Water Pig Key Traits of the Chinese Zodiac Sign

According to the eastern calendar, 1983 is the year of the Pig and is influenced by the element of water. Those born this year are people whom nature has awarded with a kind and noble heart. These individuals are diplomats and always try to maintain good relations with everyone. Sometimes they are too trusting, but over time they become firmer, begin to defend their interests and prefer to test people.

Those born in 1983 are often silent, so from the outside it seems as if their life flows quietly and measuredly. But this is a wrong impression. Pigs are versatile personalities, they have a broad outlook, they know how to enjoy life and have an excellent sense of humor. These people give one hundred percent in their work, which allows them to achieve success in any endeavor.

Character of the Water Pig

Due to the fact that the Pig is under the influence of the element of Water, it is considered the most extraordinary and fickle. He is always ready to act, easy-going, but as soon as any difficulties arise, he immediately tries to retreat. He doesn't like resistance and is indignant when things don't turn out the way he intended.

Often the Water Pig looks like a small capricious child. He prefers independence, practically does not listen to the advice of others and does not know how to live by the rules. He believes that family is a place where one can find support and hide from difficulties and troubles.

Nature has awarded the Pig with excellent intuition; he easily predicts other people's intentions and desires. This feature helps him when choosing friends and makes communicating with people easier. Basically, these individuals behave with restraint, but sometimes they are overcome by a wave of indignation, then it is impossible to predict the actions of the Pig.

People born in the year of the Water Pig are quite cunning and calculating, but prefer to keep their emotions to themselves. They are quite attentive to their surroundings, so many consider them their friends. If Pig is bored with someone, then, trying not to offend the person, he gradually reduces the relationship to a minimum, and then stops communication altogether.

To achieve what they want, Pig are ready to sacrifice their life positions and principles. These are flexible individuals who try to avoid conflict situations and various quarrels. They are able to change professional activities several times.

Capybara breeding

Capybaras indulge in lovemaking all year round, although they mate more often at the beginning of the rainy season, which occurs in April/May in Venezuela and October/November in Brazil.

Getting ready for procreation, the male half lures partners, marking the surrounding plants with their secrets. The female's estrous cycle lasts 7-9 days, but the receptive stage lasts only 8 hours.

The male pursues the female, who is ripe for copulation, first on land, then in shallow water. As soon as the female has stopped, the partner positions herself behind her, making 6-10 energetic thrusts. Often, a female can endure up to 20 sexual acts with minimal breaks (with one or different partners).

Gestation takes 150 days . Most births occur in September-November. The female, as a rule, gives birth once a year, but repeated births are possible if there are no enemies and there is a lot of food around.

The capybara gives birth in spartan conditions, right on the ground, giving birth to from 2 to 8 toothy, fur-covered and completely sighted cubs, each of which weighs 1.5 kg. All females of the herd care for the offspring, and the mother feeds the babies with milk until 3-4 months, although soon after birth they chew grass on their own.

Fertility in capybaras occurs at 15-18 months, when they weigh up to 30-40 kg.

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Positive and negative personality traits

Pigs are persistent and diplomatic, they know how to guess the hidden secrets and desires of other people, and are able to tactfully negotiate any matter with each person. The Water Pig is a fighter for truth and often acts as a peacemaker.

The Water Pig prefers to hide its inner strength and desire for power under a simple-minded appearance. The power that lurks inside these individuals is incredibly great and if it breaks out, no one will be able to resist it.

The main positive and negative qualities of Boars:

  • Excessive craving for truth. These people are so sincere that they are able to convince anyone of their words. They cannot always resist hypocrisy and lies, believing every word their opponent says.
  • Positive attitude. Pigs are cheerful people who are respected for their open souls. They don’t like to talk a lot, and if they decide to say something, then no one can stop them until the topic is fully disclosed.
  • Kindness. Often this feature plays against Boars, since they are accustomed to trusting people until they personally verify the evil thoughts of their opponent.
  • Superficiality. Despite their curiosity and thirst for knowledge, Pigs are very superficial individuals. In many life issues they show themselves as amateurs.
  • Slowness . Pigs are quite slow in making serious decisions. They prefer to weigh everything carefully before daring to do anything. This can often hinder the progress of things. People around will think that the Water Pig does not know what he wants, so he hesitates for a long time. In fact, only after carefully thinking about the issue does she begin to take active action, expending all her internal resources.
  • Naivety. They believe in fairy tales all their lives, so their carelessness and soft character may be the reason that others will begin to use them for their own selfish purposes.

Keeping a capybara at home

This good-natured bumpkin is very highly valued - specialized nurseries offer capybaras at a price of 120 thousand rubles and more . Despite exemplary tameness and ideal cleanliness, only very wealthy people who have their own country house can keep a capybara.

You will need to build a spacious enclosure with spreading bushes and a body of water (pond or pool), and by winter - an insulated house. It is better to castrate the male (without a female), since, having reached puberty, he will persistently harass his owner. In captivity, the capybara menu becomes more diverse due to the inclusion of:

  • fruits/vegetables;
  • grass and hay;
  • dry dog ​​food and canned food;
  • granules for rodents.

Important! To grind down the incisors, you will need to constantly add willow or birch branches.

In general, the capybara is great for being a pet: it is walked on a leash and even taught simple tricks. A tame capybara often begs for affection and loves to have its belly scratched, often falling asleep while doing so.

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What will bring good luck to the Water Pig?

Symbols that bring good luck to the Water Pig:

SymbolWhat brings good luck
FlowersHydrangea, daisy
PlantsAcacia, hazel, lavender
ColorsYellow, grey, brown, gold
Times of Dayfrom 21-00 to 23-00
Numbers2, 5, 8

Unlucky numbers for the Water Pig are 3,1,9. Red, blue and green colors will be unsuccessful.


These kids are great dreamers. They often quit what they started without completing it. Such changeability in desires is characteristic only of creative individuals. They have a well-developed imagination, ability to draw, write or do handicrafts.

Both boys and girls are not distinguished by their obedient character. Parents of these fidgets should be tolerant and try to curb the irrepressible energy of their children a little. The little Water Pig is not burdened by loneliness; he can easily find something interesting to do.

The emotional component plays an important role in a child's fate. When a calm environment reigns around them, they are able to work well and show good results. If they don’t like something, they can withdraw into themselves and become lazy. The Pig child is a person who, even at such a young age, has a very fine mental organization. Parents must take this point into account when choosing a method of education.


The Pig's adult life is divided into three phases. The first of them will be calm and will not bring either great victories or severe disappointments. The second phase can be full of family problems and betrayals. But since these people are accustomed to relying only on their own strengths and capabilities, they will not ask anyone for help. From the outside it seems as if the person has no problems.

If the Pig was born long before the Chinese New Year, then he will be able to easily avoid deceptions in life. If your birthday falls closer to the eve of the holiday, then there is a high probability of deceitful and hypocritical people appearing in your life. The third period will proceed calmly and will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

Love horoscope

Love plays one of the main roles in the life of Kabanov. In love relationships, these are caring and affectionate people who are full of sensual romance. In love relationships, these individuals are fickle, as they are capable of quickly losing their heads and also quickly growing cold. During their lives, they change partners quite often.

Being in adulthood, they still start a family, trying to make every effort to ensure that the relationship with their spouse is strong and trusting. Despite the fact that these individuals are very jealous, they are capable of becoming not only lovers, but also friends and associates.

Before giving in to emotions completely, the Water Pig prefers to check their own feelings for their partner. When she is one hundred percent sure of her own sympathy and understands that it is mutual, she will do everything possible and impossible in the name of love. Often the chosen ones take advantage of the naive character of the Pig. But having learned that he is being used, he will certainly punish the offender, quickly pull himself together and move on.

Disappointments in love for the Water Pig are very rare. In life they meet people who understand them and want to be close to their partner. Pig's chosen one should not demand constant confirmation of love and sympathy from him, since these persons do not tolerate pressure and try to get rid of oppressive relationships.

Natural enemies

Capybaras, despite their impressive size, have many detractors. The list of natural enemies of the capybara includes:

  • alligators;
  • jaguars;
  • caymans;
  • ocelots;
  • crocodiles;
  • wild dogs;
  • anacondas.

Feral dogs pose a significant threat to growing rodents, which are also hunted by birds of prey from the vulture family, in particular the American black cathart. Capybaras have learned to escape from land-based enemies into the water, leaving only their nostrils on the surface to breathe.

Man also had a hand in reducing the number of water pigs, killing them for meat (resembling pork), broad incisors (used for jewelry) and leather (for haberdashery).

This is interesting! About 300 years ago, the Catholic Church recognized the capybara... as a fish so that parishioners could eat its meat without restrictions during Lent. This absurd decision was later reversed.

Today, capybaras are bred on Latin American farms for their meat, skin and subcutaneous fat (for the production of medicines). Wild rodents that wander into fields often fall under the hot hand of peasants who are dissatisfied with the gluttony of uninvited guests.

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Family relationships

As a child, the Water Pig is constantly looking for someone to take care of. Her choice may fall on younger brothers or sisters, pets, or friends who are weaker in character. With age, the need for care increases, and this is why Pigs often live in the same house with their parents in order to care for them.

Among these people you can find many parents with many children. Children take first place in the Water Pig's heart. Then comes the other half, which becomes the cause of discord in the couple. Children love their parents because you can share your deepest secrets with them, and they will be able to listen, understand and give good advice.

Pigs make excellent grandparents. They do everything in their power for their grandchildren. This is why the younger generation loves and respects them. In their faces, children and grandchildren often see their best friends with whom they can talk on any topic.

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It is known that carp was first used as food already in 1000 BC. e. in China. It later came to Europe as an ornamental fish and as a food product.

In the 13th century, special ponds for growing carp were equipped in the Czech Republic.

In France, carp began to be bred under Francis I (1494–1547). Today, carp are grown everywhere. Carp breeding is very profitable due to its unpretentiousness and rapid growth.

Interesting Facts

Researchers believe that the word carp comes from the Greek fruit, which is given because of the extraordinary fertility of this fish. In Ukraine, carp was known as korop. In the Russian and Belarusian languages ​​it was supplanted in the 18th century by carp, borrowed from French.

The carp is very hardy, which made it a symbol of samurai strength.


Carp is a large omnivorous fish. Lives in rivers and reservoirs, where it inhabits quiet waters with a clay bottom. Carp is a heat-loving fish; it feeds at water temperatures not lower than +7 °C. Carp spawns at a water temperature of +18 °C. During the winter cold, carp hibernate.

Carp feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, and worms almost without interruption, as they are stomachless fish. It is compared to a pig due to its unpretentiousness in choosing food and rapid growth.

The fish reaches a length of 1 m and a weight of 20 kg, although there are cases of caught carp weighing up to 70 kg. Carps live in schools. They reach sexual maturity at the age of three and live to 50 years or more.

In appearance, the carp is very similar to crucian carp, and is distinguished by 4 short antennae on its lips.


Carp inhabits the waters of the Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral seas. It is found in the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Amur and Volga rivers, as well as some rivers in China.

Properties and Application

Carp is available for sale almost all year round. It is consumed boiled, fried, baked. Due to the high fat content of carp, it is recommended to cook and serve with vegetables, lemon and herbs.


In general, carp does not have any contraindications. The only thing worth paying attention to is that the fish is quite unpretentious in food. It feeds on mollusks, insect larvae, and worms, which often leads to the fact that, along with beneficial substances, harmful ones also accumulate in the fish, which can lead to a deterioration in human well-being. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that growth accelerators, antibiotics and various dyes are often added to the feed of fish grown under artificial conditions.

When choosing carp (carp), it is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

Calorie content and nutritional value of carp per 100 g:


Professional activity

For Pigs to feel independent and comfortable, it is important for them to succeed in their profession. They strive to develop and achieve success only in the area that is interesting. These people are always lucky if they follow the right path. If the activity is chosen incorrectly and does not bring aesthetic pleasure, then sooner or later a professional crisis will occur.

The Water Pig does not like competition. These individuals are too clean to make a deal with their own conscience. Pride does not allow them to flatter and grovel before their superiors in order to achieve success at work.

Possible failures are not capable of unsettling the Pig. These people treat their misfires with philosophical calm, trying to explain to themselves the reason for the failure. If they do not have enough strength and patience to achieve success in their professional activities, then in the future they will greatly regret it. The Water Pig needs a mentor who will constantly push him forward. These individuals do not put their career above their own interests.

Throughout its life, the Water Pig will help people, thanks to which it is able to achieve perfection. The most popular professions in which they achieve success:

  • doctors;
  • scientists;
  • architects;
  • directors;
  • writers;
  • poets;
  • artists;
  • musicians;
  • businessmen;
  • judges;
  • confessors.

Water Pig Man

A man's kindness and decency often become attractive to liars and crooks. Having an open heart, they try to help everyone in need. For this reason, disappointments in people often occur in their lives, but this does not kill their faith in love and true friendship.

The Water Pig will work to achieve success in any business; he is ready to work tirelessly. But sometimes these strong men have breakdowns, and then they become capricious and intolerant, but quickly pull themselves together and continue the work. This helps to achieve great success in professional activities, in which Pig has no equal.

The Pig man loves noisy companies, he likes to travel and have fun. This guy knows how to look after women beautifully and touchingly. He does not show selfish tendencies, trying with all his heart to make a pleasant surprise for his chosen one. For the sake of the girl he loves, he is ready to sacrifice his own interests.

In everyday life he is quite modest. Having tied the knot with the lady of his heart, he tries to spend all his free time with his family. A man gives himself completely to his wife and children, creating comfortable conditions for his loved ones and dear people.

Water Pig Woman

The Pig Woman appears soft and gentle. Few people know what strength is hidden under the apparent simplicity and calmness of this lady. She wants to achieve a lot in her professional activities, but usually acts slowly, weighing every step. This person does not like intrigues and adventures, rarely argues and proves that she is right. She prefers to be a sweet and charming person in order to win over as many people as possible.

The Water Pig is a kind, unforgiving woman who never intrigues, but will not give up what she has. He easily and freely finds a common language with others, thanks to which he achieves great success in the professional field and occupies high positions. This person has practically no ill-wishers or enemies.

The impressionable nature of the Water Pig makes them painfully experience resentment and betrayal. Trying not to outwardly show her vulnerability, at these moments, more than ever, she needs the sympathy of loved ones. This young lady expects support from a man, so she is looking for a worthy partner for herself. She accepts the advances of the stronger sex, but connects her life only with a reliable person.

Pig women are well-mannered and beautiful girls. They are capable of driving any man crazy, and the guys try to achieve her favor. The wise Water Pig takes love affairs seriously, so she will choose the most worthy of the worthy. After marriage, he will devote himself entirely to his family.

Carp fish bred from wild carp

People have long domesticated various animals. These were not only a variety of mammals, but also fish. And a special place among them has always been occupied by carp fish, which was bred from wild carp and in fact is its domesticated form.

wild carp

Sometimes carp is called a “water pig”, emphasizing with this comparison its beneficial qualities, rapid growth and profitability of growing in ponds. After all, he fattens and grows just as well as a representative of farm animals - a pig. Therefore, such a comparison speaks only in favor of carp fish, whose value has been known since ancient times. People have been breeding carp purposefully and in an organized manner for about a thousand years (in China and Europe).

Influence of Zodiac Signs

The character and fate of the Pig are influenced by the zodiac sign under which the person was born.

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesThis sign loves the truth. The Aries Pig is impulsive and takes everything that happens at face value. Disappointment in people can cause lasting pain. Thanks to the influence of Aries, Pig's character becomes more even and calm
TaurusGreat entrepreneurs. They always have a clear grasp of the situation. Big dreamers, they love to spend time in noisy companies. Their goal is a beautiful life, in which there are no needs or prohibitions. They have a hard time accepting change. They are bad at compromise. Stubbornness and initiative prevents them from moving forward. Are faithful partners and put family first
TwinsIn combination with this zodiac sign, energetic individuals with cunning are obtained. These people know how to adapt to any situation and try to see only the good in everything. Curious, capable students, therefore, have a wealth of knowledge. They have poor intuition and often live as if in a fairy tale.
CancersCaring parents who are capable of anything for the well-being of their children. Family comes first for these people. Emotional and sensual natures. Throughout their lives, they have to fight temptations and protect themselves from attacks from loved ones. Almost all of our energy is spent on this confrontation. Cancer-Pigs are loyal friends and partners. But you shouldn’t drive them into a corner, because they are capable of a lot to get out of it
a lionThe most successful of all combinations. Impeccable individuals with a great soul. They were born for the family, to be the guardians of the hearth. By nature, these people have excellent manners. For the sake of the well-being of loved ones, they are ready to sacrifice their own desires. Often driven by flattery from ill-wishers or people who want to benefit from communicating with them
VirgoSensitive natures often rush from one extreme to another. This is the standard of loyalty and honesty. They do not tolerate aggression and are easily able to pacify a raging person. The desire for self-improvement is in their blood. They can easily solve even the most complex problems. There is never a dull moment with Pigs-Leos. They make good artists and diplomats
ScalesThese individuals try to achieve balance in everything. Incorrigible liars, they will get out of any, even the most confusing situation. They do not like responsibility, but are quite tolerant and tactful. They can achieve good results in business only when they learn to focus on the main thing.
ScorpionA good combination of characters. Thanks to Scorpio, Pigs are more tolerant and prefer peace and harmony. They are picky in their connections, able to analyze the current situation, and carefully hide their shortcomings. They know how to navigate difficult situations. They can always defend themselves, since they are very insightful and are accustomed to checking everything and everyone. If Pig-Scorpio is brought to a state of passion, then you can experience all the destructive power of this sign
SagittariusIntelligent individuals, able to support any topic during a conversation. They have charm and love to chat. They have the ability to make the right decisions, are true to their ideas, stubborn and impulsive. They don’t notice other people’s shortcomings, are unable to doubt anything or anyone, so they are often disappointed
CapricornThese people have high authority and are able to actively protect their own interests. They complete any task, are hardworking, and overly cautious. It is difficult to get these people to change their own point of view. They perform well in leadership positions, become good parents, and show despotic tendencies towards their chosen one.
AquariusThey struggle with internal contradictions. They put their own well-being first. They try to be perfect in everything. Natural decency allows you to achieve good success, achieve material well-being and become happy
FishPeace-loving people with an easy-going character. They don’t like to get excited or argue, but if they have to get into a debate, they will easily and naturally get out of the situation. Always courteous, they will not allow themselves to offend anyone, they know how to keep other people's secrets. These people depend on the material component and value luxury and prosperity. Pisces Pisces are successful in their professional activities, but do not like unjustified risks, as they are very careful

Pig in friendship

The Pig makes an excellent friend - very sympathetic and sincere. She is able to come to the rescue at the right moment, will fulfill her promise and will not judge. Many take advantage of the Pig’s kindness and responsiveness for their own purposes: she will still forgive. But eventually the limit of goodwill will be exhausted.

This is not to say that the pig likes to stay at home. Despite her boundless love for her family, she loves traveling with friends, outdoor recreation and in noisy company. In this case, she is easy to climb.

Relationships with other signs of the eastern horoscope

Water Pigs build relationships with representatives of other signs of the eastern horoscope in different ways.

Chinese Zodiac AnimalCharacteristics of relationships
BoarA good union in which harmony and mutual understanding will reign if the couple learns to find compromises. If partners have common ground in their professional activities, this will only strengthen the connection. Misunderstandings can overshadow a happy existence, because Pig always have something to argue about. Both of them cannot live without work, therefore, with high employment there will be less resentment and mutual reproaches
RatPassion and sex are what bring these two together. This becomes almost the only point of contact. Sometimes the practical Rat begins to be annoyed by the carelessness and naivety of the Pig, especially when it comes to family and work. But in a fit of passion, she is able to forgive him all his indiscretion. For the sake of his partner, the Rat will do anything to make his chosen one feel good
BullBoth signs value honesty. The Boar is an implacable fighter, and the Ox is a peacemaker. One likes to spend money, and the other likes to save it. But the Water Pig has a sense of proportion, and if he realizes that he is about to go too far, he stops immediately
TigerThese signs can exist together thanks to the loyalty that is inherent in both of them. They are able to be friends, love and desire intimacy with each other. They know the concept of honor, respect the personal time and space of the chosen one. Tolerance and trust are the foundation of their relationship
Hare (Cat)The best union of all possible. Mutual respect is what this tandem will be built and developed on. The hare spends his whole life trying to please his chosen one, improving the common home and raising children.
The DragonThe Dragon will feel comfortable next to the Pig, which cannot be said about the latter. The dragon will use the chosen one for his own purposes, without caring about his well-being. But still he can teach Pig a lot
SnakeA paradoxical union, since the enchanted Pig, having fallen in love with the Snake, makes a mistake. The partner will deceive him and use him for her own interests. If the Water Pig understands this, she is able to break off the relationship
HorseHonest partners who do not like to complicate life. As in any union, disagreements sometimes arise between these signs, since the Horse is an egoist who thinks only about his own well-being, which is not always immediately clear to the Pig
SheepA favorable union for both partners. The Pig loves luxury, he is generous and caring, and the Sheep cannot resist the temptation to live beautifully. But she cannot be kept in captivity, since freedom is important to her. The Pig tries to take into account the independence of the chosen one. The Sheep brings variety to the life of the Water Pig, turning a tastelessly furnished home into an elite apartment. They exist in peace and harmony, yield to their partner and easily find compromises. But abuse of Pig's attention and loyalty can lead to serious consequences. If he doesn't like something, he can turn into a harsh aggressor
RoosterA calm Pig will not pay attention to excessive suspicions and injections from his partner. He appreciates the noble deeds and kindness of the Rooster's soul. She subtly senses the change in mood of her chosen one and is able to overcome the aggression emanating from her partner, easily calming him down. The Rooster respects the Pig, he is not able to humiliate or insult him. These two get along well together, building their relationship on friendship, mutual understanding and good communication. This is an intellectual union; there is much less sympathy and passion between partners. They always try to protect each other. The house is kept in perfect order
DogFrom the first meeting, complete harmony and understanding arises between these two. The union brings only benefits to both. The boar teaches the chosen one to be careless and to look at things with optimism. Partners are distinguished by generosity, empathy and mutual respect. They create a good atmosphere around themselves. Their union grows stronger every day, as both understand how to preserve feelings. The dog is happy and calm in the company of the Water Pig. They won’t be bored together, they will find something to do and how to relax
GoatRelationships in a couple are simple and easy, and happiness and joy await the partners. These two are perfect for each other, they understand their chosen one without words, on a mental level. They will practically not quarrel, and if this happens, the partners will go to bed to make peace. The Goat will support the Pig in everything, but sometimes it can use the kindness and gullibility of the chosen one for its own selfish purposes. Only the Pig is destined to work in pairs, since the Goat will try with all his might to avoid business

We must not forget that the compatibility of signs by year of birth is of relative importance. The month and date of birth, as well as the individual characteristics of each person, should also be taken into account.

Development of carp farming

By breeding carp in ponds, fish farmers began to improve this fish and develop new breeds. Over time, carp fish becomes the main fish for breeding in ponds. She receives recognition from both reigning persons and clergy; and is gradually acquiring very important economic importance. Many Catholic monasteries in Europe have ponds for carp breeding.

When mentioning pond fish, it is most often carp that is meant.

Being a cultivated form of carp, its domesticated form is distinguished by a body structure that is taller and, as a result, more fleshy. It was the increase in the thickness of the pond carp in the back area that became the direction of selection work with this fish. Selection is also carried out in order to obtain breeds with a taller body. All these qualities increase the economic value of carp.

What types of carp are there?

The external sign by which carp varieties are distinguished is the number of scales and their color. The scales can be golden or silver; they can cover the entire body of the fish, or its individual sections, or be completely absent. The size of the scales can also vary. There are several main varieties.

Scaly or golden carp.

The scaly or golden carp is the most common, from which all others originate:

Mirror carp

This fish received the name mirror carp due to its large scales, each of which is very similar to a tiny mirror. The scales sometimes reach very large sizes and turn into plates. The largest scales are located behind the gill covers.

Mirror carp

It was this variety of carp that was the first artificially bred. Its peculiarity is that large scales cover only part of the body: under the dorsal fin, behind the gill covers and near the tail.

The mirror carp holds the record for size among all its other counterparts: it reaches the largest sizes, sometimes growing up to 1 meter in length. These carps are selective in their diet, preferring shellfish and grains. Most often they like shallow water, but sometimes they can swim to depth.

Frame carp

The frame carp breed is distinguished by the original arrangement of scales on the body: in the form of a frame resembling a rectangle. The wide sides of this rectangle form rows of large scales located along the back and along the belly. And the lateral narrow sides are formed by scales located at the edge of the gill cover and at the caudal peduncle. This breed was bred in the Volgograd region, therefore it has the official name “Volga Frame” carp, approved by the decision of a special expert commission that deals with issues of admission to the use of selection achievements in fish farming.

Frame carp

Features of frame carp are:

The above qualities demonstrate the promise of frame carp for pond fish farming in the Lower and Middle Volga regions.

Naked (leatherback) carp

Naked or Leatherback Carp

Due to its lack of scales, it is sometimes called leatherback carp. It was obtained from the mirror.

Christmas carp in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, carp fish is an obligatory traditional dish on the Christmas table, because according to the old custom, meat is not prepared here for Christmas. Preparations begin a week before Christmas Eve. Carps specially fed in pond farms are placed in huge tubs of water that stand on the streets in every city. Anyone can buy live carp. You have to stand in queues, because everyone wants to buy the best fish: for this, the appearance of the carp is carefully examined. Particular attention is paid to the density of the belly. Nobody wants to buy the first fish they come across, so they spend a lot of time choosing it.

Released Christmas carp

Quite recently, a completely new interesting tradition arose in the Czech Republic - on Christmas morning, December 25, carp purchased in advance are released into the nearest body of water. This is apparently a very impressive sight: people in Prague and other cities gather on the embankments of the Vltava, bringing with them buckets or bags of water in which carp swim. These are the fish that were not cooked after purchase, but were present on the Christmas table. After all, tribute to tradition was paid - carp was on the table. It is no longer considered important whether it was cooked or floated in an aquarium.

These carp, bought alive a week before Christmas, are traditionally kept in barrels or in tanks during this time. In urban environments, carps are kept directly in home baths (to the delight of small children).

In the Czech Republic, carp is considered a symbol of prosperity

Why should you put carp on the Christmas table? Because in the Czech Republic, carp is considered a symbol of prosperity, just as in Japan and China, koi carp is such a symbol. That's why they are brought into the house in advance so that they live with the family for several days. And for Christmas, carp, cut into pieces, were traditionally fried, first rolled in flour, then dipped in beaten eggs, and then in breadcrumbs, and then placed in a frying pan.

And if during a meal a random scale was found on a piece, it should have been placed under the plate. And after finishing the meal - into your wallet. So the scale became a talisman, attracting money into this wallet over the next year.

Over time, attitudes towards carp bought and lived at home for several days began to change. Over the course of a week, the whole family became very attached to them, and it became a pity to kill a fish that had already become almost “native”, and sometimes even given a name. And so a new tradition of “letting go” of Christmas carp was born.


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