Savannah cats: description, history, keeping a hybrid at home

Today, Savannah cats are the largest hybrid representatives of the cat family. The roots of the African serval have endowed the savannah not only with its size, but also with its amazing wild color. It is very difficult to meet such a cat in a friend’s house, because you will have to pay a large sum for its wild beauty. It is the Savannah that is passed off as a unique breed of Asher cat.

In the article we will tell you what the Savannah breed is and the history of its origin, what is the character and description of the appearance of this cat with wild ancestors. And also whether it is possible to buy a kitten in Russia and its price.

Origin story

People have always dreamed of taming a wild beast and making it eat from human hands. In the case of the Savannah, an experiment was carried out: an African serval was crossed with a Siamese cat. One female kitten was born. The female was named Savannah, and later the new breed was also named. The cat had daddy's ears, spots on her body and the same appearance.

Three years later, Savannah gave birth to several babies from an Angora cat. They began to be considered representatives of the second generation - F2.

Patrick Kelly joined the work on the breed. He attracted Bengal cats to breeding, and in 1996 he presented a new breed to the International Cat Association. The breed received its own standard, and in 2011 it was officially recognized.

It’s hard to believe, but a Savannah kitten costs as much as a car – 500-600 thousand. And not of the highest class either! And individuals of the F1 category are purebred, with a truly wild appearance and large sizes - a million or even more. It is clear that not everyone can afford such a purchase.

This matter was not without a major scandal. A certain Simon Brody created the company Lifestyle Pets and publicly announced that through his efforts a new breed of cat had appeared - the Asher. The name of the cats was given in honor of the name of the Western Semitic goddess, signifying nature and life. This breed is supposedly completely hypoallergenic, and was created by crossing a leopard cat from Asia, an African serval and a domestic cat.

The scammer paid for a study (which, however, was never published by any major publication), which praised the new genetic experiment and described in detail the process and the advantages of the new breed.

A line of wealthy Americans lined up for the cats, ready to buy the rare breed. However, the myth was soon debunked. Breeder Chris Shirk officially stated at the conference that these Ushers are Savannah cats purchased from him. Dutch geneticists, after conducting research, rendered their verdict: there is no new breed and there cannot be. A huge scandal broke out, and the Lifestyle Pets company ceased to exist.

Savannah breed cost

Savannah breed
The price of Savannah F1 ranges from approximately 400,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. On the European market, the cost of this breed varies from $7,500 to $22,000. However, I have seen advertisements from nurseries for 200,000 thousand rubles, but in such cases I still advise you to consult professionals, since some breeders pass off third-generation Savannahs as F1 offspring. Be careful!

According to the latest data, prices for Savannah cats are as follows: Savannah males:

  • F1 from $7,500 to $22,000
  • F2 from $4,500 to $16,000
  • F3 from $3,000 to $6,000

Savannah females:

  • F1 from $6,000 to $22,000
  • F2 from $4,500 to $14,000
  • F3 from $3,500 to $5,500

In European and American catteries, most kittens will be sterilized before sale unless they are specifically intended for breeding. Kittens sold for breeding usually cost slightly more than those purchased solely as pets. The author of the article does not know the rules for the sale of Savannah cats in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

Why are savannas expensive?

Savannah F1
People often ask why the Savannah cat is so expensive. Understanding the breeding challenges of this breed will help you appreciate just how special your new pet is.

It often happens to breeders that it takes a lot of time and money to find cats suitable for breeding. A breeder may have to go through many females before a Serval cat recognizes a female as suitable for mating. The gestation period, which is about two weeks less than that of the Serval, is also a problem. Kittens may be born prematurely and require extra care to survive and remain healthy.

Some breeders report that premature births are common in early generations. Savannah kittens may also be too big to give birth naturally and require a C-section!

Savannah litters also tend to have a minimum survival rate of 0-3 kittens. Breeders may have spent as much as $100,000 before their first viable kitten is born and ready for a healthy life.


Savannah is a large breed. Males and females have no obvious differences. The weight of an individual can be 13-14 kg, and its length can reach a whole meter!

HeadSmall, with an extended muzzle. The cheekbones (like the cheeks) do not stand out, but the large nose and wide bridge of the nose catch the eye. The tip of the nose is black, red or brown.
NeckWide, muscular, but graceful.
EyesLarge, deep-set, set slightly obliquely. Dark droplet-shaped marks are visible in the inner corners. The iris can be any shade of green or yellow.
EarsHuge, placed high and close to each other. The auricle is open, abundantly furred from the inside (but the hair there is short), the tip of the ear is rounded.
TorsoSturdy, elongated, strong. The chest is wide, the pelvis is noticeably narrower than the shoulder girdle.
LimbsBoth the hind and forelimbs are long and slender, with clearly defined muscles. The paws are semicircular, the hind legs are larger than the front ones. The fingers are large and elongated, the claws are also large and hard.
TailMedium thickness, slightly tapering towards the end, bright color.
WoolThe coat can be either very short or medium length. The undercoat is present: it is dense and soft to the touch. The main hair is coarse and hard.

Savannah cats are divided into 4 groups:

  1. F1 – in these individuals there is an equal ratio of “wild” and “domestic” genes: i.e. kittens were born as a result of the mating of a domestic cat and an African serval.
  2. F2 – kittens were born from the connection of a domestic male and an F1 cat.
  3. F3 – wild genes (serval) – approximately 13-15% (male – domestic cat, female – F2).
  4. F4 and F5 - born from the mixing of a domestic cat and a hybrid F3. They are similar in size to a regular cat and are gentler in nature than their relatives.

The first generation of cats was very aggressive, so many experts believed that they should not be kept in the house. In some states of America and in Australia, F1 cats have been completely banned. In the rest, a test system is used: the kitten is tested for its relationship to a person. If he shows aggression, he is euthanized.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

It is better not to buy savannahs secondhand: you risk getting a kitten of the wrong class for a higher price, or a wild and unsociable kitten. Be sure to check your pedigree, living conditions, vaccinations - this is a must! The baby must react adequately to what is happening and be interested in it, not be afraid of hands and toys extended to him, be able to play, wash himself and do his business in the tray. The optimal age for purchase is 3-4 months.

Breeding Features

F1 hybrids are produced by crossing a male serval and a female domestic cat. The most commonly used breeds for breeding are Bengal, Egyptian Mau, Burmese, Oriental and other short-haired varieties. To obtain savannahs F2 and F3, females F1 and F2 are bred with domestic cats. All male serval descendants up to the 4th generation are sterile, that is, they cannot fertilize a cat. For this reason, males are most often sold in nurseries, while Savannah females are left for breeding.

Reference. Puberty in Savannah cats occurs at the age of 1 year, but it is recommended to delay the first mating until 1.5–2 years.

Getting an F1 kitten is very difficult. Firstly, wild and domestic cats have different gestation periods. For servals it is 75 days. That is, the mother of a hybrid kitten does not carry it to term, and because of this, newborns often die.

Savannah F1 and F2

Differences in the genetic makeup also play a role - often the fetus freezes in the womb. Another problem is that Serval males scrupulously choose a female to mate with, so they often refuse to cover a domestic cat. This explains the high cost of animals.


The standard allows 4 colors:

  • Silver spotted.
  • Black.
  • Black smoky.
  • Brownie tabby spotted.

The spots on the skin are black or dark brown. There should be contrasting stripes on the back (from the back of the head to the shoulder blades).

In the photo there are Savannah breed windows of popular colors: silver spotted, black smoky, brown tabby spotted

Character and behavior

These impeccable beauties are not the usual domestic cats that we can cuddle and knead while sitting on the sofa. Of course, many years of work with the breed has left its mark: Savannahs do not have the same aggressiveness of their ancestors and fear of humans. However, remember: the character of this breed will have to be taken into account, and raising a kitten should begin as soon as it opens its eyes.

Savannahs are born leaders who do not want to give up their leadership to anyone. If you want to remain the leader, you will have to behave accordingly, not be afraid and not give the animal permission for pranks. Castration and sterilization by age help make the animal more docile and calm, but you still won’t get an obedient fluffy.

Active savannas are ready to rush around the house for days, inventing more and more new activities for themselves. This cat cannot be locked in a cramped apartment: it will literally begin to go crazy.

A spacious house with a plot where the cat can run around as much as it likes is the only option. And you will have to walk with her like with a dog: once a day, or even more often.

Savannah is wary of strangers. It won’t hiss or throw, but it won’t go into your hands either. It will take a long time to earn a good attitude on her part.

The hunting instinct of Savannah cats does not subside until old age, and the animal does not hesitate to hone its skills on family members. This should be stopped immediately, otherwise, as the savannah matures, it will not give you rest by jumping around corners and scratching. For the same reason, you will not be able to have any other pet at home. In any case, the savannah will not tolerate any birds, small rodents or other cats. A large dog that can intimidate the savannah – that’s all right.

Cats are more loyal to children, but it is better not to take them into a home with very young children: the Savannah does not always know how (and even wants) to count on its strength, and can seriously injure a child. Swearing in this case will be useless.

In the photo there is a Savannah cat with a person

Breed characteristics

Activity and energy:Read more Requires constant physical and mental stress
Ease of care:Read more
Savannah is independent and takes good care of its coat and hygiene. The owner’s task is to monitor the cat’s health
Child Friendly:Read more
Gets along well and loves to play with children. However, this is not a breed that should be recommended to families with children. Still, the Savannah is a wild cat than a domestic cat (especially F1)
Friendliness to other animals:Read more
Gets along well with all pets if taught to live together from an early age
Shedding level:More details
Savannah does not bother her owners with her meowing for no reason

Care instructions

Caring for the savannah is complicated by its large size. Remember this when choosing not only a house for sleeping and a tray, but also a scratching post, a comb and a towel.


It is enough to brush your pet once a week with a simple brush with natural bristles.


There is no need to trim the claws: buy your animal several scratching posts - strong and stable - and place them around the house. For some animals, owners even remove the claws on their front paws.


You need to clean your ears once a week: just use a cotton swab and boiled water. But problems often arise with brushing teeth: it is difficult to convince wayward and stubborn Savannahs of the need for this procedure. And sometimes it’s impossible to cope with such a large cat alone. Therefore, buy special drops for her (they are added to drinking water) and chewing treats (with their help the cat removes plaque from her teeth), and once a year take the animal to the veterinarian to clean her teeth under anesthesia using a laser.

Does your cat like to swim?

Not really


Savannah is a true predator, so it must have appropriate nutrition. Her digestive system does not digest foods high in grain, so they should be discarded immediately. You should not give Savannah fermented milk products, as well as whole cow's milk - they cause digestive upset.

Natural products

Surviving in the wild, the savannah eats small animals and birds, vegetables, and occasionally fruits. So you try to create a similar menu for her.

  • Its basis is meat. Turkey, chicken, beef, veal, rabbit, lamb, offal (liver, hearts, gizzards, chicken necks). Pre-freeze the meat in the freezer, and before feeding, pour boiling water over it. Hot water will destroy possible parasites and their larvae (eggs). Meat should not be minced: the cat must constantly exercise its gums. Cut it into large pieces and remove the bones and veins - that's enough.
  • Fish is not a substitute for meat, but a delicacy that can be given occasionally: no more than once a week. Excess fish will lead to the development of kidney disease. Choose the following types of fish: tuna, pink salmon, flounder, sardine, halibut, salmon, rainbow trout, chum salmon, cod, navaga, hake. The scales and fins are removed from the carcass. The fish can be boiled or served raw, but pre-freezing is required!
  • Chicken eggs are given not raw, but boiled: once a week and only chicken yolk. Quails can be fed whole.
  • Savannahs are rarely given porridge. And even then: only oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. Porridge is cooked in water without adding salt, sugar or any seasonings. The only exception: a small spoon of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed or sunflower).
  • Vegetables that can be stewed or boiled are pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, green peas, asparagus, broccoli, and herbs (green salad, parsley, dill).

There should always be fresh and clean water at a comfortable drinking temperature in a separate bowl.

Be sure to choose a good vitamin-mineral complex and dry brewer's yeast. The veterinarian will help with this.

Recommended food

Breeders are strongly recommended to feed Savannahs natural food, but if this is not possible and you have to buy food, be careful when choosing it. No economy class products! Their only advantage is their low cost, but otherwise they do not correspond to the stated advertising slogans: they have extremely few nutrients, practically no clean meat and vegetables. But there are a lot of artificial colors and flavor enhancers, chopped tripe, bones and other useless ballast. On this food, your cat will quickly gain excess weight and begin to suffer from various diseases as he ages.

Premium food is a little more expensive and its composition is a little better - but just “a little”. Such foods often contain allergy-causing ingredients: corn, potatoes. There are also dyes there.

But you can buy super-premium and holistic food without a doubt. To make them, high-quality products are used (meat, an acceptable percentage of fish, dried vegetables and fruits, almost all the necessary minerals and vitamins. But be prepared for the fact that such food is not cheap at all (especially those produced abroad).

Holistics: One&Only, Pronature Holistic, Wellness CORE. Super premium: Karmy, Meowing Heads, Vigor & Sage.

Below are recommended super-premium foods. Links with the names of the food are clickable, on them you can, within our website, read the descriptions of the food and read reviews from owners of Savannah cats.

CanvasCanvasSuper premium
JaguarCarniloveBrit Care


This breed of cat is essentially a hunter, and therefore they eat food that has a lot of protein, a little less fat and a very small amount of carbohydrates. In addition to the basic substances, cats should consume vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other useful components. Their body digests food with a high moisture content.

It is best to eat a balanced diet based on home-cooked meals. A raw diet is key. The best choice is raw meat or fish. Portion size is very important. Savannah cats are larger than ordinary cats, very active, and therefore they need more food and water. An adult cat can eat a kilogram of meat per day.

The best food for the savannah is raw meat.

If it is not possible to buy raw meat every day, you can give canned food, but not dry food. Prepared food, of course, works better as a supplement.

A raw diet is the best for savannahs. Kittens are fed 2 times a day, up to about two (the breed takes a long time to grow) in the amount they want. Adults eat 3-6% of their body weight or more. Depends on how much energy the cat uses per day.


When you look at these lean, energetic creatures, it seems that diseases avoid them. This is partly true: savannahs retain mobility and flexibility of joints, animal instincts and a sharp mind until a very old age. Their excellent immunity allows them to quickly cope with fungal and viral infections and heal wounds. But sometimes representatives of this breed also have defects.

One of the most common is the “cleft palate” - a cleft palate. This can only be dealt with surgically. Sometimes kittens are diagnosed with hydrocephalus or dwarfism. But such cases are so rare that they are the exception, not the rule.

Savannahs, like other cats, should be up to date on vaccinations against rabies and other dangerous diseases, as well as given anti-worm medications.

Individuals of classes F1, F2, F3 and F4 are sterile, but F5 males are allowed to mate with other cats (it is not prohibited to breed a cat with ordinary outbreds, but breeders prefer Egyptian Mau, Ocicat and Bengal).

How to choose a kitten

Choosing a purebred kitten begins with finding a cattery with a proven reputation. You should first read the reviews of past customers, check the documentation, assess the situation inside the establishment, and study the official website.

Conscientious breeders will easily provide all the necessary documents for pets.

They will create in advance an atmosphere in the nursery that is as close as possible to home conditions. They will not keep animals in isolated cages, but will allow them to move freely and communicate with their relatives. This approach has a beneficial effect on the further socialization and adaptation of animals.

You should buy a kitten when the baby has reached three to four months of age. It is at this moment that the little Asher becomes more independent from his mother, the cat, he has received his first vaccinations and is trained to the litter box.

Attention is drawn to the character of the spotted friend. He should be inquisitive, playful and peaceful. The exception is individuals of the F1 generation, because aggression is the norm for them. This is due to the high content of wild serval genes, which can hardly be called a cute and calm cat.

In addition, the appearance of the animal is examined. Neat, clean fur, eyes and nose, and a soft belly will indicate the kitten’s good health.

The Asher cat has gone down in history as the most expensive cat breed. In second place was the savannah. Later, of course, it turned out that they were talking about the same cat. But they were presented “in different sauces.” Or rather, a successful PR campaign and one of the largest scams did their job, turning Savannah into an exclusive and unique Usher cat.

Being Ushers, the kittens were sold for truly crazy money from one and a half to two million rubles. And there were those who bought!

When the gamble was revealed, the price dropped significantly. However, it still won’t be possible to call it democratic. Savannah kittens cost from half a million to a million rubles. Exotic!

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Unusual appearance.
  • Mind.
  • Curiosity.
  • Ability to quickly learn new things.
  • Devotion.
  • Good hunting instincts.
  • Good health.
  • Ability to get along with large dogs and cats of the same breed.
  • They live long (17-20 years).
  • Excessive curiosity.
  • Vengefulness.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Expensive content.
  • Independence.
  • Can't stand the cold.
  • You need a spacious room for games and running.
  • Requires regular walks and physical activity.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Very high price.
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