Malocclusion as a source of health problems in dogs

Full health of a dog means the good condition of all its organs and systems, including teeth. Unfortunately, these friendly animals, which have served man faithfully for a long time, have not been spared many “human” diseases. One of them is an incorrect bite in a dog.

For breeding puppies or service breed dogs, this disease becomes a death sentence, excluding the right to serve or breed. In addition, this deficiency greatly affects the dog’s overall health.

What is dog bite

Bite is a feature of the contact of the surfaces of the teeth to each other with a tight closure of the upper and lower jaws. It is formed after the change of milk teeth and affects the speed of grinding of molars. In the absence of violations, the dentition retains its integrity even in old age.

The total number of teeth on the lower jaw of four-legged pets is 22, and on the upper jaw - 20. They include:

  • 12 incisors designed for biting food;
  • 4 fangs used to capture prey;
  • 16 premolars involved in tearing and crushing food;
  • 10 molars used for grinding food.

The display of teeth is compulsory for passing examinations in most canine training courses. It is recommended to practice it while still a puppy, as with its help you can promptly detect problems with the jaws. If the closure is incorrect, the bite in dogs is equated to pathology. For most breeds the norm is the same, but there are exceptions.

Consequences of pathology

What malocclusion affects depends on the severity and type of deformity. Often pathology has a negative impact on other systems and organs, disrupting their normal functioning.

How does malocclusion affect health and what consequences does it cause:

  • diseases of the digestive tract - deformation of the position of the jaws interferes with the quality of chewing food;
  • premature wear of tooth enamel;
  • high probability of breakage of dentures if they are present and the impossibility of placing them when indicated;
  • early wear and tear of the temporomandibular joint and its weakening, which leads to jaw pain and headaches;
  • premature appearance of wrinkles, deformation of the normal oval of the face;
  • problems with diction, inability to produce intelligible speech.

Features of closure of the dentition in different breeds

Malocclusion in dogs and a tongue protruding from a closed mouth are disqualifying signs. A purebred animal with such defects receives no higher than pet class during exterior assessment.

There are 4 possible varieties in total. The norm is determined based on the structural features of the jaws and the location of the teeth, since their length and development differ depending on the breed of the quadruped.


It is the norm for most breeds: terriers, Chinese crested, German and Caucasian shepherds, pinschers. In the dog with a scissor bite in the photo, the lower incisors are slightly covered by the upper incisors. The closed jaws do not touch, and a gap of 3 mm is formed between them. This relationship is called a “lock”.

This species is the most correct from the point of view of the physiology of a predator. It makes it easier to capture and hold prey, and also reduces the likelihood of developing oral diseases.


This type involves closing the jaws in a straight line. Due to this unnatural arrangement, the incisors quickly wear down, and food is chewed less efficiently. Despite the rapid wear of the front teeth, the canines, premolars and molars do not suffer from improper closure.

In most dogs, a straight bite is considered an incorrect bite. Exceptions include brachycephalic breeds: pugs, bulldogs, boxers. The thing is that this type is not independent. A straight or pincer bite is a type of undershot bite.


Unlike overbite, underbite in dogs is always a pathology. Its alternative name is subnodularity. With this structure, a gap of over 3 mm is formed between the closed jaws. The lower incisors do not fit closely to the upper ones, and the canines are too close to each other.

The main danger of underbite is increased wear of the entire dentition and a predisposition to tartar. Because of this, teeth become loose and fall out before old age.


An underbite, or bulldog bite, is allowed in brachycephalic dogs. In appearance it is the opposite of an underbite. When overbiting, it is not the upper jaw that moves forward, but the lower jaw. In flat-faced pets, this anomaly is explained by the structure of the skull.

The disadvantage of underbiting is the tendency to early loss of teeth due to their uneven wear. Despite this, with a small snack, the health of the dentition and gums quite often remains until old age.


Underbiting in dogs can occur if the pet has short jaws. In some breeds, such a structure is considered normal and is not considered a defect. These varieties include bulldogs, Pekingese and bull terriers - these are dogs with a forward jaw.

When overbiting, the lower incisors are in front of the upper ones, while the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward. Some teeth may even become exposed.

Attention! Basically, this arrangement is also defective. However, for Cane Corso dogs, for example, a hearty snack is considered normal.

What is childhood underbite in a puppy?

Correct jaw closure is formed by 1.5 months, when babies undergo activation. It is necessary to assess the condition of newborns and ends with the issuance of metrics.

At this age, puppies may have childhood underbite. The defect is characterized by a slight deviation of the lower jaw relative to the upper jaw. Most often, it corrects itself when baby teeth are replaced with molars.

Malocclusion in a puppy at such an early age is not a pathology. In fact, the gap between the jaws is not due to underbite at all, but to small baby teeth. When replaced with radical ones, they increase in size, closing in the required ratio without additional interventions.

How to prevent the development of defects

To prevent the development of defects in the animal, it is recommended to try to exclude all possible causes. Prevention is a correct and balanced diet, including all the necessary elements.

With a small puppy, you need to play tug games very carefully so as not to disturb the position of the teeth, otherwise you end up with a dog with a protruded jaw, which is very difficult to correct.

It is recommended to carefully examine the dog’s oral cavity from childhood, especially during the period of change in the primary bite. If problems arise, you need to consult a specialist - remove the baby tooth or correct the bite with the help of special devices (at a young age this is much easier to do).

Malocclusion in dogs and puppies

In addition to the types of malocclusion listed above, there are others in dogs. All these deviations combine possible consequences, as well as the reasons for their occurrence.

Why is it dangerous?

It’s not for nothing that the scissor-shaped appearance is called the anatomical norm. The presence of malocclusion in puppies and adult animals is dangerous due to the following complications:

  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases that develop due to poor quality of chewing food and insufficient wetting with saliva;
  • dental pathologies arising from frequent injuries to the gums, tongue, palate and teeth themselves;
  • dermatitis and weeping eczema, caused by profuse and constant drooling due to loose jaw closure.

It is also worth noting that the defect is inherited. For this reason, animals with an abnormal dentition structure are necessarily rejected from breeding.

Reasons for deviations

Malocclusion in a puppy can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, the defect cannot be corrected or prevented, but in the second, it all depends on the owner.

The main reasons for deviations include:

  1. Genetic predisposition. The defect is inherited, but practically does not occur in yard dogs. This is due to the fact that in addition to genetics, breed is important.
  2. Jaw injuries. Most often, puppies receive them, since adult animals are more careful. Children are injured when chewing bones and during active games of tug. In adulthood, injuries to the jaw occur due to blows from blunt objects.
  3. Incorrect or poor feeding. Calcium plays an important role in jaw formation, so a lack of it in the diet can be fatal. The same applies to vitamin D. Its deficiency causes rickets, accompanied by softening of the bones. This affects not only the skeleton, but also the teeth.
  4. Problematic replacement of baby teeth. Early eruption of molars when baby teeth have not fallen out leads to their deformation. This phenomenon is called persistence. In addition to displacement of the dentition, persistence increases the likelihood of injury to the mucous membranes.

The risk group includes representatives of small breeds, which more often than others suffer from persistence. To maintain proper jaw closure, their owners have to contact a veterinarian for surgical removal of excess teeth.

Types of malocclusion in dogs

Malocclusions in dogs include underbite, overbite and overbite. The difference between them is that the latter is recognized as a disqualifying characteristic without exception. In the remaining 2 cases, everything is less strict, and the snack itself is even prescribed in the standard for brachycephalics.

In addition to underbite, other types not listed above are also recognized as a defect:

  1. Asymmetrical, or crooked. The main reason is persistence. It manifests itself in faster growth of one side of the jaw and often causes damage to the upper palate due to displacement of the canine teeth.
  2. Front cross. Assumes correct closure of canines, premolars and molars. The problem lies in the lower incisors. Depending on the severity of the defect, one or more of them are located directly in front of the upper ones. Most often develops after games of tug.
  3. Rear cross. In this case, the overlap occurs due to the fault of the maxillary premolars and molars, which overlap the lower ones. Rarely seen. It is mainly diagnosed in collies and Dobermans.
  4. Open. Represents the absence of closure. It differs from straight teeth in that the teeth do not touch each other even after the mouth is closed. A free space forms between them, into which the tongue often falls out.
  5. Retroposition (palatal adherence). The canines on the lower jaw move towards the center. They injure the upper palate and maxillary canines. The risk group includes Yorkshire terriers.

With timely treatment, all of the above violations can be corrected. The difficulty of returning teeth to their normal position increases with age.

Does the defect need to be fixed?

Minor deviations from the norm are quite acceptable. If they do not affect the quality of life, then you can do without correction. The only caveat is the need for constant monitoring by a veterinarian to avoid worsening the current condition.

It is important to note that even a scissor bite does not guarantee that dogs will not wear down their teeth. In addition to the listed defects, abrasion is also provoked by other reasons, so after 4-8 years the normal position of the jaws often changes to a pincer-like one.

Most often, such animals are simply excluded from breeding and are not allowed to exhibit, but if desired, you can try to correct the problem together with a veterinarian orthodontist. It is better to consult a veterinary clinic about the advisability of using special devices for teeth.

Correction of the defect is not possible in all cases. If standard treatment methods do not work, then they resort to installing prostheses. The procedure is similar to installing crowns in humans. The only difference is that four-legged pets have metal teeth inserted rather than ceramic ones.

So what exactly does the cost of a braces system depend on?

Let's start with something simple.

In a simple metal brace system, the braces are metal, the arch is fixed with “ligatures” - silicone rings. (Ligatures also come in both transparent and colored, but this does not affect the price.)

In a self-ligating brace system, the braces are also metal, but the arch is fixed with a “lock” on the bracket, which allows you to fix the arch more firmly, and therefore work faster, i.e. correct the bite. At the same time, the bracket itself is slightly smaller.

For those who want to visually hide the presence of a brace system on their teeth, there are so-called “aesthetic” brace systems. These are ceramic - “white”, sapphire - “translucent” and a slightly more affordable option, combined braces, i.e. In such a bracket system, the front six brackets located in the “smile zone” are ceramic or sapphire, and the rest are metal.

All aesthetic brace systems can be either simple (the arch is fixed with “ligatures” - silicone rings) or self-ligating (the arch is fixed with a “lock” on the bracket).

Ways to correct the situation

Malocclusion in dogs is treated by a veterinarian orthodontist. The most optimal age for correction is 5-12 months. At a later age, the jaws are fully formed, which significantly complicates their displacement in the desired direction.

Treatment methods for four-legged pets differ little from those for humans. For correction, special designs are used, divided into removable and non-removable.

Mouth guards

Mouthguards are transparent acrylic products. When worn, they put pressure on the teeth, changing the dog's bite in the desired direction. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use the structure on an ongoing basis - with the exception of eating and cleaning the mouth.

Mouthguards are replaced every 2-3 months or more often, based on the rate of dentition displacement. Their only drawback is their high price. For this reason, some owners use a cheaper analogue - a rubber ring. Despite the similar principle of action, the rubber product applies too soft pressure and only helps puppies.


Braces are also used to achieve a scissor bite in dogs. Unlike aligners, they are not removed throughout the entire treatment.

Dog braces are made of steel or its alloy with nickel. They consist of pins connected to each other by metal wire.

The size of the product is selected individually for each pet. Ready-made braces are attached to the teeth with dental glue, adjusting the force of their pressure by tightening or loosening the wire.

Despite the possibility of free absorption of food, non-removable devices have some contraindications. Their installation is prohibited when:

  • allergies to steel, nickel or glue;
  • caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other dental diseases;
  • tumors and other neoplasms in the oral cavity.

When wearing braces, pay special attention to brushing your teeth. Due to the impossibility of removal, pieces of food quickly get stuck in the structure, attracting pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, the frequency and duration of routine cleaning are increased.

Also, during treatment, it is recommended to avoid chewing bones and other hard objects that can lead to breakage of pins and wires.

Contraindications to orthodontic treatment

The use of special designs is not permitted in all cases. Contraindications for dogs with malocclusion are:

  • periodontal disease,
  • allergic reactions to the materials from which the systems are made,
  • stomatitis,
  • gingivitis,
  • formations in the oral cavity.

If necessary, you can even install dentures, but there must be a doctor’s prescription.

An incorrect bite can cause many problems in a dog's life. To maintain your pet’s health, it is recommended to monitor the development of your pet’s teeth from early childhood and take the necessary measures in a timely manner. It is important to monitor the dog’s nutrition and hygiene and provide the dog with proper care.


Summing up all the necessary stages, the minimum cost of correcting a bite using a simple metal brace system will be = 500 + 3,000 + 30,000 + 30,000 + (36,000 * 2 jaws) + 18,000 = 153,500 rubles.

Those. for two years of treatment you will spend the amount of 153,500 rubles.

If we divide this amount by 24 months (average treatment time), we find that the average financial burden for one month over two years will be 6,396 rubles.

To summarize, we can say that yes, the cost of braces varies greatly. However, no matter what brace system you choose, the result will exceed all your expectations, the treatment time in the positive environment of the ArtDental clinic will fly by quickly, and you will have a beautiful and happy smile!


The reasons why crossbite occurs are as follows:

  • narrowing of the jaw;
  • atypical position of tooth buds;
  • early/late teething or change of milk teeth, loss of chewing units before term. Adjacent elements simply fill the free space;
  • long-term bad habits (lip biting, thumb sucking, etc.);
  • injuries, complications after surgical procedures;
  • bone diseases can cause deep bite;
  • mouth breathing. When you breathe through your mouth, the tongue goes down and does not put pressure on the upper jaw as it should, and the lips and cheeks continue to act in the opposite direction and, accordingly, the upper jaw arch narrows and deepens, a crossbite occurs;
  • heredity, genetic predisposition;
  • a birth defect, a pathology that occurs during pregnancy, or a birth injury.

You can often hear the statement that the pathology of the bite is influenced by the position of a person during sleep.

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