Mini Beagle: American and French, varieties

The Mini Beagle is a dog that has been accompanying people during hunts since ancient times. Due to their calm nature, such animals get along well with both people and other pets. Before you get such a dog, you need to read the description of its characteristic features.

Mini Beagle is one of the smallest dog breeds


The dwarf beagle was mentioned for the first time in chronicles that were created during the reign of Elizabeth I. They described dogs that closely resembled beagles.
Moreover, they were so small that hunters carried them in special bags attached to the saddle. In the past, they were often presented to royalty to express their devotion. Additional Information! The first beagle community was founded in the 19th century. However, the breed standard was established much later - in 1957.

Most common diseases

Despite the fact that beagles are distinguished by good physical health and good endurance, some diseases are more common in them than in representatives of other breeds.

For example:

  • obesity – occurs due to the fact that the dog uncontrollably absorbs food;
  • ear infections - appear due to the specific shape of the ears, which often drag along the ground when the dog sniffs something;
  • epilepsy - often occurs in representatives of hound breeds;
  • hypothyroidism - expressed by deterioration of the coat, swelling and problems with reproductive function.


You need to show your pet to the veterinarian at least twice a year, even if visually everything is fine with him. Catching diseases early can save your dog's life.

A dwarf beagle is a dog shorter than 33 cm at the withers. This phenomenon is a pathology, not a variety.

Such a defect can be identified even in puppyhood - by a pronounced transition from the forehead, bulging eyes, a pointed and slightly upturned muzzle, unhealthy bones and crooked paws.

Description and characteristics: breed standard

According to the accepted standard, the appearance of small beagles has the following distinctive features:

  • Head. Sufficiently long, without folds or wrinkles. It is dome-shaped with a small occipital protuberance.
  • Teeth and jaws. The jaws have a perfect bite. The upper teeth completely cover the fangs below.
  • Nose. Quite wide, painted black.
  • Eyes. Not convex and deep set. Painted dark brown with a slight nutty tint.
  • Ears. Elongated with rounded ends. They hang down tightly to the cheeks.
  • Neck. Long and slightly curved.
  • Frame. The chest is quite voluminous and slightly bent. The topline is straight.
  • Tail. Set high, not curved.
  • Limbs. Quite powerful, with well-developed muscles.
  • Wool. The coat is thick and short.
  • Color. The color of the beagle can be red, white, yellowish or black.

Multi-colored coat is one of the characteristics of the breed.
Additional information! An adult bicolor beagle may have disqualifying faults. These include excessive timidity of dogs and any deviations from the accepted standard.

Where do dwarf beagles come from?

Today you can find adult beagles with small stature, significantly less than the lower threshold dictated by the standard. As described above, this is not a separate breed, this condition is a breeding marriage. An animal with reduced parameters cannot officially participate in exhibitions or breeding. However, unscrupulous breeders, taking advantage of the lack of awareness of buyers and their desire to get a mini version of a famous dog, use such animals, demonstrating to them that the puppies will also grow small. In fact, when the pet grows up, the buyer finds out about the deception: either the dog has a serious genetic disease, or it acquires normal sizes for the breed standard.

Causes of short stature

The source of a dog’s small size is a gene mutation that can trigger one of the developmental abnormalities in the body:

  • Pituitary dwarfism is an abnormal dwarfism that is caused by a lack of growth hormone. This trait is inherited in a recessive manner, so puppies will only get the disorder if both parents have the deformed gene. Beagles with this condition stop growing at approximately 4–5 months, have disproportionately short legs, do not lose baby teeth, stunting the growth of permanent teeth, and develop areas of hyperpigmentation or thinning of the skin. Dogs with pituitary dwarfism are diagnosed with serious health problems: heart disease (arrhythmia, heart failure);
  • allergy;
  • behavioral deviations, unreasonable fears and attacks;
  • megaesophagus (enlargement of the esophagus, due to which its function is disrupted and food does not reach the stomach).
  • Osteochondrodysplasia is an anomaly of bone development and growth, due to which the animal’s skeleton does not develop to its full size. Dogs with this problem have a disproportionately large head, short jaws, an irregularly shaped skull (with a rounded forehead), enlarged joints combined with short bones. The disease is autosomal dominant, so the offspring are likely to get the gene even if only one parent had the defective gene. The diagnosis is made by X-rays, but complete cure is impossible. Animals with osteochondrodysplasia often experience joint pain and are prescribed lifelong painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. The outlook depends entirely on the severity of the symptoms - in serious cases, the dog's quality and life expectancy are greatly reduced.
  • Character

    Representatives of the breed have the following character traits:

    • Energy and activity. The dog is full of vital energy, so it needs physical activity. The dog does not like to be bored and spend time alone. Therefore, it is necessary to buy special toys for your pet so that he can find something to do.
    • Sociability. Beagles are very sociable. They love to spend their free time playing with other dogs or children.
    • Sympathy. Such dogs have the ability to subtly sense a person’s mood. If the owner is upset about something, they do everything to cheer him up and lift his spirits.

    Expert opinion

    Although cheerful and playful, the dwarf beagle needs a firm hand. There must be a person in the house who acts as an authority, in whom the pet will see a leader and mentor. Otherwise, walking the dog will be quite problematic. She will not obey and will run far away from her owner. But if you can position yourself correctly and show who’s boss, there won’t be any special problems, since this breed, in addition to its good character, has many advantages.

    Training and education

    Beagles need to be trained from an early age.
    Pocket beagles need to be trained from the age of three months. The main principle of education and training is consistency. It is necessary to formulate all commands clearly so that the pet understands them better.

    Important! Each subsequent command should be studied after consolidating the previous one.

    During the training process, you should not punish dogs. Punishments will negatively affect your pet's trust, making him more fearful and less obedient. Puppies need to be praised more often for following commands and given treats.


    The cost of purebred dogs is determined by their quality, and gender, region, popularity of the breed, age, class also play a role:

    - pet class. The most budget option, as a pet;

    - Breeding class. Its cost is much higher, since it is purchased for breeding;

    - show class. Pets are exhibited at exhibitions and have the highest price.

    All three groups are female dogs. The male gender has no class. Sometimes all three varieties are isolated from one litter. The regions where Beagle puppies are sold also matter.

    In the provinces, the same class is sold at two times cheaper than in the city and large metropolis. The Beagle breed is not very popular in Russia, so the approximate price of a Beagle by class is: PET class - up to 24,000 rubles, BRID class - 30,000 - 48,000 rubles, SHOW class - up to 72,000 rubles.

    Maintenance and care

    Before buying a black and white beagle dog, you need to familiarize yourself with how to properly care for it.


    There are several hygiene procedures that need to be carried out regularly when caring for a beagle:

    • Cleaning wool. It is necessary to comb and clean the coat once a week using a special brush. Once a month the dog is bathed with a special dog shampoo.
    • Ear cleaning. It is necessary to inspect the ears daily and clean them of accumulated dirt. A cotton swab is used for cleaning.
    • Eye wash. Every day, the eyes should be wiped with a cotton swab to prevent discharge from accumulating.
    • Trimming claws. It is necessary to trim claws 1-2 times a month. This will prevent them from breaking and delamination.

    Walking and safety on the street

    You need to walk your dog on a leash.
    The black beagle is ideal for active people, as this dog loves to be outdoors and walk in the fresh air. You need to walk your dog every day. Many people are interested in how long to walk their dog. Each walk should last at least an hour.

    Additional Information! You need to walk your dog on a leash so that it cannot run far.


    People who are going to feed their dog natural products should make sure that the diet is complete and varied. It should be based on the following products:

    • lean meat;
    • fermented milk products;
    • offal;
    • vegetables and herbs;
    • fish;
    • vitamin supplements.

    Meat products should make up at least 70% of the total diet. At the same time, it is better to feed dogs lean poultry meat. Pork should not be given to avoid obesity.

    It is strictly forbidden to feed the Beagle:

    • chocolate;
    • sweets;
    • oversalted food;
    • spicy products;
    • fresh bread.

    Small dog breeds weighing up to 10 kg

    This TOP 10 includes several more dwarfs and representatives of small breeds. Their weight parameters are more impressive than the previous group, but still fit into 10 kg.

    Schipperke (3-9 kg)

    The smallest representative of shepherd dogs with a fluffy collar on his neck is an excellent watchman. He is suspicious of strangers and always notifies his owners of their appearance.

    The Schipperke's thick coat repels dirt and water. It should only be washed when necessary. There are no problems with shedding either. Despite the abundant hair loss during this period, its duration is extremely short.

    Papillon (3.2-4.5 kg)

    The Papillon's ears resemble the wings of a butterfly. These dogs are very active, get along well with cats and are ranked 8th among the smartest dogs.

    Papillon coats should only be brushed after being thoroughly moisturized. Otherwise, it becomes brittle and falls out.

    Pekingese (3.2-6.4 kg)

    The extraordinary appearance and peaceful nature of the Pekingese explain the large number of their fans. But for small children it is better to choose someone more affectionate, since these animals do not tolerate too close contact.

    Frequently washing Pekingese dogs aggravates their shedding and damages the hair structure. To maintain a spectacular coat, animals are washed no more than once a year or before an exhibition.

    Italian Greyhound (3.5-4.5 kg)

    The playful Italian greyhound loves tactile communication. She shows her love with hugs, kisses and gentle licking.

    It is recommended to direct the energy of a small greyhound into sports: agility or coursing. Otherwise, the Italian greyhound spends it right at home, destroying everything within its line of sight.

    Belgian Griffon (3.5-6 kg)

    The main advantage of griffons is their human orientation. They adapt to any owners and subtly sense their mood.

    Belgian Griffons do not require frequent walking, and trimming is sufficient to care for their coat. Not only elderly owners, but also people with disabilities can cope with this.

    Shih Tzu (4-7.2 kg)

    Shih Tzus love to snuggle on their owners' laps and are very trusting of strangers. They see a friend in every person, so you should not rely on the guard qualities of these four-legged animals.

    The beautiful fur of the Shih Tzu quickly falls off. Daily combing helps to avoid the formation of tangles.

    Pug (6-8 kg)

    Friendly and loving, Pugs are extremely affectionate with people. Loneliness makes them depressed. It’s better to take them with you during your vacation or leave them in the care of friends.

    The folds on the skin of pugs require special care. They need to be regularly cleaned of dirt and dust to avoid the development of infections and inflammations.

    Jack Russell Terrier (6.4-8.2 kg)

    Cheerful and friendly terriers do not get along well with other animals due to their developed hunting instinct. They often engage in skirmishes with representatives of their own species, not paying attention to the size of the enemy.

    Despite their miniature size, terriers need active physical activity. With insufficient training, all the energy of these “energizers” is directed to pranks.

    Beagle (9-10 kg)

    With their hyperactivity, beagles are reminiscent of Jack Russell terriers. They also need frequent walks and active games to prevent the apocalypse inside the apartment.

    Beagles tend to be overweight. Regular physical activity and adherence to daily calorie intake help to avoid obesity.

    Welsh Corgi Pembroke (10-13 kg)

    Corgis are characterized by high intelligence and amazing endurance. They love children, are not prone to dominance and are sensitive to the mood of their owners.

    The Corgi's spine is very vulnerable. These animals are prohibited from jumping from great heights and intense loads that affect the spinal discs.

    Life expectancy: health and disease

    Glaucoma is a common disease among beagles
    . On average, the life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 13-15 years. However, sometimes beagles start to get sick, which can cause their lifespan to be significantly shortened. The most common diseases include:

    • obesity;
    • glaucoma;
    • diabetes;
    • lymphoma;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • epilepsy.

    The following symptoms indicate the development of serious diseases:

    • convulsions;
    • vomit;
    • lack of appetite;
    • dyspnea;
    • lethargy and apathy;
    • bowel dysfunction;
    • temperature increase.

    Important! To prevent the occurrence of the above diseases, the dog must be vaccinated regularly.

    Features of feeding

    This is one of the most important aspects that you should pay attention to if you get a beagle. As has been noted many times before, this breed does not know moderation in food, which is why animals very often develop obesity. Therefore, it is better to give food little by little, but more often. It is recommended to divide feeding into 4-5 times and immediately accustom your pet to the regimen. There must also be a separate bowl of clean water so that the dog can always quench his thirst.


    It is recommended to engage in mating on the 7-10th day of the female's estrus. When choosing a male dog for mating, the following factors must be taken into account:

    • characteristics of character and psyche;
    • pedigree;
    • compliance with breed standards.

    You can understand that a dog has become pregnant after mating by the following signs:

    • calm behavior;
    • abdominal enlargement;
    • expansion of the ribs;
    • increased appetite.

    A pregnant dog needs to be looked after carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the diet. The dog should be fed vitamin and mineral supplements.

    Video “What do we know about the beagle”

    From this video you will learn about all the benefits of the funny Beagle breed.

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    How to choose a puppy

    The optimal age for purchasing a puppy is 2-3 months.
    When buying a puppy, you need to clarify the following important points:

    • In what conditions was the dog kept? Such dogs must be kept in a clean place.
    • What veterinary procedures were performed? It is necessary to clarify in advance whether the puppies and their parents have been vaccinated.
    • What age are the puppies? It is recommended to buy puppies 2-3 months old. Such dogs are already physically stronger and have no problems communicating with other people.

    Before purchasing, be sure to examine the puppy. He should not have external signs of developing diseases.

    Basic colors

    It is worth noting that in order to provide maximum clarity, the Kennel Club already published an official accepted list of beagle colors in 2010, and the editors clearly indicated which colors were accepted as the standard and which were absolutely unacceptable.

    And yet the variations do not stop there, and the range is made up of a whole variety, where it is difficult to call any one color correct and others unacceptable. Everything is very subjective, and every beagle owner is proud of his hound.

    There are several basic combinations:

    • bicolor;
    • tricolor;
    • gray tricolor;
    • brown tricolor.

    There are also beautiful variations:

    • spotted;
    • maroon;
    • motley.

    It is worth considering them in more detail.

    Interesting Facts

    Some interesting facts about beagles include the following:

    • in England these dogs are still used for hunting;
    • in some countries, representatives of the breed are used to search for explosives and drugs;
    • such dogs are often invited to film films;
    • Little beagles are very cultured and intelligent animals.

    The Mini Beagle is a small dog that is especially popular among dog breeders and hunting enthusiasts. Before getting a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the breed and the peculiarities of keeping it at home.

    Physical Features of Beagles

    So what do you need to know about this? Representatives of this breed are very easy to care for and maintain. This is due to the following:

    • animals love activity, so they constantly ask to go outside and never go to the toilet in the house;
    • they do not drool and do not have a specific dog smell, which is typical for some other breeds;
    • They practically do not shed, so you don’t have to constantly vacuum and remove hair from upholstered furniture.

    However, there are also some disadvantages. Mini Beagles are prone to overeating, so portions should not be too large. If the owner does not control the pet's nutrition, he may develop obesity over time. Also, during walks, it is very important to ensure that the dog does not eat anything harmful or dangerous.

    Cheerful stubborn man

    The Beagle's character can be described in one word - restless. The dog is interested in everything, he sticks his curious nose in everywhere and participates in all matters.

    Beagle puppies are especially active. You can’t take your eyes off them: it may seem that the kids are gnawing on the bones, but no, they are already eating up pieces of linoleum.

    Even an adult or elderly dog ​​does not lose activity and passion for exploration. This is not a calm and reasonable setter. From the first to the last days of life, beagles remain puppies - playful and inquisitive.

    Most of all, the English Beagle loves company: people or dogs - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to have someone to talk to and play with.

    The pet's character is open and good-natured. He is equally happy with the owners, guests and passers-by

    Caution is needed: a stranger can lead the dog away by tempting him with a toy or treat

    The dog is good-natured and not vindictive. It is extremely rare for a pet to bite – due to a threat or lack of upbringing. He enjoys playing with children, participating in their games and pranks. So a beagle and a child are a great combination.

    The dog’s character can be considered golden, if not for one “but”. The breed is wayward. Like all hounds, the beagle tends to make its own decisions and ignore human orders.

    An unpleasant character trait is that beagles cannot stand being alone. A puppy or an adult dog, left alone with himself, howls, whines, and destroys the apartment. There are three ways out of this situation: do not leave your pet alone, exhaust it outside before leaving, or get a second dog.

    The English Beagle is a lover of barking. It is the rolling velvety tenor with tints that hunters appreciate. But the line is a problem in the city. The neighbors are clearly not going to be happy with the almost 24-hour barking.

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