How much does a Husky puppy weigh? We monitor the baby's development

The Siberian Husky is one of those breeds for which a harmonious height-to-weight ratio is important. If a working dog is too heavy, it will quickly become weak when running in a harness. The lack of weight in a husky is also not favorable - such an animal is not strong and hardy enough.

It is important for show animal owners to monitor the height and weight of their Siberians. If the dogs deviate from the standard parameters, they will not only receive a low rating from the expert, but may not be allowed for breeding.

Breed standard

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog. For hundreds of years it was used as a riding vehicle. Today this breed is very popular, and this is not surprising. Despite her powerful appearance, she is kind to children, affectionate, and very faithful to her owner.

An adult dog has a muscular body and strong bones. Males are seasoned and hardy, but are not distinguished by rudeness, females are graceful, although they have developed muscles.

What are the breed standards?

In dogs that are black, red and gray in color, the nose is black, in dogs of a copper shade it is chestnut, in snow-white dogs it is flesh-colored. The muzzle is average in length and width, becoming narrower closer to the ears. The lips are pigmented and fit tightly. The slightly slanted eyes of the husky are mesmerizing. Eye colors are brown and blue. The look of a dog of this breed is piercing, but friendly and not without a hint of mischief. The ears are medium in size, stand vertically upward, are close to each other, and have a triangular shape.

During the stance, the husky holds his head proudly raised. The beautiful curved neck gives the dog a proud posture. The back is straight. The tail is of the “fox” type, equally pubescent on all sides. When the dog is tense, the tail is raised and resembles a sickle. The coat is “double” of medium length. The coat is dense, but not long. When the dog moves, the tail does not curl to the side. Colors are allowed from black to snow-white. There may be markings and various patterns on the head.

Related article: What you can and cannot feed your husky at home

So, the main characteristics of the breed:

  • the average size;
  • proportionate strong body;
  • correct tail;
  • dense and coarse coat;
  • friendly character;
  • high degree of endurance.

Main settings

For any breed, there are a number of characteristics that must be observed by breeders when breeding the breed in order to maintain its purity.

Color: its types and permissible deviations

Types of colors

The classic coat color for huskies is a combination of black, gray or brown with white.
A common occurrence is a black or white mask around the eyes and two vertical stripes on the forehead near the nose.

White, unmixed huskies appear quite rarely; more often they are simply black in color.

Rarely found are brown without impurities and brown-white color, fawn, brown, spotted ( peabold), as well as simply white and black.


Albinos are present in any breed. As a result of a gene mutation, such individuals lack melanin, which leads to disturbances in the color of the skin, eyes and coat. However, not every snow-white husky is an albino: for representatives of this species, such a color is rare, but not a violation.

With partial albinism, some parts of the body may be pigmented, and the eyes may have a blue or natural color; with complete albinism, the color is completely devoid of pigment, and the eye color is red or pink.

Muzzle color


The color of the muzzle is consistent with the rest of the color, and there may be markings and patterns, such as a double vertical stripe on the forehead.


Typically, there are black or white circles .

Eye color in purebred huskies

The eyes of purebred animals can be blue, brown, amber, olive, different in color and even differently colored .

Wool length


The coat should be thick, short, and not bristly. The undercoat is soft and absent during shedding. A coat that is too long, harsh or soft is considered a fault.

IMPORTANT! It is allowed to trim Huskies only on the sides and between the toes, otherwise the animal will be disqualified from competitions.

Puppy weight at 1–3 months

The exact weight for a husky puppy is a relative concept, since everything depends on age, type of food, type of breed and other factors. Therefore, it is possible to say how much a puppy weighs at a given age with some degree of error. At 1 month, the puppy weighs three kilograms. The little guy's tail is already starting to curl. Then there is a rapid weight gain and at 2 months it is about six kilograms.

Now begins the period when the puppy no longer feeds on mother’s milk, but eats on its own. This factor leads to the fact that the weight accelerates significantly every month. At 3 months, a baby can “pull” twelve kilograms. The puppy’s height at two months is 30 cm, and at three months it is already 40 cm.

How to Help Your Husky Grow

Feeding your puppy will help him grow strong and healthy. But you don't need to overfeed your husky. Overfeeding can lead to problems such as obesity and back problems .

Make sure you buy food that contains meat. Meat will be the best filler for your dog. Good food can also help with things like growing a healthy, thick coat. Foods that are not good for your Husky can cause things like bald patches or itchy skin. The best things you put into our bodies will make us grow big and strong. Apply the same rules to your Husky. If anything, feed your husky better than you feed yourself.

Exercising will help your Husky become strong. They eat a lot, so make sure they use all that energy and build the muscles they should have. Running and being active will also help with attitude problems and improve your husky's overall mental well-being. You will literally watch your Husky grow right before your eyes, and if you do it right, you will have the perfect healthy buddy.

10-12 months

The weight of a husky puppy at this age will change by no more than a couple of kilograms. The animal’s height will also increase by only 1–2 cm. The time of intensive development is already over, now the dog will be forming and mating. The pet's physique will become harmonious and muscular.

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How to make your own booth and enclosure for a husky

Summing up

There is no place for subjective judgments in the life support of such a complex breed as the Siberian Husky. To correctly assess the exterior of a pet and its dimensions ( height at the withers / weight ), there is a “reference point”, the registry standard of the husky breed .

The dog’s compliance with the declared parameters formats exhibition and breeding activity and is an excellent tool for normalizing the diet and monitoring the health of the pet.

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After a year

In a year, the formation of the husky is still ongoing. A fully formed pet can be observed between two and three years. The weight of an adult dog ranges from 15 to 28 kg. It is clear that a bitch should be more graceful than a dog. The height at the withers is 50.5–62 cm, and the length along the back to the base of the tail is 50–60 cm.

Similar article: Best nicknames for husky boys and girls

Husky average weight table by week.

4 weeks3 kg
8 weeks5 kg30 cm
12 weeks9.5 kg40 cm
15 weeks13 kg45 cm
20 weeks17 kg50 cm
26 weeks20 kg55 cm
30 weeks22,556 cm
36 weeks24 kg57 cm
40 weeks25 kg58 cm

The owner needs to take into account that the weight and height of a husky are average, so only significant deviations from the norm should be of concern.

Ultimately, the size of the dog will depend on feeding, health, and genetics. Note that proper nutrition and care in the first year of a puppy’s life determines how healthy the four-legged friend will be in the future.

What to do if your weight is below normal

It should be noted that the tables usually show the average height and weight characteristic of a particular age, and therefore there is no need to consider these parameters mandatory.

Therefore, if the puppy’s weight lags behind them by no more than 10%, then such an imaginary underweight should be considered a variant of the norm.


In the same case, if there is a significant lag in weight, you need to try to quickly find out the reason for this.

Perhaps nothing terrible is happening and the lack of weight is due to the individual characteristics of the puppy. The baby simply grows very quickly in height and at the same time is distinguished by great mobility, which is why there is a lack of body weight.

In this case, you do not need to do anything, you just need to wait until the end of the active growth phase, after which the young dog will quickly gain the required weight.

The same applies to cases where underweight is due to heredity, when dogs from different lines grow faster or slower.

If underweight is associated with an incorrectly selected diet, then it is recommended to increase the amount of proteins and fats during natural feeding, and if the pet receives ready-made food, then try to choose a different brand for it with a higher nutritional value.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can also help, which, due to the beneficial microelements they contain, have an overall beneficial effect on the animal’s body..

In any case, before giving your husky any supplements, you should consult your veterinarian.

If we are talking not about puppies, but about adult dogs, then the problem of underweight can be solved by increasing the duration of walks and increased physical activity, including working in a harness.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Husky dog ​​breed:

Probably the most popular and photogenic dogs today are the Husky breed. This breed gained its popularity due to the fact that it saved the settlement of Nome from diphtheria at the very beginning of the 20th century. Further, thanks to selection, the breed was improved and today has reached the peak of popularity. In addition to the fact that huskies can be used as sled dogs, today they are more preferred as pets.


In the first days after birth, the puppy must have a special quarantine. After vaccination, he cannot be taken outside, so all the intrigues and dirty deeds of the baby will become an integral problem for the owners. You can read how to train a husky puppy to wear a diaper in our article. Just a little patience and perseverance will save you from treacherous puddles on the floor.

Education University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Year of graduation: 2010. Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine. Experience I have experience working in a veterinary clinic for more than 7 years. Experience of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

On the street:

  1. Allow her to interact with pet dogs. Do not interrupt sniffing.
  2. Important! In a safe place, having let her off the leash, call her from time to time (so that you touch the collar) and let her run again. Don't put her on a leash right away. If the puppy is passionate about something, then he does not hear the owner. You need to attract her attention by crouching down and knocking on the ground with keys, a pebble, and tossing a glove. You can run away from her, hide behind a tree (so she can see it). Never chase a dog in order to catch it. This is the key to flawless execution of the command “ COME TO ME!” " And never scold your dog after it has approached you.
  3. Be careful not to make a mess. If you grab something, you can throw a tin can with pebbles into it (it rings loudly), or take it out of your mouth with your hands, shake it by the scruff of the neck, swearing. The command “ DO NOT!” "
  4. Pick her up as little as possible. Now it’s better not to do this at all.

“At the same time, when building emotional contact with a puppy of the age of fear, one should keep in mind that all the stress and experiences of this age are fixed in the psyche very firmly and for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right degree and form of expressing sympathy for a puppy in a stressful situation, so as not to increase unpleasant emotions by what the puppy may perceive as manifestations of confusion and uncertainty of the owner. Such factors that increase stress in a puppy include, first of all, the high tone of the voice of the owner (mistress) and sing-song, cooing intonations - for a person, both serve as an expression of sympathy and consolation. Much more effective are forms of consolation such as patting the puppy on the side of the shoulder blades, pressing him sideways to the owner’s leg, and covering the back of the nose from above with the palm of the hand with light compression with the fingers and the heel of the palm on both sides. These gestures of the owner most closely resonate with species rituals expressing support and patronage from the elder.

One of the common specific situations that should be avoided at all costs at this age is lifting the puppy in your arms in such a way that its back is pressed to the owner’s chest and its tummy is open outward. In this case, all vital organs are not protected, which dogs always instinctively protect from any dangers from the outside. It is especially harmful to take the puppy out of the door in this way, when the transition to open space is critical, or to “protect” him in this way from a running dog. Often, such inept treatment of a puppy by an owner becomes the cause of insurmountable cowardice in an adult dog.”

This is a quote from the book of Natalia Dmitrievna Krivolapchuk, a famous St. Petersburg zoopsychologist. I was lucky enough to study with her. I advise you to buy her books “The Dog Who Loves” and “The Dog You Don’t Have to Be Afraid of.” There are a lot of subtleties that you won't find in other authors.

Factors influencing growth

Up to 6 months, all huskies, both boys and girls, develop approximately the same. But then the growth begins to differ according to the gender of the dog:

  • Boys. Active growth of males lasts up to 9 months, but development at a somewhat slower pace continues until 1.5 years of age. The husky boy is finally formed only by the age of 2-3 years.
  • Girls. Active growth continues until 8 months of age. With the onset of the first heat, development is somewhat inhibited, but the dog continues to grow. The female is finally formed by the 2nd year of life. Until this age, she will gain muscle mass and overall weight.

In addition to gender, there are a whole host of factors that influence the speed of development of puppies:

  1. Hereditary factor. It is genetic predisposition that primarily affects the intensity of growth of an individual and the duration of its development period. As for husky girls, heredity also affects the time of the onset of the first heat.
  2. Quality of mother's care. The conditions in which the mother dog was kept also affect the weight, height and speed of development of the puppies. If she was provided with a calm, comfortable place to rest, and fed high-quality food on a strict schedule, the chances of getting large offspring increase.
  3. Nutrition for the puppy itself. Overfeeding an animal is not the same as raising it to be large, strong and resilient. This is a chance for your dog to become overweight at a young age. The food must be decent - only premium food or fresh, high-quality natural products. Ideally, a veterinarian should prepare a diet for each puppy. It is necessary to purchase vitamin supplements in addition to the main diet, feed the animal according to a clear schedule, monitoring the volume of portions. According to the observations of breeders, huskies that eat natural products develop faster than their “breeders” on dry and wet food.
  4. Keeping a puppy. The most optimal conditions for a “Siberian” are a spacious enclosure. The kitten moves all day, does not sit still - such energy stimulates accelerated development and does not allow excess weight to appear. Inactive puppies are plumper. But they lag behind their active counterparts in terms of growth and development rates.
  5. Congenital pathologies and acquired diseases. If a puppy, for example, suffers a serious infection at a young age, this can lead to a significant slowdown in its development.

Development and growth rate

According to the breed standard, Huskies must have somewhat elongated bodies. Therefore, the length of the animal (from the chest to the base of the tail) should exceed the height (at the withers) by 1-3 cm.

The following table shows the average growth rate of Siberian Huskies by month.

Age (months)Height, height at withers (cm)

As for adult animals, the average figures for them are as follows:

It is important not to make a mistake - to correctly measure the puppy’s height:

  1. The dog must stand on a flat and stable surface. Very small puppies are placed on the table, and older ones are placed on the floor.
  2. The measurement results will be inaccurate if the husky is spinning and does not stand calmly in one place. Trained animals are given the command to take a show stance. The attention of other pets is attracted by a toy or treat. There are two people involved here: one holds the dog’s attention, and the other takes measurements.
  3. The easiest way is to use a measuring tape. But the most accurate measurements are with a special device for measuring height with a limiter, which can be quickly moved across the floor.
  4. When measuring the height of an animal, the head is not taken into account - due to the difficulty of persuading and forcing the dog to keep it in a motionless position. Height is measured from the pads of the feet to the withers. This is the name of the place at the base of the neck in the area of ​​the dog’s shoulder blades.
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