Nobivac Rabies: Instructions for use of component R for cats and dogs. Indications and contraindications. How to use it correctly? Why get such a vaccination?

In this article I will talk about the Nobivac Rabies vaccine. I will dwell on the components of the drug, indications and contraindications, and will discuss in detail the instructions for use and dosage. I will tell owners of pregnant animals how to vaccinate their pets with this drug.

Vaccination of animals with Nobivac Rabies

According to the instructions for use, a single vaccination at 12 weeks of age will protect both cats

, and dogs for a period of at least 3 years (In Russia, the vaccine is used at intervals of 12 months). If animals are vaccinated for the first time before 12 weeks of age, binding to maternal antibodies (reduced effectiveness) is possible and for this reason revaccination should be given at 12 weeks of age or older. However, Nobivac R rabies vaccination is part of a comprehensive vaccination programme. There are several alternatives. (See Vaccination Program for Dogs, See Vaccination Program for Cats).

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects include slight swelling at the injection site. Such swelling does not pose any danger and goes away on its own in 1-2 weeks.

It happens that a pet has an allergic reaction (as with any other drug). In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Nobivac Rabies is a modern drug that is optimally safe for the animal. No cases of overdose were found.

The vaccine with this drug is contraindicated in weakened, sick or malnourished animals.

Special precautions when using the vaccine

  • Allow Nobivac Rabies vaccine
    to warm to ambient temperature (15-25 degrees C) before use.
  • Use sterile injection equipment.
  • Shake before and during use.
  • Special precautions for use on animals.
  • Vaccinate only healthy animals.
  • Special precautions should be taken by a veterinarian.
  • Medicine only for animals.

Composition and description of the vaccine Nobivak Rabies

The rabies vaccine nobivac rabies is a suspension that contains inactivated, already killed virus rabies - rabies viruses.

In order for the body to intensively develop immunity to the substance, the vaccine contains an adjuvant.

It also includes some substances that help the body respond correctly to the injected serum.

Nobivac Rabies is made only from killed viruses. This eliminates even the slightest risk of infection with a weakened but live rabies virus. 1 package contains 10 bottles.

The appearance of the drug is a suspension, colored yellow or pink, of varying saturation. Supplied in transparent, glass bottles of 1 ml. The bottles are closed with rubber plugs and secured with aluminum tape.

Supplied in clear, glass bottles of 1 ml

Learn about essential drugs in animals

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Storage conditions and shelf life

The vaccine must be stored and transported at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. Any increase or decrease in temperature that goes beyond these limits is unacceptable.

Shelf life at this temperature is 2 years.

The shelf life of the vaccine under normal home or outdoor conditions (outside the refrigerator) is no more than 2 hours.

If the temperature conditions are observed, the shelf life is 2 years.

What is Nobivak for dogs?

Comprehensive vaccination is a mandatory annual event for dogs and cats. The procedure is the best prevention against the most dangerous animal diseases of an infectious nature. In addition, leptospirosis and rabies pose a direct threat to humans.

Nobivak is a company that produces high-quality vaccines for dogs and cats. The company's employees are constantly developing more and more new drugs that protect pets from infectious pathologies. Nobivak is widely distributed throughout the world and is in great demand among veterinarians and animal breeders.

It is worth noting that no vaccine provides a complete guarantee that a pet will not become infected with the virus after vaccination. In addition, microorganisms mutate over the years, and new species appear that infect animals and cause serious health problems. However, in vaccinated animals the disease is mild and they have a greater chance of survival.

Doses and method of administration

Only clinically healthy animals are vaccinated with the vaccine. Dogs and cats begin to be vaccinated from 3 months of age (if an animal was vaccinated earlier than the specified age due to an epizootic situation, then it must be vaccinated again at the age of 3 months), revaccinated every 3 years (depending on the epizootic situation, It is possible to vaccinate animals against rabies every year), the vaccine in the amount of 1 dose (1 ml) is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Ferrets, minks and foxes are vaccinated against rabies from the age of 3 months (if the animal was vaccinated earlier than this age due to an epizootic situation, it must be vaccinated again at the age of 3 months), revaccinated against rabies every year, the vaccine is 1 dose (1 ml) is administered subcutaneously. Cattle, sheep, goats and horses are first vaccinated against rabies from the age of 6 months (if the animal was vaccinated earlier than this age due to an occasional situation, it must be vaccinated again at the age of 6 months), revaccinated every 2 months year (depending on the epizootic situation, animals can be vaccinated against rabies every year), the vaccine in the amount of 1 dose (1 ml) is administered intramuscularly.

What diseases will the vaccine protect against?

  1. Panleukopenia (feline distemper) is a highly contagious viral disease of cats, which primarily affects the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory organs. Without treatment, it is fatal in 90% of cases.
  2. Calicivirus is a contagious viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity of cats, which is characterized by the appearance of ulcers in the mouth, watery eyes, and lameness.
  3. Rhinotracheid (feline herpes) is an acute viral respiratory disease characterized by damage to the eyes and respiratory system.

Types of vaccine

Several types of vaccines are produced under the trade name nobivac:

Nobivac Lepto

Intended for vaccination of dogs against leptospirosis. The first vaccination is given when the puppy is two months old, followed by a booster vaccination two weeks later. Next, you need to vaccinate your dog every year. Immunity to the disease occurs three weeks after vaccination and is active for a year.

Nobivac Rabies

Designed for vaccinating pets against rabies. Puppies are given their first vaccination at the age of three months, then annually. Immunity begins to develop three weeks after administration and protects the dog from the virus for three years.

Nobivak RL

Designed for vaccinating dogs against leptospirosis and rabies. Recommended as a revaccination against leptospirosis and vaccination/booster vaccination against rabies. Primary administration is carried out at the age of three months, then annually.

Nobivac L4

Designed for vaccinating dogs against leptospirosis. A more modern and advanced drug than nobivac Lepto. Puppies are given their first vaccination at the age of 6 weeks, then revaccinated at 10 weeks. Subsequent vaccinations are given annually.

Nobivac PuppyDP

Designed for vaccinating pets against parvovirus enteritis and canine distemper. The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 1 month, then annually.

Intended for vaccinating dogs against infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, and canine distemper. The first vaccination is given at the age of 2 months, then once every three years.

Intended for vaccinating dogs against infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, and canine distemper. The first vaccination is given at the age of 2 months, then once every three years.

Nobivac DHP

Intended for vaccinating dogs against infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, and canine distemper. The first vaccination is given at the age of 2 months, then once every three years.

Nobivak dhppi

Intended for vaccinating pets against canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis. The first vaccination is given at the age of 2 months, the second a month later, then once annually.

Nobivak KS

Designed for vaccinating animals against bordetellosis and parainfluenza. It is administered as drops into the nose. The first vaccine is used at the age of 2 weeks, the second one a year later.

pharmachologic effect

This rabies vaccine is recommended for the prevention of diseases in domestic and farm animals. It is especially advisable to vaccinate dogs and cats with Nobivak, because they actively contact people. And an infected pet poses a danger to all the people around it.

The medicine contains killed viral strains, which, once in the animal’s body, stimulate the synthesis of special antigens. They stick to the pathogen. Cells of the immune system react to this process and eliminate viruses with antigens attached to them.

Antigen production occurs within 3 weeks. However, they remain in the body of a cat or dog for about 2-3 years. However, the validity period for subcutaneous administration of the vaccine does not exceed 1 year, because in the subsequent period, the concentration of antigens decreases and they become insufficient for the full functioning of the immune system.

To avoid infection, revaccination should be performed every year.

Instructions for use Nobivac

The vaccine is injected subcutaneously into the withers. These are Lepto, PuppyDP, DHPPi, RL, L4, DHP. Rabies requires intramuscular administration, and CS is dripped into the nose.

Nobivak vaccination is done according to the schedule recommended by veterinarians and only to clinically healthy dogs. Procedures are allowed for pregnant dogs and small puppies.

It is still recommended to trust the veterinarian in matters of administration, who will do everything correctly.

You can master the vaccination procedure yourself at home, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions for the medication. For a liquid suspension, everything is simple: it is drawn into a syringe and injected into the dog.

The powder is diluted to a homogeneous liquid state by mixing it with a solvent and shaken thoroughly before injection. Both before and after the insertion site is treated with an antiseptic without fail.

It is prohibited to mix different vaccines in one syringe!

It happens that two vaccines are needed at the same time. They still don’t pour them into one syringe - they take different ones and inject them into different places too.

In case of an allergic reaction to the previous drug, the dog is given an antihistamine an hour and a half before the scheduled vaccination.

Price and analogues

For home independent use, it is possible to purchase the drug individually in veterinary pharmacies.

The cost per vaccine will be approximately equal to:

  • Lepto - 80 rub.
  • Rabies - 110 rub.
  • RL — 180 rub.
  • L4 — 240 rub.
  • Puppy DP — 240 rub.
  • DHP - 270 rub.
  • DHPPi — 270 rub.
  • KS - 700 rub.

Analogues of the drug: eurikan and vanguard.


In the article I talked about the Nobivac vaccine for dogs, its composition, types and indications for use. I wrote how it works, what are the contraindications for use and side effects. She explained how the dosage is calculated and the drug is stored. She gave the price of the product and possible analogues.

Proposed vaccination schedule Nobivak RL

Depending on the local situation and the maternal immunity status of the animal, a choice may be made from the following vaccination programs:

  1. No direct risk of infection: 9 weeks of age Nobivac® Lepto and Nobivac® DHPPi. 12 weeks of age Nobivac® DHPPi and Nobivac® RL. In healthy dogs, this program will provide complete protection from all included components.
  2. Risk of parvovirus infection in weaned puppies. 9 weeks old Nobivac® DHPPi and Nobivac® Lepto. 12 weeks of age Nobivac® DHPPi and Nobivac® RL. The first vaccination after 9 weeks will protect 90% of puppies from parvovirus disease. The second vaccination will provide complete protection against all included components.
  3. Risk of parvovirus and plague infection. Age 6 weeks Nobivac® Puppy DP. 9 weeks old Nobivac® DHPPi and Nobivac® Lepto. 12 weeks old Nobivac® DHPPi and Nobivac® RL. The first vaccination after 6 weeks will provide protection against parvovirus disease in 75% of puppies, the second vaccination will increase this percentage to 95%, and the third vaccination will provide complete protection against all components.

Vaccination safety

When carrying out vaccination, it is necessary to adhere to general rules of personal hygiene, as well as safety rules.:

  • The person performing the procedure must wear special medical clothing and be provided with personal protective equipment. An immediate first aid kit should be present in the room.
  • If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membrane, it is strongly recommended to rinse it under running water. If the vaccine has been administered, the person should visit a medical facility for health control.

Solvent Nobivac Diluent

Release form

The drug is supplied with the vaccine or purchased separately. Volume – 1 ml. Packaged in boxes of 5 to 60 units. The solvent is in a sealed glass bottle.


Nobivac Diluent consists of:

  1. sodium and potassium dihydrogen phosphate;
  2. water for injections.

Indications for use

Vaccination with Nobivac is needed against the following diseases:

  • leptospirosis;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • rabies;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • carnivore plague;
  • parainfluenza;
  • bordetellosis.

The viral agents in the vaccine are very weakened in order to cause disease, but they successfully form a decent immune response in the allotted time.

The immune reaction is such that the antibodies formed by the body not only kill the infection introduced with the vaccine, but will also actively fight in the event of a new serious infection.

Repeated vaccination Nobivak RL

Rabies booster shots should be given every 3 years, but local regulations may require earlier booster shots. Revaccination against leptospirosis is necessary every year. It is recommended to vaccinate again against leptospirosis in the spring because Leptospira infections occur most often during late summer and to give dogs that are frequently exposed to natural water a third vaccination against leptospirosis 6 months after the main vaccination.

Revaccination – Annually against leptospirosis Nobivak® Lepto. Every 3 years Nobivac® RL anti-rabies (or sooner to comply with local regulations).

How to prepare a cat for vaccination

Vaccination is an unpleasant procedure, especially for animals. Therefore, before you start, you need to take care of how to minimize stress for your pet. Make sure your cat:

  • does not have lice and worms (prevention can be carried out a week before vaccination);
  • is not depressed;
  • does not have diseases against which prevention will be carried out.

Vaccination is prohibited if the animal:

  • infected with other diseases and taking antibiotics;
  • has lice and helminths;
  • came into contact with sick individuals, resulting in infection;
  • underwent surgery and is undergoing rehabilitation.

The vaccine is given subcutaneously ; you can learn how to properly administer injections to cats from our article.

Some vaccinations are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating cats (check instructions).


Vaccine for dogs (nasal drops) against bordetellosis and parainfluenza 1 dose + diluent.

The live dry vaccine against bordetellosis and canine parainfluenza in one dose contains at least 108 CFU of the attenuated pathogen Bordetella bronchiseptica strain B-C2 and 103 TCD50 of the causative agent of carnivorous parainfluenza strain Cornell, as well as stabilizers: hydrolyzed gelatin, pancreatic hydrolyzate of casein and sorbitol. A special solvent for vaccines, Nobivac Diluent, is a transparent sterile phosphate buffer with a pH of 7.2 - 7.4. In appearance, the vaccine is a homogeneous porous white mass. Nobivak KS is packaged in 1 dose, solvent - 0.4 ml in glass vials, hermetically sealed with polymer caps, rolled with aluminum caps and packaged in 1, 5 or 25 doses with the corresponding number of Nobivak Diluent bottles in a cardboard box with cells.

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