What are the differences between a toad and a frog, is there a difference - comparison of amphibians

October 17, 2022 ditim Home page » Reading Views:

At the dacha, in the park near the pond, during walks in nature, my 6-year-old son and I often meet frogs, look at them with interest, and sometimes even try to catch them. But long-legged frogs timidly and cleverly hide out of sight. And then one day my son asked: is a frog or toad sitting in the grass in front of us. Upon returning home, I had to begin a detailed study of this issue... It turned out that the topic of the differences between two amphibians is also studied in the 2nd grade of elementary school as part of the subject “The World Around Us ,” so we decided to summarize the results of our research in the blog article “Grandma’s Dacha.” compare frog and toad together and determine what similarities and differences there are between them. For clarity, the article will use many pictures and tables. Join us

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