Notes of an Astrakhan naturalist. How do feral cats live?

All cats, be it a small domestic cat or a huge Amur tiger, are excellent hunters. Scientists believe that the first cats appeared on our planet 60 million years ago, during the Paleogene. True cats began to evolve 40 million years ago.

All modern cats are divided by genera into cheetahs, caracals, catopumas, tiger cats, servals, lynxes, marbled cats, Asian cats, golden cats, pumas, clouded leopards, panthers and just cats, which also includes the domestic cat, a subspecies of the forest cat. In our time, the territory of Russia is inhabited by Pallas' cats, jungle and forest cats, lynxes, Amur tigers, leopards, snow leopards and caracals.

Amur tiger

This cat is considered one of the largest predators on our planet. Males grow up to 2.2 meters long and gain weight up to 200 kilograms. This tiger subspecies is endangered, with only about 550 individuals left in the wild. 95% of the entire population lives in the Russian Far East, the remaining 5% in China. 20% of Amur tigers live in nature reserves and national parks, where a special protection regime has been introduced; the animals feel safe. The remaining 80% live in the wild, where they constantly have to compete for territory with other predators. The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Amur tigers live on hills, in river valleys and in valleys between mountain ranges. These animals are omnivores. They can attack not only a bear, but also a frog. In the wild, they hunt deer, wild boar and roe deer. At one time, this cat can eat up to 30 kilograms of meat. During a hunt, a tiger can jump up to 5 meters and 10 meters in length. A tiger can use its tail to show its mood. If the animal is calm, its tail is lowered and the end bends smoothly upward. Amur tigers' whiskers can grow up to 50 centimeters in length. With the help of its whiskers, this predator determines temperature, wind direction and hears the movements of other animals nearby. In complete darkness, whiskers help these animals navigate in space.

Far Eastern leopard

It is the Far Eastern leopard that is considered the rarest subspecies of the cat family on our planet. Nowadays, this species has almost disappeared. Only 80 individuals live in the wild. Most live in the Primorsky Territory, and a smaller part in China. 70% of these predators live in the Land of the Leopard National Park. In the 20th century, these cats were listed in the IUCN Red Book, the Russian Red Book, and the IUCN Red List. Today, Far Eastern leopards are on the verge of extinction.

These predators hunt mainly ungulates, raccoons, badgers and hares. They may sometimes attack dogs, but they never attack livestock. In the wild, they live in coniferous and broad-leaved forests of the Manchurian type. These cats grow up to 136 centimeters in length and gain weight up to 60 kilograms. It will be interesting to know that each leopard has a unique spotted pattern.

These predators treat humans quite peacefully; throughout history there has not been a single case of an Far Eastern leopard attacking people. When meeting a person, they do not show aggression, but rather begin to study the stranger with interest.

In 2011, the autonomous non-profit organization “Far Eastern Leopards” was created with the goal of preserving the unique natural territory of Russia where the Far Eastern leopard lives and preserving this subspecies. The organization cooperates with the Leopardobi and Kedrovaya Pad nature reserves and the Land of Leopards national park.


Are you ready to start training your cat? Here's how to do it right...

Insert tourniquet at home

It is highly likely that you will make a big mistake if you take your pet directly onto a hiking trail without any prior preparation. Remember that your cat must adapt to both the harness and the leash, and your home is the place to start.

The process of training in the collection should progress gradually and include some positive experience, food in this case. Offer your cat a harness in a way that makes her smell: Each time you do this, give her a reward later as a reward, creating a positive experience for your cat.

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Additionally, it may also help if you leave the belt near your cat's favorite place: next to the food dish or your favorite place to sleep. So you can get used to it, to the smell in this case, and you won't find the object itself scary.

Attach strap

Once you have noticed that your cat is comfortable enough with the harness, it may also be time to insert a leash. Again, do this at home first and do it gradually.

You can try attaching a leash to a belt and see how your cat likes it. In addition to this, he can also allow it to move freely inside without trying to control it; the idea here is that the cat gets used to the object.

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You can then take it a step further by taking your cat to the nearest yard or park, although make sure you have plenty of control over it if it's in an open area. Try to hold the leash now, but without applying too much pressure, just lead your pet.

Never try to pull on your cat's leash, as this may create the opposite effect of what you were looking for. Also, don't forget to offer a reward at the end, thus reinforcing the positive experience...

Irbis, or snow leopard

The snow leopard is also called the snow leopard - it is the only species in the genus of snow leopards and the only large cat that lives in the highlands of Central Asia. These animals inhabited the foothills of the Himalayas and all of Southern Siberia. Snow leopards also live in Russia, Afghanistan, Burma, Bhutan, India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Today this species is disappearing. Scientists say that there are only about 7,000 snow leopards left on our planet, with only 200 individuals living in Russia. Snow leopards are included in the first category of the Red Book of the Russian Federation, as the most rapidly disappearing species. In 2011, by presidential decree, a state nature reserve called “Pozarym” was created, on the territory of which artificial breeding of these rare animals began.

Snow leopards grow up to 125 centimeters in length and gain weight up to 50 kilograms. These cats live in caves or rock crevices. These predators do not like competition and live by engaging in fights with other representatives of their species. Snow leopards hunt mountain goats, rams, roe deer, wild boars, marmots and hares. In summer they like to eat young grass.

The snow leopard is a very strong animal; it can cope with prey that is three times its mass. This cat hunts alone using ambushes. When hunting, he can jump from cover to 7 meters in length. Snow leopards are very playful; they love to roll around in the snow, roll down an icy slide on their backs, and jump into snowdrifts. After games they love to bask in the sun.

In 2012, a large project called “Wild Cats of Southern Siberia” was created, the purpose of which was to study and preserve rare species of cats in the south of Siberia - snow leopard, manula and lynx.

What to take with you

Here are some things you should get for your next trip, along with the most basic backpack you carry with you.

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  • Bring a towel to quickly wrap up a panicked cat.

Get the right backpack

Getting a backpack that can fit your cat can also be very important in this case, as sometimes you will have to carry it with you. Don't forget that even though your pet is quite active at home, you may still get tired faster than dogs and you may need to take him with you for the rest of your trip...

Ideally, you should buy a backpack that fits both your belongings and your cat's. For example, a backpack with a large front pocket may be a good idea, but feel free to experiment until you find what works best for you.

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Additionally, there are several custom made carriers that you can get. As long as you don't carry so many things with you, but instead of a backpack, it will be better suited for your pet.

Bring enough water for meals

Like you, be sure to bring enough food and water to last you the entire trip. Do not allow your pet to drink from rivers or streams; The water may be contaminated. In addition, it is also important to consider the weather conditions: if you go camping in the summer, your cat may become dehydrated more quickly in hot weather...

Plus, hiking is also a challenging activity for your pet, so be sure to plan all meals in advance. Be sure to bring something, a bowl/cup, that your cat can eat.


The Pallas cat is another wild cat that has been the least studied. Pallas' cats live in Central and Middle Asia, Southern Transcaucasia, Iran, Transbaikalia, Mongolia and Northern China. In Russia, Pallas' cats live in Buryatia, Tuva and Altai. This animal was included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Pallas' cats also live in the Sayano-Shushensky, Khakassky, and Daursky nature reserves. It is not yet possible to calculate the exact number of this species, since these cats lead a very secretive lifestyle and settle chaotically.

Outwardly, the manul looks like an ordinary domestic cat. These animals grow up to 65 centimeters in length and gain weight up to 6 kilograms. These cats run very slowly; they have to hide from their enemies in holes, caves and trees.

Pallas' cats hunt mainly on pikas and rodents, as well as partridges and chukars. Sometimes they can catch a young marmot or hare. Pallas' cats most often obtain food from ambush, or guard victims at the entrance to the hole. It is difficult for Pallas' cats to move in the snow; a 20-centimeter snow cover is already a disaster for these cats. Manul has another name - Pallas's cat, it was named in honor of the naturalist Peter Simon Pallas, who first scientifically described this species back in the 18th century.

Climb your way to the top

Considering all this, walking with cats doesn't seem as impossible as you first thought. As long as you give your cat some space to get used to the idea, you and your pet should soon start enjoying trips together...

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While it's true that not all cats will like the idea of ​​wearing a leash and harness, you have nothing to lose if you try it. Remember: don't force anything and let your cat get used to the whole idea.

Have you ever taken your cat for a walk? If so, do you have any tips to share with us? Feel free to send us comments in the comments section, we'd love to hear from our readers!


Lynx is a predatory mammal from the cat family. These animals live in Russia, Scandinavia, Finland, some regions of Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as in Spain. On the territory of Russia they settle in dense forests. This species is now endangered, it is prohibited to sell it, the species is protected by the international Berne Convention. This rare species was also listed in the Red Books of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Male Lynx grow up to 1 meter in length and gain weight up to 30 kilograms. These are very agile animals, they easily climb trees and rocks, run very quickly and jump up to 4 meters in length. Lynxes are quite hardy; they can go for weeks without food. They are not at all afraid of water and swim well.

These wild cats hunt hares, roe deer, birds, young deer, wild boars and small moose. During hunting, snow is not a barrier for these predators. These predatory cats very rarely touch humans; when meeting them, the lynx prefers to hide. Huge ear tufts help this animal hear animals at a distance of up to several kilometers.

What you need to know in advance

If you're wondering what might help get you and your feline friend in a good mood for your next adventure, here are some tips that might be helpful.

Keep your expectations low.

Do you expect to walk your cat like you walk your dog? Well, things may not be like that: it's important to keep your expectations to a minimum on your first trip together.

Don't expect a cat on a leash to walk the same way as a dog; Chances are, your cat won't be as excited if you try to tighten the leash and control its movement. On the other hand, if you feel like you can't really guide your cat carefully, it might be best to just pick her up and wait a while before letting her walk again.

The distance they travel on their first trip together will likely depend on their cat's personality; While some cats are happy to be active and explore outside, others would rather snuggle up and take a quick nap after even the shortest walk.

Think about the route

Thinking about the route you take with your friend can be the deciding factor in determining the success of your trip. For example, if your cat is afraid of water, going along a route with streams or rivers may not be ideal...

On the other hand, on the rare occasion that your cat likes to splash around in the water, be careful when you let her get her paws wet: some bodies of water may be polluted, and you may end up bringing home more than you originally asked for.

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Also, don't expect to log miles and miles on your first rides. Choose the most basic route and then slowly increase the distance and the altitude may be ideal in this case.

Get a collar for your pet

You've probably already done this, but having your pet wear a collar tag with basic information can make all the difference for your trip. In case your pet is lost in any way, rest assured that it can be easily tracked and returned.

Microchipping your pet is another great way to ensure that you can easily find your pet if it gets lost. Depending on the location, it may be more expensive, but if your little friend is naughty, it may be worth the investment.

Get the right belt

It's highly likely that the right harness for your pet plays an important role on your next hiking trip. Ideally, the tourniquet should not be too tight, but not too loose. Don't forget that your cat won't be happy if the tourniquet doesn't feel comfortable.

There are many different seat belts available in the current market. To ensure the best fit, look for a harness that is easy to put on but not easy for your cat to escape. When it comes to the belt, make sure that the belt sticks to the back of the belt and not to the neck; his cat won't like having his neck pulled.


The name of this species of wild cat “caracal” comes from the Turkish word “karakulak”, which translates as “black ears”. The homeland of these cats is Türkiye. These animals also live in North Africa, so these predators are called “Barbary lynx”. On the territory of Russia, caracals live in the foothills of the Republic of Dagestan. There are no more than 100 individuals of these cats left throughout Russia. Caracals live not only in the wild, but also in ordinary people's homes. True, these cats are very expensive - from 450,000 rubles per kitten. The long caracal grows up to 1 meter and gains a weight of 15 to 20 kilograms. The coat is very short, it has a sandy-red color. In the wild, these cats live for 20 years.

jungle cat

Externally, the jungle cat resembles a lynx. His eyes and ears are quite large, there are tufts on his ears, his body is muscular and his legs are long. These cats grow up to 1 meter in length, up to 50 centimeters in height and gain weight up to 15 kilograms. The coat has a blurry pattern that can only be seen up close. Females can produce up to 10 kittens in one litter.

These predators live in dense bushes and forests near water. They very rarely hunt in open areas and do not tolerate cold weather well. Although they do not dig their own burrows, they may take over the shelter of another animal.

These cats do not live in one place for a long time and lead a nomadic lifestyle. They go out hunting mainly at night. They hunt mainly from ambush for waterfowl, hares, ground squirrels, snakes and small rodents. Sometimes they can catch fish from a pond.

On the territory of Russia, reed cats live in the Astrakhan region, Primorsky Krai, Transcaucasia and on the plains of Dagestan. The color of these predators greatly depends on their habitat.

Can you really walk cats???

Do you still have doubts that you can really walk with your cat? In fact, you can: it's not an impossible mission, it's impossible. More and more cat owners are training their cats with leashes and harnesses and are starting to take them on outdoor adventures...

If your cat is curious and always chooses an outdoor adventure, you won't have too much trouble getting her out. In this case, your only concern will be that you will first have to train on leash well enough at home to be on your best behavior while you are out and about.

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However, if your kitten is easily scared and not very interested in the outdoors, it may take some time to practice on a leash at home and then in your yard. Remember that both older and younger cats can be trained on a leash: all you need is a little patience on your part!

forest cat

Externally, forest cats are very similar to ordinary short-haired domestic cats. They grow up to 50 centimeters in length and gain a weight of 5-7 kilograms. Their body is very flexible, and their tail and legs are short. The muzzle of forest cats is rounded, and the ears are triangular in shape. The coat is short and thick, reddish in color. The body of the animal is covered with transverse stripes, these stripes are especially noticeable on the tail. These cats have small, but very sharp teeth, and claws. Forest cats settle in dense untouched thickets away from humans.

The cries of these cats in the forest can only be heard during the mating season. These animals prefer to live alone and go out hunting only at night. During the day they spend time in a den built in reed thickets, an abandoned hole or a hollow. Their main prey is small rodents and birds, but sometimes they can also hunt hares. In the wild, these animals live up to 15 years, but in a human home they live up to 30 years.

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