The wisdom of nature: why a huge polar bear gives birth to tiny cubs

Pregnancy in bears

Bears are among the large mammals that live throughout the planet. Fertilization and bearing offspring in this group of animals, like all others, have their own characteristics.

Almost all bears, starting from the end of spring, experience rutting time. Most often it occurs between April and June. During this period of time, a couple is formed, the members of which are together for several weeks. Immediately after mating, the bears disperse and do not engage in joint raising of offspring at all.

The female builds up her fat layer until late autumn and sets up a cozy den. On average, the pregnancy of these animals lasts approximately 7 months. An interesting fact is that fetal development does not occur immediately after fertilization, but begins during the bear’s hibernation. If only people had something like this: if you get pregnant, you run to a wedding agency, go to a full wedding, and in the winter you begin to carry it to term.

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