Dwarf rabbit: how long do breeds live, care and maintenance

The list of pets is not limited to cats, dogs and hamsters. No one is surprised by people with mini pigs on a leash, and many people have dwarf rabbits in their homes - cute animals that evoke universal affection with their appearance. The peculiarity of mini breeds is that they remain miniature even in adulthood, in contrast to decorative rabbits, which are no less attractive in appearance, but grow to industrial sizes.

Features of dwarf breeds

Among people involved in breeding rabbits, there are clear criteria by which animals are called dwarf. Not all small individuals may belong to this group. Such animals have a dwarfism gene in their DNA.

Dwarf breeds have some features that are worth knowing

Currently, 15 breeds of such rabbits are considered official, although there are many more small-sized individuals. In general, there are many types of decorative fluffies - almost 200.

The known 15 official breeds are also divided into several groups according to some characteristics:

  • different colors,
  • length and type of wool,
  • body size,
  • shape and size of ears,
  • weight of individuals.

The first dwarf specimen was recorded in 1870 in England. It was a Polish fluffy mini rabbit. Gradually, more and more diverse types of dwarf babies appeared in Europe.

The colored shorthair is a rather unpretentious and friendly animal.

American hare

A striking representative of the animal world of North America. Outwardly similar to its counterpart from Eurasia, but only smaller in size, males grow up to 45 cm in length, but females are slightly larger.

The body becomes snow-white in winter. Only the ears remain gray. They prefer to settle in the northern states of the USA. There are small populations in California and among the Appalachian mountain ranges.

Females have offspring 2–3 times a year. There are usually 3 cute bunnies in a litter, but there is a maximum number of 7 bunnies. They lead a sedentary lifestyle. The habitat is limited to approximately 2.7 hectares.


Differences between dwarf, decorative and miniature rabbits

At a young age, it is very difficult to distinguish different breeds of rabbit. Therefore, it is important to always ask the breeders for the necessary documents, so that in adulthood the animal does not surprise you with its size.

Rabbit ram: characteristics of the French breed, breeding and maintenance

The differences between decorative, dwarf and miniature animals are as follows:

  • Decorative breeds include all animals with a beautiful color, but they are not raised for meat and skins. These include individuals with large or medium body size.
  • Dwarf breeds are distinguished by their small size and shortened legs, due to which they look smaller, and have a medium body.
  • Miniature rabbits are decorative dwarf rabbits whose weight does not exceed three kilograms.

Attention! Before purchasing a pet, you need to carefully study its features in order to be confident in your choice.

Arctic hare

This beauty was recently identified as a separate species. It is adapted to life in harsh polar conditions and mountainous terrain. One of the cutest and funniest of the hare family. Nimble and hardy.

You can meet this hare in the snow-white expanses of Greenland. In the north of Canada, the islands of Newfoundland and Labrador. In summer they descend to low-lying areas where grass grows. But in winter, in order to get food, they have to dig deep into snowdrifts.

They reach 70 cm and weigh from 4 to 5.4 kg. It has powerful hind legs, with which it easily jumps on loose snow. This is the largest one that lives in the vastness of North America.

Black hares

Let's finish our review on most-beauty.ru with animals of unusual color. According to their characteristics, hares are usually gray, but there are also original, so to speak, dark-haired individuals.


The most popular breeds of rabbits kept at home

Domestic rabbit: care and maintenance at home

Not all furry breeds can be kept at home. However, many of them are excellent for this and will feel great even in an apartment. For example, a wonderful fox animal, which is one of the most popular among lovers of such individuals.

The Angora breed has a very thick and beautiful coat.

Colored dwarf

The colored dwarf breed is small in size, weighing no more than one and a half kilograms. The length of the ears is approximately 5-6 centimeters. This species is the smallest. The color can be different, there are more than 60 options, the coat is quite short - about one and a half centimeters. Life expectancy is about 7 years.

Rabbits of this breed are quite active and have a good character. The fertility of the variety is average. They are undemanding in content and do not require special conditions.

Angora dwarf

The most “woolly” breed. The length of hairs in pets reaches 7 centimeters, and sometimes even 20 centimeters. Average body weight is one and a half kilograms. Life expectancy is approximately 7 years. Angora rabbits require careful grooming and constant brushing. In addition, they are very picky about cleanliness.

Satin (satin) dwarfs

Atlas dwarfs first appeared in America. The breed is distinguished by ultra-fine wool fibers. The fur of animals of this species is very beautiful. The color of the eyes depends on the overall color. However, satin rabbits are quite capricious and require careful care.

Lion head

Lion-headed rabbits are light in weight - up to one kilogram. Life expectancy is approximately 7 years. The body is short-haired, and the hairs on the head are much longer, so the animal resembles a lion cub. On average, a female rabbit brings up to 4 babies in a litter. Animals are distinguished by their flexible nature and unpretentious maintenance.

The Dutch breed is quite large in size and weight.

Dutch dwarf

The Netherland dwarf is also called the Dutch or Danish dwarf. This is the first colored breed to gain immense popularity among people. The mass can reach approximately 2.5 kilograms. It is distinguished by the presence of a white wedge on the face, which has a point towards the top. At the bottom, the wedge turns into a white chest and front paws. The remaining parts of the body have a different tone, while the color demarcation line is quite noticeable.

For your information! Pets are distinguished by their excellent character and docile nature; their life expectancy is approximately 10 years.

Dwarf rex

The weight of Dwarf Rex rabbits varies from 1.2 to 1.5 kilograms. With quality care, pets can live up to 10 years. The fur of individuals of these breeds is quite short, reminiscent of chinchilla fur, but its value is similar. The dwarf rex loves to eat, it is important to ensure that the animal does not overeat. However, it is worth considering that the number of cubs also depends on feeding.

Dwarf ram

The dwarf ram is a lop-eared rabbit. The baby's weight is approximately one and a half kilograms. The main difference is the long ears that hang below the chin. Moreover, the animal has a rather large head, which makes up about a third of the total body volume. The color of a pet can be varied - gray, dark.

Interesting! Dwarf rams are valued for their friendliness and ability to learn quite quickly.

Dwarf ram - an animal with hanging long ears


Lives only in the steppe zone. In Russia, it lives in the European part of the country and spreads further, right up to the Perm region. Attempts to release it in the Primorsky Territory ended unsuccessfully. He was unable to acclimatize to this part of the planet.

The appearance of the brown hare is practically no different from other representatives of the hare family. Adults grow in length up to 50–68 cm. Weight is 4–6 kg, the largest reach 7 kg. In winter, it changes the color of its fur to be invisible in the snow.

In addition to the steppe, they also live in forests, but prefer to stay on open edges and clearings with sparse bushes. In 1960, his drawing was depicted on a Soviet stamp, and in 1992 it appeared on the Belarusian currency with a face value of 1 ruble.

By the way, on our website most-beauty.ru there is an interesting article about the most beautiful banknotes in the world.



Minilop is a lop-eared rabbit. However, this breed's ears do not droop as much as those of Lambs. Babies are very reminiscent of a plush toy. The breed is quite difficult to breed. It is lightweight - up to 1.3 kilograms. The body of rabbits is quite massive, the head from the side looks like a ball. The color can be varied, the wool is thick and thick. Minilops are very playful and friendly animals, so they are quite popular among lovers of such animals.

Lion-headed individuals got their name for the specific growth of their fur.

Tolai hare

The small tolai hare lives in deserts and semi-deserts from the Arabian Peninsula to Eastern China. He has very long ears and the same legs.

Long legs allow them to develop great speed, escaping from predators. Some populations have chosen mountain ranges, living at altitudes of up to 3,000 m above sea level.

They grow no more than 50 cm in length. At the back there is a long tail, 7–9 cm. Tolai easily adapted to life in open areas in desert and semi-desert conditions.


Rabbit care

How to properly keep and care for dwarf rabbits? It is important to provide your pet with quality accommodation and food.

The most suitable temperature for animals to live is from +20 to -20 degrees. It is not recommended to house pets in a stuffy room; the cage should not be in direct sunlight. It is important to ensure that there is no dampness or draft so that your pets do not get sick.

Hermelins have dense fur and a playful nature.

During hot weather, the best option is to cover the rabbit's cage with a damp towel and place bottles of ice water nearby. This action allows you to slightly cool the air around your pet.

It is necessary to immediately take the rabbit to a veterinarian, conduct the necessary examination and get all the necessary vaccinations.

For a dwarf rabbit, it is important to have space where it can run and jump, so it is worth setting up a large cage or even an aviary. For relaxation, you need to have a small house where the baby will rest during the daytime. These animals prefer nightlife, which is also worth considering.

For nutrition, you need to choose high-quality regular hay and special balanced feed, which can be purchased in the store. Rabbits love to eat, so food should be available at all times. But at the same time, it is worth controlling the amount of food and weight gain, and not pampering your baby with various treats; gluttony has a negative impact on the animal’s condition.

The diet should be free of any citrus fruits, sweets, foods with high acidity, potatoes, plums and any baked goods. You cannot feed grass that previously grew along the road. It is necessary to place a mineral stone in the cage so that the rabbit can sharpen its teeth.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the pet, carry out the necessary hygiene procedures in a timely manner - clean the ears and eyes, trim the claws. If suspicious signs appear, you should consult a veterinarian.

Animals are bathed very rarely, and their heads and ears should not be wet. If necessary, castration should be carried out at a certain time.

Fireweeds amaze with their original coloring


An unusual hare with a dark stripe on its neck lives in India and neighboring countries. Because of this, it got its name.

Some of the funny, nimble creatures settled in Java, Indonesia. It has adapted to live on the plains, as well as in mountainous areas. It makes nests at altitudes of up to 5,000 m. Tourists often notice them on abandoned agricultural lands, large meadows, and pastures.

Some have adapted to live in forests, avoiding mangrove forests. It feeds, like everyone else, on grass, leaves, and vegetables. They eat bushes.


Taming and raising rabbits

Most breeds respond very well to people. During the training process, animals quickly get used to the tray and go into it.

You should play with your pet mini rabbit at precisely set times, as a result the baby will very quickly get used to the desired routine. It is not recommended to disturb pets during eating, sleeping or hygiene procedures.

It will take patience for the baby to get used to the owner, because rabbits are quite shy. However, most individuals are inquisitive and enjoy participating in the game.


Many pet lovers often refuse to purchase a dwarf pet due to the problem of a strong unpleasant odor. But this factor can be eliminated by daily cleaning the animal’s cage, replacing the bedding, and also ventilating the room where the animal lives. It is recommended to castrate a male decorative rabbit so that he does not mark his territory with secretions with an unpleasant aroma. It is possible to train your pet to use a litter box, which is easy to clean like a cat. If, after completing all the steps, the smell persists, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian, as this may indicate a violation of the rabbit’s kidney function.

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

The average lifespan of dwarf rabbits is 6-8 years. However, in some cases, individuals can live longer. There are several factors that determine the lifespan of an animal:

  • Genetic predisposition to various diseases,
  • Good health of parents
  • No injuries or various diseases,
  • High-quality care and proper diet,
  • Availability of active walks and activities.

If you follow the rules of care, timely vaccination and quality feeding, the life expectancy of a rabbit can be significantly increased.


The diet of dwarf decorative rabbits should contain a lot of fresh vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, rutabaga, radishes, cucumbers), as well as fresh greens (dandelions, clover, cereal sprouts, nettles), dry fruits (bananas, papaya, pears, apples) and hay. Animals need to be fed about 2% (of total food) table salt. Animals can be given 1-2 tablespoons of granulated dry food per day. Pets also need vitamin supplements.

Where is the best place to buy a dwarf rabbit?

To choose the right breed, you should go to a specialized nursery. Before purchasing a baby rabbit, you need to ask the breeder for all the necessary documents, which clearly indicate all the information about the animal. You also need to clarify the rules of housing and feeding. Otherwise, the animal will not be dwarf at all and will grow to large sizes; in addition, it is possible that it will be of a completely incomprehensible breed.

Dwarf rabbits are cute animals that can be kept even in an apartment. It is important to study all the characteristics of the pet and provide it with proper care, monitor its nutrition, and carry out the necessary vaccinations on time. Dwarf animals are generally friendly and get along well with people; you need to give them the necessary attention, and they will definitely respond with love.

Corsican hare

It lives on the island of Sicily and mainland Italy. It was artificially brought to Corsica by humans, but because of this it received its specific name. This happened around the end of the 17th century.

The fur on the belly is creamy, but the rest of the color is light brown. Its ears grow up to 12 cm, and it itself is small, only 40–50 cm in length. Settles among evergreen maquis shrubs, in pastures and dunes.

In Sicily, I fell in love with the slopes of the famous volcano Etna. Eats succulent Italian herbs and shoots of bushes. On agricultural lands it eats vegetables, causing harm to farmers.


Choosing a cell

When choosing a cage for your pet, pay attention to the absence of sharp corners that could injure your pet.

Even the drinking bowl and feeder should have rounded shapes. Choose a cage with a coating that will prevent your rabbit's feet from slipping on the floor.

The cage must have ventilation. As a shelter for the rabbits, you can choose a cardboard box or a small wooden box.

Possible problems

In addition to the impressive list of advantages of keeping decorative rabbits, you need to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages, which, unfortunately, are many.

You need to take care of the cute little ears every day - trim their claws if necessary, comb their fur, and monitor their health.

If care is poor, an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the cage or enclosure where rabbits live. And if you leave an animal alone for several days, even its fur will begin to smell stench.

The living area of ​​decorative rabbits must be cleaned every day. But it is not always possible to devote enough time to this procedure.

Despite the fact that rabbits are loyal to furniture and corners, when free to roam in an apartment or house, they are capable of chewing through wires, easily accessible things, and also scratching wallpaper.

The molting period of decorative rabbits is considered one of the most difficult

The owner of the animals has to pay extra attention to the pet’s fur and comb it thoroughly. And then clean his territory and the area close to the enclosure from small hairs.

The dimensions of the cage for keeping decorative rabbits are of decent size; accordingly, the room for its placement should be spacious.

Despite the usual cute image, the character and behavior of many breeds of decorative rabbits is not soft.

They will not ask to be held; on the contrary, once in the owner’s arms, they may begin to kick, kick with their hind legs, and some even bite.

Mature decorative rabbits begin to mark their territory. They scatter waste from their own body throughout the enclosure, and after indoor walks the owner will have to clean the floors of feces. The smell from the rabbit will be appropriate, but only sterilization will help get rid of it. Another disadvantage is mandatory vaccination.

In general, keeping decorative fluffies with long ears is not difficult if a whole family lives in the house. It will not be easy to maintain them alone; a sufficient amount of time and effort is spent on them.


A dwarf pet of any breed must be vaccinated against myxomatosis and hemorrhagic viral disease. Such vaccines can be administered in combination or as a single component. Rabbits are delicate animals that do not tolerate various infections well, so overdue vaccinations can contribute to the death of the ornamental animal. For vaccination, it is better to contact a qualified veterinarian who will determine the age of the pet, the need for medication and the next steps regarding the health of the rodent.


The most dangerous diseases for dwarf rabbits are myxomatosis, rabies and viral infections. In addition, animals often suffer from conjunctivitis and gastrointestinal disorders. Hypothermia or severe heat exposure is dangerous for delicate animals. The pet needs constant examination and attention, which will allow timely identification of the symptoms of the disease that has arisen and elimination of them with timely treatment.

Dwarf decorative rabbits are popular pets that bring joy to their owners and small children. Having decided to get this animal, you should choose the right breed that corresponds not only to your own desires and goals, but also to the possibilities of keeping it in the apartment. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the biological characteristics of the pet, methods of caring for it, feeding habits of the rodent and possible difficulties in raising it.


Little rabbits. Dwarf domestic rabbit breeds. Hermelin.

This small white rabbit is also called the Polish rabbit or stoat. This breed has a very interesting history; previously it was bred specifically to produce skins reminiscent of ermine. The main feature of the Hermelin breed is the exclusively white color of not only the coat, but also the claws and skin. The eye colors of rabbits of this breed are blue and red. Small rabbit ears flaunt on a relatively large head. In general, the rabbit resembles a small toy, but it looks very impressive.

Due to their rather thick fur, they practically cannot tolerate heat. The character traits of both females and males are quite unique. Males are very lazy, they do not like being disturbed unnecessarily. Females, on the contrary, are active, but a little aggressive. But, all these features are quite individual. In general, breeding or keeping rabbits of this breed is recommended only to experienced rabbit breeders.

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