Features of the Jack Russell Terrier with black and white color: photos of dogs, their description, character, pros and cons

The black and white Jack Russell Terrier is not often seen on the street.

However, from time to time, advertisements for the sale of black and white Jack Russell puppies appear on the Internet, and sellers claim that this is a very rare and valuable color.

But, if this is so, then why is it not mentioned at all among the acceptable colors in the breed standard?

What are Jack Russells with this color - exclusive or defective breed?

In this article we will try to answer this question and also show photos of these dogs.

History of the breed

The black and white color has apparently always been found - from the very time when the English priest John Russell began breeding the old type of wire fox terriers who lived in the second half of the 19th century.

Due to the fact that the founder and first breeder of the breed experimented with the genetics of his pets, infusing them with blood from other terrier breeds, a variety of colors in the first few generations was inevitable .

Along with puppies with the traditional white-red, white-black or tri-color colors, dogs of those colors that are currently not recognized as the standard were also born, including black and white.


Further infusion of the blood of old-type bulldogs, which hunters were fond of already in the 20th century in order to improve the fighting qualities of Jack Russell terriers, further consolidated the black and white color in the breed.

Considering that almost all dogs that showed themselves to be good hunters were bred regardless of their appearance and origin, it is not surprising that from time to time black and white puppies continue to appear in standard dogs.

“Edible” nicknames

For boys:

  • Bailey
  • Guinness
  • Bean
  • Borodin
  • El
  • Side
  • Bosco
  • Espresso
  • Brandy
  • Caffeine
  • Thein
  • Rorschach
  • Roshen
  • Coconut
  • loaf
  • Stout
  • Hershey
  • Raisin
  • Porter
  • Poppy
  • Pepper;
  • Pepper
  • Mocha
  • Pepper;
  • Snickers;
  • Sugar
  • Cheese
  • Zukor
  • Mousse
  • Mars
  • Twix;
  • Chocolate;
  • Blackberry

We recommend watching: 425+ Korean names for dogs Who's hungry and who's here, as luck would have it, Twix?
For girls:

  • Aphra
  • Bounty
  • Brownie
  • Bun
  • Vanilla
  • Godiva
  • Pea
  • Diva
  • Suede
  • Marshmallow
  • Highlight
  • Highlight
  • Ikrinka
  • The Incas
  • Cola
  • Cola
  • Kona
  • Krispy
  • Liquorice
  • Meringue
  • Milka
  • Mleczka
  • Oxy
  • Olive
  • Pepsi
  • Radish
  • Baking
  • Sour cream
  • Soufflé
  • Choco
  • Java

English Setter Pea. Miracle pea...

Marriage or breed?

According to the breed standard , the predominant color of Jack Russells is white and it should be no less than 51%. Black, if it is not much larger than white, which makes it difficult to determine the percentage of colors in the color, can be regarded as a fault, but not a defect.

In the same case, if a dog black as its main color and white is present in small quantities, this will be considered a disqualifying fault.


If you are planning to purchase a show puppy, you should not opt ​​for a baby with a black and white color.

“Black and white” in languages ​​of the world

  • Black White
  • Zwart Wit
  • Yoda Balta
  • Musta Valkonen
  • Negro Branco
  • Nero Bianco
  • Noir Blanc
  • Preto Branco
  • Variety Khvid
  • Fekete Feher
  • Charno Bialy
  • Cherno Byal
  • Schwartz Weibe

Sounds, you see, like the names of the characters in Dune.

Landseer Nero Bianco

Character of dogs

The Black and White Jack Russell Terrier is a brave, energetic and very active dog with a friendly and affable disposition. He loves children and plays well with them, and an older child can even train his pet on his own, since black and white Jack Russells are smart and obedient.

If you do not pay due attention to the training and socialization of the dog, then it can grow up stubborn, self-willed, aggressive and mischievous. That is why you need to start raising a Jack Russell puppy as early as possible.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The black and white Jack Russell Terrier is no different from other dogs of this breed except its color. He is an energetic and playful animal, which, if properly raised, will become a wonderful friend and favorite of the whole family. Black and white Jack Russells are unpretentious in nutrition and do not require complex care, which makes them convenient for apartment living. But the black and white color is considered non-standard and therefore one should not take such a dog if future owners want their pet to participate in exhibitions and win.

Read more about the character of Jack Russells here.

Black and white dog

Coat color is an important factor influencing the appearance of a dog.
Representatives of dog breeds that allow different colors are sometimes so different from each other due to color that people mistake them for completely different breeds. Our text today is dedicated to black and white dogs: we will tell you in which breeds this spectacular contrasting color can be found, talk about the characters of these dogs, the peculiarities of their maintenance, and briefly discuss their psychological and physiological qualities. Black and white dog - what breed are you?

Advantages and disadvantages


  • their small size makes these dogs easy to keep both in the city and in rural areas;
  • have a cheerful and playful disposition;
  • selflessly devoted to their owner;
  • Jack Russells are very smart and easy to train animals;
  • get along well with children;
  • Wire-haired Jack Russells and Brokens do not shed;
  • Jack Russell wool has an amazing self-cleaning property;
  • They are easy to care for, especially if the pet is smooth-haired and does not require trimming;
  • These dogs love to take part in various hikes and trips.


  • very mobile and active - some people may find such an irrepressible pet’s temperament annoying;
  • left to its own devices, the dog can begin to harm. For example, chewing furniture or walls;
  • too sociable - it is difficult for them to get used to loneliness;
  • may be aggressive towards other animals;
  • Jack Russells love to make “excavations” in the garden, and in the absence of a garden they can start digging up flower pots or try to dig a hole in the flooring;
  • they need early socialization and proper upbringing;
  • very cunning and mischievous;
  • Wire-haired Jack Russells and Brokens require regular trimming.


Due to its strong hunting instinct, the Jack Russell may try to chase all moving objects, including cars.

What breeds of dogs have black and white colors?

In fact, black and white coats are found in many dog ​​breeds. A person who wants to buy a puppy of this particular color can make a choice from a dozen or even more dogs, taking into account other characteristics of the breed: size, character, nuances of the psyche. Below we will tell you about the most popular breeds, the standard of which officially recognizes black and white (or bicolor) coat color.

Video – Genetics of dog colors


Perhaps the most famous black and white dog. More precisely, Dalmatians are still considered white and black, since it is the snow-white fur that covers most of the body of these dogs. However, there are also darkened Dalmatians, in whose color black spots occupy half or even most of the color.

All Dalmatians have a unique pattern of spots

Dalmatians are considered wonderful family dogs: they are playful, sensitive, active and very sociable dogs. However, representatives of this breed are extremely energetic (in ancient times they accompanied postal and pleasure carriages), and therefore require long and intense walks. The breed is not suitable for homebodies and those who prefer watching TV to an active walk.

Dalmatians are very intelligent, highly trainable and, with proper training, will make wonderful companions. Dogs of this breed are people-oriented, love all family members dearly, and are painfully sensitive to separation. Accordingly, when purchasing a Dalmatian puppy, you need to be prepared to devote a lot of time to it.

Dalmatians need to exercise a lot to release their energy.

French Bulldog

Funny French Bulldogs are another breed whose standard is black and white. This is a fairly common coat color among Frenchies, so finding such a puppy will not be difficult. Note that in the breed there are two variations of the black and white coat combination: black spots on a snow-white background or white marks on black.

Black Frenchie with white throat

Despite their small size and charming appearance, French bulldogs are considered strong and willful dogs that need to be raised and trained with care. If a bulldog is not taught the rules of behavior from a very young age and the basics of obedience are not instilled in it, you can end up with a rather aggressive and uncontrollable dog.

French Bulldogs, although extremely loyal to their owners, tend to make decisions on their own, including running away or fighting with another dog. Therefore, having chosen a puppy of this breed, a person must understand: the Frenchie is not a decorative dog, he needs mental and physical stress.

Bicolor French bulldog puppy

In a special article , read how to raise a French bulldog.

Border Collie

Energetic, smart and active, Border Collies top the top ten smartest dogs in the world. However, it is absolutely impossible - borders were bred as shepherds’ assistants, and their whole life consists of constant movement and serving people. Of course, in urban conditions it is not necessary to look for a flock of sheep to keep the dog busy. But, every day, the Border Collie will require enormous physical activity, as well as the opportunity to use its intelligence.

Black and white color is classic for border collies

These dogs are excellent at training, and are also considered stars of such canine sports as agility (overcoming an obstacle course), frisbee dog (flying disc), pitch-and-go (fetch competitions). Representatives of this breed get along well with children, but very young children can suffer from the herding instinct of border dogs - they really love to “herd” everyone who is weaker.

What is agility

The most important thing about living with a border collie is to keep the dog busy. If this dog is left without daily exercise, training and physical activity, it will become bored, which can lead not only to behavioral problems, but also to mental problems.

Borders are extremely hardy and very smart dogs.

German dog

The friendly and majestic Giant Great Dane is another representative of black and white dogs. Despite its more than impressive size, the Great Dane is the kindest dog, very gentle and sensitive. These dogs are incredibly loyal to people, adore their family members and painfully endure separation from their owner or loneliness.

Black and white color variations in the Great Dane

These dogs are companion dogs, so the owner of a Great Dane must take care every day that the pet receives enough communication, attention, as well as intellectual and physical exercise. Despite their good nature and lack of aggression, these huge dogs must be well-mannered and obedient so as not to cause inconvenience to either the owner or others. Agree, it is difficult to restrain a 70-kilogram dog from pulling on a leash if it does not respond to a prohibiting command...

A person who is not afraid of the large size of a German and agrees to have him in an apartment must provide the dog with daily exercise. In this case, the giant must be put on a leash in a safe place (better if it is a fenced dog area). This way the dog can warm up and exercise his muscles, and at home he can eat and sleep sweetly.

Great Danes can weigh more than 70 kilograms


Another black and white good-natured giant is the Newfoundland or diving dog. Snow-white, with large black spots, representatives of this breed resemble charming panda bears, and this is the reason for the great popularity of this color.

Black and white Newf looks like a funny bear

The main difficulty in caring for these dogs is their voluminous coat, which needs to be brushed several times a week to make the pet look attractive. Newfies do not require much physical exercise, but these dogs love to run or accompany their owner on long, leisurely walks. Newfoundlands are good companions, suitable for families, and are gentle with children. It’s not easy to keep such a dog in an apartment, since every piece of furniture will be “marked” with fur, but the Newfie is ideal as a pet for a country house!

These dogs have a fairly phlegmatic character and will not bark just like that. You should not count on the fact that the Newfoundland will become a guard - this breed is extremely loyal to people, even strangers. Therefore, you should get a Newfie puppy solely as a pet, without placing unjustified expectations on it.

Gorgeous fluffy Newfoundland


Graceful as chiseled figurines, Basenji dogs are extremely popular as apartment pets. These are quite miniature dogs, but they have a great need for movement, so the owner can expect long daily exercise. Bassenjis are also called “dogs that don’t bark,” and this is partly true. Representatives of this breed really bark extremely rarely, but they are ready to make a wide range of other sounds - howling, whining, growling.

Black and white Basenjis have a symmetrical pattern on their face.

Many owners compare Basenjis to cats for their grace, independence and willfulness. However, unlike cats, representatives of this breed are highly human-oriented, but need a strong hand. Basenjis need to be educated and trained, as well as significantly physically stressed, otherwise the dog's behavior will become destructive and is unlikely to please the owner.

The character of these dogs is characterized by irrepressible energy and a love of active and contact games (with a ball, overcoming obstacles, with other dogs). Since Basenjis have hunting roots, obedience classes should be introduced into the puppy’s life from 3-4 months, and the pet can only be let off the leash with full control or in a closed area.

Basenji: from baby to adult dog


Black and white color is included in the standards of three breeds: American, English and Russian spaniels. These dogs have similar physiology, as well as common behavioral and mental characteristics. All spaniels are hunting breeds, their main specialization is water game. Therefore, representatives of these breeds are active, persistent dogs, prone to making independent decisions - this is important for a hunter dog working away from the owner.

American Cocker Spaniels

All three breed groups are considered very loyal to the owner and family members, are easy to train, and quickly absorb information. They are loyal and friendly dogs, and with proper training, they can be gentle nannies for children or sensitive companions for the elderly. But don’t forget about the hunting roots of these dogs: an untrained dog can run away after chasing a bird or a cat.

Russian hunting spaniel

If the future owner of the spaniel does not plan to attend hunting events, he must decide in advance how he will occupy the pet’s inquisitive mind, as well as how he will compensate for the need to move. Every day you need to take the dog for long walks, ideally if the dog can not only run, but also swim.

Staffordshire Terrier

Black and white bicolor is one of the classic colors for Staffordshire Terriers. Like many bicolor dogs, Staffords have each color that is unique—meaning no two dogs are the same—the size, shape, and placement of the spots will vary each time.

Black and white staff puppy

Despite the fact that the ancestors of Staffordshires were fighting dogs, modern breeding of this breed involves the culling of aggressive and vicious individuals, so in well-known kennels with a good reputation you can purchase a puppy for family and sport. Purebred Staffordshire Terriers, in whose education the owners put a lot of effort, have a strong psyche, are well trained, get along with children and do not enter into conflicts with other animals.

The most important thing is to work on obedience with the Stafford, ensuring that the dog unquestioningly recognizes the authority of the owner and obeys him the first time. We also note that training and mental stress are not enough for the Staffordshire Terrier - every day the dog must work physically: run, swim, practice fetching or jumping.

Exercise is a daily necessity for Staffordshire

How to properly train a Staffordshire Terrier? Read in the special article.

Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers are another breed that has a reputation for being aggressive fighters. However, these dogs are tenderly attached to their owner, and are absolutely devoid of anger towards humans - the genetic code of these dogs implies only interspecies aggression, because bulls were bred for dog fights. Accordingly, a person who wants to have a confident, strong and resilient dog next to him, and who craves close contact with his pet, will receive an ideal companion in the person of a bull terrier.

The prominent humped nose is the hallmark of the breed.

The Bull Terrier is a small but very active dog. Representatives of this breed are required to undergo obedience classes, as well as many hours of walks with various loads. For bulls, the attention of the owner is important, therefore it is the owner who must visit the dog handler together with the dog, and he must walk, caress the dog, and care for it every day. At the same time, bull terriers are suitable for keeping in a family; they are loyal to children and will support any of their games.

But, unfortunately, most bulls treat other dogs with hostility - the dominance of this breed is high, and the bull terrier will certainly want to “crush” any of its relatives, which often ends in fights. Therefore, it is better to keep bulls as your only pets, so as not to provoke conflicts. However, if a dog grows up with other pets, then a close friendship between them is most likely. But this does not apply to stranger dogs.

Month old bull terrier puppies


A charming small dog with large fluffy ears - the Papillon or butterfly dog. These are cheerful and gentle animals, perfect for living in an apartment. The miniature size of the Papillon and its docile nature make it an excellent companion, with whom you can not part even while traveling.

The Papillon can be recognized by its tall, long-haired ears.

However, despite all the decorativeness, Papillons cannot be called “toy” dogs. Representatives of this breed are very active, active, preferring games and walks to lying on the couch. A distinctive feature of Papillons is the need for early socialization. To prevent a puppy from growing up cowardly and hysterical, you need to introduce him to people and other dogs from a very young age, and expand the walking area every day so that the pet can see the world around him in all its diversity.

One more nuance - the owner must be prepared to care for his pet’s silky long hair. Papillons need to be thoroughly brushed several times a week to prevent tangles and tangles. The dog is accustomed to this procedure from puppyhood so that the pet does not resist.

Well-groomed fur adorns the Papillon


The black and white color of the Pekingese seems unusual to many, since the classic shade of fur is considered to be red. But, black markings on a snow-white background are standard for Pekingese. However, there is no clear indication of exactly what area the black spots should occupy - each dog is individual.

Black and white handsome Pekingese

The Pekingese is a small dog that is full of dignity. The character of the Pekingese contains such traits as independence, pride, and dignity. These are not just companion dogs, they are real family members. Pekingese need a lot of attention from their owner; they love to be praised, petted, and picked up. Despite the fact that Pekingese do not need much physical activity, these dogs will enjoy an evening walk with their owner.

Pekingese are well suited as pets for the elderly and children of any age, the main thing is that the dog is not abused. Representatives of this breed do not tolerate rough treatment, shouting or, especially, physical punishment! Tenderness, perseverance and patience - these are the qualities that a person who wants to have such a dog should be endowed with. Only then will the Pekingese, who has long lived in the imperial palaces, be happy and satisfied with his fate.

Black and white Pekingese puppy

Author Ekaterina Lyakhova Reading time 13 min. Published 06/02/2020

When choosing a future pet, many initially focus on appearance. Some people like small-sized dogs, for some an intimidating appearance is important, others like kind ones who are attached to their household or very active, independent ones.

All wolves are divided into groups according to the length of their coat (smooth-haired, short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired). There is also a gradation of sizes and belonging to one or another group of purposes (service, hunting, decorative).

A very important fact is the color of the coat. Black breeds are more popular than light colored ones. This is due not only to a certain “fashion”, but also to practicality. Falling hair and undercoat are not so noticeable. There is a popular belief that the dark color of a dog brings happiness to the house, unlike a cat.

It is necessary to understand that a specific color is the result of centuries of selection. Each breed has its own nuances, determined by international standards.

In addition to the completely black color, some have spots of other shades and a different color of the undercoat. With age, the color becomes rich, bright, and shiny in the sun. The gloss of smooth-haired cats attracts the attention of passers-by. If the pet is well-groomed, then it is pleasant to look at it.

External characteristics

The height of short-legged Jack Russells is from 25 to 30 cm, weight is from 5 to 6 kg.

Height of long-legged dogs:

  • for males - from 34 to 38 cm;
  • in females - from 31 to 35 cm.

The approximate weight in this case is from 6.5 to 7.5 kg.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a medium-sized dog with a stretched or rectangular format, characterized by mobility and energy, which should be felt in its every movement.

The head is wedge-shaped with a moderately wide forehead and pronounced cheekbones. The stop is not sharp, but clearly visible. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull and narrower. The Jack Russell's lips should be black and close-fitting. The nose and rim of the eyelids also have black pigmentation.

The eyes are small, brown, with a smart and slightly cunning expression.

The jaws must be strong and wide; a scissor bite is allowed only.

The ears can be either raised or drooping.

The neck is strong, but at the same time graceful. The withers are well defined, the back is level, the loin is short and muscular.

The chest is deep, but not too wide. It reaches either to the level of the elbows or below. The tail can be either docked or undocked. The docked tail should be of such length that its tip is in line with the ears.

The forelimbs are straight and strong. The hindquarters are well muscled and quite powerful. The paws are medium-sized and strong.

The Jack Russell's coat can be either smooth or hard, or with one or more breaks (broken and rough).

The predominant color of this species is black with white markings of varying sizes.


The Jack Russell, especially the short-legged one, should not look too graceful - it has a fairly strong bone structure, which is why the dog looks squat and strong.

TOP 22 breeds with black wool

Let's consider the most popular representatives of the Wolf, who will become a reliable, loyal friend for the owner and family.


Another name for the breed is the “monkey pinscher,” which is so named because of its characteristic cute face and restless behavior, constantly on the move. Reminds you of yourself with a ringing bark. The limbs are thin, the body is light, the head is small - this is what allows him to easily perform tricks and learned movements. He is great with children, but may have problems with other pets. The character trait of this type of pinscher is to constantly occupy a leading position. Black, coarse wool requires special grooming and trimming. Otherwise, the dog will look like a little devil.

Dutch Tulphond

In appearance, this is a small dog with a funny exterior. The tail is curved with a hook, the long hair is silky and pleasant to the touch. Another name for the breed is “Marquisier”. Mischievous, loves to tinker with children and drive away strangers with loud barks. Needs regular physical activity due to a tendency to obesity. The breed is suitable for those who want to have a small, compact dog that serves as a guard and helps brighten up their leisure time.

Norwegian Black Elkhound

From the order Spitz-shaped for hunting and protection. A light, hardy dog ​​easily covers distances, jumps high, and carries out commands with ease. Wool with an undercoat that needs to be groomed during shedding. Needs strong-willed education due to aggression. Knows how to make friends, learns tricks. He adapts well to the apartment, enjoys walking and tries to be close to his owner.


A representative of the “Hunting” group of three main types: standard, rabbit and miniature. A squat body, widely spaced paws, a powerful tail and an elongated shape make it nimble and nimble. Dachshunds are excellent hunters with a developed instinct that reliably protect their homes. Children are treated with suspicion and do not like loud screams, noise and fuss. Actively react to extraneous sounds. He is constantly hunting and searching. Despite their size, they run fast. Short-haired dachshunds cause less trouble, but they freeze in winter. Wire-haired dogs require grooming, and long-haired dogs require combing. You will have to bathe often because he is very short. There is a tendency to obesity, constant walks are necessary.

Swedish Lapphund

A small dog with fluffy fur and a rich undercoat that is completely black. It is necessary to comb and carefully care for a decent appearance. The breed belongs to the Spitz subgroup. It is distinguished by its liveliness and nimbleness, and is prone to a friendly attitude towards pets. A ringing bark notifies of danger. Needs proper socialization for reasons of playfulness, the need to be on the move.


The small size (up to 33 cm at the withers) does not prevent the dog from being a brave guard and an excellent hunter. It was bred to guard ships and was loved by sailors. Black, fluffy coat and funny face, nimble and curious character. Many compare her to a fox. Wool has water-repellent properties and rarely gets dirty. During intensive shedding, it requires combing. Loves activity and training.

Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier)

A short, squat dog with the curious character characteristic of terriers. The hunting instinct and attachment to the owner are highly developed. Trainable. One of the negative aspects is sudden mood swings. They are naturally endowed with increased aggressiveness, loud barking, and are capable of lunging. When playing games, you need to monitor behavior and stop attempted attacks. The coat is coarse and requires the services of a specialist groomer with thinning. Particular attention is paid to the muzzle, chest, abdominal area and limbs.


A medium-sized pet with thick, wire-haired hair. The name comes from the dog's characteristic appearance - a thick beard under the lower jaw. After each feeding, you will have to wipe and comb the fur on the upper and lower jaw. This is a friendly companion dog that requires constant care and attention. He learns easily, loves to play, and is well oriented.


The ancestor is the Belgian Shepherd, which is larger in size. Used as a police service working dog. Gets along with people, loves constant training, attentive attitude. When raising him, it is necessary to have skills in cynology so that the dog is obedient. The coat requires combing during the period of undercoat change. The animal tolerates any weather well and adapts to different conditions.


Originally from Hungary. A distinctive feature is the head and front legs with short, smooth hair. The rest of the body is covered with long hair and undercoat. Belongs to the “herding” group and is capable of hunting. Serves as a guard, distrustful of other pets. The peculiarity lies in the need for very early socialization, strict education, and the development of skills of unquestioning obedience.

Patterdale Terrier

A breed from the group of hunting terriers. The top layer of wool has water-repellent properties, which allows you to withstand any bad weather with precipitation. Coarse guard hairs adhere tightly to the skin. The jaws are powerful and grasping. The body is slightly elongated with a high-set tail. Around the eyes and mouth are the typical beard and eyebrows that need to be periodically tidied up. Compact in size, height up to 38 cm at the withers. Suitable for home education. Loves long walks and exercise. He studies new things with curiosity and inquisitiveness. Very active, needs constant exercise. If a terrier gets bored, he can destroy everything around him.

Portuguese water dog

A medium-sized dog that willingly follows commands on land and in water. The coat is curly, semi-long, thick with dense undercoat. I like being close to people. Differs in intelligence, obedience. He enjoys walking and making friends with other pets. He will be especially happy to perform tricks, jump for toys, and swim. This is genetically embedded in him.


Medium sized Hungarian dog. A distinctive feature is black thick curly hair that is woven into dreadlocks. This reliably protects from the cold and saves in the heat. Outwardly, he resembles a little commander with a funny “mop” look for the floor. It has excellent security characteristics, as it comes from the “Shepherd” group. Serves the owner, is trainable, and willingly follows commands. Needs physical activity, constant exercise, and proper training.


Originally bred for hunting. As selection progressed, the character softened. A tall and stately dog ​​with the ability to overcome high obstacles and long distances. This is facilitated by long limbs and a particularly developed keel-shaped expanded sternum. The coat is smooth with brown markings in certain places (the lower part of the jaw transitioning to the sternum). Does not require careful care. As the puppy grows, it is necessary to prevent the development of aggressive qualities. In winter, it is necessary to monitor possible hypothermia. He is attentive to his owner, loves exercise and long walks and running.

Cane Corso

National pride of Italy. A beautiful, stately, large dog, distinguished by its smooth, glossy black coat. It looks very formidable, impressive, powerful. Serves as protection for beloved household members. The Mastiff is devoted to its family and, in case of danger, enters into battle on command. Loyal to everyone around him. With proper upbringing, the pet is obedient and peaceful, despite its threatening appearance.


Bred for hunting game. Nowadays it is used more as a service dog and a companion. Large, up to 55 cm tall at the withers. Coat without dense undercoat, strong build, must be combed during the molting period. They have a friendly character and are suitable for raising with children. Complaisant dogs whose psyche is not difficult to control. They love to exercise and are patient with other pets. They take part in games, are constantly close to the person, and do not tolerate loneliness.

German dog

One of the largest representatives of the Wolf family with smooth fur, a high waist, long limbs, and a massive head. Calm character, gets along well with children, protects them. Can make a quick lunge to attack, pursue, catch up and knock down the enemy. The beautiful gloss on the surface of the body provides a tight-fitting cover, which creates a mesmerizing impression. A powerful, strong, properly trained dog serves as a companion for the whole family.


In Russia they are called “Vodolaz”. Due to the thick long coat with a special undercoat, the pet can withstand any weather conditions. He has a highly developed intellect and loves his loved ones. Despite its impressive size and menacing appearance, its character is calm, good-natured, and balanced. Guards and protects. Works as a rescuer, can act as a shepherd for livestock, and helps carry or transport heavy objects. He accepts care with gratitude and responds with devotion.

Giant Schnauzer

Tall dogs with black semi-rigid hair, with a small undercoat and a characteristic “square muzzle”. They love family and are loyal to children. They are obedient and amenable to guard training. They play with their owner with pleasure, but it is difficult to get used to others. Rich facial expressions allow you to quickly “read” your pet’s mood. You will have to take care of the face, wipe the beard, trim the hair around the ears and eyes. They can jump high, run for a long time and play.


Large breed, prone to aggression, displays of intolerance towards others. It was bred as a fighting and service dog, and was used for hunting large animals. Dense coat with a small undercoat and characteristic brown spots, massive jaws, strong physique are the distinctive features of the dog. Aggression and excessive fighting qualities are something that is genetically inherent. A muzzle is required for walking and a very patient attitude. Cynological experience for training is desirable.


An ancient German herding breed. Despite the large stature and stately appearance, up to 3 years of age the puppy exhibits playful behavior. They behave playfully and openly. It seems that they are always having fun and want to run around non-stop. The naturally developed ability of a watchman helps to protect the home, local area and family. He gets along well with kids and treats them like his puppies. Plays with pleasure and follows commands. Black shiny wool with water-repellent properties does not require constant grooming. It is necessary to prevent the formation of tangles, comb and wash with special products.

Black Terrier

Artificially bred by crossing the best service breeds in a Soviet nursery. Legend has it that I.V. Stalin personally participated in the decision on the appearance of Volchy representatives who met wartime requirements. The Russian Terrier combines the qualities of a guard, companion, and hunter. Requires strict education and constant training depending on the goals. Outwardly similar to the Giant Schnauzer, but larger and superior in intelligence. The body is covered with thick black hair, the signs of a terrier are noticeable (square shape, thick long hair with a small undercoat). Easy to train and follow commands. Suitable for dog sports. Needs trimming for a visually attractive exterior. Tolerates meteorological problems and does not require spending on seasonal clothing.

Life expectancy and health

Black and white Jack Russells are healthy dogs that rarely get sick. average lifespan

Black and white Jack Russells can have eye diseases, as well as musculoskeletal diseases, which mainly develop in old age.

Popular names

With all the wealth of choice, it is impossible to ignore the selection of the most common nicknames that black and white dogs are called.

For boys:

  • Agent
  • Adrian
  • Anise
  • Arius
  • Harlequin
  • Bamboo
  • Bart
  • Velvet
  • Bean
  • Blake
  • Black Beauty
  • black Jack
  • Black Dot
  • Black Star
  • Black Booth
  • Boss
  • Bruno
  • Boomer
  • Velveteen
  • Vesper
  • Dart
  • Butler
  • Jack Pot
  • Jeeves
  • Diesel
  • Domino
  • Dress code
  • Duncan
  • Indigo
  • Yin Yang
  • Kilo
  • Kieran
  • Clerk
  • Kodiak
  • Contrast
  • Corwin
  • Space
  • Lemur
  • Major
  • Majordomo
  • Mickey
  • Minor
  • Nash
  • Orion
  • Orpheus
  • Raven
  • Rhine
  • Sky
  • Scout
  • The tuxedo
  • Tinder
  • Titanium
  • Felix
  • Queen
  • Figaro
  • Cycle
  • Checkmate
  • Chief
  • Elvis
  • Yukon

Bull Terrier Duncan breathes in Spring...
For girls:

  • Amaya
  • Aster
  • Atena
  • Vega
  • Dakota
  • Danae
  • Virgo
  • Della
  • Jetta
  • Eve
  • Guillemot
  • Calla
  • Koala
  • Coca Cola
  • Cruella
  • Legend
  • Leila
  • Lizzie
  • Lyra
  • Minnie
  • Nova
  • Ophelia
  • Persephone
  • Pawn
  • Saber
  • Selena
  • Celeste
  • Silvia
  • Stella
  • Checker
  • Emery

German Spitz Persephone. The character is persistent, Nordic.

Price range

Black and white Jack Russell puppies, due to the fact that this color is non-standard, in nurseries are much cheaper than their standard littermates.

The cost, depending on the region, on average can range from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Black and white cinema

You can, for example, recall the undeservedly forgotten heroes and actors of black and white cinema.

For boys:

  • Albert
  • Artist
  • Bejo
  • Bergman
  • Berenice
  • Bernard
  • Boggart
  • Valli
  • Garcia
  • Gregory
  • Goodman
  • James
  • Jack
  • John
  • George
  • Dujardin
  • Casablanca
  • Claude
  • Comedian
  • Conrad
  • Cotten
  • Cromwell
  • Cockpit
  • Lemmon
  • Lee
  • Myers
  • Mann
  • Martin
  • Miller
  • Orson
  • Oscar
  • Paul
  • Power
  • Pitch
  • Perkins
  • Pat
  • Reed
  • Raines
  • raft
  • Stanley
  • Tony
  • Curtis
  • Trevor
  • Humphrey
  • Hartley
  • Henried
  • Hank
  • Harry
  • Chaplin
  • Charlie
  • Cherrill
  • Eddie
  • Eisenstein
  • Al
  • Ernest

Basenji Bejo looks like a movie star
For girls:

  • Alida
  • Alice
  • Anita
  • Asta
  • Virginia
  • Gloria
  • Janet
  • Dolores
  • Ingrid
  • Clara
  • Clare
  • Colin Moore
  • Carol
  • Leela
  • Lillian
  • Louise
  • Marilyn
  • Michelle
  • Monroe
  • Nora
  • Audrey
  • Ossie
  • Pantomime
  • Penelope
  • Pippi
  • Priscilla
  • Ann

Japanese Chin Asta

How to choose a puppy?

You should buy a black and white Jack Russell only from a nursery or from a breeder, where there will be a guarantee of its purebred in the form of a puppy certificate, even with the mark “plembrak”.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to how much its appearance corresponds to the standard (except for color) and how similar the puppies in the litter are. All puppies should have a resemblance to each other, there should not be a single obvious mixed breed among them, as this is evidence of the garter and the fact that any of the puppies can only turn out to be similar to a Jack Russell.

The puppy should be well-fed, with clean, well-groomed fur and clear, shiny eyes. The baby should not have skin rashes or scratches on the skin, dirt in the ears, conjunctivitis or any other signs of illness.


A healthy puppy is cheerful and playful, he is keenly interested in the world around him and willingly plays with his mother and littermates. He does not cower into a corner when a stranger appears, but he also does not behave aggressively towards him, but shows moderate, friendly curiosity.

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