Everything you need to know about the Beauceron, or French Shepherd

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat
Country of origin
Lifespan10−12 years
Height male62–70 cm
Rising bitch61–67 cm
Weight male40-50 kg
Weight bitch36–40 kg

The Beauceron is an indigenous breed that was formed naturally in the French foothills. In modern times, there are not so many French shepherds, they are not as popular as their “neighbors” in the group in the FCI qualification - German shepherds. The number of Beaucerons does not exceed 7,000 dogs, and throughout the history of their formation there were no more than 80,000.

Interesting! The name of the breed "Beauceron" comes from the name of the French region "Beauce".

It is surprising that the Beaucerons, possessing both power and elegance, striking characteristics of appearance and character, have not gained great fame. The breed belongs to group 1 in the FCI qualification, to section No. 1 “Sheepdogs”.

Origin, history, creation

The breed has a long history. We find the first mention of the French Shepherd dog in manuscripts of the Renaissance, namely in 1587. Genetics shed some light on the history of origin.

There are two versions about the origin of the breed:

  1. The ancestors of the breed are ancient extinct turf dogs.
  2. The ancestors of the Beauceron are wolves, since modern French Shepherds have similarities with them in appearance and intracellular structure.

One thing is indisputable: the breed developed only in France without much human intervention. The formation of the characteristics of the breed was greatly influenced by the climate and the purpose of the dogs. There are suggestions that before deforestation, Beaucerons were used to hunt large animals: wild boars and bears. The harsh climate of the French foothills made them hardy, frost-resistant and strong.

After deforestation, the French Shepherd Beauceron began to be used as herding dogs, capable of protecting both people and herds from predators. The breed received official recognition in 1863. But during the years of two world wars, the Beaucerons were on the verge of extinction. This was perhaps the most tragic period in their history. Dog handlers had to restore the population of the breed from the 50 remaining individuals.

The development of French shepherd dogs at a certain point in time followed two paths: they were divided into long-haired - Briards and short-haired - Beaucerons. Over the entire long period of its development, the breed has tried on many roles and performed many tasks that people assigned to it at certain historical moments. This is a working dog that has been a herding dog and guard dog, hunter and bodyguard, police officer and rescue dog. Nowadays, it is most often used as a companion dog, delighting owners with its openness, self-confidence and ability to protect against intruders.


The Beauceron is primarily a working dog. Yes, he is a wonderful companion. But without daily work, the dog will get bored and develop behavioral problems. Neither walking nor exercising will help. Only work brings pleasure to pets.

The smooth-haired French Shepherd is an excellent shepherd. This is one of the few cattle dogs that works without barking and will not even touch a sheep with half a tooth. She silently and confidently drives the herd in the right direction, returns stray animals, and looks out for possible threats.

When the Beauceron works, for him there is only the herd and the area in which it is located.

The French Beauceron has excellent watchdog qualities. He is by no means an empty talker - the dog almost always greets strangers in silence. But in this wary, vigilant and silent defender there is a threat that makes ill-wishers go away.

Beaucerons are used in the police and army. They are good rescuers, bloodhounds, looking for explosives and missing people.

Characteristics, description, character

A large, powerful, muscular dog, with a long head, short and drooping ears, a long tail forming a hook at the end, with a color of pure black or black with red markings. These are characteristics of the appearance of the Beauceron breed, whose character matches its fit appearance.

The French Shepherd is different:

  • natural independence and outstanding security qualities;
  • distrust of others. A Beauceron will never just walk with strangers.
  • a feeling of superiority over other animals. Owners should never expect their pet to be friends with other dogs and animals. Most likely, he will treat them like a leader of a pack, because in him such a feeling as the desire for dominance is practically ineradicable.
  • Obedience, tirelessness, discipline and activity.
  • Affection for the owner and love for the children in the family. But it is not recommended for families with small children, since the dog is characterized by a pronounced herd instinct.
  • Intelligence and devotion.

The Beauceron can be both cheerful and restrained in expressing feelings, but he is always very attentive and sensitive to the state of his owner and catches the slightest changes in his mood.

The active French Shepherd is a very healthy dog ​​if properly cared for and fed. But there are diseases to which all herding dogs are susceptible. Knowing about them, owners should regularly take their pet to the veterinarian to rule out health problems. The Beauceron is most often diagnosed with:

  • Volvulus, which can be fatal.
  • Eye diseases: retinal atrophy.
  • Hip dysplasia. If it is not detected and treated in time, it can lead to immobilization of the animal.

Appearance of the breed

So, what is the description of the Beauceron breed? What do these dogs look like?

The Beauceron is a large, strong, heavily muscled dog. Outwardly, they somewhat resemble forest predators - wolves. The height of boys ranges from 66-70 cm, and girls are slightly smaller - 60-65 cm.

This breed is characterized by:
  • chiseled and rounded head;
  • black nose with a developed lobe;
  • lips tightly attached to the jaw;
  • teeth are white and straight;
  • oval eyes;
  • tall ears that droop when at rest;
  • the tail is quite long and high, it cannot be docked;
  • paws are straight, strong, muscular.

Representatives of the Beauceron breed move easily and softly, their movements are energetic and sweeping. These dogs love an active lifestyle, love to run and play with their owners.

Care and maintenance

The owners of the Baseron note one feature of the dog: its fur has a specific smell, and this “aroma” is not pleasant, so keeping the breed’s hair clean is one of the important tasks of keeping it.

The French Shepherd, whose photo shows the smooth coat of the dog, still requires regular brushing 2-3 times a month. The procedure will help remove dead hair and dead skin. For combing, you can use a rubber glove and a soft brush.

You need to bathe your dog up to 2 times a year. If the dog lives in a country house, then bathing may be more frequent, especially in the warm season, when the coat can dry well. Nail trimming should be done after they have fully grown back, when their length begins to affect the dog’s gait.

Interesting! The Beauceron has a peculiarity on its limbs: it has forked spurs on its hind legs.

Owners should check these spurs, ears and eyes regularly to keep them clean and free from infection.

The French Shepherd is a dog accustomed to the vastness of pastures, so long and active walks are one of the foundations of proper care. Representatives of the breed can run tens of kilometers without getting tired. If the dog is kept in an apartment, then it is necessary to walk it 2 times a day for 1.5 hours so that it can throw out the energy accumulated during the day. If you are a fan of leisurely walks, then this dog is not for you, as it requires running, overcoming obstacles and active games.


Selectivity in food is not typical for energetic and strong dogs. They will happily try dry food, caramel or sausage. However, you cannot feed them just anything. Remember, nutrition is the main factor in developing good health in a dog.

We recommend feeding an adult Beauceron with premium food (dry). The product is rich in vitamin complex. Dosage – 600-700 grams per day. It is better to feed the dog twice a day. But, the body of a young French Shepherd is shown to consume a lot of protein and amino acids. And the amount of these substances in dry food is minimal.

Beauceron puppies should be fed lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs (preferably boiled), boneless sea fish, soups, vegetables and offal (lungs, heart, liver, etc.).

It is forbidden to give the dog sweets (cakes, biscuits, cookies), stewed meat, semi-finished products (dumplings, cabbage rolls, dumplings), pasta, raw potatoes, etc. All this is difficult to digest and assimilate.

Education and training

The Beauceron is characterized by a tendency to dominate, therefore, when raising and training, the owner must show patience and toughness in order to build the correct hierarchy and show who is in charge. But on the other hand, the French Shepherd is not suitable for the role of a subordinate dog; it is, first of all, a partner and friend, so a respectful attitude towards the dog is necessary. It is necessary to exclude the suppression of her dignity, punishment and screams.

Beauceron puppies are receptive to obedience and socialization courses from an early age. The Shepherd is a late-developing breed; its character can be formed and trained for up to 3 years. When raising your pet, you need to take into account that the Beauceron must have a job, because he was created to serve man. Thanks to its intelligence and quick wit, the French Shepherd is easy to train and gladly fulfills all the demands of its owner.

In order for the Beauceron not to “wither” mentally and physically, you need to load it during walks, pay attention, without which it can become uncontrollable, disobedient and inadequate. Breeders insist that the breed is not suitable for inexperienced owners and that it is better to keep it in a private house with a yard, rather than in an apartment.

How to choose a dog

Spontaneously buying a puppy is a thankless and dangerous task.

For busy people who have decided to have a four-legged friend for the first time and have a gentle character, the Beauceron dog breed is not suitable.

There are few nurseries and also few specialists, so approach the purchase of a little Beauceron with the utmost seriousness.

Study the characteristics of the breed, compare your capabilities, and only then go shopping.

For Beaucerons, the price depends on the class of the puppy: a pet will cost you 8-10 thousand rubles, but for the show category they ask for 40-50 thousand rubles.

Carefully examine the puppies, observe their behavior, choose the baby you like, but remember the responsibility.

Talk to the breeder, he will definitely give you useful advice and recommendations, including regarding training .

Check your vaccinations and review your dog's documents.

He is not inclined to selfless friendship with other animals; rather, it will be a relationship between the leader and a member of the pack, where the leader is the Beauceron


The Beauceron, whose puppies are very rare in Russia, is not a common breed, so you will have to look more carefully for your future pet in nurseries. It is not uncommon for puppies to be booked in advance and wait a long time.

They buy a Baseron when he is about 7 weeks old, and in his new home you need to immediately begin socialization and familiarize him with the rules of the family. The ideal puppy is one that meets the breed standards, is healthy, well-fed, has shiny fur, clean and clear eyes. The darker the dog's eye, the better.

When communicating with a puppy, it is important to immediately let him know who is “boss” in the house. Being a dominant dog, it will try to impose its will. Nip it in the bud and behave harshly, confidently, calmly, the way a dominant dog in a pack would behave.

The owner of a small Beauceron must take into account that he is getting a dog of late development, which even physically and mentally matures later than other breeds, by about 3 years. You should not give heavy loads too early, reward or give treats during training.

Beauceron colors

There are several colors in dogs of this breed:

  • Black and tan, red stockings. Black thick, rich, red squirrel. Tan marks are located in the eyebrow area, on the sides of the muzzle, in the chest area, in the lower part of the neck, under the tail, and on the limbs.
  • “Harlequin” color (blue with spots and tan): the coat is gray-black with red tan marks, the spots are evenly distributed over the body, often the dominant color is black. Tan is no different from black individuals. The standard allows a small white spot in the chest area.

The defect of the breed is: height above or below the norm, light eyes or odd eyes (except for harlequins), rigidly erect ears, excessive eversion of the hind legs, nose with a cleft, color that does not meet the standards, etc.


The Beauceron, the photo of which is presented above, is for us an exotic breed of French origin. He has wolfish independence, devotion, and a bit of aggressiveness. If you are a leader in life and an energetic person, then this dog is for you, and you will be on the same wavelength.


Bitches come into heat before they are one year old, males are interested in the opposite sex from 8-12 months. But French Beaucerons are not adults yet, but teenagers. They cannot be knitted.

The first matings are carried out at 2.5-3 years. It’s better to meet on the dog’s territory – there he feels more confident and acts more actively.

Pregnancy lasts 66-72 days. There are from 5 to 10 pups in a litter.

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