Feeding Shar Pei at home: natural food or artificial food

The Shar Pei breed has become widespread these days not only in China, but throughout the world.

These dogs easily win the sympathy of others, thanks to their charming appearance and cute folds on their faces.

But behind this exterior lies a complex canine character - Shar-Peis are serious, independent and proud.

These are real guards, and not companions, as it might seem at first glance, and not everyone will be able to deal with them.

What to feed at home - natural food or artificial food?

Each Shar Pei owner has the right to decide for himself what food to feed his pet - natural or artificial . There are pros and cons to using any food.

The dog owner should know them, giving preference to one or another type of food.

Artificial food is suitable for busy dog ​​owners who, for their own reasons, cannot spend time preparing food for their pet.

In this case, you need to remember about the quality of the purchased food - its class should be as high as possible . The better the food, the more benefits it has for the Shar Pei, and economy-class food can pose a serious threat to the health of the animal.

If the owner chooses to eat natural food, he will have to spend a lot of time creating a balanced menu. No less time is spent on preparation.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

No veterinarian will ever persuade a dog owner to side with any one food unless there are serious reasons for this. But when choosing the type of food you need to remember, how it will affect your pet's health. If you do not have the experience and time to prepare food for your Shar Pei yourself, and this is very expensive in this regard, believe me, it is better to give preference to commercial food. You need to choose, of course, a class no lower than premium. However, if you don’t trust the ingredients on the package and are willing to spend several hours every day preparing food, then stick to natural feeding. Your pet will appreciate any of your efforts, especially if they benefit him.


Shar Peis are dogs with a difficult character and require special care and optimal living conditions.

In order to provide representatives of this breed with everything they need and maintain their health, it is necessary to become familiar with their character and the nuances of keeping and feeding before purchasing.

At home

Shar Peis are medium-sized dogs, so they feel comfortable living not only in country houses, but also in small city apartments.

They do not require much space and can easily adapt to tight spaces. In addition, these dogs do not shed and get along easily with other pets.

When choosing where your pet’s private place will be, you should remember its developed protective instinct and position the place so that the dog can see the front door and the maximum number of rooms.

Can I keep it outside?

Knowing about the guarding qualities of Shar-Peis, many people want to get such a dog to guard their yard and home. But representatives of this breed are not suitable for street keeping. They have sensitive skin and no undercoat, so they cannot tolerate heat or frost at all. But the worst idea is to keep a Shar Pei on a chain. These are very freedom-loving dogs; life on a leash is absolutely not suitable for them.

In case of emergency, you can leave the dog in an enclosure or kennel, but they must be heated.

Relationships with children

Representatives of this breed get along well with children, easily find a common language with them, play with pleasure and take very good care of the kids. These dogs are patient and endure all children's pranks. Even if a child behaves carelessly during the game and, for example, pulls the Shar Pei’s tail, he will not get angry and try to bite the little offender, but will simply find an opportunity to evade such a game.


Despite their calm and friendly attitude towards their family members and familiar people, Shar-Peis do not inspire trust in strangers. Also, due to their anatomical features and deep-set eyes, these dogs have rather limited vision and viewing angle, so fast movements frighten them and can provoke a reaction that is unexpected even for their owners.

Therefore, during walks you should put a muzzle on your pet. For representatives of this breed, leather muzzles are suitable as they are the least traumatic.


A few more accessories that should not be neglected during walks are a harness and a leash. Shar-Peis often behave excessively active on the street: they run after cats, chase pigeons and get into fights with other, even larger, dogs. It is important to be able to hold your pet. pull him back. In such situations, a leash is simply irreplaceable.

When choosing between a collar and a harness, you should opt for option 2, since when wearing a harness, the load on the chest is distributed evenly, without causing discomfort or pain to the dog.

Rules for feeding allergy sufferers

Shar Pei is one of the breeds that is prone to food allergies.

If you get a dog with this feature, then you should know that feeding him has its own nuances.:

  1. First of all, you will need to find the product that caused the allergy and eliminate it from your dog’s diet.
  2. The animal must be placed on a two-week rice diet. You need to add a tablespoon of olive and flaxseed oil to the rice on days 3 and 4.
  3. Eliminate from your diet any fertilizer or supplement that contains brewer's yeast, alfalfa and pollen.
  4. To ensure that a dog on a strict diet does not suffer from a lack of vitamins, it should be given drugs of groups B, C, E, based on the weight of the animal.
  5. As soon as you notice that the Shar Pei's skin itching, redness, wetting and rashes on the fur has begun to go away, then begin to gradually introduce other products. This is a puree of boiled carrots, stewed cabbage, chopped lettuce and parsley. Start alternating buckwheat with rice. This way you need to feed for a month. Be sure to monitor how your dog's body reacts to the foods you give it.
  6. Transition to hypoallergenic food gradually. It should be low in protein. If you prefer natural nutrition, then start with set meals.
  7. Don't rush to give your dog meat. It is better to give boiled turkey, rabbit or lamb first. Offal should be scalded.
  8. Never feed your Shar Pei chicken, starchy foods or red vegetables.

If your Shar Pei is allergic, you should not add sunflower, vegetable or soybean oil to your food..

Historical summary

It is believed that Shar Pei originated in Ancient Asia sometime around 200 BC. Translated from Chinese, this dog breed means “special wool.” Their fur is rough to the touch.

The appearance of Shar-Peis is unusual. However, this did not prevent their wide distribution. They served as guard and fighting dogs, as they showed the character of a protector. In the 20th century, representatives of the breed were on the verge of extinction.

Important! Shar Peis were declared a rare breed because during the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese ate dogs for lack of other food.

We must thank the activists for saving these animals, who collected the last representatives of this extraordinary breed and took them to Hong Kong and Taiwan. There, caring people started breeding them.

Pros and cons of natural food


  1. You yourself control what foods to give your dog and their quality;
  2. You can create a variety of menus;
  3. You can choose the right diet for your dog;
  4. Control of calorie content of feed;
  5. The food contains natural proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  6. No food additives, emulsifiers, preservatives.


  1. Time consuming;
  2. If you have an allergy, you will have to find out for yourself what product the reaction occurred to;
  3. If you travel long distances with your dog, it will be difficult for him to cook;
  4. Food spoils quickly;
  5. If you create the wrong menu, it can cause health problems for your pet.

List of permitted and prohibited products

Authorized Products:

  1. Lean meat (rabbit, turkey, lamb);
  2. By-products - kidneys, heart, lungs, trachea, cartilage and ears;
  3. Raw eggs;
  4. Boiled sea fish;
  5. Ground vegetables and fruits – broccoli, apples, zucchini, carrots;
  6. Low-fat fermented milk products;
  7. Porridge – rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  8. Vitamins and probiotics.


If your dog is lactose intolerant, you should not give dairy products.

Shar-Peis also do not digest beef and pork well. Be extremely careful if you want to add beets and tomatoes to your diet.

Prohibited Products:

  1. Milk and butter;
  2. Bones;
  3. Bakery products;
  4. River fish and fish roe;
  5. Wheat and corn grits;
  6. Smoked, fatty and sausage products;
  7. Sweets and chocolate;
  8. Marinated, spicy and salty.

What should not be in a Shar Pei's diet?

To avoid problems with your pet’s digestion, it is advisable to immediately remove the following products from his menu:

  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • bones;
  • pasta;
  • river fish and caviar of any fish;
  • legumes;
  • corn and semolina;
  • lard and fatty meat, especially pork and lamb;
  • sausage products, smoked products;
  • confectionery, chocolate;
  • honey;
  • bread and other baked goods;
  • potato;
  • grape;
  • cherry

In addition, spicy, salty, pickled foods, fried and smoked foods are not suitable for feeding dogs, including Shar-Peis.

Natural feeding is a rather troublesome process, so some owners of “folded” four-legged animals choose the second option - feeding with dry diets. It has a number of advantages, but important nuances should not be forgotten.

Sample menu for the week

Day of the weekTime of day/morningTime of day/evening
MondayTurkey, rice, carrot puree – 500 gLamb, rice, carrot puree – 350 g
TuesdayTurkey, oatmeal, carrot puree – 500 gLamb, rice, salad – 250 g
WednesdayBy-products, rice, zucchini or broccoli puree – 400 gTurkey, rice, carrot puree – 350 g
ThursdayWhite fish, rice – 400 gTurkey, rice, carrot puree – 350 g
FridayLamb, rice, carrot puree – 500 gTurkey, oatmeal, ground sweet pepper – 350 g
SaturdayCottage cheese, egg – 300 gLamb, rice, carrot puree – 250 g
SundayBy-products, rice, ground sweet pepper – 500 gLamb, rice, carrot puree – 250 g

Don't forget to add vegetable or olive oil to your food every few days.

Dogs also need vitamin complexes, probiotic and mineral supplements. From time to time you can top your food with low-fat organic yogurt.

Industrial feed


  1. No need to waste time cooking;
  2. It is stored longer than natural;
  3. You don’t spend extra money on vitamins;
  4. Easy to take on the go;
  5. Sometimes cheaper;
  6. If you have an allergy, you can simply change the food;


  1. The ingredients on the package may not match the contents;
  2. Cheap food causes serious health problems;
  3. Vitamins in food lose their original usefulness;
  4. Emulsifiers and preservatives and other additives can cause allergies.

There are several types of artificial food: dry, semi-moist and wet. Each of them also has its own disadvantages and advantages.

For example, dry food does not spoil for a long time . It doesn't stain the bowl or the area around it and even helps remove plaque from your teeth. But at the same time, flavorings and flavor enhancers are often added to such food.

Wet food is easier to digest and almost always contains no additives . But at the same time, it is addictive. The best option is to alternate these two types of food.

This way you can diversify your pet’s menu and make its diet more healthy and balanced.

There are four classes of feed:

  1. Economy class;
  2. Premium class;
  3. Super premium class;
  4. Holistic.

Each class of food has its own manufacturers and its own lines of food.


Veterinarians advise feeding dogs food of at least premium quality, although this is not always of high quality.

Shar Pei food is produced by the CIBAU brand . All other manufacturers divide their food line by age, size of the dog, and the presence/absence of allergies.

Rating of the 7 best foods

  1. Wolfsblut . This is a German holistic dry food. It has a wide range and, due to the use in the manufacture of premium quality products, is practically hypoallergenic. There are 15 types of meat flavors, and 6 fish flavors are offered for summer meals;
  2. Brit Care Adult Large Breed . This is Czech super-premium food. The line also has an option for allergy sufferers marked Sensitive - it is made from rice and lamb;
  3. Royal Canin . This is a premium French food. It has a wide range, including for dogs with allergies, wet food with the highest meat content - more than 80%, has a natural composition, and also contains practically no grains;
  4. Purina One . Premium food, but not premium quality. Suitable for feeding, but contains allergens.

Pro Plan

Pro Plan is one of the most popular premium feeds in Russia . It is distinguished by a wide range and focus. You can choose food for a dog of any size and any age, with different health characteristics.

You can also choose almost any flavor for your pet - lamb, beef, salmon, chicken, and the same flavors, but with rice.

This food belongs to the premium class; only veterinary diets from this manufacturer can count on a higher level.

Pros of food:

  1. Supports healthy teeth and gums, contains vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus;
  2. Positively affects the condition of the joints - the correct ratio of proteins and omega3;
  3. Contains prebiotics and has a beneficial effect on digestion and the microflora of the intestines and stomach.

Cons of food:

  1. Very little protein, but a lot of carbohydrates;
  2. The composition is not clearly stated;
  3. Contains insufficient amounts of vitamins;
  4. It contains gluten, wheat and corn - cheap fillers and not the healthiest sources of protein.

How to feed a puppy correctly?

The puppy appears in the owner's house at two months. At this time he eats 4-5 times a day .
The owner must calculate the daily dose of food and divide it by the number of meals and feed at different intervals. You also need to monitor whether the puppy is allergic to anything.

The following food should be fed to a puppy at 2-3 months::

  1. Oatmeal with milk;
  2. Low-fat and boiled fish;
  3. Rice porridge with kefir;
  4. Boiled meat;
  5. Steamed zucchini and pumpkin with olive oil.

During the period of teeth growth - 4-5 months - you need to give the puppy food rich in calcium..

The older the puppy gets, the fewer meals he should have. By 6 months, he should eat 3 times a day, and he should already have the same diet as an adult dog.

Breed Features

It is now known that Shar Peis were considered dogs with fighting qualities. Breeding specialists had to work hard to reduce the fervor of this breed. Now dogs are great for keeping at home.

Breed Features:

  • Shar Peis do not show aggression towards children, so they will become excellent friends for them;
  • representatives of the breed became famous for their leadership qualities. If the owner manages to place himself as the head of the house in front of the puppy, then he will obey well;
  • Shar Peis will make good companions. They do not like to impose their attention and presence, but they will not refuse another foray into the street with the owner;
  • the preserved qualities of a guard and fighting dog are manifested when meeting strangers. Shar Pei will not let you touch him. If a stranger tries to do this, the dog will take it for danger and begin to growl and bite;
  • Shar Pei bark only rarely. This only happens when there is a reason. They will not allow strangers into their home, which shows their guarding skills;
  • the breed is recognized as clean, so pets are often kept in apartments and houses;
  • Shar Peis lend themselves well to training and education, but certain habits must be instilled in them carefully, without aggression or screaming. Patience in this situation is the key to success;
  • dogs of this breed love their owners very much, they listen to them, help them, and follow commands.

The listed qualities characterize Shar Peis only on the positive side. They will become not only wonderful companions, but also protectors of the owner’s home and family.

How to properly feed an adult dog

At 8 months, the dog should already eat 2 times a day - morning and evening . You need to feed your dog meat, boiled sea fish, and add rice porridge or oatmeal, vegetables and dairy products to the diet. We must not forget about vitamins.

It is important to calculate the energy value of food . In this case, you need to take into account not only main meals, but also treats. Too many calories cause your dog to become overweight.

This places an additional burden on the heart and joints, which means that the Shar Pei’s health may deteriorate significantly, not for the better.


If your dog has problems digesting food, then leave in the diet foods that will be easily absorbed by the body.

All you have to do is reduce the amount of meat and add steamed vegetables instead.

Main diseases and what food can help cope with them

If you want to avoid a number of diseases that are inherent in Shar Pei, it is better to use professional food:

  • dysplasia and arthritis – Josera, Brit;
  • renal failure – Canidae;
  • skin infections – Royal Canin Skin Care SK;
  • allergies – Innova, Royal Canin;
  • bloating, flatulence and digestive tract problems - Eagle Pack Holistic Select, Orijen.

Remember that some diseases require treatment not only with a special diet, but also with vitamins, ointments and medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

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