800 unusual Russian, Japanese and other simple names for a girl kitten

When an animal appears in the house, a logical question arises - what to call the fluffy beauty. Names for cats, as experts advise, should be given quickly so that the pet has time to get used to it.

Previously, people cared little about what to name a cat. We chose from the standard options: Murka, Musya, Busya, Snezhok, Vaska, Ryska, Ryzhaya and the like. Now a lot of beautiful and original nicknames have appeared. Pets are called by non-standard names of writers and cartoon characters, nicknames from the English language without translation into Russian. In total, there are more than a thousand options, among which you can choose the best one depending on the breed, color, and character of the new family member.

Choosing a nickname for a cat - what can you focus on?

We are solving a difficult problem - what to name the kittens?

And so, in order to choose a beautiful and original nickname for a kitten, it is worth taking into account a number of features.

The following factors are worth paying attention to when choosing a nickname:

  • breed - its characteristics and origin;
  • appearance - color of coat and eyes, fluffy or smooth-haired;
  • short names are preferable - cats hear and perceive whistling and hissing sounds perfectly (especially the first 3-4 sounds)
  • the purpose of the cat (pet, mousetrap, pet for exhibitions and further breeding).

It is also worth remembering that the chosen nickname will have to be pronounced quite often, and it is undesirable for it to be unpleasant or hurt the ears.

The most popular nicknames for ordinary cats are Musya Bagheera Dusya Murka Muska Sonya Anfisa Frosya Liska Masyanya Bonya Jessi Basya Lucky Mukha Marquise Sima Ryzhulya.

Usually the names of purebred cats are long and respectful. But let this nickname appear on the pet’s passport. For yourself, it is better to shorten it and leave the official name for the sake of decency.

A cat's life can also be aristocratic.

Look at the lists of interesting and beautiful names for girls' cats, and perhaps you will see a suitable option for yourself!

Oriental beauties - Siamese, Persians, Arabian Mau and others - are suitable for names with an oriental flavor.

Names for cats - oriental beauties

  • Sakura
  • Atifa
  • Aisha
  • Aina
  • Diamond
  • Aphra
  • Gulnara
  • Vanilla

British women are often called by royal names and they are perfect for cats of pure blood.

Names for British cats

  • Victoria
  • Elizabeth
  • Josephine
  • Beatrice
  • Francesca
  • Adelaide
  • Aphrodite
  • Clementine

When choosing a cat of an exotic, rare breed, it is worth considering that its name should be no less original and unusual.

Old Russian names with meaning

Sometimes it’s not enough to name a cat beautifully. Many owners want their pet's name to mean something. If a name matters to you, then pay attention to Old Russian names that sound quite original and attractive:

  • Augusta - majestic;
  • Agnia - purity;
  • Alevtina - alien to evil;
  • Asya is a city dweller;
  • Angela - angelic;
  • Varvara is a savage;
  • Violetta - violet;
  • Vasilisa - regal;
  • Darina is the winner;
  • Danuta - goddess of the moon;
  • Elizabeth - God's oath;
  • Kira - mistress;
  • Kaleria is hot.

Modern cats with nicknames that go back centuries

Funny nicknames for cats

Even as a kitten, the baby cat shows her character. And if the pet already has pronounced characteristics, you can express them in a nickname. For example, a cat who loves to eat might be:

Funny names for a cat with a good appetite

  • Bun
  • saucepan
  • Cutlet
  • Carrot
  • Meat grinder
  • Meatball
  • Sharpener
  • bbw
  • Sweeney
  • Sausage
  • Pumpkin
  • Bun
  • Piggy
  • Pompushka
  • Dumpling

If the smallest cat from the litter comes into the house, then the nickname can be based on the size of the pet:

Funny nicknames for a miniature cat

  • flea
  • Baby
  • Bon Bon
  • Mitten
  • Cherry
  • screw
  • Zhuzha
  • droplet
  • Riveting
  • Button
  • Mouse
  • Minnie
  • Fly
  • Pipette
  • Pipka
  • Button
  • Pixie
  • Seed
  • Simka

For a cat that has a rough temperament, you can choose something “with a little spice,” for example:

Funny names for a cat with character

  • Shark
  • Chile
  • Bastinda
  • Barracuda
  • Valkyrie
  • Bully
  • Angry
  • Ezhka
  • Fairy Morgana
  • Lamia
  • Ursula
  • Fury

You can also focus on coat color:

Funny nicknames for cats based on fur color

  • a nickname for a red cat may turn out to be - Carrot Papaya Mandarin Duck Copperhead Dried apricots Radish Caramel Toffee Freckle Pumpkin
  • for a black cat you can choose – Caviar Cola Blot Mulatto Mocha Mystic Negra Finka Fortune Luck Mascara Blueberry
  • for a white pussy, you can consider nicknames - Squirrel Vanilla Marshmallow Pastila Sour cream Cream

Funny nicknames include the following funny words that make you smile:

Funny nicknames for girls cats

  • Washer
  • Chucha
  • Sprat
  • Sandal
  • Pike
  • Scratchy Chip
  • Prostitute
  • Accident
  • Syaba
  • Lushka
  • Heap
  • coconut
  • Khukhrya
  • Melon
  • Slice
  • Pistachio

To the funny names you can add several diminutive female names: Lushka, Parashka, Feklushka, Grunya, Vaska, Dunka, Frosya.
For cats, with their characteristic features of purring and rattling, some owners may like such nicknames as: Tarakhtelka, Murchalka, Singer, Murkisa, Mupchella.

Nicknames from cinema

The cinematography is rich in “fluffy” characters. You can take one of the names of famous fluffies as a basis for the nickname.

Diego is thinking

  • Sherkhan
  • Ripley
  • Simba
  • Mowgli
  • Kenai
  • Code
  • Beethoven
  • Garfield
  • Volt
  • Skipper
  • Kowalski
  • Rico
  • Prapor
  • By
  • Manny
  • Sid
  • Crookshanks
  • Diego
  • Thomas
  • Lassie
  • Remy
  • Emil
  • Togo
  • Alpha
  • Bug
  • Eliot
  • Alex
  • Mort
  • Bean
  • Orange
  • Matroskin
  • Cheshire
  • Pebles
  • Norris

Beautiful nicknames for cats

Among cat names, there are quite often beautiful, sonorous nicknames that are very suitable for their owners. If a cat has a white coat, then she can become:

Nicknames for a white cat

  • Icy
  • Snowflake
  • Snowball
  • Belyanka
  • Moon
  • A pearl
  • Jasmine
  • Blanka
  • Blondie
  • Lily

Cats with black, shiny, smooth or luxurious fluffy fur are suitable for nicknames that emphasize their aristocracy, these can be the following cat names:

Nicknames for black cats

  • Annabelle
  • Abel
  • Blackie
  • Bonnie
  • Bagheera
  • Lady Knight
  • Sha Noir
  • Night
  • Find
  • Noir
  • Creole
  • Selena
  • Carmen
  • Magic
  • Onyx
  • Africa
  • Creole

Beautiful names for a gray cat can be suggested as follows:

Beautiful names for a gray cat

  • Freya
  • Smokey
  • Heidi
  • Sheila
  • Shady
  • Misty

Ginger cats are very sunny creatures that fill the home with joy and positivity. The red-haired beauty can be:

Beautiful names for a ginger cat

  • Golden
  • Goldilocks
  • Amber
  • Golden
  • Zolotse
  • Aina (translated from Celtic as "fire")
  • Hestia (the so-called goddess of the hearth)
  • Suriya (means sun)

If a three-colored miracle comes into your home and brings happiness, then you can name your pet:

Beautiful names for a tricolor cat girl

  • Chera
  • Tortilla
  • Luck
  • Fortune

But not only the color of the fur affects the choice of name; you can choose cat nicknames for girls by looking at the list of cat names, where they are grouped alphabetically:

A: Aurora Augusta Augustina Ivory Agnessa Adriana Adagio Adelaide Adelaia Azalea Asia Ailis Aina Arianna Aisha Aisha Acacia Alicia Alpina Amina Anastasy Anika Arwen Ariadne Arizona Arlette Astoria Antalya Athena Ashera Asya Adelina Arlina Allia
B: Basilica Beatrice Bella Barcelona Boheme Bessie Brianna Bridget Bettany Bianca Brittany
In: Vasilisa Varvara Varka Varya Vanessa Cherry Warsaw Venus Venice Wendy Viola Wave Vicky Violet Vivienne Verianna Vittoria Vereneya Vlasta Virginia Vesta
G: Gamma Harmony Glory Glasha Hera Gadget Gabby Gloria Hyacinth Gwennet Gerda Gracie Guinea Gabriella
D: Diana Delilah Gina Jesse Dayna Dolores Devory Daghira Devon Daisy Dolly Darina Daniel Delta Demeter
E: Eva Evitta Evelina Eleyya Yenna Elva Ezhevika Eliot Efimiya Europe Evrika Yellow Elma
W: Jasmina Zheka Josephine Zhulya Giselle Joly Zhanette Zhulia Zhmurka Zhanetta Zhanelle Geneva Juliana Zella Zhemchuzhina
Z: Zita Zabava Zarina Zafira Zlata Zurine Zemfira Zosya Zara Zulya
And: Illada Italy Indigo Isabel Ingrid Isolde Illada Iolanta Ilitaria Ilse Indira
K: Camilla Katie Calypso Caprice Corsica Carmen Cocoa Cameo Kayla Claire Candace Clarissa Caramel Cardelia Kerry Kathleen
L: Lavender Laila Levretta Lucky Lady Leia Leila Lizabeth Lilianna Linset Loreal Loretta Lizzie Lyonesse Lilith Lottia Lulu Lucia Lacoste Legend
M: Musya Masya Murka Marquise Muska Milka Marusya Melissa Madelena Maya Margosha Mickey Merlin Magnolia Modina Milena Mallorca Manuella Merlin Mendy Medea Mirra Meina Monica
N: Naira Navarra Nadine Nonni Nancy Nally Neola Nefertiti Neol Nalma Nigel Nixia Nerra Nemida Nivetta Nemira Nymph Norjia Nemmie Nejia Narine
About: Olympia Ophelia Odette Orly Olfi Olivia Octavia Oleria Orlette Audrey Ornella Ostia Olia
P: Pamella Palermo Paola Panni Puma Patricia Paulina
R: Rihanna Rafaella Regina Rufina Roxolana Radianna Ronnie Roxie Rosita Ramona
With: Suzzy Symphony Stella Sabrina Sabina Savannah Selena Stesha Serafina Stacy Selina Seina Silvia Sibilla Smokey Cynthia Sibella Sibirika
T: Tiana Tyra Taya Tobbia Thalia Tunnels Tess Tivolia Tomica Tiffany Torrey Tracy
From: Winnie Unica Ursula Wallis Whitney
F: Fanny Violet Fiona Flora Frida Philadelphia Florence Fabiana Fleur Ferrero Fortuna Frennie Philly Feonora Floren Freya Fergie
X: Hannah Chloe Heidi Holly Helly Helena Haris
C: Queen Cercea Cyania Centia Cynia
C: Chara Charitta Chili China
SH: Shagane Chantel Champagne Charlotte Shaylee Shannon Sharon Shayna Shaylee
E: Eliza Abby Evelina Edith Edri Eilina Elite Elissa Eilen Elfia Emilia Ernia Esther Elzy Eliza Emina Emmy Erina
Yu: Juno Judit Yuzhanka Yunessi Yunik Utah
Me: Yalta Jamaica Yanina Yanette

Often, when giving their friend a beautiful but difficult to pronounce name, owners later shorten the nickname or call the cat another, more appropriate name. But it’s better to immediately pay attention to easy nicknames for your pets.

Pets of famous bloggers

Famous bloggers love to show off their pets. Joint photos collect a record number of responses and reactions. Fans literally flood bloggers with comments, raising account activity to incredible heights.

Video blogger Afonya and cat Gucci

  • Hoshiko
  • Fedya
  • Gavryusha
  • Nicky
  • Kite
  • Pass
  • Kuzma
  • Juniper
  • Mochimaru
  • Coffee
  • Mr White
  • Goyangi
  • Pudge
  • Misandei
  • Pocky
  • Aurora
  • Dora
  • Louis
  • Cossacks
  • Apollo
  • Maple
  • Bailey
  • Varlamov Omsk Vasilievich
  • Caesar
  • Ryzhik
  • Lord
  • Nefertiti
  • Musya
  • Milshake
  • Shunya
  • Musha
  • Sema
  • Kasia

THIS IS INTERESTING: cool dog nicknames from social networks.

Easy nicknames for cats

When coming up with a nickname, experts recommend choosing a simple name, consisting of a maximum of two syllables. And even if the owners get a high-breed pet with a long name, which is not only difficult to pronounce, but even difficult to read, the owners shorten it significantly or come up with a pet nickname: Elizabeth-Josephine turns into Lizzie, and Cleopatra into Cleo.

Nicknames for girls cats are easy and beautiful

Cats, unlike dogs, do not respond as actively to their nickname.
To improve the reaction, you should choose a word that has sibilants. Cats respond well to them. You don’t have to think too hard and make up a nickname yourself from two syllables with sibilants, for example: Sisi, Zizi, Zota, Zhadi, Shusha, Shutta, Zhuzha, Sozi, Zita, Chacha, Chucha, Shilo. It is very easy for the owner to pronounce such a word, and the cat quickly gets used to it and responds with pleasure. Another nuance - the cat will like a name that ends in “and”: Airi, Abi, Lidi, Libby, Issy, Ani, Todi, Mickey, Yenny, Essi, Shadi, Shanny, Lucy, Fanny, Vini, Sessie, Kitty, Boni , Zoe, Chrisy, Molly and others.

Cool cat names

Modern life is developing rapidly, and many new items have appeared in it, which people used to do without, but now they cannot live without them even a day. And if now children are called by the names iPhone Petrovich or Matrix Sergeevna, then what can we say about pets with cool modern nicknames.

Cool nicknames for girls cats

Some owners give cool names to girl kittens based on the name of some “delicious food”: Marmalade Caramel Candy Chocolate Melon Toffee Bun, etc.
So a pussy can take over the name Simka Flash drive Spam Klava ICQ Skype Nokia Winda Smska Acer Galaxy, etc.

For car enthusiasts, an animal can get a name in honor of some car brand: Toyota, Mazda, Ferrari, Mercedes, Infiniti, Lada-Kalina, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, etc.

The most common Old Russian names

Have you decided to choose an old Russian name? Below is a list of the most popular ones. Such variants of names are coming back into fashion, because they sound quite original.

  • Agidel - the one born in the fire element
  • Agnia, Aika, Alatyrka
  • Aldona - the one born in the water element
  • Anisya, Auda, Achima
  • Bana, Bezhana, Bielana, Belava
  • Varna, Vedana, Veya, Vetrana
  • Vereya – attractive
  • Gata, Gita, Gordyana, Gorinka
  • Dimiya, Dobrodeya
  • Edviga, Elya
  • Fun
  • Iria, Inga
  • Kupava
  • Laza
  • Leda, Lepa
  • Pavlina, Pelageya
  • Solokha, Slawomir
  • Yara, Yasmina
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