My dog ​​is licking his private area: all possible reasons

Dogs love to lick all sorts of things, but licking their genitals can be a problem, especially if you have special guests. Unfortunately, no one told dogs that they have private parts, and therefore licking this part of the body is licking another part of their anatomy. Males will lick their penis, females will lick their vulva, and both sexes will lick their anus. The fact that they do this in public may make their owners feel uncomfortable, but dogs do lick their private parts for a variety of reasons.

Licking private parts can be for pleasure or to relieve some discomfort. This can be part of a dog's sexual behavior if the female dog is in heat. Then the licking could simply be the dog's desire to stay clean.

The dogs are kept relatively clean. In addition to washing their feet and body, both males and females will also lick their genitals in an attempt to remove dirt, secretions, or debris. Excessive licking in this area may indicate a health problem and cause concern.

What is your dog looking for in your crotch?

The answer to the question comes down to the human sweat glands, apocrine glands to be precise.
These glands of ours secrete pheromones that convey all the different information such as age, gender, mood and mating ability. In humans, these glands are concentrated in the armpits and genitals. Since a dog can often only reach a person's genitals, this is where they go to gather information. Scent hounds such as Greyhounds, Basset Hounds and Beagles are most likely to sniff the perineum due to their highly attuned sense of smell.


  1. It is recommended to do a complete blood count, biochemical profile and urinalysis. Although often within normal limits, there may be signs of infection or inflammation.
  2. Bacterial culture of urine to rule out urinary tract infection.
  3. Cytology (cells obtained from secretions) and bacterial culture of secretions.
  4. Coagulation profile in cases of bleeding and/or suspected bleeding disorders.
  5. Abdominal radiographs (X-rays) can evaluate the presence of pyometra (infected uterus) in an intact (not sterilized) woman and prostate abnormalities in men.
  6. An abdominal ultrasound helps to more thoroughly evaluate the structures of the abdominal cavity.

What can a dog smell from sniffing your crotch?

Some human smells are more likely to attract a dog's curious nose:

For example, if you have recently had sexual intercourse. This will attract the dog. The dog will also sniff the crotch that has not been washed for a long time. For us it is disgusting, but for a dog - such a bouquet of smells is a whole book!

Women who are menstruating or have recently given birth. All this will arouse the dog's interest. This is because these people emit higher levels of pheromones.

So, even when a dog is familiar with its owner, if that owner is menstruating or has just had a baby, she will give off a different scent.

What do licks mean?

Understanding what certain licks mean will allow you to respond correctly to your dog. For example, if she wags her tail, jumps up, tries to put her paws on her chest, and quietly squeals, then this is definitely a manifestation of love.

Other signs:

  • constantly licks a specific place on a person’s body - smells a smell that bothers her, for example, an abscess or wound;
  • creeps up at a crawl, touches the legs with the tongue - humility, devotion, respect;
  • licks his hands and goes to the bowl - a clear sign of hunger;
  • licks the owner's hands and stands nearby, does not jump on the chest - asks to play with her, seeks protection, wants to show something;
  • licks the owner before going to bed - this gives her a feeling of peace and tranquility;
  • in the morning - rejoices at the new day, asks for food or wants to go to the toilet, waits for an active awakening, jogging;
  • licks the owner’s ears from the inside - tries to get wax secretions, which have antimicrobial properties and are a natural antibiotic, so he licks the ear;
  • licks its owner's nose - an instinct to check the owner's well-being (wet nose/dry nose) or greets after a long separation.

Why does a dog lick its owner's feet?

The owner's lower limbs are the most accessible part of the body for the pet. Therefore, if the dog cannot reach its face, it begins to lick its feet. Thus, it manifests several factors at once:

  • expresses love, affection, joy from communication. At the same time, the pet wags its tail, jumps joyfully, squeals or runs around its legs;
  • licks the smell of sweat from her feet, which can irritate her or, on the contrary, attract her, especially if it is pronounced;
  • tries to heal microcracks on the owner’s feet, heels, and toes.

How is dogs' ability to sense pheromones used in practice?

A dog's ability to smell pheromones means they can tell when a woman is ovulating. For example, Australian Shepherds are trained to sniff out cows that have just become pregnant.

This method, which is simpler than other methods of predicting ovulation in livestock, has helped pastoralists breed cows during the short breeding season.

While it has not been conclusively proven that dogs can detect ovulation in humans, they can at least sense changes in their owners. A dog's ability to detect ovulation may also extend to its ability to detect ovarian cancer.

What are the consequences of this behavior?

1. Aggression from other dogs.
As you might guess, not all dogs like being persistently licked. Notice if during a walk your puppy tries to lick another dog and he pulls away. Then it's time to intervene so as not to worsen the situation. Depending on the animal’s temperament, such seemingly innocent harassment can end in a growl or even an attack by the “injured” party. 2. Bacterial infections. But this disease can affect a dog that is constantly licked in the same place. Due to excessive humidity, an environment for fungi and bacteria can easily form there.

How can you get your dog to stop sniffing your guests' crotches?

While a dog's curiosity is all about gathering information and greetings, you and your guest may want to avoid an awkward situation.

If your dog is an avid crotch eater, make sure that when a guest enters the house, he holds out his hand for the dog to sniff.

This method gives the dog an option to gather information on something other than the perineum. This way the dog can get to know each other without getting up close and very personal.

You can also teach your dog to sit when someone new comes into the house. And don't approach until you give permission.

So think of this dog's nose in the man's crotch as a form of dialogue.

Yes, it's uncomfortable, but that's how dogs are made. The dog's nose tells them everything.

And they don’t give a damn about our human etiquette.

And if dogs love to smell our crotches, then what smells do dogs not like?

If you have had funny or not so funny experiences of a dog sniffing your or someone else’s crotch, please write them in the comments.

Reasons for licking the genitals in male dogs

In male dogs, abnormal preputial discharge can lead to excessive licking. Prepuce is any substance that comes (flows) from the foreskin (the fold of skin that covers the penis). Prepuceal discharge may consist of blood, urine, or pus. A normal dog should not have any discharge; however, a small amount of whitish-yellow "smegma" may accumulate around the preputial foramen and is not considered clinically significant. Reasons why male dogs lick their genitals:

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  1. Diseases of the foreskin, including neoplasia (cancer), injury, foreign body, or balanoposthitis (inflammation of the penis/foreskin).
  2. Urethral diseases, including neoplasia, trauma or stones.
  3. Bladder disease, including infection, stones, inflammation or neoplasia.
  4. Prostate disease, including prostatitis (infection or inflammation of the prostate), neoplasia, hyperplasia (enlargement), cyst, or abscess.
  5. Coagulopathies (blood clotting disorders), including thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) and rat poison ingestion.
  6. Urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine) secondary to an ectopic (mispositioned) ureter or a malfunctioning sphincter (tissue that acts like a door to control urine output).

They love the taste of your skin

A dog may lick its owner simply because it likes the taste of his skin. Human sweat has a salty taste, which is very pleasant for animals. They associate it with food.

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Your dog may also like the taste of your cosmetic products. But this can be a problem, because creams contain a lot of chemicals that can harm the animal.


By contacting your veterinarian immediately after an attack, you are more likely to receive an obvious diagnosis. The logic is very simple; in most cases, this diagnosis is confirmed and treatment helps. There are also exceptions that need to be taken into account. Before treating your dog for a non-existent disease, carefully analyze the situation.

Gastritis is inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach . The mucous membrane performs very important functions, but when it is inflamed or irritated, a number of symptoms occur:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting - food is not digested correctly, which is noticeable visually.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Plaque on the tongue.
  • When palpating the peritoneum, the dog is in pain - the animal often licks the belly.
  • Improper functioning of the stomach (visible during ultrasound examination).
  • Refusal to eat, rapid weight loss, deterioration of coat and skin condition.

Complications of blocked glands

When a dog chews its tail and whines , there is a high probability of an inflammatory process in the anal sacs. The stagnant secretion is absorbed into the blood, causing skin itching and pain in the pet.

The tissues of the glands themselves begin to fester and form an abscess, which leads to illness in the dog. The temperature rises, defecation is accompanied by pain, the animal is lethargic and refuses to eat. The anus becomes red with a hint of purple. When an abscess breaks through the skin, purulent discharge appears.

In such a situation, the pet needs immediate surgical removal of the suppuration followed by treatment. If help is not provided on time, the outcome of the disease can be fatal. Therefore, the owner’s task is to monitor the condition of his pet and seek advice from a veterinarian at the first sign of unpleasant sensations in the pet’s tail.

Other diseases Why do dogs often lick the area around the anus?

Although this topic may confuse many owners, the situation when a dog licks the area around the anus very often is quite serious, since many different nuances can lead to this. In this article you will learn about some of them. Anal gland disease is the most common reason why dogs may constantly lick the area under their tail. The fact is that on both sides of the anus dogs have special sacs, which are glands. These places are quite vulnerable to infection, which causes quite severe itching in animals. By licking, they try to reduce the pressure on the swollen sacs, sometimes using rolling on the floor for this. This problem should not be ignored, since the pet experiences incredible discomfort from constant scratching of the anus. Females are most likely to lick this area during estrus or childbirth. The area around the vagina is thus disinfected, which is most important for females during childbirth. If your pet begins to pay attention to the area around the anus, this may mean that she is suffering from diseases of the reproductive system. A large accumulation of bacteria in these places does not lead to anything good, so you need to promptly identify such manifestations in your dog in order to treat the disease in a timely manner. Advanced forms of reproductive system diseases can cause severe complications, as well as infertility. Fleas. Fleas are the main enemy of all our four-legged friends. They can spread throughout the entire body, which does not lead to anything good. Of course, in the area around the anus, they settle quite rarely, but when the dog becomes very flea-infested, this factor can contribute to the constant licking of this area. Fleas bite quite unpleasantly, so bacteria can easily get into these small bite marks, which cause severe itching, with the exception of the flea bites themselves. To combat this, it is necessary to carry out procedures to remove fleas from fur. Hairy breeds of dogs that almost always live on the street are at particular risk. Their hygiene needs to be monitored more closely. An equally common cause of constant licking of the anus can be worms. This problem is especially relevant for dogs of puppyhood. To prevent the development of the disease, the pet must be given special tablets or mixtures that will remove parasites from the body. It is very easy to confuse worms with an infection of the anal glands. In order to verify the accuracy of the disease, it is necessary to monitor all the symptoms (increased appetite in the case of worms), or contact a veterinary clinic, where specialists will do all the necessary tests and help create the best possible treatment. Also, do not forget about normal care. Licking is practically the only way for pets to clean their own fur and stay in proper shape. Dogs also groom the area around the anus in the same way. If this licking becomes too frequent and intense, then this is a reason to see a doctor. Infections and itching do not pose a threat to the life of the animal, but they cause a lot of discomfort. Keep an eye on your animal and provide him with assistance in a timely manner.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Dogs lick people as a sign of deep respect and admiration.
  2. The licking instinct is passed on to puppies from their mother and helps identify pack members.
  3. If a dog licks you lightly when meeting you, this is a sign that it wants to remember you better.
  4. Dog saliva contains lysozyme, a substance that kills bacteria. Licked wounds in dogs heal much faster.
  5. If your dog is licking you, the floor, or toys uncontrollably, consult a professional. In the absence of pathologies, spend more time walking and playing with your pet.

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Mouth licking

Small puppies lick their mother's lips, encouraging her to feed them. With age, the behavior remains, but only the reason for licking changes. Adult dogs, as a rule, by licking their brothers, try to show friendliness and talk about a peaceful mood. You can often see how one dog, after a fight, licks the face of its fellow dog, as if apologizing for the inconvenience caused during the game.

Watch your pet. If his fellow does not object to the licking or even reciprocates, there is no need to do anything. But if he is trying to run away from the abundant friendliness, try redirecting your pet's interest in another direction - to a favorite toy or treat, for example.

Obsessively licking another dog's mouth may indicate an oral infection, bleeding gums, or even a tumor. So the problem may be precisely who is being licked, and not vice versa.

The dog wants to be useful

Dogs are bright representatives of empaths, they feel your emotional state, mood, are able to worry, sympathize and console. If the owner is upset or a sad event has brought you to tears, the dog will sit next to you and “kiss” your face, drying it of tears.

If you are scared, you feel defenseless, frightened, the dog’s reaction will not be long in coming. The animal will show its fearlessness, stand in your defense, spread its fingers with its nose to get to your eyes and hands.

An integral part of a dog's life

From the moment a puppy is born, his life is connected with licking. As soon as the baby is born, the dog begins to lick it to stimulate breathing. Later she begins to “bathe” the puppies using her tongue. And, growing a little, the cubs themselves begin to lick the mother dog, showing her their love and respect. By the way, among dogs that live in a pack, licking is something of a demonstration of respect for the leader.

Thus, it is not surprising that when a dog enters the human world, it will continue this practice.

Foreign odor

Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, distinguishing up to two million odors. During the day, a person comes into contact with a huge number of things and objects; if the dog does not like any of the foreign aromas, it will try with all its might to get rid of it by licking.

Allow your dog to protect you, this is extremely important for her. It is important for her to understand that you are still the leader of her pack, you will not go anywhere, your enemies will not find you by the acquired “terrible” smell in her opinion.

This is what he learned as a puppy

Mother dogs lick their puppies to groom them, remove the placenta, and encourage them to breathe, move, and go to the bathroom. She also licks them to show them love and affection. As puppies grow up, they take the behaviors they learned from their mothers and apply them to their owners. When your dog licks your feet, he is using his instincts and showing the same affection.

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Ear licking

Puppies often play with the ears of their relatives. They become especially interested if their brothers run away: the hunting instinct awakens. Adult dogs can lick each other's ears for hygienic reasons, because it is impossible to lick this part of the body yourself. Another reason is the smell of sulfur. We will never understand this, but our pets perceive such “flavors” as pleasant. Finally, the skin around the ears of older dogs can release pheromones that attract younger dogs.

It’s also worth keeping an eye on your pet here. If his brothers are not against such advances, then there is nothing to worry about. If they are aggressive, the dog should be recalled. It would also be a good idea to check the ears of a dog that is being licked for cleanliness.

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