Bullfinch bird. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of the bullfinch
Reports and messages Birds Bullfinch - description of the bird Winter nature reveals many amazing and
6 contraceptive medications for dogs: injections, tablets and drops
Peculiarities of the cycle Heat (estrus) in bitches can be observed several times a year. First heat
Electric eel read article
Physics in the animal world: the electric eel and its “power station”
People have always been attracted by amazing underwater inhabitants - dangerous, nerve-wracking, with unusual appearance and
The cat is sneezing and her eyes are watery: possible causes, treatment methods
13256Administration 1 Many owners often have the question of why the cat sneezes and his eyes water.
Southern elephant seal: it can not breathe for 2 hours and still dive deep
You need to know this International scientific name: Mirounga leonina. Conservation status: Least Concern. Characteristic:
Lykoi - werewolf cats: description of the cat breed, character, photo and price
With their appearance, Lyka cats created a sensation in the world of felinology. They are not the result of genetic
Butox for parasites
Butox - instructions for use in veterinary medicine, price and reviews
Butox is an insecticidal and acaricidal drug that has proven itself in veterinary medicine, according to numerous reviews, as the best. IN
Dove bird. Description, features, lifestyle and habitat of the turtle dove
Description and features of the turtle dove The turtle dove is a bird with a length of 22 to 28 centimeters. Weighs
Pigeons differentiate colors. Amazing facts about pigeons. Life of pigeons in the city
There are a huge number of lovers of beautiful birds called pigeons all over the world. These are beautiful
How to name a Labrador: choosing the right pet name and reviewing popular names
When we hear “Labrador,” we imagine a big, kind, cheerful dog, a real family member and a loyal friend.
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