Dormouse family All species in this family have a similar structure of bodies and organs. Everyone
Bream is the only and most famous representative of its genus in the carp family. Its easy
Unfortunately, wounds in pets are a fairly common occurrence that we encounter.
The intelligence quotient of the smartest monkey is equal to the human norm - from 75 to 95. A
The Fennec fox is a very popular animal recently, which is often kept in pets.
According to many of our fellow citizens, loris lemurs are small fluffy animals with large
Description of the stork Storks have a height of 60 to 150 cm. The entire head or its
The list of pets is not limited to cats, dogs and hamsters. People don't surprise anyone anymore
Viper This representative of giant vipers does not have the most impressive dimensions. In length she can
The lark is a small motley bird of the order Passeriformes of the Lark family. Looks like a sparrow, but