Chiktonik for poultry: properties, indications, instructions

Many farmers and owners of private farms when raising domestic chickens note the death of young animals in the first days and weeks of life. The most common causes of high mortality are vitamin deficiencies, stress, disorders of the digestive system, and poisoning. Modern livestock breeders are increasingly using biological products to solve such problems, for example, the Chiktonik probiotic for chickens and adult chickens.

Vitamin-amino acid complex Chiktonik was developed by the Spanish company INVESA

In Russia it has been registered as a veterinary drug (feed additive) since the end of December 2006. It is characterized by completeness and balance of composition, ease of use, safety, and absence of side effects.

Description of the drug

Chiktonik is a veterinary drug for broiler chickens, laying hens, and adult poultry. Refers to probiotics - substances of microbial, non-microbial origin, the main effect of which is aimed at normalizing beneficial microflora in the body of birds, improves the intestinal condition of broilers and adult chickens, normalizes digestive processes, increases general resistance and immunity.

Chiktonik is an opaque dark brown solution for oral use. Packaged in dark glass bottles of 10 ml, as well as white polymer containers of 1, 5, 25 liters.

Chiktonik for birds, animals

The veterinary preparation contains a large number of useful minerals (macro- and microelements), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B9), vitamin A, D3, K3, H (biotin), alphatocopherol, essential aromatic alpha- amino acids (lysine, threonine, alanine, tryptophan, histidine, arginine, leucine, tyrosine), enzymes, nutrients that are necessary for normal growth and development of chickens.

Important! A balanced diet, optimal housing conditions, and the use of probiotics will allow you to grow strong, healthy chicken stock.

Chiktonik is well tolerated by the chickens’ body and does not cause side effects or complications. In recommended therapeutic doses it does not have teratogenic, embryotoxic, or sensitizing effects.

According to the annotation for the veterinary drug, the food supplement should be stored in a dry, dark place in the original packaging at a temperature of 0–22 °C. Chiktonik can be stored in hermetically sealed containers for up to 2 years. In open, loosely sealed jars, the veterinary drug quickly loses its beneficial properties. After the expiration date, pharmacological agents not used for their intended purpose should be disposed of.

What is Chiktonik, what effect does it have?

Chiktonik for chickens is a product containing all the necessary microbial and non-microbial substances. It is used mainly to improve the functioning of the intestines, as well as to eliminate the negative effects on it. The remedy is necessary if the chickens have become lethargic, have poor appetite or are losing weight.

Chiktonik for birds

The drug protects the body of birds from the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. All substances present in the product are well absorbed, and therefore the bird quickly recovers.

Once ingested, each component of the drug begins to act immediately, improving the condition of the bird. Components:

  • Vitamin A. Increases chicken weight and promotes normal development.
  • Vitamin D3. Strengthens bones, and insufficient consumption leads to growth retardation, lethargy and deterioration in motor activity.
  • Vitamin E. Helps avoid heel buildup and stomach problems.
  • Vitamin B 12, 6 and 2. Prevents the death of nerve fibers and feather fragility.
  • Amino acids. They help improve appetite, which leads to an increase in the weight of birds.
  • Inositol. A necessary and important component for the nutrition of weak and emaciated chickens.
  • Choline chloride. Prevents the development of paresis, which can develop in chicks 3-4 weeks old. If a bird experiences a loss of mobility or deformation of the joints, then it is necessary to start giving it the drug.
  • Biotin. Has a positive effect on tendons. If there is not enough of it in the body, displacement of joints and bones is possible.
  • Glycine. The most important component in the body of chicks, because it contributes to their proper development.

Feeding chickens with Chiktonik
Important! If you add a probiotic to your birds' food, you will be able to raise healthy and disease-resistant birds.

The drug is also beneficial in that it allows you to raise poultry in a short time that will be less susceptible to viruses entering the body. The effectiveness of the product has been confirmed by experienced farmers and scientists.

When to use

Chiktonik is indicated after:

  • vaccinations;
  • stressful situation;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • poultry poisoning.

Characteristics of the drug

The product has an ideal ratio of elements, which promotes the proper growth and development of both domestic chickens and broilers. The drug is available in the form of a liquid with a characteristic dark brown color.

Note! If you give chickens the drug Chiktonik, it will help improve their digestion and intestinal microflora.

The product consists of the following active components:

  • fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K;
  • water-soluble vitamins: B, B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • nonessential and essential amino acids.

In the first months of life of chickens and broilers, the drug is extremely necessary, because it helps support the immune system. After taking Chiktonik, the birds’ body begins to resist diseases, so scientists recommend periodically using the drug.

Feeding 7-day-old chicks with Chiktonik

Biochemical properties and pharmacodynamics

Chiktonik for broiler chickens and adult birds belongs to the group of complex vitamin-amino acid products. When taken regularly, this veterinary drug improves the absorption of nutrients entering the body of poultry and animals from feed, and replenishes the deficiency of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and biologically active organic compounds. Increases the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of chickens and adult chickens.

Vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12 improve digestive processes. Vitamins A and E stimulate metabolic processes in the body. Laying hens increase egg production. Vitamin D3 is necessary for normal growth and development of young poultry.

Chiktonik is also available in white polymer jars, sealed with lids.

Vitamin K activates the synthesis of osteocalcin (bone tissue protein) and takes part in oxidative and metabolic processes in bone and connective tissues. Necessary for calcium absorption.

Chiktonik increases the body’s immune resource, reduces the risk of contracting viral and bacterial infections, and allows the body to quickly recover after forced antibiotic therapy.

This veterinary drug:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • saturates the body with useful substances, replenishes the lack of amino acids and vitamins;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • improves the condition of plumage and hairy skin;
  • promotes weight gain;
  • reduces embryonic mortality;
  • increases appetite in chickens, average daily weight gain.

Chiktonik is given to chickens and adult hens to prevent cannibalism (pecking). The probiotic has a positive effect and normalizes the condition after infections.

Chiktonik increases egg production in laying hens

Chiktonik for chickens

From the point of view of scientific classification, Chiktonik belongs to probiotic drugs. These are special products containing beneficial microorganisms that can improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive tract as a whole. This helps strengthen the immune system of young birds and increase the percentage of nutrients absorbed from the feed (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Various dosages of the drug

Chiktonik consists of many components, including essential amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients that can accelerate the development of chickens and increase their productivity. It should be borne in mind that the use of the product is especially useful for broiler breeds of chickens, because this drug promotes the absorption of nutrients from the feed, which means that the birds gain weight much faster and the duration of their housing is reduced. However, this drug can be used as a dietary supplement not only for adult chickens, but also for other poultry: geese, turkeys and ducks.

Indications for use

Chiktonik is prescribed to chickens, broiler chickens, adult poultry, and fur-bearing animals for metabolic disorders in the body, to normalize digestive processes, improve the condition of feathers and fur, after long-term antibiotic therapy, if the chicken is weakened. This drug can also be given to birds to increase the body’s resistance after preventive vaccination.

Important! Experts recommend using the probiotic in the autumn-winter period.

Chiktonik is used for chickens and young poultry during periods of active growth, development, unbalanced poor nutrition, severe stress, and hypothermia. The probiotic helps to normalize the condition of birds in case of severe poisoning, hypo-, avitaminosis, and in case of amino acid deficiency.

Chiktonik allows you to grow strong, healthy chicken stock

Recommended doses for birds and animals

  1. Adult rabbits are given one milliliter per liter of liquid.
  2. Goats and sheep - 1.5 milliliters.
  3. For cows and horses - two milliliters.
  4. For pigs – also two milliliters per liter of water.
  5. For chickens for egg production - two milliliters.
  6. One milliliter of Chiktonika is enough for chickens and roosters.

It is usually recommended to give the product to chickens starting from a week of age , but in some cases it is allowed to take it from three days.

If vaccination is provided, then all animals and birds in the farmstead begin to be given the drug three days before and three days after vaccination.

With the help of Chiktonik, stress is relieved in transported birds . If any transportation is required, the birds are given a solution of the drug on the day of transportation and two days after transportation.

But the product is especially beneficial in winter, when birds’ immunity declines and egg production decreases. During the winter-spring period, animals and birds on the farm begin to suffer due to a lack of vitamins in their daily diet.

That’s when Chiktonik and Gammatonic come to their aid. In the summer months, Chiktonik is given as a growth accelerator if high productivity is required.

Instructions for use for chickens

Before using the drug, we recommend that you consult with a veterinarian, carefully read the instructions, and follow the recommended dosages.

The probiotic is given to the bird orally. Before giving Chiktonik to chickens, it must be diluted in drinking water. Feed the bird once a day for 5–8 days. The product is added to drinking bowls, providing free access to drinking water. An experienced poultry farmer dilutes the drug in clean, filtered water at room temperature.

Chiktonik can be used for individual and group watering. Dosages and method of use are indicated in the instructions for the drug.

The daily dose is given per liter of drinking water:

  1. For laying hens, productive birds, stimulation of egg production - 2 ml.
  2. For broiler chickens, chicks, unproductive birds - 1 ml.
  3. For rabbits - 1 ml.
  4. For cattle - 2 ml.
  5. For small cattle - 1–2 ml.

Important! Chickens can be given Chiktonik starting from seven days of age. Some experienced poultry farmers begin to feed chicks with veterinary medicine diluted in drinking water already from the 3rd–5th day after birth.

Chiktonik is added to chickens' drinking bowls.
Dilute the required amount in a liter of water. If there is a need to transport or relocate the bird, in order to reduce the effects of stress, based on the above dosage, the probiotic is started to be given 2-3 days before the planned events, and the bird is also given water for three days after.

Dosage for chicks and adults

Chickens are given a remedy as a preventive measure to increase immunity. This is done from the age of seven days, since the defense system in the early stages of bird development is not strong. The concentrate is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 ml per 1 liter, respectively. The prepared solution is poured into drinking bowls. Thus, Chiktonik is drunk for 5 days. The solution is prepared daily.

The veterinary drug in a dose of 1 ml per 1 liter of water is also given to chicks of other varieties of poultry: turkey poults, ducklings, goslings. The start time of feeding and its duration coincide with the purpose for the chickens. Chiktonik is also indicated for adult poultry house inhabitants. In this case, the concentrate is diluted in a proportion of 2 ml per 1 liter of water. The solution is given as a drink for 5-7 days.

Attention! In the absence of visible improvements, the dose can be increased, but not by much.

Chiktonik is a probiotic that can be called a real assistant to the poultry farmer. With its help, healthy offspring grow up, which in the future bring much less losses and problems to the owners.

Adverse symptoms and contraindications

Chiktonik in therapeutic doses can provoke side effects and allergic manifestations only in case of individual intolerance to the components included in the composition. Refers to absolutely harmless, non-toxic additives for poultry and pets.

Important! Poultry is slaughtered for meat and livestock products are sold after taking the probiotic without any restrictions.

There are no special contraindications for use. At the same time, given the unnatural nature of the drug, experienced farmers do not recommend constantly giving Chiktonik to birds. It is best to use the product for broilers, laying hens, chickens only in the case of the indications described above or for preventive purposes several times a year.

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Storage conditions

The instructions state that the storage place should be dark, dry, inaccessible to animals and children. Storage temperature is from 0 C to +25 C. In original packaging, the guaranteed shelf life is 2 years from the date of production.

If the package is opened, the drug should be used within 30-40 days, and it should be stored in the refrigerator.

!After the expiration date, the additive cannot be used. Also, the product should not be allowed to freeze, as its properties change and it should no longer be used.

Chiktonik replenishes the deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, improves the metabolism and immunity of farmed animals and birds.

Thanks to the use of this drug, farmers and homestead owners can not worry about the health of farm animals and birds, and receive high-quality products.

Additive storage conditions

There are a number of requirements for the storage procedure for the additive. It is available in bottles and canisters, which should always be tightly closed and kept in a dry place, reliably protected from sunlight. An important storage condition is that it is kept separate from food products.

Temperature is also important. It should not exceed 25°C. The drug cannot be used after the expiration date, since most vitamins and amino acids are destroyed by this point.

When using the drug, it is advisable to avoid overdose and strictly adhere to the instructions for use.

The period during which the drug can be used is 2 years. Depending on your needs, the drug can be purchased in bottles of 10, 20 and 100 ml. For birds, packaging in 1 liter containers will be convenient. You should not purchase the supplement with a reserve, since the drug can be freely purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.

The drug is used especially intensively in poultry farming. It is great for any type of bird, including pigeons. For chickens, this supplement is doubly necessary, since they are easily susceptible to infections, and the drug is a reliable remedy that can strengthen their immunity. And, of course, chicks will need the product during the period of active growth and weight gain.

Reviews about Chiktonik are only positive. Many farm owners say that they have been using it for a long time and are not trying to find a replacement, since they are quite satisfied with the spectrum of action and price of the drug.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has a balanced amount of biologically active substances, amino acids and vitamins in its composition, which helps compensate for their deficiency in the body of animals. Chiktonik increases nonspecific resistance to environmental factors that are considered unfavorable.

Did you know? Nonspecific resistance of the body

this is a defense that is aimed at destroying any foreign agent in the body.
Chiktonik stimulates the growth and development of young animals, reduces animal mortality, improves appetite, increases the body's resistance to stress and infections, and has a positive effect on the skin, hair and plumage of birds.

Tools in the first aid kit

In addition to veterinary medications for poultry, the first aid kit should contain various medical products. Antiseptics and dressings are necessary to carry out preventive measures and disinfection procedures. Chlorhexidine is suitable for disinfection; it is used when washing the eyes.

The required set includes hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green. Healing ointments, creams, sprays will be useful. You will need insulin syringes of 2, 5, 10 ml and pipettes. Purchase small enemas for washing wounds. Use tweezers and sharp nail scissors. An elastic bandage, cotton swabs and sticks will be useful.

Preventative treatment products

To cleanse the chicken coop space, iodine bombs are used. With their help, you can reduce the concentration of bacterial flora in the air. During processing, the bird remains in its place and breathes iodine vapor.

Universal drugs

Molting and egg-laying are considered critical periods of growth. At these moments it is necessary to give the bird vitamins (Chiktonik). E-selenium is used to prevent white muscle disease, lipid and protein metabolism disorders. Calcium borogluconate is necessary for animals in winter, when there is a lack of sunlight. The substance helps increase calcium absorption and makes the shell stronger.

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