The most predatory animals in the world - list, names, where they live, description, photos and videos

The fauna of our planet is so beautiful that such incredible diversity is simply breathtaking. How to learn more about the animal world, which is fraught with so much unknown? Interesting information about animals on our website will help with this.

The animal kingdom is home to a huge variety of different creatures. They are amazing, funny and beautiful. In this category you will find all the most interesting things about animals, you will learn a lot of new and amazing things about them.

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Crocodile tears or what is the crocodile crying about?

25 January40712interesting about animalscrocodilepredator

In the Russian language there is such a phrase as “crocodile tears”, which each of us has probably heard at least once. This phrase paints before us the image of a crocodile shedding tears and wiping them with a handkerchief. What does the expression “crocodile tears” mean? Do crocodiles really cry? Below you will find answers to all these questions.

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Why is the lion the king of beasts?

13 March78095interesting about animals lionpredatordangerous

Ask anyone what animal on our planet bears the proud title of king of beasts, and each of them will answer that it is a lion. It is this big cat from the panther family that occupies such a high position. But why is the lion the king of beasts? The lion is a predatory representative of the cat family, one of the smartest, fastest and largest animals. In this article we will tell you why the lion is the king of beasts.

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Appearance and body structure

Today the number of mammals exceeds more than four thousand species . They are characterized by characteristics unique to them, determined by their physiology.

The body of such animals is covered with hair, which can be different, coarse or fine, straight or wavy, short or long. Moles have undercoat. Periodically, such animals experience molting, during which the thickness of the fur and the color itself change. Under the skin there are special hair follicles, glands, scales or horn formations.

The structure of the skeleton is distinguished by the presence of limbs under the body, due to which mammals can move very quickly.


  • The skull is filled with a well-developed braincase.
  • The jaw cells contain strong teeth. They are divided into lateral, incisor and canine teeth.
  • Seven vertebrae, which are movably connected to each other, make up the cervical spine. The two sacral and caudal vertebrae form into one large bone. Fifteen ribs are well connected to the thoracic vertebrae.
  • Many animals have paired shoulder blades located in the forelimbs.
  • Two bones form the pelvis.

Mammals have ears that are quite developed, with the help of which they practically “hear” smells and determine direction. The eyes have eyelids and eyelashes. The belly and head are covered with stiff hairs . They enable the animal to feel even minor touches well.

Bear's hibernation, or why does a bear suck its paw?

28 November36565interesting about animalsbearhibernation

Everyone knows that the bear is an animal that traditionally hibernates in winter. Since ancient times, people have formed the opinion that during hibernation a bear sucks its paw. It was implied that the bears were doing this because they were hungry. Over time, the expression “paw sucking” has become a catchphrase, which is quite often used in the modern world, meaning to lead a poor life. So what do bears actually do during hibernation and how does it happen? In this article we will talk about this.

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Fourth place - leopard

The most unpredictable and aggressive representative of the big cat subfamily is the leopard. Having a height at the withers of 45–78 cm and a weight of up to 75 kg, this hunter with red spotted fur and a long tail is inferior in size to its relatives - the tiger and lion. However, strong jaws and a bite force of 100–125 atmospheres put the leopard on a par with the most predatory animals on the planet. The leopard is one of the largest cats in the world - more details in our article.

The graceful, dangerous cat lives in mountainous, forest-steppe and forest regions of Africa, East Asia, the Far and Middle East. The leopard is the ideal hunter of the fauna world, whose skills are honed to the smallest detail. The animal goes out hunting at night and watches for prey for hours, burying itself in thickets or treetops. Having discovered the victim, it overtakes it with a giant leap.

The animal's strong neck allows it to drag prey twice the hunter's body weight. Even with a dead antelope weighing 80 kg in its teeth, the leopard reaches speeds of up to 57 km/h and makes three-meter high jumps. The predator always drags its trophy up a tree for a subsequent meal.

How to walk dogs during COVID-19 coronavirus?

04 April21268interesting about animalscoronavirus walking

Spring 2022 has not started off easy. Quarantines are being introduced all over the world, and the number of people infected with coronavirus is growing every day. During this time, it is advisable to stay at home. But many families have dogs that require daily walks. What to do in this situation? In this article, we will try to tell you the basic rules for walking dogs during the COVID-19 coronavirus, as well as the precautions that should be taken after walking.

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Animals for Halloween: what to do with a pumpkin?

31 October 1685interesting about animalsHalloween

Halloween is a big holiday with a fascinating history, rich in traditions and various legends; on this day it is customary to dress up and decorate the house with appropriate paraphernalia. But animals don’t get bored on Halloween either... Everyone knows that the most popular symbol of this holiday is the pumpkin. Let's see how animals react to surprises prepared for them...

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First column

names given by M. V. Pevtsov;
the second column -
the most currently accepted Latin names corresponding to the species mentioned by the author;
third column -
Russian names. Species marked in the second column with the words “the same” are currently indicated under the same names that were adopted in the time of M.V. Pevtsov.

Actitis hypoleucusTringa hypoleucoscarrier
Acanthis linariaAcanthis flammeatap dance
Aegialites minorCharadrius dubiuslittle plover
Aegialifes placidusCharadrius placidusUssuri plover
Alauda albigulaEremophila alpestrishorned lark
Alauda arvensisAlsoskylark
Alcedo bengalensisAlcedo atthiskingfisher
Anas boschasAnas plathyrhychosmallard
Anas clypeataAlsoShoveler
Anas penelopeAlsowigeon
Anas querquedulaAlsoteal
Anas streperaAlsogray duck
Anodonta anatinaAlsotoothless
Anser cinereusAnser ansergrey goose
Anser cygnoidesCygnopsis cygnoidesdry goose
Anser indicusAlsomountain goose
Antelope saigaSaiga tataricasaiga
Aquila fulvaAquila chrysaetusgolden eagle
Arctomys baibacinaMarmota baibacinaasian marmot
Ardea albaEgretta albaegret
Athene plumipesAthene noctualittle owl
Aythia ferinaNyroca ferinared-headed pochard
Bombycilla garullaBombycilla garulluswaxwing
Bos grunniensPoephagus grunniensyak
Branta rufinaNetta rufinared-nosed pochard
Budytes citreolaMotacilla citrusolayellow-headed wagtail
Buteo hemilasiusAlsoCentral Asian buzzard
Budytes campestrisMotacilla flavayellow wagtail
Canis corsacVulpes corsaccorsac
Capra sibiricaAlsoMountain goat
Capra pallasiiCapra sibiricaMountain goat
Casarca rutilaCasarca ferrugineared duck
Cervus elaphus sibiricusAlsomaral
Cervus pygargusCapreolus capreolusroe
Charadrius xanthocheilusCharadrius dominicusbrown-winged plover
Cinclus leucogasterCinclus cinclusdipper
Circus cianeusAlsoHen Harrier [278]
Circus rufusCircus aeruginosusmarsh harrier
Colaeus dauricusColaeus monedulajackdaw
Columba liviaAlsorock pigeon
Columba rupestrisAlsostone pigeon
Columba turturStreptopelia turtorturtle dove
Corvus cornixCorvus coronecrow
Corvus orientalisCorvus coronecrow
Corvus monedulaColaeus monedulajackdaw
Coturnix dactylisonansCoturnix coturnixquail
Cuculus canorusAlsocuckoo
Cygnus musicusCygnus cygnuswhooper swan
Cypselus apusApus apusswift
Dipus jaculusAllactaga jaculusbig jerboa
Dafila acutaAnas acutapintail
Emberiza cioidesAlsored-eared bunting
Emberiza pusillaAlsooatmeal crumble
Equus hemionusAlsokulan
Eudramias morinellusCharadrius morinelluscrystal
Eudrornias veredusCharadrius veredalong-legged plover
Euspiza aureolaEmberiza aureolaDubrovnik
Grus cinereaGrus grusgray crane
Grus virgoAnthropoides virgodemoiselle crane
Falco tinnunculusAlsokestrel
Felis manulAlsomanul
Fregilegus graculusPyrrhocorax graculusalpine jackdaw
Fulica atraAlsocoot
Fuligula leucophthalmosNyroca nyrocawhite-eyed duck
Haliaetus albicillaAlsowhite-tailed eagle
Haliaetus leucoryphusAlsolong-tailed eagle
Hirundo ripariaRiparia ripariashore swallow
Hydrochelidon fissipesHydrochelidon leucopterawhite-winged tern
Lanius sphenocercusAlsowedge-tailed shrike
Larus cachinansLarus argentatusherring gull
Larus ridibundusAlsocommon gull
Lepus tolaiAlsotolai hare
Lepus variabilisLepus timiduswhite hare
Leuciscus sp.Also
Limnaeus stagnalisAlso
Limosa melanuroidesLimosa limosagreat godwit
Limnaeus ovataAlso
Lobipes hyperboreusPhalaropus lobatusround-nosed phalarope
Machetes pugnaxPhilomachus pugnaxturukhtan
Mareca penelopeAnas penelopewigeon
Megaloperdix himalayanusTetraogallus himalayensisHimalayan snowcock
Melanocoryhpa mongolicaMelanocorypha mongolicaMongolian lark
Melanocoryhpa tataricaMelanocorypha yeltoniensisblack lark
Meles taxusMeles melesbadger
Mergus merganserAlsomerganser
Micropalama taezanowskyiMacrorhamphus semipalmatusGodwit
Milvus govindaMilvus korschunblack kite
Milvus melonotisMilvus korschunblack kite
Motacilla bukhunensisMotacilla albawhite wagtail
Motacilla personataMotacilla albawhite wagtail
Mustela alpinaMustela altaicaSolonga
Mustela vulgarisMustela nivalisweasel
Net ion creccaAnas creccateal-whistle
Nucifraga caryocatactesAlsonutcracker
Ortigometra porzanaPorzana PorzanaCrake
Otis macqueniChlamydotis undulataJack
Otis tardaAlsobustard
Otis tetraxAlsolittle bustard
Otocoris brandtiiEremophila alpestrishorned lark
Ovis argaliOvis ammonMountain sheep
Ovis kareliniOvis ammonMountain sheep [279]
Parus cyanusAlsoblue tit
Parus majorAlsobig tit
Parus pendulinusRemiz pendulinusheald
Pelecanus onocrotalusAlsopink pelican
Perdix barbataPerdix dauricabearded partridge
Perdix chukarAlectoris graecachukar
Perdix cinereaPerdix perdixgray partridge
Petrocincla saxatilisMonticola saxatilisrock thrush
Phalacrocorax carboAlsocormorant
Phasianus torquatusPhasianus colchicuspheasant
Phyllopneuste tristisPhylloscopus collybitusgrasshopper warbler
Pica caudataPica picamagpie
Picus leuconotusDryobates leucotuswhite-backed woodpecker
Podoces hendersoniAlsosaxaul jay
Pratincola rubicolaSaxicola torquatastonechat
Pterocles arenariusPterocles orientalisblack-bellied sandgrouse
Recurvirostra avocettaAlsoavocet
Rhombomys opimusAlsogreat gerbil
Rhynchaspis clypeataAnas clypeataShoveler
Ruticilla erythronotaRuticilla erythronotusrufous-backed redstart
Querquedula circiaAnas querquedulateal
Saxicola desertiOenanthe desertidesert wheatear
Saxicola isabellinaOenanthe isabellinaWheatear
Saxicola oenantheOenanthe oenantheheater
Scolopax gallinagoCapella gallinagosnipe
Scolopax hyemalisCapeila solitariamountain snipe
Syrrhaptes paradoxusAlsosadja
Spermophilus mugodjaricusCitellus pygmaeusgray gopher
Squaterola helveticaSquaterola squaterolaTules
Strepsilas collarisArenaria interpresstone picker
Sterna fluviatilisSterna hirundocommon tern
Sterna leucopteraChlidonias leucopterawhite-winged tern
Sterna longipennisAlsoblack-billed tern
Sturnus unicolorSturnus vulgarisstarling
Sturnus vulgarisAlsostarling
Sus scrofaAlsoboar
Tamias striatusEutamias sibiricuschipmunk
Tetrao tetrixLyrus tetrixblack grouse
Totanus calidrisTringa totanusherbalist
Totanus glareolaTringa glareolaFIFA and
Totanus glottisTringa nebulariabig snail
Tringa temminskiiCalidris temminckiiwhite-tailed sandpiper
Totanus ochropusTringa ochropusblackie
Turdus atrigularisTurdus ruficollisdark-throated blackbird
Turdus fuscatusTurdus naumanniblack-throated blackbird
Turdus hodgsoniTurdus viscivorusblackbird mistletoe
Turdus mystacinusTurdus ruficollisdark-throated blackbird
Upupa epopsAlsohoopoe
Vanellus cristatusVanellus vanelluslapwing
Vanellus gregariusChrttusia gregarialapwing
Vulpes hypomelusVulpes vulpesfox
Vulpanser tadornaTadorna Tadornashelduck [280]


The first column is the names given by M. V. Pevtsov; the second column - the most currently accepted Latin names corresponding to the species mentioned by the author; third column

Russian names. Species marked in the second column with the words “the same” are currently indicated under the same names that were adopted in the time of M.V. Pevtsov.

Anemone narcissifloraAlsoanemone, anemone
Artemisia arenariaAlsosand wormwood
Berberis heteropodaAlsobarberry
Betula nanaAlsodwarf birch
Caragana frutescensS. erinaceacaragana prickly
Cotoneaster vulgarisS. integerimacotoneaster
Crataegus pinnatifidaS. altaica v. incisa Altai hawthorn
Haloxylon ammodendronAlsozaisan saxaul
Juniperus sp.Alsojuniper
Lasiagrostis sp.Alsowhose brilliant, derisun
Lonicera tataricaAlsoTatarian honeysuckle
Papaver alpinumP. nudicaulealpine poppy
Picea schrenkianaAlsoTien Shan spruce
Populus albaAlsowhite poplar
Populus laurifoliaAlsolaurel poplar
Populus nigraAlsoblack poplar
Populus tremulaAlsoaspen
Ranunculus hiperboreusAlsobuttercup
Ribus nigrumRubes nigrumblack currant
Ribus rubrumRubes rubrumRed currants
Rosa leucanta
Salix ftagilisAlsobrittle willow
Sorbus aucupariaAlsomountain ash
Spiraea crenataAlsospiraea
Spiraea hipericifoliaAlsomeadowsweet
Stipa orientalisAlsoeastern feather grass
Ulmus pumilaAlsoelm (berest) squat
Viola bifloraAlsobicolor violet, Ivan da Marya
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