Beagle is the most popular breed, originally from England: Breed overview + Video

  • Dog breeds



A beautiful Beagle puppy chews on a lace Beagle is one of the artificially bred dog breeds. Ready to become a loyal friend to his owner. Representatives of this breed are particularly active, so regular walks and games in the fresh air will only benefit the pet.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Activityin the house3
on the street4.3
Dominationin family2
over dogs2.3
Defending your territoryfrom people1.8
from dogs2
Sociabilityin family4.6
with strangers3.9
with dogs3.9
Concentrationin family1.4
in front of strangers1.8
with dogs1.9
Aggressivenessin family1.1
to strangers1.4
to the dogs1.8
to cats2.1
Family behaviorcalmness3.3
demand for affection4.2
excessive barking2.5
behavioral breakdowns2.2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4
over 4 years old4.4
Institutional usewatchman3.3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Jack Russell Terrier, Labrador Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, French Bulldog.

You can see what Beagle dogs look like from the photo:



Beagle: general characteristics of the breed

Along with Fox Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers, Beagles are small hounds. They were used for hunting hares and followed the scent well thanks to their sensitive sense of smell. These dogs have been popular for hundreds of years. At first they were used for hunting, now they are a cheerful, loyal pet, an ideal companion for an active person of any age.

Beagles are energetic, good-natured, and loyal. This is a cheerful, cheerful dog that infects others with its optimism. Beagles have no aggression at all, they are friendly even with strangers, and get along well with children. Due to its charming appearance and small size, this is one of the most popular breeds for keeping in a city apartment.

The main characteristics of these dogs can be found in the table.

WeightFemales 7-10 kg, males 10-13 kg
HeightFemales 33-40 cm, males 35-45 cm
Lifespan13-15 years old
IntelligenceSmart, witty, inquisitive
Working qualitiesHunting, good sense of smell, cannot be a guard or protector due to friendliness
ActivityVery high
TrainingSmart, but stubborn and headstrong
Need for careLight, moderate shedding
FriendlinessTall, very fond of children, friendly with other dogs
Attitude towards lonelinessCan't stand it, love communication


Beagles have many advantages. These are cute, funny pets, friendly and cheerful. They will not let you get bored and will support the owner in any activity. The popularity is also explained by the following advantages:

  • not aggressive;
  • love children;
  • loyal to the owner;
  • very sociable, friendly with everyone;
  • hardy and energetic;
  • clean, easy to care for;
  • no drooling, no unpleasant odor;
  • good scent.

The photos show what active, positive dogs they are:

Ball game



But before you get a representative of this breed, you need to take into account that it has disadvantages. According to owner reviews, the following disadvantages can be noted:

  • high physical activity required;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • very noisy, love to bark;
  • stubborn, cunning;
  • easily distracted, difficult to train;
  • adult dogs are independent and freedom-loving;
  • are not capable of becoming a security guard or watchman;
  • because of their hunting qualities they love to dig holes;
  • may run away if attracted by a smell or small animal;
  • tend to be overweight.

The main disadvantage is that without strict upbringing they strive to take a leading position in the family and become uncontrollable. You shouldn't get a beagle if you can't exercise it.

Interesting facts about the Beagle breed

Beagles are very popular dogs that have served humans for a long time. There is a lot of interesting things to tell about them:

  • Beagles have 225 million olfactory receptors;
  • they are used to search for drugs, weapons, contraband, and explosives;
  • often appear in films, and the cartoon about Snoopy, a small beagle, is popular all over the world;
  • without physical activity and communication, they become very bored, their behavior can become destructive;
  • they are often stolen by criminals and sold for medical experiments, as they are calm and hardy;
  • Charles Darwin traveled on a ship called the Beagle.

The video will tell you about the pros and cons of the breed:

Video: Pros and cons of the breed

Nutritional Features

These dogs should not be overfed, otherwise they will become obese. Therefore, you should not give your beagle more food than it should.

Beagles should not be given sweets - chocolate, cookies, candies, etc., as well as salty, smoked, spicy and pickled foods. This will lead to digestive problems for the dog.


Don't indulge your dog, teach him to eat what you give him.

History of the origin of the Beagle breed

There are two versions of the origin of beagles. According to one of them, the ancestors of these dogs were brought to England from the Roman Empire and began to cross with local breeds. But there is evidence of the existence of small hounds in the British Isles even before the arrival of the Romans. This is an ancient breed, used by people for hunting for over a thousand years.

In the 13th century, small hounds called beagles became popular among aristocrats. They were called Glove Beagles. Then these dogs were miniature, no more than 25 cm, lived in the house and were used for fun. Gradually they gained popularity among farmers and began to be used for baiting hares. After all, a small hound could pursue prey in the undergrowth where a large dog could not get through.

By the 15th century, the name beagle appeared, which translated meant “small”. These dogs were crossed with other breeds to improve their working qualities. Back then they had an unattractive appearance, but speed and scent were more important to hunters. By the end of the 17th century, the popularity of beagles began to decline as fox hunting spread. The breed was preserved by simple farmers.

Breeder Philip Honeywood began breeding in the mid-19th century. He paid a lot of attention to external data. It was from this time that we can talk about the appearance of modern beagles. They spread throughout the world, and clubs for breed lovers began to be created.


Previously, hunting was a means of survival, today it is a hobby or sport that has its own rules. Looking back 10 years ago and analyzing the development of the breed, we can safely say that Beagles are universal hounds. Substantiated facts indicate that representatives of the breed successfully work in rutting deer, wild boar, roe deer, kangaroo, jackal, hare, and pheasant. The only nuance is the number of dogs; if a Beagle can drive small game alone, then a pack is used to drive a large animal. In land hunting, dogs are trained for both rutting and retrieving game.

Important! Dogs with confirmed breeding value (pedigree) are allowed to hunt.

Each puppy that wants to enter the field must have a number of innate qualities:

  • Endurance.
  • High running speed.
  • Desire and ability to learn.
  • Excellent obedience (especially when called).
  • Acute sense of smell.
  • The ability to focus on the goal and not be distracted by the “fresh trail.”
  • Excellent physical characteristics.
  • Clear and sonorous voice.
  • Desire to work synchronously (in a pack).

Description of appearance

The Beagle breed was officially recognized at the end of the 19th century. But the modern standard was adopted in the 50s of the 20th century. It is a medium-sized dog with strong muscles and short, thick hair. According to the standard, the height of a beagle at the withers is from 33 to 40 cm, weight is 8-16 kg.


The beagle's head is proportional in size and dome-shaped. The forehead is convex, the stop is clearly visible, the occipital protuberance protrudes slightly. The muzzle is elongated and of medium size. Bitches have a narrower one. The nose is wide and black. The skin does not gather in folds, but the lips do not fit tightly, due to which they form small jowls. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.

The eyes are large, widely spaced, and brown in color. Very expressive and smart. The ears are set slightly higher than the eyes, hanging. They are wide, rounded at the bottom. The leading edge is adjacent to the cheeks.

From the photo you can see what kind of head and muzzle the beagle has:





The physique is strong and muscular. The neck is of medium length, the chest is wide, the stomach is tucked. The back and lower back are level, and the croup is moderately sloping. The tail is set high and not very long. It is thick and covered with thick fur. The dog most often holds it almost vertically, without throwing it over its back.


Limbs are straight, parallel, muscular. Thanks to this, the dog’s movements are smooth, fast, and free. The paws are compact, strong, with arched toes.


The coat is thick, short and smooth, with no undercoat. It fits tightly to the body, so it does not allow water to pass through and protects the dog well from bad weather. The classic color is three colors: black, white and red. There are white and red dogs. Lemon-white, white with red and blue, motley and hare colors are acceptable. The chest, muzzle stripe and tip of the tail are always white.

Deviations from the standard

There are several appearance defects due to which a dog may be rejected and not allowed to participate in the exhibition:

  • short stature;
  • small or very bulging eyes;
  • an unpronounced stop on the muzzle or a very noticeable occipital protuberance;
  • undeveloped muscles;
  • pointed muzzle;
  • light eyes;
  • depigmentation of the nose.


Since the 19th century, Beagle dogs have spread throughout the world and become popular. Therefore, breeding in different countries proceeded in parallel. Now, in addition to the classic beagles, there are three varieties:

  • American ones have thick hair;
  • French ones were obtained by crossing with a Harrier, they are larger;
  • Irish ones reach a height of 55 cm and are called Kerry Beagles.

From the photo you can get acquainted with the appearance features of the representatives of the breed:

Playing with a stick


Color variations

Beagles can be any color that any hound dog (such as the Estonian Hound) has, except liver (brown). The main thing is that the end of the dog's tail is white. The size of the spots doesn't matter either.

Beagles have three main colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • ginger.


These shades can be made in various combinations, so tricolor and bicolor are distinguished among them.

Tricolor is a classic color. It consists of three main shades of color. If the tricolor contains more white, then it is called “shiny”; if it is black, then it is called “black”.

Bicolor is known for good color quality. The main one is white, on which there are red spots of varying saturation. Black and white bicolor is quite rare.

Description of the character of the Beagle breed

By nature, the beagle is a cheerful, active and good-natured dog. She is very attached to her owner, loves communication and walks. She is not aggressive and does not get into conflicts with other dogs. But since this is a hound, you need to be careful on the street so that it does not chase a cat or birds.

Beagles love children very much, although due to their good nature they cannot be nannies. But for a teenager, this dog will become the best friend. The beagle is suitable as a pet for active, cheerful people. This breed is not currently used as a hound, but is ideal as a companion.

A description of the character traits of this dog can be found in the video:

Video: Interesting facts

Education and training

Adult beagles are very intelligent, but can be disobedient due to their independent nature. They are cunning and like to have their own way. Only proper upbringing will help you manage your pet. This is a pack dog, so it will quickly learn to obey the one it considers to be an authority.

When training, you need to be persistent and patient. You should not rudely scold or hit this dog. He loves affection and responds well to praise. Training needs to start from an early age. It is important to immediately show the puppy what is possible and what is not; the dog must obey the first time.

It is necessary to accustom him to a place, a leash, and basic commands: “Come to me,” “No,” “Next,” “Sit,” “Lie down.” Beagles are stubborn and cunning and love variety. Therefore, you need to structure your training correctly so that the dog does not get bored.

Relationships with other animals

If there is already a pet in the house, but the owner is thinking about getting a representative of the described breed, he should take into account some aspects. Due to its character, the beagle can become friends with farm animals. But hunting instincts will make tame rodents, birds and other small pets objects of hunting, which often ends very tragically.

As for cats, everything happens on an individual basis. Relationships may not work out if the beagle perceives the cat as an object that can be hunted. The owner should carefully observe the behavior of the animals and, if conflict situations arise, try to resolve the matter peacefully.

Dog breed Dachshund with photo description

Maintenance and care

This breed is ideal for keeping in an apartment. Beagles hardly shed and do not drool. They are odorless and do not require special coat care. But the dog needs regular exercise. Without this, the pet gets bored and can damage things and furniture. This is a hound, so you need to regularly take the dog out of town. Only in nature can she run around to her heart's content and throw out her energy.

In winter, it is worth putting on warm clothes for your dog, as they are sensitive to cold. For the same reason, beagles can only be kept outdoors in an insulated enclosure.


1-2 times a week you need to brush your pet with a natural brush or rubber mitt. During shedding, brush daily with a special comb. It is advisable to bathe beagles rarely, once every 1-2 months, using only hypoallergenic soap. Otherwise, the protective lubricant can be washed off. To maintain cleanliness, you can regularly wipe the coat with a damp cloth, and wash your paws after walks.

Every week you need to wipe your dog’s eyes with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water or a special solution. Particular attention should be paid to the ears. They are hanging, so they are prone to inflammation. It is also recommended to brush your pet's teeth every week. If the claws do not grind down on the asphalt, they need to be trimmed.


Beagles are not prone to allergic reactions and are unpretentious in their choice of food. Therefore, they can choose any food. It should be intended for dogs of medium breeds, preferably super-premium class or holistic. Bosch, Orijen, Probalance, Eukanuba foods are suitable.

With natural feeding, 60-70% of the diet should be animal proteins. The rest is porridge and vegetables. You should not give your pet fatty meat, offal, sweets, potatoes, legumes, pickles, or smoked meats. When feeding naturally, not only puppies, but also adult dogs need to be given additional vitamin and mineral complexes.


With proper nutrition and good care, a dog can live a long time without getting sick. This is a hardy breed. The most common problem is the tendency to obesity. Beagles love to eat, so if you don't take care of it and don't give them enough exercise, they will gain weight. There are several other diseases that this breed is prone to:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy, glaucoma or cataracts;
  • epilepsy;
  • intervertebral disc diseases;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

It is important to deworm every three months. And also check the fur for ticks, fleas and other parasites. Special drops or anti-flea collars protect against them well.

How to choose a beagle puppy

It is recommended to buy a beagle puppy from experienced dog breeders or a kennel. You need to study reviews and compare prices. After visiting the breeder, pay attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept, how the mother behaves, and look at the documents. A puppy is purchased when it is 2 months old. He must have:

  • correct bite;
  • the coat is shiny, smooth, without dandruff and bald patches;
  • wet cold nose;
  • eyes and ears without discharge;
  • the stomach is soft;
  • active behavior;
  • all age-appropriate vaccinations.

A healthy baby is inquisitive and plays with other puppies. He moves confidently and stands well on strong limbs. The puppy should not be aggressive or cowardly. When choosing a gender, you need to take into account that males are more independent and tend to run away. The girls are affectionate and obedient, but they will have to put up with regular estrus.

The price of a beagle puppy depends on the availability of pedigree, compliance with the standard, and class. A purebred dog can be bought in Moscow for 20-40 thousand rubles. The cost of a female will be a little more expensive. The price of a puppy without a pedigree is about 5 thousand.

The photo shows what a beagle puppy should be like:



For those who find it difficult to decide whether to get a beagle or not, this video will help:

Video: Features of the breed. Pros and cons

The Beagle is a cheerful, cheerful dog, an ideal pet for active people. The popularity of the breed is explained by its unpretentiousness, small size and lack of aggressiveness. A beagle will become a child's best friend and a companion for lovers of nature walks. With proper upbringing, he will delight the owner with his optimism and charming appearance.


A beagle, the price of which depends on many factors, costs an average of 20 thousand rubles. According to private advertisements, puppies can be bought for 7-19 thousand rubles, but most likely the seller will not provide any documents, and you will find yourself the owner of a dog without a pedigree.

In nurseries, prices vary depending on a number of criteria:

  • the quality of the litter and the number of puppies in it;
  • gender of the puppy;
  • prestige of the breed (the beagle is prestigious);
  • puppy class.

In Moscow, in well-known nurseries you can buy beagle puppies for $500-1700.

Price for puppies depending on class:

  • pet class without documents: from 7 thousand rubles. With pedigree - from 10 thousand rubles.
  • breed class: from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Show-class puppies cost more than 30 thousand rubles.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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