General information The rainbow crab belongs to the order Decapods. Exotic beauty has other names.
Wild animals >> Birds In the starling family there is one curious bird - the mynah, which
Dragonflies are the oldest insect predators: the remains of their distant ancestors discovered by archaeologists date back to the Carboniferous period
Wild animals >> Insects Locusts are one of the most dangerous insects for the national economy.
Scorpions (Scorpionidea) are an order of the class of arachnids (otherwise called arachnids), such as arthropods, or arthropods (Arthropoda). Behind
Wild animals >> Insects Almost everyone who vacationed on the shore of a lake or river has encountered
Ladybug (lat. Coccinellidae) belongs to the family of beetles, a type of arthropod, a class of insects. At sight
Wild animals >> Insects If you observe, at the end of April-beginning of May you will notice that
You can easily find out what different types of wasps look like from biology textbooks and
Brachypelma albopilosum is a tarantula spider that is ideal for keeping at home. He