Magots, or Berber macaques - the “indigenous” inhabitants of the Rock


Magots, or barbary monkeys, live on the plains in the mountainous regions of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, up to an altitude of 2,000 m above sea level. A separate population of these monkeys inhabits the rocks of Gibraltar. In the mountains, Magots usually live in meadows, sparse cedar, spruce and oak forests. Magot monkeys are social animals. They keep in permanent herds of 10-30 individuals. There is a clear hierarchy between adult males. To reduce aggression, males use cubs. If one male wants to approach another, he takes the cub from the female, and then the two males together search its fur. The site of one group extends over several square kilometers. The territories of several herds may partially overlap. Magots spend their nights on tree branches or among rocks. During the day, they slowly move around their area in search of food. More often than other monkeys, magotes move around on four legs, and they rise to their hind limbs only when they want to look at everything around them.

Tailless monkey, 6 letter words

Usually, in order to start using the Hidden Breath technique, he needed three minutes of preparation. But this time he only had a minute, perhaps even less, a flock of monkeys was approaching them at crazy speed.

It was a real challenge for him! He must enter the Hidden Breath state before the monkeys catch up with them.

Bo Wen had already activated his bracers and began to drift in space, preparing for battle. Cheng Ying took Li Duhong in her arms and also rose into the air, she was ready to fight. The distance between the opponents was decreasing, the Tailless Monkeys had already seen them, and therefore began to run even faster. The speed of these creatures was simply incredible, they ran even faster than that two-tailed monster.

Swinging in the air, Bo Wen and Cheng Ying looked at Chen Mu in surprise. They couldn't figure out what he was doing now? Who would have thought that he would just sit motionless all this time? Bo Wen wondered: were his guesses wrong? Why is Chen Mu so calm? Does he really have an ace up his sleeve?

Cheng Ying, on the other hand, looked at Chen Mu with respect. Still, a master is a master.

Li Duhong looked at Chen Mu with childish curiosity, he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t moving? Isn't he afraid of wild monkeys?

Tailless Apes are a species of long-legged apes that stand approximately three meters tall, are infinitely strong, and move in groups. They are the few animals living in the forest that know how to use the simplest tools. They use palm sago as throwing weapons. Sago is a large, round, plate-like fruit that grows on palm trees. Their diameter can vary from twenty to thirty centimeters; one fruit can consist of thirteen discs. Also, Sago, once dried, becomes as strong as steel and sharp as blades. The thickness of the discs may decrease under pressure, but their weight always remains the same.

The Tall Tailless Monkeys masterfully wielded these weapons. The strength and accuracy with which they threw the Sago discs was simply amazing. And their legs were very long, so they jumped and ran at unimaginable speed. They liked to move in groups while hunting using Sago discs. Those who encountered them in the wilderness had a hard time.

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As with most primates, individuals of both sexes choose a partner with equal rights. The male helps the female take care of the offspring. This helps strengthen bonds between males and their offspring and adult males in general, which is not observed in other macaques. In a herd where one female mates with several males, it is not at all easy to find out who is the real father of the cub. Adult males begin to care for the cubs within a few days after their birth. They carry them in their arms, protect them from the cold, take care of their fur and play with them. Most often, they give the babies to the females only when the babies want to eat. When the father shows the cub to the rest of the males from the herd, they together begin to search and comb the baby’s fur. Baby magots are colored differently than adult monkeys - they have black fur and a light face. Only during puberty, at the age of 4-5 years, do Magots acquire a reddish-olive color.


This Old World monkey travels in a quadrupedal fashion, usually on the ground as it is not very agile in the trees. It is usually found in subtropical and tropical broadleaf evergreen forests at varying elevations depending on the amount of rainfall in the area. It depends on rain forests for food and shelter, and is not found in dry forests except where it is located in the Himalayan region of India, only spending time in secondary forests if it borders the main rainforests. With its thick fur, the stump-tailed macaque can live in cold climates, up to 4,000 meters. It is distributed from northeastern India and southern China to the northwestern tip of West Malaysia on the Malay Peninsula. It is also found in Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and far eastern Bangladesh.

The study population was introduced to Tanaxpillo, an uninhabited island in Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico in 1974, where it is located under semi-natural conditions. Most information about the species comes from the population represented on Tanaxpillo and other captive settings, as few long-term studies have been conducted on the stump-tailed macaque in the wild.


Outside Africa, on Gibraltar, there is only one colony of Magoths. Perhaps these are the remnants of a population that in the Quaternary period inhabited the territory of almost all of Europe, or the descendants of monkeys brought to Europe from North Africa. The history of the Gibraltar Magoths is very interesting. Since 1704, Gibraltar has been under the protection of Great Britain. Since 1855, the Gibraltar magots were placed under the protection of the navy of this country. Their lives are monitored by a specially designated officer. The monkeys are not only protected, but also treated and fed. In 1858, an epidemic swept through the monkey colony, killing almost all the animals. Only three individuals were saved. The governor of Gibraltar ordered new monkeys to be imported from Africa. The Magoth population on Gibraltar was replenished for the second time during World War II by Magoths living in Africa.

Chapter 143.2. Tailless Monkeys

Why did he do this? Chen Mu didn't know what this powder was used for after all. Is this really an insect repellent? Then why had Li Duhong never scattered it before?

Suspicion crept into Chen Mu's soul. But then the “tentacles” began to sway evenly and directed their movement towards the forest. Chen Mu was slightly frightened, but without even a second's hesitation, he began to slow down the speed of rotation of Perception, thereby increasing the length of one of the threads until it stretched to its maximum distance.

The Tentacle of Perception vibrated evenly, and the figures that were far from Chen Mu began to take on more or less clear outlines in his head. Of course, this clarity was comparative; in fact, he saw only silhouettes. This whole overall picture was very unclear, he needed to look at everything carefully in order to understand what kind of objects were in front of him. In addition, he noticed that in the forest his detection range was worse than in open areas, so in order to distinguish all these outlines and figures, it was really necessary to make considerable efforts.

What is this? Chen Mu's heart sank. Several initially unclear silhouettes appeared before him as a complete picture. What kind of strange something is approaching them from afar at such a fast pace?

Bo Wen also immediately grasped the situation. He straightened up and stared into the depths of the forest.

The fuzzy picture gradually changed in his head. Chen Mu could only continue to maintain the rotation level of Perception within himself. The outlines began to change, but still looked very abstract. But Chen Mu simply needed to determine from these outlines what it was.

Images of circles appeared one after another in Chen Mu’s mind, which prompted him to think that these could be the outlines of human heads. However, outwardly these circles looked larger than the head of an ordinary person.

What could it be?

However, Chen Mu no longer had time to try to guess.

From the thicket he heard a roar that he had never heard before. Immediately after this, a new wave of growling reached him.

- Tailless Monkeys! Li Duhong exclaimed in panic.

Bo Wen's face changed, Cheng Ying reacted more violently, immediately turning pale. Chen Mu noticed that Li Duhong had a hint of mockery in his eyes; it was clear that he was pleased with himself, although outwardly he was trying to show signs of panic.

Eight! Chen Mu finally counted the number of the group of Tailless Monkeys approaching them. He had no idea how strong these creatures were, but eight! This number was truly intimidating. He estimated that the wild monkeys would be here in about a minute.


  • In 1763, Count von Schlieffen brought a herd of Magoths from Africa to his Wildhausen estate and placed them in a huge enclosure. The animals lived there for 20 years, after which one of them was bitten by a rabid dog. To prevent the spread of rabies, the entire herd had to be destroyed. The count was very sad at the loss of his favorites, so as a sign of great sadness he ordered a tombstone to be placed on the grave of 60 monkeys.
  • On Giblartar, Magots are protected, and their numbers are replenished by individuals from Africa.

physical characteristics

The stump-tailed macaque has long, thick, dark brown fur covering its body, but its face and its short tail, which measures between 32 and 69 mm, are hairless. Babies are born white and darken as they mature. As they age, their bright pink or red faces darken to brown or almost black and lose most of their hair. Males are larger than females, measuring 51.7-65cm long and weighing 9.7-10.2kg, while females measure 48.5-58.5cm and weigh 7.5-9.1kg. The eye teeth of males, which are important for establishing dominance within social groups, are more elongated than those of females. Like all macaques, this species has cheek pouches to store food for short periods of time.


Social Behavior: This is a typical gregarious macaque. Magots live in herds of 10-30 animals; they are very affectionate and friendly to each other. Several males help the mother raise the cubs.

Body: strong, massive. The tail is missing.

Head: rounded. The neck and nose are short.

Coat: reddish-olive, sparser on the belly.

Hind limbs: shorter than forelimbs. Magot runs on four legs. It rises to its hind legs only to look around.

— Habitat of the Magot


Barbary monkeys, or magots, live in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria. They are also found in Gibraltar.


Currently, the Magothy population numbers about 23,000 animals. The number of Magoths is constantly declining due to the destruction of their habitats.

A French policeman hit a thief monkey with a stun gun. Video (00:01:06)

The magot macaque, also known as the Maghreb macaque, received an electric shock from an evil French policeman. And just a little mischief in Marseille! According to investigators, the macaque was kept illegally at home and then thrown outside. The monkey quickly adjusted its life and ate mainly chocolates, which the children treated it to. The macaque was reported to be scratching and hurting elementary school children. The police have received more than a dozen calls over the past few weeks, but the nimble monkey always managed to get away before the cops arrived. On Tuesday, police sent out a patrol to catch the monkey. A macaque was killed with a stun gun - and all she did was pull a cop's finger! The macaque was sent to the St. Etienne Animal Welfare Association and is in good health. After quarantine she will be sent to the zoo.

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