Spotted leopard gecko
Leopard gecko Black Night: features of the black gecko morph with the highest price
Leopard geckos are a genus of lizards from the leopard gecko family. Many exotic pet lovers keep beautiful reptiles
How to determine the presence of horntail and get rid of it
Insect pests cause a significant impact on agriculture and forestry. Horntail is one of the
Aquarium shrimp
Aquarium shrimp: maintenance and care, reproduction, what to feed and compatibility with other fish, how to distinguish a female from a male and what plants are needed
Aquarium shrimp belong to the family of crustaceans, which are characterized by enormous endurance and adaptability. Instead of claws
Dragonfly: types, description, how long it lives, what it eats, where it lives
Dragonflies are one of the smartest killers in the insect world. Dynamics of catching an object in
Stick insect - pet: care and maintenance (photos and videos)
Appearance of the Java leaf beetle The body length of an adult female Java leaf beetle is 7 centimeters, and
Girinocheilus yellow (golden) algae eater: maintenance, breeding, photo
Every aquarist has encountered algae along the way. Someone used it to fight them
Gray long-whiskered beetle
Longhorned beetle is an insect. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of the longhorned beetle
You may encounter a gray long-whiskered beetle at your dacha, if, of course, the dacha is located on
The cat is dozing
Vetom 1.1 for cats: instructions for use, composition, dosage and price
New generation probiotic, veterinary dietary supplement Vetom for cats and other pets is widely used
Dog profile
Italian Cane Corso: updated breed standard
Today, the standard of the Cane Corso is dictated by the document of the FCI, the Federation Cynologique Internationale, which came into force on 1
Which ant farm to choose, the opinion of professional Viktor Kozhaev
What is an ant farm? An ant farm is a home anthill consisting of
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