, Argo, Arman, Empire, Antey, Astan;
  • Groom, Grant, Hess, Garus, Gang, Gaspar, Gurth;
  • Minor, Marty, March, Myrtle, Mars, Murdoch, Mirza;
  • Lynch, Lars, Loot, Laus, Life, Likes, Lemur, etc.

From these same letters and syllables, sonorous and beautiful names for a girl’s German Shepherd are obtained:

  • Hannah, Helma, Holy, Hayta, Chloe, Hanta, Horta;
  • Dara, Diva, Dixie, Dosya, Dasma, Dora, Digma;
  • Athena, Agatha, Astra, Agora, Aira, Agra, Arsa;
  • Gretta, Gordi, Gera, Gyurma, Gamma, Guta, Hessa;
  • Martha, Mirra, Mara, Merlin, Murga, Marsa, Magna;
  • Frieza, Forta, Fanny, Festa, Fabbi, Fronta, Fursa;
  • Luta, Lasa, Lyra, Lady, Liva, Lisma, Linda, etc.

Common names for boys

Do you want to impress others? Then a name from the following selection will suit your boy pet.

Varin listens to the cherished word “yummy”

  • Abelard is chivalrous and permanent.
  • Agidius is a child, a young goat.
  • Adalard - power.
  • Adalbrecht - strong generosity.
  • Adalrik is a knightly rule.
  • Adalrikus - omnipotent, ruler of all.
  • Adalstan - chivalrous.
  • Adalwolf is a generous wolf.
  • Adalhard - aristocratic power.
  • Apsel - my ancestor - calmness
  • Arman is a daring, strong man.
  • Bamber is the trunk of a tree.
  • Baptist - Baptist.
  • Barthold is a ruler.
  • Bruns is chestnut.
  • Varin - protection, protector.
  • Velten - large, rich.
  • Vendel - move, pilgrim.
  • Wenzeslos - more famous.
  • Monogram - more popularity.
  • Werner - military guard.
  • Werther is a standing army.
  • Vinzenz is the aggressor.
  • Winfried - comrade of society
  • Vitold is the ruler of the forest expanses.
  • Warrior - protect, protector.
  • Voldemar is a ruler.
  • Voldo is a custom.
  • Voldhar is the lord of the army.
  • Godafrid - calmness.
  • Gozzo - glorious or creator.
  • Homeric - labor force.
  • Horst - forest cover.
  • Gotthard is intense.
  • Dietfried - from the peace-loving peoples
  • Eremias - definite
  • Ers - bear
  • Zeodore - offering.
  • Meinhard - strong and brave
  • Menno - power
  • Merten - Martian
  • Niklos is the success of nations.
  • Sepp - he will increase
  • Seppel - he will strengthen
  • Seagard - persistent fortune
  • Sigbert - Victoria
  • Sigmand is an advocate for achievement.
  • Wendell - running, pilgrim
  • Falbert - intense, driven
  • Falco - tribal
  • Pharamond - accusation, accuser
  • Fastred - standing meeting
  • Erwin - respectful comrade, partnership
  • Erdman is a bright person
  • Erdmudt - brave and immodest


If you wish, you can give your German Shepherd a Russian name.

  1. Boys: Agate, Almaz, Scarlet, Baikal, Buran, Veles, Free, Hero, Proud, Demon, Savage, Heat, Zhigan, Irbis, Irtysh, Karai, Idol, Lel, Fierce, Alarm, Brave, Broadsword, Pirate, Rolling, Rubin, Saltan, Signal, Taigan, Trubach, Ural, Utes, Fars, Frant, Tsar, Chardash, Chibis, Shah, Shmel, Yasny, Yarang.
  2. Girls: Quince, Arnika, Bagryana, Basta, Bucha, Volna, Blizzard, Dream, Dara, Share, Egoza, Bully, Zurna, Oriole, Spark, Kama, Clique, Kuna, Lyuta, Ladnaya, Snowstorm, Mirta, Narva, Nelma, Oda, Palma, Fir, Purga, Rada, Rossa, Ruzha, Fresco, Persimmon, Chara, Shelma Yarga, Yasna.

A good option for a Russian nickname for a German Shepherd would be a name taken from Slavic mythology or epics.

Before giving your puppy a name from the pantheon of ancient Slavic deities and nature spirits, be sure to find out its meaning. You can accidentally name a dog with a name that has a negative meaning.

The most striking nicknames

Unusual, bright nicknames that carry a special meaning stand out from the general list.

Mouse loves to relax in a beautiful place

  • Frau is a call to a woman.
  • Herr is an appeal to a man.
  • Liebling is expensive, expensive.
  • Liebchen is a dear person.
  • Schnaki - honey pie.
  • Simple - hurray.
  • Schatz is a valuable or expensive sapphire.
  • Mouse - mouse, mousey.
  • Khasi, Khashen - little bunny.
  • Porsche is a popular car brand.
  • Benz, Mercedes - in honor of the famous car brand.
  • Audi is a German car retailer.
  • Hansel, Gretel are the names of characters from the book of the same name.
  • Rapunzel is a long-haired beauty from the work of the same name.

Funny names for shepherd dogs

Names for boys

  • Chestnut;
  • Tankman;
  • Kefir;
  • Banana.
  • Major;
  • Cake;
  • iPhone;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Lemon;
  • loaf

Names for girls

  • Cobra;
  • Panda;
  • Lava;
  • Sleeve.
  • Tsunami;
  • Monty;
  • Taboo;

Art of Germany

Do you admire German writers, composers or other cultural and artistic figures? Then a name in honor of a famous person will emphasize the active nature of the pet.

Beauty Heidi is always ready to show off her dazzling smile

  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - poet.
  • Karl May is a fiction writer.
  • Thomas Mann - writer.
  • Bertolt Brecht is a poet.
  • Friedrich Schiller - historian, writer, thinker.
  • Heinrich Heine - writer, journalistic poet.
  • Wilhelm Busch is a writer of funny poems.
  • Richard Wagner - composer, poet, novelist, conductor.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven - musician and pianist.
  • Robert Schumann is a musical composer.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach is a skilled organist and songwriter.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - musician.
  • Klaus Meine is the leader of the Scorpions group.
  • Till Lindemann is the head of the Rammstein group.
  • Tom Kautlitz is the guitarist of the band Tokyo Hotel.
  • HR Baxter is the head of the Scooter group.
  • Sido is a rapper.
  • Paul van Dijk is a film producer.
  • Haino is the vocalist.
  • Bruce Willis is a film actor.
  • Til Schweiger is a film actor.
  • Daniel Brühl is an artist.
  • Christoph Waltz is an artist.
  • Marlene Dietrich is a legendary actress.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger - film actor, ex-governor.
  • Heidi Klum is a TV show host and model.
  • Tom Schilling is an artist.
  • Karl Lagerfeld is a fashion designer.
  • Albrecht Durer - artist.
  • Michael Schumacher is a racing driver.
  • Grimm are the authors of fairy tales.
  • Albert Einstein is a physicist.
  • Sigmund Freud - psychotherapist.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus is a natural scientist.
  • Karl Benz is the creator of the car.
  • Johannes Guttenberg is a printing innovator.
  • Max Planck is the founder of the physics of quantum substances.
  • Robert Koch is a biologist.
  • Rudolf Diesel is the creator of the diesel engine.
  • Werner von Siemens is the founder of the company of the same name.
  • Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - discoverer of radiation - X-ray.
  • Otto von Bismarck - Chief Reich Chancellor.

Choosing a name with German roots is an amazing idea. We hope that in our article you have found a suitable nickname for your pet. Share what you chose and why?

What does the name mean in the pedigree of a shepherd dog?

Nicknames for shepherd dogs included in the pedigree are not invented by the owners, but are compiled according to a certain scheme.

In the metric of a German Shepherd puppy, after the litter is certified (examination on the 45th day after birth in order to comply with breed standards), data about the parents is entered (they, of course, have their own pedigrees), a description of the baby (height, weight, color) and a letter is assigned , with which the shepherd's nickname will begin.

According to the rules of the RKF, all puppies born in the same litter receive nicknames starting with the same letter - a letter of the alphabet.

It is impossible to call a male dog Julbars, just like calling a female Karma if they are littermates and the head of the breed has designated the litter with the letter “M” or another.

The letter itself depends on the number of litters their mother brought and how it will be registered in the stud book.

The first one starts with the letter “A”. The second is the letter “B”. …………………………. The eighth is with the letter “F”. The ninth is the letter “Z”, etc.

In addition to the obligatory connection of the dog's name to the alphabetical letter and the number of litters, it is easy to find out from the pedigree to which breeding line and which kennel the shepherd dog belongs.

Prefixes and suffixes in pedigree

To do this, just read the prefix or suffix that comes, respectively, before or after the dog’s name.

Such prefixes are not a tribute to the originality of the breeder’s thinking! This is a registration trademark, since most often the prefixes and suffixes contain the names of the nurseries where this particular litter was obtained or where one of the babies’ parents was born.

All consoles are registered with the FCI, and therefore with the RKF. If you did not find the prefix indicated by the breeder in the lists of both cynological federations, then the pedigree of the German Shepherd offered to you is fake.

The name of a shepherd dog in the pedigree is compiled according to the rules, and not the wishes of the owner.
Let's look at two options for the same full name in the pedigree with a prefix and suffix:

  1. Adeline-DeniseHouseholdViscountStrauss (Adeline-Denise of the Viscount Strauss Family) is a German Shepherd female with the double name Adeline-Denise from the Viscount Strauss kennel. The name of the nursery may be preceded by the preposition “from”, which in translation means “from” or “from”. Adeline-Denise from Household Viscount Strauss - Adeline-Denise from the House of Viscount Strauss.
  2. Household Viscount Strauss Zanzibar Inberg (Family of Viscount Strauss Zanzibar Inberg) – male dog from the kennel House of Viscount Strauss, nicknamed Zanzibar Inberg.

If the name of the nursery is long, then it is registered in abbreviated form (no more than 15 characters)

For example: HouseholdViscountStrauss – HVS with subsequent decoding in the RKF and FCI register. ZanzibarInbergfromHVS.

Each nursery strictly adheres to the spelling of its prefixes. If it is customary in the nursery to use a prefix, then the pedigree will not be considered valid if completed with a prefix-suffix.

You cannot change anything in the pedigree at all! The nickname of your German Shepherd is practically the legal address of an individual; using such an official document you can track the entire life of your German Shepherd and its ancestors on both sides.

If you don't like the nickname at all...

Usually, when buying a shepherd puppy, you already see the name written in the metric, which cannot be changed, since the serial number of the litter, the number of the “puppy” and the name of the baby are already included in the registration book, but no one will stop you from adding your “pet” name.

The second option is to reserve a German Shepherd baby for yourself before the birth or registration and inform the breeder of the chosen name (corresponding to the ordinal letter of the litter) so that he can add it to the metric.

The pet's pet name should be easy to remember by ear


This dog is closer to the security ones. She is smart, strong, active and resilient. Soft, gentle nicknames are not suitable for this animal. Here you need to be more selective. After all, the name shows the dog’s character. One of the oldest breeds. The Caucasus is considered its homeland. Therefore, nicknames from Caucasian stocks would be ideal.

How to name a Caucasian Shepherd:

Boy: Abdul; Ogre; Caliph; Sultan; Gaston; Abrek; Bud; Baguette.

Girl: Martha; Rajina; Roxana; Yanita, Gella, Gamma, Hekla, Valda, Valkyrie, Nora, Marcy, Alya, Silva, Tasya, Atlanta, Eola, Melian.

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