What does a fawn Labrador look like: the pet’s character traits and how to choose the right puppy

Labradors are one of the most favorite breeds among married couples, especially if there are children in the family.

They are known for their loyalty to their owners, kind attitude, they make wonderful companions for people and are great with children.

They are also recommended by dog ​​handlers as companions for the disabled and the elderly.

This breed has also been noticed by law enforcement agencies and is often used for police work.

Due to the fact that the Labrador is highly trainable, with the right approach, it can become a faithful companion for a person.

History of appearance

The question of the appearance of the first Labradors still remains open; presumably the ancestors of the breed are Newfoundlands, which appeared in the late 1700s.

They were also called St. John's water dogs.

Such an unusual breed was considered a legend - the dog had webbed feet that helped in swimming, was not afraid of the cold, easily dived into icy water and helped fishermen when catching fish. In the early 1800s, the British Earl of Malmesbury brought St. John's dogs to England for breeding.

The breed so impressed the count with its abilities that he began to use it for hunting competitions..

The count gave this breed the name Labrador; it is believed that he borrowed it from the island of the same name, but there is no exact information on this matter.

In 1903, the British Kennel Club recognized Labradors as a separate breed. But in America, Labradors were recognized only in 1917. In 1920-1930. Fawn Labradors are the most popular.

Now fawn Labradors are actively used in the fight against drug dealers, at airports and for work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This breed is also trained to accompany the blind.

To become a guide dog, it needs professional training, otherwise not only the disabled person, but also the dog will suffer.

Acceptable shades

A modern Labrador, whose colors are clearly defined in the international breed standard, can be not only black, but also chocolate or fawn. In addition, in official documents there is a note that light cream, golden and liver individuals are allowed for breeding.

Regardless of coat color, the animal must have a black nose and dark eyelids. But there is a small nuance here that is not considered a vice. It is necessary to take into account that some dogs have a so-called “winter nose”, which becomes lighter in color during the cold season. With the onset of frost it turns pink or light beige. And with the return of heat, everything returns to normal.

What does it look like in the photo?

The fawn color gives the Labrador breed an aristocratic appearance and looks very noble.

The breed has its own standards for external characteristics , which are approved by the International Canine Federation :

  • large wedge-shaped head with an elongated muzzle;
  • the muzzle is large, the nostrils are widened;
  • cheeks are taut and have no folds;
  • the nose is straight and even, tapering towards the tip;
  • the bite is correct, the teeth are even and tightly adjacent to each other;
  • eyes are set wide apart, usually brown;
  • the neck is strong; back straight; the loin is short and strong; the chest is wide and deep;
  • the paws are round in shape and have leathery membranes;
  • the ears are triangular in shape, hanging, located slightly behind the muzzle;
  • thick tail at the base, tapering slightly towards the tip;
  • horizontal tail orientation;
  • dense coat with undercoat, sticky to the touch due to lubricant to ensure water resistance;
  • has a creamy coat, sometimes there may be a predominance of red.

Description of Labrador Retriever

This is a large, strong and hardy dog. Her ability to work is amazing; she can work for many hours at a time. It is distinguished by its compactness and well-developed body.

— The average weight of a standard male Labrador Retriever is 29-36 kg, females 25-32 kg. The height of the male at the withers reaches 56-57 cm, and the female is 2 cm less. Judging by the photo of the Labrador Retriever, he is athletic, muscular, balanced and not overweight.

— The dog’s head is wide, wedge-shaped, with a convex forehead, on which a convex groove is clearly visible. The brow ridges are not very pronounced. The dog's cheeks and cheekbones have a clearly visible flatness and firmness.

— The teeth are proportional in size, they are dense and even. The animal's nose is wide, the nostrils are open. His lobe is always colored to match the color of the dog. The dog's eyes are almond-shaped, brown in color, and have a friendly, calm and intelligent look.

— The dog’s ears are medium. The body is rectangular, strong, with a wide chest and back. Her limbs are strong and thick. The dog has membranes on its toes, thanks to which they swim well. These membranes also help dogs walk on snow with ease.

— The Labrador's tail is very similar to the tail of an otter. He fits perfectly into the overall picture of the dog and does not stand out in any way. It is of natural length, thickened at the base and gradually tapered towards the tip.

Marriage or breed?

Despite the nobility of the fawn shade, its inherent aristocracy and beauty, this shade was not a color standard for a long time.

Initially, until 1924, the fawn shade was considered a defect, then the only true color was considered to be black labradorite. But over time, the fawn shade gained more and more popularity among dog breeders.

Labrador Dudleys with impaired pigmentation are considered to be a deviation from the standard fawn shade.

Currently, many breeders of this breed breed fawn Labradors.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“For healthy dogs, it is best to contact specialized nurseries, where they will select a suitable puppy for you. It is better to choose a kennel of the Russian Canine Federation. Labradors are distinguished by the fact that they can adapt to new people at any age. If the owner suddenly twists his leg while hunting, the dog will calmly go with another person. Aggression among Labradors is practically excluded, but owners must also exclude aggression in themselves. The dog is highly trainable from an early age. You need to control the game with children, despite their good nature, they can knock over a small child due to inexperience.”

What affects color

Labradors remain a mystery to experts. It is quite difficult to guess the future colors of the offspring even if you know their pedigree. The puppy receives a pair of genes. A total of 9 combinations are formed. They determine the tone of a Labrador's coat.

  1. Pure black color is designated EEBB. With the inclusion of chocolate - EEBb. With fawn - EeBB. With two recessive genes - EeBb.
  1. Uniform fawn coat color - eeBB. With chocolate - eeBb. With weakened pigmentation - eebb.
  1. Brown - EEbb. With the fawn gene - Eebb.

In one litter, as a rule, there are puppies whose fur differs in different shades. There are cases where yellow or chocolate cubs are born from two black parents.

Character traits

The main character traits of Labradors:

  • love, kindness, intelligence, loyalty to the owner;
  • quick adaptation to people;
  • this dog is a companion, it always needs company, otherwise it gets bored, which leads to apathy, depression and mischief;
  • love active games, for example with Frisbee;
  • they need mobility and long walks, they feel better in cottages;
  • get along well with children and are tolerant;

Your dog needs training, even if it seems to obey you.

Education and training

Labradors are incredibly active and cheerful creatures; even as adults they love active games. High intelligence and calm character open up wide opportunities for training. It is not recommended to be too harsh. You should be persistent but patient, do not forget about encouragement (both verbal and with treats) and avoid boring, monotonous activities in which the pet inevitably loses interest in the process.

Early socialization is extremely important so that your dog does not experience stress when in contact with the outside world, other people, animals, and also firmly understands acceptable standards of behavior in various life situations. Labrador owners who do not have experience raising large dogs are better off seeking help from professional dog trainers and taking several lessons or completing a full course of training.

Labrador training

Advantages and disadvantages


  • love children, adore members of the household, are loyal to the owner, not aggressive;
  • are smart, have a developed mind;
  • excellent sense of smell;
  • suitable for search work;
  • easy to learn with the right approach;
  • excellent hunters;
  • are not afraid of water and heights;
  • unpretentious;
  • is an excellent guide and companion for older people.


The Labrador sheds actively, especially in the off-season, since the dog is large and has a lot of hair. A Labrador can ruin furniture, chew wires, eat something from the trash, or profit from gifts from the owner’s table. You should only walk your dog on a leash if the walk is planned in public places.

Being affectionate towards strangers can frighten other people and their children. If you are a busy person, then it is better to get a different breed; the animal will not forgive you for a long absence. He will be mischievous and may get sick.

Character does not depend on coat color

Having decided to purchase a puppy, the future owner may suddenly wonder: “Will the color of the coat affect its abilities and development in the future?” This is a misconception. We assure you that the color of a Labrador’s coat does not affect:

  • natural temperament;
  • innate character or acquired traits;
  • health given by parents;
  • learning ability;
  • memory;
  • bad habits acquired from improper upbringing.

Thanks to serious breeding work by specialists from different countries, the breed was constantly improved, while maintaining its basic qualities. First of all, Labradors remained hunting dogs that loved to swim and expressed unlimited trust in their owner. The main external characteristics that have been preserved are the special otter tail and short, hard hair with a fatty coating that repels water. But the colors of dogs have repeatedly undergone visible changes. Different tones appeared.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features of fawn Labradors

Puppy ageWeight, kgHeight at withers, cm.Chest circumference, cm.Head circumference, cm.
1 month3,4-3,823-23,537-3827-28
2 months7-830-32,545-4629-32,5
3 months12-1439,5-4251-5634-36
4 months17-1944-4660-6438-39
5 months21-2248-5166-6841-42
6 months24-2650-5567-7042-43
7 months26-2852-5669-7443-44
8 months28-3054-5770-7645-46
9 months29-3254-5870-7746-48
10 months30-3654-5870-8446-55
from 11 months30-4054-5870-8646-56

What does the price consist of and what does it depend on?

The main component of the price of a Labradorite is health. Both parents of the dog must have appropriate testing done to ensure there are no genetic abnormalities. Labradors often have genetic abnormalities such as elbow and hip dysplasia. There must also be a complete examination of the animal. How much a Labrador dog costs depends on many components listed below.

Pedigree and title

One of the main components of the price is the dog's pedigree. Without a pedigree, an animal is considered a mongrel. Having a pedigree confirmed by the International Canine Federation (its branches are in every country of the former USSR).

A very important factor is the titles of the parents. If a dog participates in various canine exhibitions and becomes a winner of prestigious awards, then this is considered confirmation of its good physical characteristics. Beautiful children are born from beautiful parents. And yet, the title and awards of the parents are not absolute indicators of health, but they do well demonstrate compliance with breed standards.

Appearance of the dog

If you follow one of the classifications, then all adult dogs are divided into 3 classes:

  • pet class (pet);
  • breeding class (dog for breeding);
  • show class (dog for exhibitions and events).

There is also breeding (dogs that do not meet breed standards). Puppies from such a marriage cost approximately the same as show-class puppies. This is due to the fact that caring for dogs with defects is quite expensive. They are rarely sold, as the reputation of the breeder decreases.


The influence of dog food does occur. A puppy or adult that was raised on natural food will cost more than an animal that was fed dry food. This can sometimes be difficult to verify.

Age and gender

Among most dog breeds, males are more expensive than females. The demand for males very often exceeds the demand for females. This is often due to the fear of inexperienced dog breeders that when purchasing bitches they will be in heat, which means they will have to be bred or sterilized. Male dogs are often distinguished by greater speed and endurance.

The sooner a puppy finds its owner, the less the owner will invest in it. It's profitable. However, the younger the puppy is, the more difficult it is to understand what he will be when he grows up. It is quite natural to assume that the younger the puppy, the lower its cost.

There is such a practice. A slightly older puppy is given away for a small amount, almost for nothing - the main thing is that they take it. Many inexperienced breeders and even some dog sellers worry that if the puppy is not purchased, it will remain for a very long time.

Also, those who buy a dog for the first time, often as a pet, like to buy a very small puppy, even a newborn, in order to consider it exclusively theirs, independently raised and educated. Experienced dog breeders take a slightly older puppy, since its approximate external characteristics can already be seen. In this case, much depends on the experience and professional competence of both the seller and the breeder.


Very often this is a person who does not have a canine, zoological or veterinary education. Such a person is getting puppies for the first or second time. A male dog should be chosen for reasonable reasons and not for financial gain. The breeder is obliged to conduct and check the pedigree of the dog.


The price of a puppy greatly depends on complications during mating, pregnancy and childbirth. It's one thing when everything happens naturally. Another is when you have to turn to breeding services or a veterinarian, especially during childbirth. They are very expensive, as are medicines. Another factor is the number of puppies in the litter. The fewer there are, the more expensive each of them is.


The cost of a dog is influenced by the demand, condition, prestige and popularity of the kennel. A nursery, as a rule, gains its fame when its inhabitants become laureates of various awards, win sports competitions, and canine exhibitions. All this is preceded by various stages: the correct selection of pairs, feeding, education, etc. The kennel can in many ways serve as an indicator of the quality of representatives of the dog breed, in particular the Labrador.

Life expectancy and what diseases are they susceptible to?

The average life expectancy is 10-14 years. It depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding.

But there are some diseases that Labradors are susceptible to :

  1. wounds on the paws due to irritation on the skin, when biting the skin with teeth;
  2. allergies to food, sweets and chicken products. The animal can also suffer from household chemicals, powders, and vitamin preparations. Risk of developing otitis media, dermatosis, eye swelling;
  3. pathology of the skeletal system;
  4. obesity, associated with overeating and improper feeding, also occurs with hormonal disorders;
  5. joint subluxation;
  6. osteochondrosis.

What to feed a Labrador

Labradors are prone to obesity and “stealing” food, so it is important to feed your pet on time and fully. Dogs of this breed need constant consumption of meat, various cereals and supplements that are beneficial for bones and joints.

If you buy a ready-made diet in a store, then it is better to choose food for large dogs, premium, super premium and holistic.

In any case, hot and cold foods, pasta and potatoes, spicy and smoked foods, sausages, sweets and spices should be excluded from your pet’s menu.

The Labrador Retriever is one of the top five most popular breeds in the world. And it’s not only about the beautiful appearance of the dogs and intense shades of color, but also about the cheerful character of the pets.

Basic rules of care

Proper animal care is the key to its health:

  • regular, but not frequent, bathing. The water should be approximately 40 degrees. First you need to wet the wool from the ladle, avoiding getting it into your eyes and ears. The animal’s head is washed last, shampoo is first applied to the sides and back, then to the paws and tail;
  • claws should be trimmed regularly, without touching the blood vessels and pink flesh;
  • eyes should be wiped with damp swabs moistened with water;
  • You need to brush your teeth daily with a regular toothbrush or gauze wrapped around your finger. The paste can be purchased at a pet store;
  • Ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab once a week; if heavily soiled, the swab should be moistened with vegetable oil;
  • the wool is combed with a special combing brush;
  • When washing, a mitten-shaped massage brush is used.



This beautiful color aroused the interest of Europeans more than 100 years ago. Dark Labrador is the rule rather than the exception. This color is recognized as dominant, therefore, if the gene responsible for black color is present, then the dog will only have a dark coat color. Such animals look impressive. There is not a single spot on their glossy coat, except for a miniature spot on the chest of a snow-white shade, which is not always visible in this species.


This is the rarest color of the described breed, so a puppy with this shade of coat is much more expensive than others. Among all the colors similar to chocolate, the following are considered acceptable:

  • light chocolate;
  • hepatic;
  • bitter chocolate.

Such puppies should have a uniform coat. The requirements for color exclude the presence of spots of other colors (with the exception of a light spot on the chest - it is considered acceptable). When buying such a pet you need to be very careful. Irresponsible breeders will try to profit from the buyer's ignorance.

Pale yellow

For a very long time, the beige color of puppies was considered a defect. This color was included in the standard only in 1924. Nowadays, the situation has changed a lot: the color has become quite popular, and many breeders are specifically trying to get this particular color. In this form, individuals of the following colors are allowed:

  • golden;
  • cream;
  • almost red;
  • sand (light);
  • grey.

It is worth noting that the snow-white Labrador is unknown to geneticists. Fawn cubs can have a light color, as close to white as possible, but they are not pure white. In the case when a fawn dog is next to a black one, only then will it appear white against a dark background (but only appear). The eye color of this color is brown, and the pigmentation of the muzzle is dark.

Popular nicknames

When choosing a name, consider the character of your puppy; Labradors are playful and have a loud bark. The name should be euphonious so that both you and your pet feel comfortable.

The nickname
should not be similar to the standard commands “Fu”, “Give”, “Come”, otherwise the dog will confuse them .
Those who adore active and energetic games, such names as: Wind, Henry, Hunter, Zeus, Lord, Spark, Biddy, Yakhont, Nitro, Pilot, etc. will suit them;

Labrador girls are also very smart, have a cheerful, good-natured character, love children and are happy to communicate with people . You can give them names: Star, Arrow, Aima, Vanilla, Jasin, Spark, Laska, Charmy, Yuna, Florence, Maya.

Factors influencing the price of a puppy

Those who are interested in how much a Labrador is worth would do well to understand what the final amount consists of. Let’s immediately say that the price of such a dog varies from twenty to sixty thousand rubles. For example, chocolate puppies are born much less frequently than their black or fawn counterparts, so they will cost a little more.

The price of a dog is also influenced by the quality and title of its parents. Thus, puppies born in a well-known nursery are sold at a higher price than those offered on the market. But you will be sure that your pet will not grow up to be an ordinary mongrel.

Another factor influencing the final price at which a fawn, black or chocolate Labrador is sold is the quality of the litter. Puppies who have reached a certain age are certified by the club and receive documents. The weight, appearance and behavior of children must meet the standards as much as possible. In addition, it is important that they have their first vaccinations and marks of being treated for worms and skin parasites.

Price range

Prices for Labrador puppies are very diverse, but the minimum threshold starts from 19,000 thousand rubles and ends at approximately 50,000 thousand rubles.

Cheap Labrador puppies are a direct indicator that something is wrong with the dog. But spotted Labradors are much cheaper, as they are considered a deviation from the standard.


Look for puppies only in trusted nurseries, do not take puppies from your hands.

There is a risk of getting a sick animal.

Tips for choosing a Labrador puppy

It is recommended to pick up the puppy from the kennel after it reaches 8-10 weeks of age.

To purchase a true Labrador Retriever puppy, it is advisable to first carefully select a kennel. But even there you should show maximum attention - if the conditions seem unsuitable for keeping dogs, it is better to refuse the services of such a kennel. Unsanitary conditions will have a negative impact on the baby.

Photos of Labrador Retriever puppies

When choosing a puppy, be sure to look at its mother. As for the father from whom the litter was brought, it is enough to see a photo of an adult Labrador dog, and, if possible, contact the owner to confirm the fact of mating. This way you can gain confidence in the purity of the breed.

In order not to make a mistake, it is better to choose a larger puppy. Before visiting the kennel, you can ask for photos of the puppies. However, even before this, it is necessary to decide what is preferable - a male or a female. It will be better to choose the first puppies from the litter - they are usually more viable.

The puppy's mother must have documents confirming her pedigree. Moreover, there must be a veterinary passport, which indicates timely vaccinations and other veterinary treatments.

As for the puppy itself, the young Labrador must fully comply with all the characteristics of the breed. Some nurseries may offer to buy a short-haired Labrador - and this is not an anomaly of the breed. Likewise, when choosing, you should make sure that the color has no flaws.

An important condition should be the behavior of the Labrador at a young age. Keeping in mind the character typical of these dogs, you need to pay attention to how active and playful the future pet is, and whether it shows trust.

And one more important condition for choosing a Labrador is that a conscientious breeder always monitors the offspring and can provide information about the achievements of his former pets.

The puppy itself, already at 45 days of age, must have a special metric, which must be completed by the owner at the time of sale. If sanitary treatment or deworming has already been carried out, a veterinary passport must be issued.

How to choose?

When choosing a puppy, you need to consider the following indicators::

  • pedigree;
  • parents' appearance;
  • friendly appearance, clear eyes, non-aggressive behavior;
  • touching the puppy does not cause him any unpleasant sensations, he behaves calmly;
  • harmonious build, coat should be clean and dense;
  • It is recommended to take a puppy with a large head;
  • the puppy must be well-fed;
  • paws are proportional and harmoniously developed;
  • females are calmer, males are somewhat more active and more cheerful.

When choosing a puppy, it is not recommended to take small children with you, the puppy may get scared.

Although the Labrador is considered the kindest and most loyal dog, you need to take a responsible approach to adopting an animal.

With a good attitude, proper and competent training, and an active lifestyle for your pet, you can raise a loyal friend and assistant who will always be devoted to you until the very end.

The influence of color on character

Speaking about the character of Labradors, it is worth noting that coat color does not have any influence on it. Tar dogs or silver labs are no bolder than cream dogs, and red dogs, and cream dogs are no friendlier.

All dogs are excellent hunters and swimmers. They are all friendly and good-natured, easy to train and love to swim in puddles or mud. This can be a decisive factor when choosing the color of your future pet, since dirt is immediately visible on a beige dog and will have to be washed frequently.

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